Board of Directors Meeting
June 20, 2023
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, Miles City
7:00 pm Roll Call of officers- Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’Connor, Jim Keith, Travis Helm, Justin Hughes, and Jason Sibble.
Treasurers report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $46,150.01, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as written, by Chris, 2nd by Matt passed.
Presidents Report: Lee said that the transition between Jesse and him is complete. Marty is now doing the memberships. Lots of positive accolades for Jesse Smith for his hard work keeping the club running.
USPSA- Slot match 15 shooters. Jesse B is out of USPSA to focus on other things. Jesse gave Lee the cash box with $300.
Action Pistol-Lee said there were 4 shoots, 42 shooters they took in $220. Deposits were made to Marty. Marty stated there is $781.46 profit from the pistol shoots.
Shotgun: The leagues have started for Trap and Top Gun.
Archery- Jason Sibble said shoots on Friday and Saturday depending on everyones availability. Jason suggested that the archery range be posted with a sign Members only and shooting broadheads constitute vandalism. Chris made the motion, JIm 2nd, Passed. Draft language for sign will be texted. Jeff will order sign once the language is approved.
Old Business: Archery Range clean up Gregg Clark of Driven Repair donated equipment and time to clean up the old range and install new targets.
New Business: John Kuntz has to resign his directorship and he recommended Jason Sibble to finish his term. Chris made a motion to have Jason finish John’s term, Travis 2nd, motion passed.
Marty made a motion to establish another director position as Membership coordinator. This will require a by-law change at the annual meeting. Jeff 2nd, motion passed.
Marty brought up discussion to change the bank accounts out of US Bank. Matt made a motion to approve this change, Justin 2nd, passed.
Meeting Adjorned 7:45pm