Board of Directors Meeting August 16, 2022
Spotted Eagle Range Miles City
7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, John Kuntz, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel
Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $34,887.83, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the July meeting as written by Jim, 2nd by John, passed.
Presidents Report: Membership 494 so far.
Action Pistol: Marty reports ongoing Thursday night shoots and a profit of $2,087.97 last shoot on September 12th.
USPSA-Jesse B stated there would be a match on September 10th, with Set up beginning on the 8th, Sheriff Reserver on the 9th. Jesse made a motion that the club would pay the $2 per shooter for the Sheriff’s Reserve. Jim 2nd, Motion passed.
Archery: John said it was too hot for any shooting.
Shotgun: Jeff reported that range attendance has increased on all three ranges, lots of new shooters. Jeff received and hooked up the wireless control for the trap, it is working well. Fallon County Trap Matt Webber asked if we might be interested in splitting a semi-load of targets. They are paying retail in Baker. Jeff suggested contacting Red Rock. Marty made a motion to split a load of targets with Fallon County Trap, Pat 2nd, passed. We will wait to see what happens with their contacts.
New Business: Chris noted that Sunday Creek needs to be cleaned up again before hunting season. Range clean up on September 11th at 9 am, Chris is heading it up. He needs weed eaters and mowers, steel targets need repaired and rehung, new backer boards. Because of the USPSA shoot on the 10th, Range Clean up on the 11th, 5 stand is moved to September 18 and 25.
There was discussion on updating the access to the membership card controls. This would require power and wifi to the gate area. This would allow whomever takes over the membership up dates from Jesse Smith to access and update remotely. Marty will explore the cost for running the needed utilities. Marty also stated that this was his last year running the action pistol. Lee volunteered to continue Action Pistol next year.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm