Custer County Event Center, 6 pm February 1, 2025
Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Devan McGranahan Justin Hughes, and Travis Helm.
A member in the audience made a motion to accept the January minutes as published, 2nd by member, Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $8,959.86. The CD balance is $6090.69.
President’s Report: There are many positions up for reelection this year. We completed several projects more than past years which was expensive. We had insurance deductables from insurance claims for the roof on the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, we had built range covers on the 200 and 100 yard lines at Sunday Creek. We constructed covers over the archery targets that were upgraded last year. We had metal boxes constructed to house the 5 stand traps. This is intended to speed up the set up of the course for 5 stand so we can shoot it more often. Membership are keeping pace with last numbers from last year.
Action pistol: Free shooting on Thursday night in April, activity through the season was steady with a few new shooters. Lee appreciated the extra help setting up the courses.
Shotgun-Ranges were running most all of last year, 5 stand improvements with the boxes were appreciated. Jon Hofer Memorial 5 stand was ran on August 11th 40 people showed up this year. Barney and Bonnie provided food for lunch. The range will be used for the Custer County High School Trap team as well as 4H Shotgun Shooting Sports. Hunter Ed uses the range in the spring and summer for fiield courses. Matt Lewin runs the ranges and certainly helped out all year.
Archery- With the improvements from last year and the weekly 3D shoots the range has been busy. Jason Sibble has new job duties which takes up his time as a director. He wants to still run the archery range, but doesn’t have time to be a director. Jason and Chris noted the target butts needed more protection from the sun so they would last long. That is why the archery target covers were built. This year there will be more 3D shoots.
SASS-nothing to report
USPSA-basically not being run by the club any longer. Members are still participating in other clubs.
Elections: Because of the replacement of officers and directors the board was asking to have the postions staggered again. This would mean that President position would be for 3 years this election, as would the three director replacements. Motion by Jeff, 2nd by member in audience, motion passed.
The members elected Lee Wankel, President 3 year term expire 2028, Chris Schlepp VP expire 2027, Jeff Faycosh, Sectretary expire 2027, Matt Lewin, Director Expire 2027, erin OConnor, Director expire 2027, Donald Cooner, Director Expire 2028, Mark Jacobsen, Director Expire 2028, Justin Hughes, Director Expire 2027, Randy Hart, Director Expire 2028, Travis Helm, Director Expire 2027.
Prizes were drawn after the election. Clint Grue won the 50/50 drawing, Travis Helm won the volunteer incentive prize, Charles Harris won the door prize, the following people won the rest of the prizes with a couple of winners getting two prizes, Sterling West, Cristi Biddle Goodsell, Daniel Wilson, Cory Hagemeister, Charles Harris, Janet Kohntopp, Leigh Rae Allison, Scott Moore, Luke Shurtliff, Dale Tribby, Lance Robson, Rick Abbott, Lee Wankel.
Thank you to Sponsors: Red Rock Sporting Goods, Randy Hart, Lee Wankel, Todd Steadman, Murdoch’s, Reynolds
Meeting adjourned at 9 pm