Spotted Eagle Range 7 pm, August 15, 2023
Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’connor, Justin Hughes, Jesse Blankenship, and Jim Keith.
Matt made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Erin 2nd, Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $40,140.60. The CD balance is $6030.07. Deposits provided during the meeting $1,275 from shotgun ranges to Marty and $180 from Action Pistol to Marty.
President’s Report: Lee stated membership is approximately 488, the new normal for this time of year.
Committee Reports
Action pistol: Nothing to report, Lee provided a deposit $180.
Shotgun-all is well ranges are busy. provided a deposit of $1,225
USPSA: Jesse B is stepping away and focusing on quality of family time, we wish him well.
Archery: Chris stated that the last 3D shoot of the year will take place on August 18th. Only one incident Jason report to Chris of someone using broadheads on the new target butts. No further details.
Old Business: No confirmation on Grant award yet.
New Business: We are hoping to host a welcome to Spotted Eagle Day Open all the ranges for people to try, in conjunction DU who want to put on a shoot and give prizes. Jeff made the motion, Matt 2nd, passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:25 PM