Board of Directors Meeting November 15, 2022
Custer County Event Center, Miles City
7:30pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Matt Lewin and Lee Wankel
Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $29,719.79, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting as written by Marty, 2nd by Lee, passed. No meeting in October 2022
Presidents Report: Membership is now 504
Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.
Shotgun: Matt made a deposit of $724.00 Shooting is slowing down in the fall. Leagues are completed. Sunday is the only range day opens at 1 pm.
Old Business: Banquet discussion with a different raffle ticket plan in place, with two tables selling tickets and a lone table with 50/50 tickets. Discussion about the main dish. Chris motioned that Boogs BBQ be enlisted to decide how much meat for 250 people. Jim K 2nd Motion passed.
New Business: Winter meet location will be changed to Custer County Event Center until spring weather allows the Spotted Eagle Club house. Early meeting for December set for December 13 so the envelopes can be stuffed and stamped for the annual meeting. Jeff made a motion to allow Merle Blankenship to check out the .22 rifles to be used for 4H small bore program in the spring. Jim K 2nd Motion passed. Jeff made a motion to donate 2 memberships for the Firemans Toy Ball, Lee 2nd passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm