Category Archives: Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes February 1, 2025

Custer County Event Center, 6 pm February 1, 2025

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Devan McGranahan Justin Hughes, and Travis Helm.

A member in the audience made a motion to accept the January minutes as published, 2nd by member, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $8,959.86. The CD balance is $6090.69.

President’s Report: There are many positions up for reelection this year. We completed several projects more than past years which was expensive. We had insurance deductables from insurance claims for the roof on the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, we had built range covers on the 200 and 100 yard lines at Sunday Creek. We constructed covers over the archery targets that were upgraded last year. We had metal boxes constructed to house the 5 stand traps. This is intended to speed up the set up of the course for 5 stand so we can shoot it more often. Membership are keeping pace with last numbers from last year.

Action pistol: Free shooting on Thursday night in April, activity through the season was steady with a few new shooters. Lee appreciated the extra help setting up the courses.

Shotgun-Ranges were running most all of last year, 5 stand improvements with the boxes were appreciated. Jon Hofer Memorial 5 stand was ran on August 11th 40 people showed up this year. Barney and Bonnie provided food for lunch. The range will be used for the Custer County High School Trap team as well as 4H Shotgun Shooting Sports. Hunter Ed uses the range in the spring and summer for fiield courses. Matt Lewin runs the ranges and certainly helped out all year.

Archery- With the improvements from last year and the weekly 3D shoots the range has been busy. Jason Sibble has new job duties which takes up his time as a director. He wants to still run the archery range, but doesn’t have time to be a director. Jason and Chris noted the target butts needed more protection from the sun so they would last long. That is why the archery target covers were built. This year there will be more 3D shoots.

SASS-nothing to report

USPSA-basically not being run by the club any longer. Members are still participating in other clubs.

Elections: Because of the replacement of officers and directors the board was asking to have the postions staggered again. This would mean that President position would be for 3 years this election, as would the three director replacements. Motion by Jeff, 2nd by member in audience, motion passed.

The members elected Lee Wankel, President 3 year term expire 2028, Chris Schlepp VP expire 2027, Jeff Faycosh, Sectretary expire 2027, Matt Lewin, Director Expire 2027, erin OConnor, Director expire 2027, Donald Cooner, Director Expire 2028, Mark Jacobsen, Director Expire 2028, Justin Hughes, Director Expire 2027, Randy Hart, Director Expire 2028, Travis Helm, Director Expire 2027.

Prizes were drawn after the election. Clint Grue won the 50/50 drawing, Travis Helm won the volunteer incentive prize, Charles Harris won the door prize, the following people won the rest of the prizes with a couple of winners getting two prizes, Sterling West, Cristi Biddle Goodsell, Daniel Wilson, Cory Hagemeister, Charles Harris, Janet Kohntopp, Leigh Rae Allison, Scott Moore, Luke Shurtliff, Dale Tribby, Lance Robson, Rick Abbott, Lee Wankel.

Thank you to Sponsors: Red Rock Sporting Goods, Randy Hart, Lee Wankel, Todd Steadman, Murdoch’s, Reynolds

Meeting adjourned at 9 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 15, 2025

Custer County Event Center, 7 pm January 15, 2025

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Connor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Pat Roos and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for the December 18, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting, Matt made a motion to accept minutes as written, Travis 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $11,807.99. The CD balance is $6090.69. Marty stated there was fraudulent activity on the club credit card. Those charges are being reversed and a credit card will be issued later this week.

President’s Report: Just a few membership issues. All is being taken care of as soon as practical.

Membership Report: Devan was out of town.

Action pistol: Lee said that Baker is hosting shoots.

Shotgun-winter schedule, shoot on Sundays, weather permitting at 1 pm.

Archery- Chris said Jason wants to do the archery, but is unable to make director meetings with new job duties.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: Marty has the tickets for the raffle. The person who trespassed at night has not posted the apology.

New Business: VFW inquiired about yearly flag donation. Matt made a motion to provide them $50, Erin 2nd Motion passed.

Jeff will draft bylaw changes for the annual meeting so they can be voted on.

Director positions that are open this year due to resignations. Robert, Boager, Jason Sibble and Pat Roos. Lee is up for election because he filled half term. Chris and Jeff are up for election, Matt Lewin, Erin, Justin and Travis. Because the staggered terms are being changed, Lee will expire in 2028 as will Matt, Erin, Justion and Travis. They filled positions will expire in 2027.

Justin will prepare the banquet and will request help when required.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 18, 2024

Custer County Event Center, 7 pm December 18 , 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Connor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for the October 16, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting There was no quorum on November 20th, the board of directors stuffed envelopes for the annual meeting notice. Travis made a motion to accept minutes as written, Erin 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $10,043.38. The CD balance is $6090.69.

President’s Report: all quiet, preparing for banquet

Membership Report: Devan said memberships are coming in batches, approximately 120 are paid so far.

Action pistol: No organized shoots, target holders need built and welded.

Shotgun-winter schedule, shoot on Sundays, weather permitting at 1 pm.

Archery- Chris said Jason wants to do the archery, but is unable to make director meetings with new job duties.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: 4 colored raffle tickets, 50/50 drawing 3 levels of tickets with limited number sold on main prize.

New Business: Person trespassing on the range December 3 will be given the opportunity to apologize to the club on a facebook posting. If he fails to do so, then the Sheriff’s Office will be advised of his admission and ask for trespassing charges to be pursued. Jeff will draft the letter, have the board edit and Jeff will personally serve the letter on the violator.

By law suggestions for the annual meeting of violations, including hunting on property, littering, damage from rule violations, exploding targets, using range after hours will be, reimburse the club for damages and loss of membership and notice not to be on club property for 6 months to a year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 16, 2024

Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, 7 pm October 16 , 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Connor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for September 18, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Chris made a motion to accept minutes as written, Matt 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $17,175.94. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Lee stated he believes the gate issues are fixed now.

Membership Report: Devan said 507 members now, log in on gate is working, still trying to get the computer situation taken care of. The refurbished computer wasn’t so refurbished as it was hoped.

Action pistol: two shoots this month, Lee gave away 6 prizes one was to a dedicated assistant in setting up the shoots.

Shotgun-regular use of trap and skeet ranges, with some modified 5 stand in play, deposit of $598 from range use.

Archery- Jason was making a $281 deposit from the shoots.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: Banquet Gun committee to purchase prizes this week on Thursday.

New Business: Potato Bar for Banquet is approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 18, 2024

Sunday Creek Range, 7 pm September 18 , 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Cconnor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for August 21, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Erin made a motion to accept minutes as written, Matt 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $17,226.65. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Lee and Devan are working on the computer issues for the membership cards and gate.

Action pistol: two shoots this month and is going to try and shoot through September.

Shotgun-regular use of trap and skeet ranges.

Archery- No report

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: Law Enforcement MHP and Custer SO wants to place a conex container on the range. They also want to complete night qualifications, noted that Randy Hart needs to be made aware including the board with the night shoot takes place. Marty made a motion to for conex and night range, Justin 2nd, motion passed.

New Business: Banquet prize amount for guns. Marty motioned $7,000, Devan 2nd Motion passed. Committee to pick guns, Marty, Lee, Justin, Travis and Erin. Discussions on menu for Banquet, potato bar seems high on the list at this point. Club wants 3 sections of the event center.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 08/21/2024

Custer Rod and Gun Club Meeting 8/21/2024

In attendance:  Lee Wankle; Chris Schlepp; Matt Lewin; Marty Scheid; Erin O’Conner; Devan McGranahan; Justin Hughes; Travis Helm

7:04 Meeting is called to order by Lee Wankle.

Marty moves to accept the minutes as posted on the website.  Matt 2nds.  All concur. Motion Passes.

Treasurer’s report: Marty briefs that there is $25,664.05 in the main account and $6,060.30 in the Certificate of Deposit.  He adds that the CD will mature in November 2024.

President’s Report:  Lee states that attendance has been steady, Bills are paid and the PayPal account is active.

It was discussed that since there is now a Membership Officer, there should be a Membership Report.  This being a new requirement, Devan was not aware/prepared and has been busy traveling abroad recently.  There is a plan for providing timely service when member cards are faulty.  Lee volunteered to hold onto a few pre-activated cards that can be issued to members.  It is reported that there are only about 20 cards remaining to be issued.  Marty stated he would order another 100 to provide ample numbers.

Action Pistol:  Lee reported that the past three matches have consistently had 12-13 shooters.  He also stated that help for setup has also improved.  He plans to continue holding matches through September.  He provided $310 for deposit.

Shotgun:  Matt provided $697 for deposit.  Jon Hofer Memorial 5 Stand shoot went well.  There were 33-45 in attendance and at least 22 individual shooters.  The day resulted in 11 rounds of 5 shooters each.  The Keith Hall Memorial shoot needs to be planned.  Last year it was held on November 4, 2023.

Archery:  No shoot in the past month due to Heat, Jason’s schedule, Antelope Season, Fair and other upcoming season openings.  Chris reported that Jason does have some proceeds that will need to be deposited.  Chris has new signage to be posted.  Marty and Chris will meet and get the signs paid for on 8/22/2024.  Lee requests they also pickup a white backer for the main entrance sign for the Spotted Eagle Ranges.  Dimensions needed are 38” x 96”.

Marty reported that he deposited $6,500 from the Insurance claim on the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse damage.  There were no insurance proceeds from the damage that occurred at the Sunday Creek Ranges as the outlying buildings/structures were not covered.


Chris suggested contacting contractors from Billings for the repair of the Sunday Creek range shade covers.  He recommended getting quotes for both the 100 and 200 yard ranges.


Chris took the lawnmower to Bobcat for repairs.  Since it was purchased last October it could still be under warranty.  A spring had broken and should be an easy fix.

Yellowstone Militia Training.  Representative was a no show to discuss his plans.  Travis reported that on Saturday Aug 17th there was a group of 4-5 vehicles at the pistol bays conducting a form of organized shooting, possibly training.  It was decided that if a member conducts their own training, then the club is not liable.  There cannot be a fee charged for these informal and unsanctioned training sessions.

Sheriff department also wants to use the range for training events.  Potential need for bringing out their own storage container to be maintained on site.

No other business.  Matt made a motion to adjourn.  Marty 2nds.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:20.  Minutes by Travis Helm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024

Spotted Eagle Range, 7 pm July 17, 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Erin O’connor, Matt Lewin and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for June 19, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Erin made a motion to accept minutes as written, Matt 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $32,276.80. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: There is some problems continuing with the key cards. Lee is contacted weekly. Marty has some keys already activated that Lee can hand out and update the information with Devan. Suggested that Lee is provided with 10 or so activated cards to take care of issues when Devan is out of the area.

Action pistol: two shoots with 14 and 5 participants. Lee stated if he doesn’t get any set up help he will discontinue the Thursday shoots.

Shotgun-regular use of trap and skeet. 5 stand boxes are complete and Jeff will line up how to get them to the range.

Archery- Saturday shoots are doing well Bow season is rapidly approaching. Chris stated that Jason had a Steel Elk target made. Chris said that there has been $310 collected from the shootts.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: Travis has the poster for the Jon Hofer shoot on August 11. He will get them distributed. Lee delivered the walk behind mower to the Conex box.

New Business: The insurance covers only the clubhouse and not the rifle range covers which were damaged in the storm on July 13. The Spotted Eagle roof was damaged and is covered. A contractor will have to be hired to reroof the clubhouse. Steel was preferred if we can afford it.

Clean up day at Spotted Eagle set for Saturday August 3rd at 8 am, Jeff ramrod the clean up day.

Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 19, 2024

Sunday Creek Range, 7 pm June 19, 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Erin O’connor, Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Chris made a motion to accept minutes as written, Justin 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $34,865.95. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Some troubles with key cards, Devan got it fixed with reset.

Action pistol: Four shoots with 14-8-9 and 4 participants. The last shoot being a steel challenge. The 2nd Thursday of each month will be a steel challenge. Deposit of $210

Shotgun-regular use of trap and skeet. 5 stand needs helpers to set up $1,265 deposit.

Archery- Saturday shoots are picking up 7 or 8 shooters, trailer needs cleaning bad and unpacked, lots of mice. The 1st prototype of lid for the targets is up. The rest will be assembled and installed.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: The sign has been repaired and will be installed by Ben Beardsley.

New Business: Chris wanted to get a walk behind mower to keep at Spotted Eagle. Board approved the purchase without motion. $500 budgeted

Jeff stated that the 5 stand would be used more if it didn’t take so many people to move equipment. He proposed 4 metal boxes that house the throwers be built. The throwers could be left out in position. They could be moved as needed. Justin moved to have the boxes built, Erin 2nd, motion passed $5,000 budget. Jeff will design and get estimate from Ben Beardsley.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 15, 2024

Spotted Eagle Range, 7 pm May 15, 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Erin O’connor, Justin Hughes and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for April 17, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Marty made a motion to accept minutes as written, Justin 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $28,644.15. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Membership numbers are normal for years past.

Action pistol: two shoots with 19 and 12 participants. The last shoot being a steel challenge. The 2nd Thursday of each month will be a steel challenge.

Shotgun-After further discussion the community grants would not be a good idea on this cycle. The Ducks Unlimited shoot had 29 shooters, lots of fun. DU paid for the targets used @ $4 per 25.

Archery- We are seeing some degradation in the targets they need shade coverings. Chris, Jason and Jeff will work on a solution. Justin made a motion to fund $1,000 for materials, Chris 2nd, motion passed.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business:

New Business: Travis spoke with Barney and Bonnie Hofer. They would like to see the Jon Hofer Memorial shoot the weekend of August 11th. The would like to see the 5 stand course every 2nd Sunday through the summer. All were in favor if enough members show up to set up the course.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 17, 2024

Custer County Event Center, 7 pm April 17, 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Devan McGranahan, Robert Boager, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Robert Boager.

Meeting Minutes for March 20, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Matt made a motion to accept minutes as written, Travis 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $33,957.23. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Need to coordinate emails to advise members, may be more than one.

Action pistol: 8 shooters last Thursday, 2nd Thursday of the month is steel challenge. Can use 22 rimfire on this course..

Shotgun-Ranges are up and running pretty well attended, we got 6 pallets of clay targets from Murdochs. Marty said they are all paid. Jeff is exploring the Community Investment Project Grants for replacing the Trap on the house closest to the skeet range.

Archery- There will be a 3 D shoot on May 4th.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: Lee got a hold of Ben Beardsley to repair sign. He will work it into his schedule.

New Business: Lee wanted to get new Dueling Tree for rifle range, plate rack and Texas Start for pistol bays. He will get some estimates for next meeting

Meeting adjourned at 7:41 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 20, 2024

Custer County Event Center, 7 pm March 20, 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Devan McGranahan, Robert Boager, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Pat Roos.

Meeting Minutes for February 3, 2024 Annual Meeting. Marty made a motion to accept minutes as written, Matt 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $36,263.71. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: We are standing at 416 members so far this year. This is on pace with recent past years.

Action pistol: Free shooting on Thursday night during April.

Shotgun-Ranges are up and running, 4H and High School will be shooting at non-profit/member cost per $4 per round. Matt and Jeff deposited $235 with Marty. They will be on ranges Sunday from 1 to 3 ish. We will have a Welcome To Spotted Eagle day on May 4th from 10 to 3. Ducks Unlimited is hosting a trap shoot. Volunteers for 5 stand and Archery.

Archery- Chris said may run on Fridays

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: Marty got the final figures from the Annual Meeting we lost $848, but everyone feels it was a success, lots of members and other came out. Repair of sign at Spotted Eagle. Lee said he would contact Ben Beardsley to see if he could repair.

New Business: Jeff asked for signs indicating the archery range is closed during Hunter Ed field days. Approved by board. Devan stated the club laptop is a bit antiquated. Jeff made a motion to allow Devan to spend up to $800 for a new laptop, Pat 2nd motion passed. Jeff asked about applying to Grid United for a grant to repair the trap thrower in the house closest to the trap range. Justin made a motion to apply, Matt 2nd motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm

Annual Meeting Minutes February 3, 2024

Custer County Event Center, 6 pm February 3, 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Jim Keith, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Pat Roos.

Pat made a motion to accept the January minutes as published, 2nd by member, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $19,971.82. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Lee stated that the gate project at Sunday Creek Range is complete and extra Thank You to Marty for heading up that project. Total cost $15,162.78. We also shared the camera project with Walleyes Unlimited with costs for cameras and installation at $3,357.50. Membership are keeping pace with last numbers from last year.

Action pistol: Free shooting on Thursday night in April, activity through the season was steady with a few new shooters.

Shotgun-Ranges were running most all of last year, 5 stand didn’t get much action. This year will be better, 4H and Hunter Ed used the ranges. Matt Lewin ran the Trap and certainly helped out all year. Mike Bricco funded the Keith Hall Memorial Annie Oakley shoot by donating $1,000 plus trophies. Keith was past president of the Custer Rod and Gun Club as well as a respected Trap Shooter.

Archery- New range was busy looks good

SASS-There is a resurgence of interest, Randy Hart held a couple of shoots.

USPSA-It is languishing with the exit from the program by Jesse Blankenship.

New Business: Motion by Marty for the annual dues for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary to be waved. Dylan Clark 2nd. Jeff requested discussion about the implication that the board was receiving compensation could open a liability issue, also that these are volunteer positions. Questions from audience, motion failed upon vote.

Bylaw changes for Annual meeting

Membership (C) Renewals all year. Membership is for the calendar year regardless of when the membership is renewed.

Officers and Board Members add Membership Officer then 7 Directors which will still total 12 officers and Directors. Two versions: #1 Yearly dues are waived for Officer Positions. #2 Yearly dues are waived for Officers and Director positions.

Section 4 A- language as written for monthly meetings. Suggested change of date to 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Section 1 club management include Membership Officer and 7 directors.

Section 1 -Board of Directors include Membership Officer

Add Section 6 Membership Officer-Shall keep all membership records-issue membership and access cards upon payment-update Sunday Creek access gate and cards in a timely manner, Maintain list of current memberships.

Bylaw changes motion by Matt Beyer, 2nd Jesse Blankenship, all changes passed to Bylaws.

Jeff requested a motion to accommodate dates for Hunter Education to use Spotted Eagle range for their field days in 2024. John Kuntz moved, Jesse Blankenshop 2nd, Motion passed

Election of Officers and Directors: Mary Scheid-Treasurer until 2026, Membership Director Devan McGranahan until 2026, Director Robert Boager until 2026, Director Jason Sibble until 2026 and Director Pat Roos until 2026.

Trap League awards: Justin Hughes 1st place $100, Matt Lewin 2nd $40. Top Gun League entry fees were deposited as no one finished the league.

Prizes were then drawn:

50/50 drawing Scott Moore $815, Volunteer Incentive S&W SD9 VE 9mm Matt Lewin, Door prize 10-22 Jeremy Smith, Springfield 1911 Doug Wildish, Savage Axis Trey Boager, Sig Sauer 368 Christi Goodsell, Lander Bullpup Orion Wilson, Ruger 380 Angela Ponessa, Stoeger O/U Mike Bricco, Ruger Wrangler Penny Hart, Traditions Black Powder Rany Anderson, Sig Sauer AR15 Brock Erickson, Shadow 920 Elite 9mm Josh Huber.

Thank you to Sponsors: Red Rock Sporting Goods, Randy Hart, Lee Wankel, Todd Steadman, Murdoch’s, Reynolds

Meeting adjourned at 9 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024

Custer County Event Center 7 pm, January 16, 2024

Attendance: Lee Wankel, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Travis Helm and Pat Roos.

Matt made a motion to accept the December minutes as published, Travis 2nd, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $20,918.28. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Lee stated membership is 200 paid for 2024.

Action pistol: No Report

Shotgun-No Report

Archery- No Report

SASS-No Report

USPSA-No Report

Old Business: Banquet set up on Feb 3, around noon

New Business: Bylaw changes for Annual meeting

Membership (C) Renewals all year. Membership is for the calendar year regardless of when the membership is renewed.

Officers and Board Members add Membership Officer then 7 Directors which will still total 12 officers and Directors. Two versions: #1 Yearly dues are waived for Officer Positions. #2 Yearly dues are waived for Officers and Director positions.

Section 4 A- language as written for monthly meetings. Suggested change of date to 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Section 1 club management include Membership Officer and 7 directors.

Section 1 -Board of Directors include Membership Officer

Add Section 6 Membership Officer-Shall keep all membership records-issue membership and access cards upon payment-update Sunday Creek access gate and cards in a timely manner, Maintain list of current memberships.

Marty and Jeff will arrange for storage of meat and supplies for the banquet on the week of the banquet at the event center.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 19, 2023

Custer County Event Center 7 pm, December 19, 2023

Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Travis Helm, Jim Keith and Justin Hughes.

Marty made a motion to accept the November minutes as published, Jim 2nd, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $14,567.02. The CD balance is $6060.30.

President’s Report: Lee stated membership is 512 for 2023.

Action pistol: Nothing to report

Shotgun-Shooting is weather dependent. Hoping to get Ducks Unlimited in May for the Welcome to Spotted Eagle shoot.

Archery- no report

SASS-fun shoot on December 16th, $100 collected and turned over to Marty

USPSA-no report

Old Business: Need security cameras finished at Sunday Creek. Looking for Membership Director

New Business: Sign Damage at Spotted Eagle. Kid came forward to pay. Jesse B to put in a bid to repair. Banquet Marty is picking up the meat 150 lbs. Micki Jo lined up for the bar.

We will have meetings at the Custer County Event Center they will cost $20 per meeting during the winter months.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 21, 2023

Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, 7 pm, November 21, 2023

Attendance: Lee Wankel, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Travis Helm, Jim Keith and Justin Hughes.

Marty made a motion to accept the October minutes as published, Matt 2nd, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $16,005.53. The CD balance is $6060.30. Guns were puchased for the raffle at the annual banquet. Envelope stuffing taking place at the December meeting.

President’s Report: Lee stated membership is trending upward.

Action pistol: Nothing to report

Shotgun-The Keith Hall Annie Oakley shoot was great, 10 shooters. We gave away $1,000 in prize money donated by Mike Bricco and we took in $500 to be earmarked for prizes next year. Plaques were handed out. Trap and Skeet deposited an additional $1,468.

SAS-Deposit of $15

Archery- no report

SASS-No Report

USPSA-Slade Bentenhausen has stepped up to replace Jesse Blankenship with USPSA, he is an RO.

Old Business: Range gate almost finished, Thanks Marty for the hard work.

New Business: Matt made a motion to donate two memberships to the Miles City Fire Department Toy Dance. Jeff 2nd, motion passed.

We will have meetings at the Custer County Event Center they will cost $20 per meeting during the winter months.

Annual meeting we need to add another Board Member-Membership Board position to the bylaws.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 17, 2023

Custer County Event Center, 7 pm, October 17, 2023

Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Travis Helm and Justin Hughes.

Marty made a motion to accept the August minutes as published, (no September meeting) Erin 2nd, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $37,086.82. The CD balance is $6030.07.

President’s Report: Lee stated membership is approximately 514 members.

Action pistol: Nothing to report, Lee provided a deposit $175. Lee stated that there would be pistol shoot on October 26, 2023 mainly for James Goodsell wedding group.

Shotgun-We will need to order targets after the banquet. Money was received from FWP for targets on youth day.

SAS-Deposit of $15

Archery last organized shoots, deposit of $65

Old Business: Grant for the range gate was approved Marty is organizing. Locate is done MC Electric was awarded the bid.

New Business: Jeff made a motion to add up to 2 camera at Spotted Eagle, Travis 2nd, motion passed, Chris will coordinate with Walleyes and Holmlund Lock and key.

Banquet-gun committee formed with Marty to get the guns, Matt, Erin, Travis and Justin.

Jeff made a motion to allow 4H to use Spotted Eagle Range for Instructor training on December 9th, Jeff will open the range for them. Marty 2nd, motion passed.

Jeff made a motion to have the Jim Keith Memorial Annie Oakley shoot on November 4th. $1,000 in prizes. Mike Bricco provided the prize money and trophy plaques. Cash prize to 7th place. $500, $200, $100, 4th-7th $50. $20 buy in with 3 buy backs max for $10 each. Matt 2nd, motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes August 15, 2023

Spotted Eagle Range 7 pm, August 15, 2023

Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Justin Hughes, Jesse Blankenship, and Jim Keith.

Matt made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Erin 2nd, Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $40,140.60. The CD balance is $6030.07. Deposits provided during the meeting $1,275 from shotgun ranges to Marty and $180 from Action Pistol to Marty.

President’s Report: Lee stated membership is approximately 488, the new normal for this time of year.

Committee Reports

Action pistol: Nothing to report, Lee provided a deposit $180.

Shotgun-all is well ranges are busy. provided a deposit of $1,225

USPSA: Jesse B is stepping away and focusing on quality of family time, we wish him well.

Archery: Chris stated that the last 3D shoot of the year will take place on August 18th. Only one incident Jason report to Chris of someone using broadheads on the new target butts. No further details.

Old Business: No confirmation on Grant award yet.

New Business: We are hoping to host a welcome to Spotted Eagle Day Open all the ranges for people to try, in conjunction DU who want to put on a shoot and give prizes. Jeff made the motion, Matt 2nd, passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:25 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 18, 2023

Sunday Creek Clubhouse 7 pm, July 18, 2023

Secretary Faycosh was absent minutes were taken by both Erin and Travis.

Custer Rod & Gun Club Meeting Minutes


Members in attendance: Lee, Chris, Marty, Justin, Erin, Travis, Jason, Matt, Jim, & Pat

7pm: Meeting called to order by Lee.  Role Call conducted.

Treasurer’s Report (Marty)

Checks for the targets and mower have cleared.

About $1,000 in cash ready for deposit

Main account has $39,444.66

CD is at $6,030.07

Matt makes motion to accept minutes as posted.  Chris seconds the motion.  All in Favor. Motion passes.

7:04 President’s Report (Lee)

Lee did not get a chance to follow-up on the individual that reported not yet receiving membership.

Marty checked the individual’s name against the paid member list.  Did not find a match.  Will check again.

Erin reports two members are not receiving the newsletter.  Matt will add their email addresses to MailChimp.

7:06 USPSA Report (Lee)

No more shoots planned.  They may look for two more nights to add to the calendar.

7:07 Action Pistol (Lee)

Four shoots have been conducted.  Attendance was 13; 14; 12 & 8 shooters.  A total of $1,047.46 was banked from both USDSA and Action Pistol

7:08 Shotgun (Matt)

Shot the previous Sunday.

FWP wants to sponsor a Youth Trap Shot on Sept. 16th.  FWP will pay for shooters at the rate of $4/25 targets.  Matt reported that Jeff was willing to run the range.  This was identified as new business and will be addressed later.

7:09 Archery (Jason)

Seeing lots of individuals using the public range.  All report gratitude for the new targets.  Jason is interested in reviewing the list of members to see if users are actually members or if users become members after using the range.

Chris also reported hearing praise from Superior in Billings over the improvements and events being held.

Planning 3-4 more 3D shoots.

Targets are holding up and looking good.  Only one instance of a broadhead being used.

Jason may generate a stencil and paint markers on the targets to ensure the whole target gets use rather than a focus on the center.

3D shoots are held on BLM property, all proceeds are used for prizes and no profit is made, except from donations.

7:19 Old Business

None Reported

7:20 New Business

Matt makes motion to allow FWP to sponsor a Youth Trap shoot on the shotgun range on Sept 16th at $4 per round.

Jim seconds the motion.

All in Favor, motion passed.

Marty reports that there is not yet a scheduled date for working on the gate access controller.  Lee offered to help.  Marty reports he has 15-20 access cards activated and ready to issue to new members if needed.

No news on the grant to get power down to the gate.

US Bank is still expected to shut down.  Marty recommends switching banks at the time a new treasurer is elected.

Lee suggests getting the security cameras at Sunday Creek installed and working.  Four cameras and installation hardware are on site.  The system can support up to a total of eight cameras.  Will record 30 days on a DVR. They are not wireless.  The Spotted Eagle location has 5 cameras up and running and are able to record 35 days of footage.  Access to the storage device is controlled by Walleye’s Unlimited in the event that a range violation needs to be monitored.

7:34  Chris makes the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Justin seconds the motion.  All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting Adjourned.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting

June 20, 2023

Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officers- Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’Connor, Jim Keith, Travis Helm, Justin Hughes, and Jason Sibble.

Treasurers report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $46,150.01, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as written, by Chris, 2nd by Matt passed.

Presidents Report: Lee said that the transition between Jesse and him is complete. Marty is now doing the memberships. Lots of positive accolades for Jesse Smith for his hard work keeping the club running.

USPSA- Slot match 15 shooters. Jesse B is out of USPSA to focus on other things. Jesse gave Lee the cash box with $300.

Action Pistol-Lee said there were 4 shoots, 42 shooters they took in $220. Deposits were made to Marty. Marty stated there is $781.46 profit from the pistol shoots.

Shotgun: The leagues have started for Trap and Top Gun.

Archery- Jason Sibble said shoots on Friday and Saturday depending on everyones availability. Jason suggested that the archery range be posted with a sign Members only and shooting broadheads constitute vandalism. Chris made the motion, JIm 2nd, Passed. Draft language for sign will be texted. Jeff will order sign once the language is approved.

Old Business: Archery Range clean up Gregg Clark of Driven Repair donated equipment and time to clean up the old range and install new targets.

New Business: John Kuntz has to resign his directorship and he recommended Jason Sibble to finish his term. Chris made a motion to have Jason finish John’s term, Travis 2nd, motion passed.

Marty made a motion to establish another director position as Membership coordinator. This will require a by-law change at the annual meeting. Jeff 2nd, motion passed.

Marty brought up discussion to change the bank accounts out of US Bank. Matt made a motion to approve this change, Justin 2nd, passed.

Meeting Adjorned 7:45pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 16, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting

May 16, 2023

Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’Connor, Travis Helm and Pat Roos.

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $46,816,82, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the April meeting as written, by Matt, 2nd by Chris passed.

Presidents Report: Lee said that memberships are keeping with the usual pace.

USPSA- No match May 13 was canceled because of rain. June 10th shoot is still scheduled.

Action Pistol-Lee said there were 10 shooters good turnouts. Deposits were made to Marty.

Shotgun: Trap and Skeet made a deposit for $871. 4H shooting almost over, Jeff will bill 4H for targets.

Archery- Jason Sibble, Cole Price and Chris will get Archery range rebuilt and targets picked up in Billings. Marty made a motion to approve 10 targets at $6,250, Travis 2nd, passed. This is $1,250 more than the $5,000 previous allowed for 5 targets.

Old Business:Range clean up day on Sunday Creek Range May 6th at 9am Marty l ramrodded this event 13 volunteers showed up.

New Business: Walleyes Unlimited wanted to partner with us for camera system at Spotted Eagle. Chris made a motion to approve $2,500 toward this project, Travis 2nd, passed.

Discussion to get rid of DR pull behind Mower. Chris made a motion to trade it in on another zero turn to help at Spotted Eagle, Matt 2nd, Motion passed.

Meeting Adjorned 8 pm