Board of Directors Meeting
April 18, 2023
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, Miles City
7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, John Kuntz, Erin O’Connor, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Jim Keith Roos
Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $52,087.63, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the March meeting as written, by Jesse B, 2nd by Jim passed.
Past Presidents Report: Lee said that he spoke with Jesse Smith and memberships are keeping with the usual pace.
USPSA- Jesse Blankenship said Matt and Allen dodge will be going to RO training. the end of the month. shoots scheduled for May 13 and June 10th.
Action Pistol-Lee Wankel has the cash box with USPSA receipts Lee will do a deposit soon with Marty.
Shotgun: 2 pallets of targets purchased from Scheels. 90 count boxes, 44 on a pallet so there aren’t all that many targets. They equal out to about $14.30 a case. Jesse and Jeff picked them up in Billlings.
SASS Randy Hart stated he wanted a cowboy shoot on May 20th, 10 am for black powder and 1 pm for Cowboy Action Shooting.
Archery- There was a group from Walleyes Unlimited and others who offered to assist with the Archery Range. It was determined that the Archery targets made from carpet had been in place for 20 plus years. John Kuntz made a motion to purchase new outdoor targets with a limit of $5,000 for the purchase Justin 2nd Motion passed.
Most of the board agreed that the archery range was to be left open to the public with no membership required. The other discussion was to move the 3D targets and trailer to Spotted Eagle for the Wednesday night leagues. John Kuntz stated that Jason Sibble was willing to oversee the Wednesday night archery league. The directors agreed to have the 3D targets and the club trailer at Spotted Eagle. There was discussion on cleaning up the archery range. No date set for that and nothing was decided on the 3D shoots. More information will be discussed on the May 16th meeting.
Range clean up day on Sunday Creek Range May 6th at 9am Marty will ramrod this cleanup.
Meeting Adjorned 8 pm