Bylaws 13-01-19

NOTE: The Bylaws were updated and replaced 11/20/18. The updated Bylaws can be found at Bylaws 18-11-19

Custer Rod and Gun Club

These By-laws were adopted by the membership on 19 January 2013 and supersede any previous By-laws of this organization.
(By-laws amended on 3/16/14, 1/15/16, 5/24/16, 9/20/16, 1/20/18, 9/18/18)

Article I

Section 1—Membership

A) Any person may become a member upon completion of a membership card and paid dues. (replaced March 15th, 2016)

A) Any person may become a member upon completion of a membership card and paid dues, provided they are a legal citizen of the United States of America. In the event they are not a legal citizen they may petition the Board of Directors for an exception.

B) A member’s spouse and children (under 18 years of age) will have the use of the club as an associate member with all privileges of the club, with the member responsible for them. They will not have a vote and cannot hold an office as an associate member. Associate members under 16 years of age will be accompanied by member. (replaced 5/24/16)

B) A member’s spouse, and children (under 18 years of age) will have the use of the club as an associate member with all the privileges of the club, with the member present and responsible for them. They will not have a vote and cannot hold an office as an associate member. All associate members will be accompanied by the member.

C) All club memberships will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further memberships or renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm. (added April 19, 2016) (replaced 9/20/16)

C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.

Section 2—Dues

A) The yearly dues of each member of the club shall be the amount specified by the membership or a 2/3 vote of the board, payable upon receipt of membership card.

B) Any member who shall fail to pay for a yearly membership shall have privileges suspended and shall remain suspended until membership is paid in full.

C) Any member who purchased a life membership prior to the adoption of these By-laws is grandfathered as a life member. No further life memberships shall be offered.

Section 3—Officers and Board Members

The President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and 8 directors shall be nominated and elected at the annual meeting by a majority of those members present. The President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer are officers of the club as well as members of the Board of Directors. Directors may also be nominated at any board meeting and approved by a majority of the board. Their term of office shall be until the next annual meeting.

Article II

Section 1—Meetings

A) All meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts’s rules of order and open discussion from the floor on all measures shall be permitted and encouraged.

B) At all meeting, the order of business shall be as applicable:

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
3) Reading of Current Financial Report
4) President Report
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
6) Old Business
7) New Business
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9) Good and Welfare
10) Adjourn

Section 2—Annual meeting

A) The annual meeting shall be held on the 3rd Saturday of January of each year,or at such time and place as the board of directors may designate.

B) Notice of every annual meeting of the club shall be mailed or E-mail to every member of the club at least 10 days before the date of such meeting.

Section 3—Monthly meetings (removed March 16, 2014)

A) Monthly meetings of the club shall be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month ( February thru December) at such a place and time designated by the board of directors.

Section 4—Special Meetings

A) A special meeting of the club may be called by the board of directors or on written request of the President or when five voting members of the club, in good standing, shall make a written request to the President for the same, specifying the object of the meeting, and provided that not less than 10 days written, E-mail, or verbal notice of such special meeting shall be given to the members.

Section 5—Meeting of the board of directors

A) At such a place and time designated by the board of directors.

B) All meetings shall be open to discussion from the floor on all measures. Anyone interested shall be permitted and encouraged to appear at a regular meeting of the board of directors

C) Only members of the board of directors will have a vote at the meeting of the board of directors.

Article III

Section 1—Quorum of annual meeting , Monthly meetings, and Special Meetings

Quorum at the meetings is the members present. and two officers

Section 2—Quorum at the board meetings

At the meetings of the board of directors, a majority of the total members of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote of the directors present at any such meeting shall prevail as long as two officers are present.

Article IV

Section 1—Club management

The management of the club shall be vested in a President, vice-president, Secretary,treasurer and 8 other directors.

Article V

Section 1—Board of Directors

A) The board of directors of this club shall consist of 12 directors, which includes the President, Vice-president , Secretary and treasurer. One half of the members of the board elected each year at annual meeting. On even years there shall be nomination for President, treasurer, and 4 members of the board to hold office for two years and on odd years there shall be nominated for Vice-president Secretary and 4 members of the board to hold office for two years.

B) If a board member is elected to an office there will be nomination and election to fill out his unexpired term at that annual meeting.

Section 2—Vacancies

In case of any vacancy in any office for any reason the board of directors shall elect a member in good standing who has been a member for the past year, to fill the unexpired term until the next annual meeting. At witch time there will be nomination and election to fill out his unexpired term at that annual meeting .

Article VI

section 1—Duties of officers and board of directors

The board of directors shall have the power to manage all the affairs of the club on any and all questions relating in any manner whatsoever thereto, and to make all contracts necessary for the proper transaction of all business. They shall have jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the care, conduct, control, supervision and management of the club and it’s finances and all appropriations shall be made by them. Subject to the will of the membership.

Section 2—Club property rules

It shall be the duty of the board of directors to prescribe and publish rules regulating the use and occupancy of the clubs property, the care and protection of said property.

Section 3—Boards report at annual meeting

At the annual meeting of the club, the board of directors shall make a full report of their proceedings during the preceding fiscal year and recommend such measures as they may deem necessary.

Article VII

Section 1—Board member absences

Any member of the board of directors who shall absent himself from three consecutive monthly meetings of such board, unless he shall offer at the next monthly meeting an excuse for the absence which is satisfactory to the board, shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of the board and cease to be a member thereof.

Article VIII

Section 1—Board of directors powers

The board of directors shall have the following specific powers:

A) To make rules for the conduct of the members of the club and for their use of the club’s property.

B) To suspend or expel a member for any conduct in violation of rules or behavior improper or prejudicial to the interest of the club.

C) To fix and enforce penalties for the violation of rules.

D) To remit penalties for offenses against rules.

E) To prescribe rules for the admission of strangers or guest to the privileges of the club.

F) To call special meeting of the club to consider special subjects.

G) To make, alter and amend the rules of the boards own government and fix and enforce penalties for the violation of such rules.

H) To prescribe additional duties for any of the officers in addition to these already specified.

Article IX

Section 1—President’s duties

The President shall preside at meetings of the club and board of directors and enforce all laws and regulations of the club. He/she shall perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him/her by resolution of the board of directors. The President shall with the secretary, sign all written contracts and written obligations of the club.

Section 2—Appointing committees

A) The President shall have the power to appoint any committees as the need may arise.

B) Standing committees of 3 or more members

1) Appointed by the President

a) Annual dinner
b) Rifle range
c) Trap and skeet
d) Archery range
e) Audit

Section 3—Vice-president’s duties

A) The Vice-president shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice-president shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President should he be unavailable because the death or disability or resign. The board of directors will fill unexpired term of the Vice-president until the annual meeting where there will be nomination and election to fill out Vice-president unexpired term at that annual meeting.

Section 4—Secretary

The Secretary shall keep minutes and other official reports of the club. He/she shall conduct official correspondence of the club. He/she shall keep all records, books, documents and papers relating to the club. At each monthly meeting of the club/board of directors he/she shall make a report of the correspondence and minutes of the club.

Section 5—Treasurer duties

The treasurer shall keep all financial records, books, documents and papers relating to the clubs finances. Treasurer shall keep account of all monies received by the club and deposit same in the name of the club, in such bank as shall be designated by the board of directors. He/she shall not pay out any of the money of the club except in such manner as monthly bills and such purposes as approved by the board of directors. The treasurer shall not be responsible for money or funds of the club paid out or disbursed upon checks or vouchers therefore which have been properly signed. At each monthly meeting of the club/ board of directors he/she shall make a report of the expenditures of and the financial condition of the club.

Article X

Section 1—Miscellaneous

A) This By-laws is an ongoing document to be up dated every three years (2015,2018,2021, etc.)

1) A committee will be appointed from the membership to go over the By-laws

a) to remove anything that is not pertinent
b) put amendments in the body of document
c) submit final document to board of directors
d) board of directors go over and make changes as required with the committee, then submit to the membership for final vote.

A) This By-laws is an ongoing document to be updated every three years (2015,2018,2021, etc.)

1) Any amendments adopted prior to the update shall have removed from the updated by laws

A) any notes regarding the date of adoption
B) any text replaced or deleted as a result of the amendments adoption

2) The updated By Laws shall be signed by two-thirds of the Board of Directors and kept in the Club Secretary’s files or other location deemed to be a safe place, as well as posted on the club’s website.”

B) The President, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, are authorized to spend or authorize the spending of up to $200.00 (two-hundred dollars) in a 30 day period for the good of the club, if it is something that cannot wait until the next meeting of the board or club. At the next meeting of the board or club He will give a full report as to what was spent and why.

c) Use of Club Property

When something arises between meetings, that cannot wait until the next meeting, ie., use of the club equipment, clubhouse, chairs, tables, club property, etc., one of the 4 officers will be called to get approval to use the clubs property. A written report/copy will be presented and read at the next meeting and included in the minutes. Club property cannot be used by outside groups/people without the board approval.

Article XI

Section 1—Amendments / letters of understanding and rules

A) Amendments: may be proposed at any meeting of the board and be voted on at the next scheduled meeting of the board provided a quorum of 51% of the board of directors in good standing are present. Amendments are approved by a majority vote.

B) Letters of understanding: any changes to the rules or by-laws will be put in the Letters of understanding and on the website (removed 5/24/16)

1) with the month & year
2) to be permanently added or deleted at the next update of the by-laws

B) Any changes to the by-laws shall: (sub-section B, 1-3 added by membership 1/20/18)

1) take affect immediately
2) be noted in the by-laws posted on the club’s website, with the date amended
3) be included in the next update of the by-laws