Board of Directors Meeting September 20, 2022
Spotted Eagle Range Miles City
7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel
Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $36,185.45, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the August meeting as written by Matt, 2nd by Lee, passed.
Presidents Report: Membership continuing as normal
Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.
USPSA-Jesse B stated the Thursday match was took in $45, Friday $45 Saturday 19 shooters $380
Archery: No Report
Shotgun: Jeff reported that League is coming to a close, last 5 stand of the year coming up. All shooting will take place on Sunday only at 3 pm, all three ranges can be opened. Closer to time change the start time will be 1 pm.
Old Business: Marty checked on estimate for power to the gate so that memberships could be programed remotely allowing all year membership sales. Estimated $12,445. New gate controls would be required total estimate $15,000. Jeff suggested to explore FWP range grants as it would allow better access. Jeff made a motion to wait and apply for the grant after January 1st, Marty 2nd Motion passed
New Business: Banquet plans on going raffles a gun raffle committee was suggested Jeff, Jesse B and Marty will pick out the raffle firearms, Motion by Marty budget $7,000 for guns, 2nd by Jim, passed. It looks like Micki Jo will still have the bar running for our banquet. Awaiting further information on Event Center before choosing menu.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm