Board of Directors Meeting January 17, 2023
Custer County Event Center, Miles City
7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship and Pat Roos
Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $32,769.73, CD is currently at $6,000.00 the interest from 2022 was deposited in the checking account. Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as written by Marty, 2nd by Matt, passed.
Presidents Report: Memberships are renewed at 218 so far, coming in every day. Boogs BBQ is set up and good to go for the banquet
Action Pistol: No activity-Lee Wankel will oversee Action Pistol this year
Shotgun: winter has halted the fun
USPSA-Jesse is staying on through his term, USPSA will need help. Matt is going to RO training. June 10 Slot match 3-4 matches with Baker Club this winter/spring. There will be a match in Miles City in May 2023
Old Business: League prizes Matt $80 for Top Gun, $40 Jeff Skeet, $40 Matt Trap, other prizes awarded at the banquet.
Further discussion about the FWP grant that was approved to be applied for in the September 20, 2022 meeting for the electrical update for the remote HID card lock on the gate. It was confirmed that Jeff can sign the grant (bylaws allow the secretary to sign anyway) but to clarify before we applied for the the grant. This improvement will allow renewals all year long to encourage memberships for the pre-hunting season rush we have every year. Grant is due by February 1st.
Meeting adjourned at7:51pm