Custer Rod and Gun Club Meeting 8/21/2024
In attendance: Lee Wankle; Chris Schlepp; Matt Lewin; Marty Scheid; Erin O’Conner; Devan McGranahan; Justin Hughes; Travis Helm
7:04 Meeting is called to order by Lee Wankle.
Marty moves to accept the minutes as posted on the website. Matt 2nds. All concur. Motion Passes.
Treasurer’s report: Marty briefs that there is $25,664.05 in the main account and $6,060.30 in the Certificate of Deposit. He adds that the CD will mature in November 2024.
President’s Report: Lee states that attendance has been steady, Bills are paid and the PayPal account is active.
It was discussed that since there is now a Membership Officer, there should be a Membership Report. This being a new requirement, Devan was not aware/prepared and has been busy traveling abroad recently. There is a plan for providing timely service when member cards are faulty. Lee volunteered to hold onto a few pre-activated cards that can be issued to members. It is reported that there are only about 20 cards remaining to be issued. Marty stated he would order another 100 to provide ample numbers.
Action Pistol: Lee reported that the past three matches have consistently had 12-13 shooters. He also stated that help for setup has also improved. He plans to continue holding matches through September. He provided $310 for deposit.
Shotgun: Matt provided $697 for deposit. Jon Hofer Memorial 5 Stand shoot went well. There were 33-45 in attendance and at least 22 individual shooters. The day resulted in 11 rounds of 5 shooters each. The Keith Hall Memorial shoot needs to be planned. Last year it was held on November 4, 2023.
Archery: No shoot in the past month due to Heat, Jason’s schedule, Antelope Season, Fair and other upcoming season openings. Chris reported that Jason does have some proceeds that will need to be deposited. Chris has new signage to be posted. Marty and Chris will meet and get the signs paid for on 8/22/2024. Lee requests they also pickup a white backer for the main entrance sign for the Spotted Eagle Ranges. Dimensions needed are 38” x 96”.
Marty reported that he deposited $6,500 from the Insurance claim on the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse damage. There were no insurance proceeds from the damage that occurred at the Sunday Creek Ranges as the outlying buildings/structures were not covered.
Chris suggested contacting contractors from Billings for the repair of the Sunday Creek range shade covers. He recommended getting quotes for both the 100 and 200 yard ranges.
Chris took the lawnmower to Bobcat for repairs. Since it was purchased last October it could still be under warranty. A spring had broken and should be an easy fix.
Yellowstone Militia Training. Representative was a no show to discuss his plans. Travis reported that on Saturday Aug 17th there was a group of 4-5 vehicles at the pistol bays conducting a form of organized shooting, possibly training. It was decided that if a member conducts their own training, then the club is not liable. There cannot be a fee charged for these informal and unsanctioned training sessions.
Sheriff department also wants to use the range for training events. Potential need for bringing out their own storage container to be maintained on site.
No other business. Matt made a motion to adjourn. Marty 2nds. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:20. Minutes by Travis Helm