Custer County Event Center, 6 pm February 3, 2024
Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Jim Keith, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Pat Roos.
Pat made a motion to accept the January minutes as published, 2nd by member, Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $19,971.82. The CD balance is $6060.30.
President’s Report: Lee stated that the gate project at Sunday Creek Range is complete and extra Thank You to Marty for heading up that project. Total cost $15,162.78. We also shared the camera project with Walleyes Unlimited with costs for cameras and installation at $3,357.50. Membership are keeping pace with last numbers from last year.
Action pistol: Free shooting on Thursday night in April, activity through the season was steady with a few new shooters.
Shotgun-Ranges were running most all of last year, 5 stand didn’t get much action. This year will be better, 4H and Hunter Ed used the ranges. Matt Lewin ran the Trap and certainly helped out all year. Mike Bricco funded the Keith Hall Memorial Annie Oakley shoot by donating $1,000 plus trophies. Keith was past president of the Custer Rod and Gun Club as well as a respected Trap Shooter.
Archery- New range was busy looks good
SASS-There is a resurgence of interest, Randy Hart held a couple of shoots.
USPSA-It is languishing with the exit from the program by Jesse Blankenship.
New Business: Motion by Marty for the annual dues for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary to be waved. Dylan Clark 2nd. Jeff requested discussion about the implication that the board was receiving compensation could open a liability issue, also that these are volunteer positions. Questions from audience, motion failed upon vote.
Bylaw changes for Annual meeting
Membership (C) Renewals all year. Membership is for the calendar year regardless of when the membership is renewed.
Officers and Board Members add Membership Officer then 7 Directors which will still total 12 officers and Directors. Two versions: #1 Yearly dues are waived for Officer Positions. #2 Yearly dues are waived for Officers and Director positions.
Section 4 A- language as written for monthly meetings. Suggested change of date to 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Section 1 club management include Membership Officer and 7 directors.
Section 1 -Board of Directors include Membership Officer
Add Section 6 Membership Officer-Shall keep all membership records-issue membership and access cards upon payment-update Sunday Creek access gate and cards in a timely manner, Maintain list of current memberships.
Bylaw changes motion by Matt Beyer, 2nd Jesse Blankenship, all changes passed to Bylaws.
Jeff requested a motion to accommodate dates for Hunter Education to use Spotted Eagle range for their field days in 2024. John Kuntz moved, Jesse Blankenshop 2nd, Motion passed
Election of Officers and Directors: Mary Scheid-Treasurer until 2026, Membership Director Devan McGranahan until 2026, Director Robert Boager until 2026, Director Jason Sibble until 2026 and Director Pat Roos until 2026.
Trap League awards: Justin Hughes 1st place $100, Matt Lewin 2nd $40. Top Gun League entry fees were deposited as no one finished the league.
Prizes were then drawn:
50/50 drawing Scott Moore $815, Volunteer Incentive S&W SD9 VE 9mm Matt Lewin, Door prize 10-22 Jeremy Smith, Springfield 1911 Doug Wildish, Savage Axis Trey Boager, Sig Sauer 368 Christi Goodsell, Lander Bullpup Orion Wilson, Ruger 380 Angela Ponessa, Stoeger O/U Mike Bricco, Ruger Wrangler Penny Hart, Traditions Black Powder Rany Anderson, Sig Sauer AR15 Brock Erickson, Shadow 920 Elite 9mm Josh Huber.
Thank you to Sponsors: Red Rock Sporting Goods, Randy Hart, Lee Wankel, Todd Steadman, Murdoch’s, Reynolds
Meeting adjourned at 9 pm