Sunday Creek Range, 7 pm June 19, 2024
Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Erin O’connor, Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.
Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Chris made a motion to accept minutes as written, Justin 2nd, passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $34,865.95. The CD balance is $6060.30.
President’s Report: Some troubles with key cards, Devan got it fixed with reset.
Action pistol: Four shoots with 14-8-9 and 4 participants. The last shoot being a steel challenge. The 2nd Thursday of each month will be a steel challenge. Deposit of $210
Shotgun-regular use of trap and skeet. 5 stand needs helpers to set up $1,265 deposit.
Archery- Saturday shoots are picking up 7 or 8 shooters, trailer needs cleaning bad and unpacked, lots of mice. The 1st prototype of lid for the targets is up. The rest will be assembled and installed.
SASS-No Report nothing scheduled
USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.
Old Business: The sign has been repaired and will be installed by Ben Beardsley.
New Business: Chris wanted to get a walk behind mower to keep at Spotted Eagle. Board approved the purchase without motion. $500 budgeted
Jeff stated that the 5 stand would be used more if it didn’t take so many people to move equipment. He proposed 4 metal boxes that house the throwers be built. The throwers could be left out in position. They could be moved as needed. Justin moved to have the boxes built, Erin 2nd, motion passed $5,000 budget. Jeff will design and get estimate from Ben Beardsley.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm