Category Archives: Meeting Minutes

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes January 17,2023

Board of Directors Meeting January 17, 2023

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship and Pat Roos

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $32,769.73, CD is currently at $6,000.00 the interest from 2022 was deposited in the checking account. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as written by Marty, 2nd by Matt, passed.

Presidents Report: Memberships are renewed at 218 so far, coming in every day. Boogs BBQ is set up and good to go for the banquet

Action Pistol: No activity-Lee Wankel will oversee Action Pistol this year

Shotgun: winter has halted the fun

USPSA-Jesse is staying on through his term, USPSA will need help. Matt is going to RO training. June 10 Slot match 3-4 matches with Baker Club this winter/spring. There will be a match in Miles City in May 2023

Old Business: League prizes Matt $80 for Top Gun, $40 Jeff Skeet, $40 Matt Trap, other prizes awarded at the banquet.

Further discussion about the FWP grant that was approved to be applied for in the September 20, 2022 meeting for the electrical update for the remote HID card lock on the gate. It was confirmed that Jeff can sign the grant (bylaws allow the secretary to sign anyway) but to clarify before we applied for the the grant. This improvement will allow renewals all year long to encourage memberships for the pre-hunting season rush we have every year. Grant is due by February 1st.

Meeting adjourned at7:51pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes December 27, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting December 27, 2022

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Matt Lewin, Lee Wankel, Ben Beardsley and Jesse Blankenship

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $29,818, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as written by Jesse B, 2nd by Matt, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership Letters were stuffed in envelopes, Marty will mail.

Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.

Shotgun: Matt made a deposit of $500 from the League entry fees

USPSA-discussion to continue with USPSA membership. Jeff made a motion to pay for another year of membership. Jim 2nd, motion passed.

Old Business: Banquet discussion to designate volunteers for ticket sales. Jim Keith if able, Ben, Matt, Jesse B, Jeff, Marty and his wife.

Further discussion about League awards, Jesse B, Matt and Jeff recused themselves from making the decision since each are eligible for prize money. A modified Lewis award system was discussed so that more prizes would be awarded. At least half of the entry fees will be given as prizes. Confirmation that Boog BBQ would be paid $1,200 for the meat for the banquet.

Meeting adjourned at7:30pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes November 15, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting November 15, 2022

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:30pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Matt Lewin and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $29,719.79, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting as written by Marty, 2nd by Lee, passed. No meeting in October 2022

Presidents Report: Membership is now 504

Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.

Shotgun: Matt made a deposit of $724.00 Shooting is slowing down in the fall. Leagues are completed. Sunday is the only range day opens at 1 pm.

Old Business: Banquet discussion with a different raffle ticket plan in place, with two tables selling tickets and a lone table with 50/50 tickets. Discussion about the main dish. Chris motioned that Boogs BBQ be enlisted to decide how much meat for 250 people. Jim K 2nd Motion passed.

New Business: Winter meet location will be changed to Custer County Event Center until spring weather allows the Spotted Eagle Club house. Early meeting for December set for December 13 so the envelopes can be stuffed and stamped for the annual meeting. Jeff made a motion to allow Merle Blankenship to check out the .22 rifles to be used for 4H small bore program in the spring. Jim K 2nd Motion passed. Jeff made a motion to donate 2 memberships for the Firemans Toy Ball, Lee 2nd passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes September 20, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting September 20, 2022

Spotted Eagle Range Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $36,185.45, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the August meeting as written by Matt, 2nd by Lee, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership continuing as normal

Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.

USPSA-Jesse B stated the Thursday match was took in $45, Friday $45 Saturday 19 shooters $380

Archery: No Report

Shotgun: Jeff reported that League is coming to a close, last 5 stand of the year coming up. All shooting will take place on Sunday only at 3 pm, all three ranges can be opened. Closer to time change the start time will be 1 pm.

Old Business: Marty checked on estimate for power to the gate so that memberships could be programed remotely allowing all year membership sales. Estimated $12,445. New gate controls would be required total estimate $15,000. Jeff suggested to explore FWP range grants as it would allow better access. Jeff made a motion to wait and apply for the grant after January 1st, Marty 2nd Motion passed

New Business: Banquet plans on going raffles a gun raffle committee was suggested Jeff, Jesse B and Marty will pick out the raffle firearms, Motion by Marty budget $7,000 for guns, 2nd by Jim, passed. It looks like Micki Jo will still have the bar running for our banquet. Awaiting further information on Event Center before choosing menu.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes August 16, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting August 16, 2022

Spotted Eagle Range Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, John Kuntz, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $34,887.83, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the July meeting as written by Jim, 2nd by John, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership 494 so far.

Action Pistol: Marty reports ongoing Thursday night shoots and a profit of $2,087.97 last shoot on September 12th.

USPSA-Jesse B stated there would be a match on September 10th, with Set up beginning on the 8th, Sheriff Reserver on the 9th. Jesse made a motion that the club would pay the $2 per shooter for the Sheriff’s Reserve. Jim 2nd, Motion passed.

Archery: John said it was too hot for any shooting.

Shotgun: Jeff reported that range attendance has increased on all three ranges, lots of new shooters. Jeff received and hooked up the wireless control for the trap, it is working well. Fallon County Trap Matt Webber asked if we might be interested in splitting a semi-load of targets. They are paying retail in Baker. Jeff suggested contacting Red Rock. Marty made a motion to split a load of targets with Fallon County Trap, Pat 2nd, passed. We will wait to see what happens with their contacts.

New Business: Chris noted that Sunday Creek needs to be cleaned up again before hunting season. Range clean up on September 11th at 9 am, Chris is heading it up. He needs weed eaters and mowers, steel targets need repaired and rehung, new backer boards. Because of the USPSA shoot on the 10th, Range Clean up on the 11th, 5 stand is moved to September 18 and 25.

There was discussion on updating the access to the membership card controls. This would require power and wifi to the gate area. This would allow whomever takes over the membership up dates from Jesse Smith to access and update remotely. Marty will explore the cost for running the needed utilities. Marty also stated that this was his last year running the action pistol. Lee volunteered to continue Action Pistol next year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting

July 19, 2022

Spotted Eagle Range Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, John Kuntz, Jim Keith, and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $35,526.88, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as written by Jim, 2nd by John, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership normal for this time of year.

Action Pistol: Marty reports ongoing Thursday night shoots and a profit of $2,087.97

Archery: John said good activity until the heat got unbearable. No 3D shoot this year, hopefully in the spring of 2023. John wanted 3 volunteers added for archery range clean up, Todd Anderson, Wesley Anderson and Pat Hagemeister. John has the materials just not the time to build the new archery targets for Spotted Eagle.

Shotgun: Jeff reported that range attendance has increased on all three ranges, lots of new shooters.

Old Business: Marty gave a list of all volunteers for the Sunday Creek Range clean up on June 4th.

New Business: Jeff noted that the control head for the trap was getting pulled out. Jeff requested a wireless trap control rather than buy a new corded control. Jeff researched the “Long-range” control similar to the 5 stand and skeet ranges. Estimate was $400 with shipping. John made the motion to purchase, Lee 2nd, passed. Jeff will order.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 17,2022

Board of Directors Meeting

May 17, 2022

Spotted Eagle Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jim Keith, and Vince Muggli

There was not a quorum present

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $29,606.28, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Jeff gave Marty a check from Barney and Bonnie Hofer for $1,000 for the Midi thrower, which was received on May 17, 2022

It was agreed that Sunday Creek Range clean up would take place on June 4th, 2022 at 9 am, Marty will head up the clean up.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 19, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2022

VFW Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer-Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Ben Beardsley, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, John Kuntz and Lee Wankel

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes from Annual Meeting March 15, 2022. Correction noted that Chris Schlepp was not in attendance at the board meeting. Approved with the correction Motion by Chris, 2nd by Matt, Passed

Treasure report by Mary Scheid via text to Jeff, Checking account balance $38,511.43, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

President Report by Jesse Smith memberships at normal levels.

Reports of Standing Committees

Action Pistol-Marty Scheid-$2,104.37 of profit from Action Pistol this year Free Thursday night shoots the month of April, 2022.

Archery-John Kuntz stated there was a clean at the archery range with Todd Anderson, John Kuntz and Pat Hagemister cleaning up the falling down backers. Weather has been hampering the Wednesday night shoots at Ken Boschee’s place, $20 per shooters Members only. John said another 3d shoot is in the works this year in July. John had questions on Woodruff Park. Jeff will research.

Shotgun-Jeff Faycosh reported he and Matt Lewin repaired the trap machine. The 4 pallets of targets ordered through Red Rock are arriving soon. Need volunteers for the 5 stand. Matt Lewin is running ranges as is Jeff.

USPSA-Jesse Blankenship said only 6 people have signed up for May 14th is the next shoot. A J Rainey will be doing steel challenge on May 12th.

Old Business: Clean up moved to April 30, Chris will head it up and obtain a skid Steer from Ben Beardsley.

New Business-Jeff moved to purchase a midi trap with a donation of $1,000 from Barney and Bonnie Hofer for the 5 stand course.. We would have to come up with the remainder of the approximate total cost of $2,500. (later text approved the expenditure to just over $3,000)

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 15, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2022

VFW Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer-Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Patt Roos and Lee Wankel

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes from Annual Meeting February 5, 2022, Approved as written Motion by Chris, 2nd by John, Passed

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $44,044.59, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

President Report by Jesse Smith, $3,773.04 from PayPal approximately 350 memberships paid.

Reports of Standing Committees

Action Pistol-Marty Scheid-$1859 of profit from Action Pistol this year Free Thursday night shoots the month of April, 2022.

Archery-John Kuntz continue this year with Wednesday night shoots at Ken Boschee’s place, $20 per shooters Members only. John said another 3d shoot is in the works this year.

Shotgun-Jeff Faycosh repairs needed to trap range, 4 pallets of targets ordered through Red Rock. Need volunteers for the 5 stand. Matt Lewin is running ranges as is Jeff.

USPSA-Jesse Blankenship deposited $245. two shoots will take place this year April 9 and May 14, help is needed for setting courses. Have been shooting in conjunction with Baker Club.

Old Business-profit on the banquet $394.83 Target prices for Trap and skeet. Jeff made a motion to change the fee schedule for Trap and Skeet to $4 for members, $5 for non-members, $5 for all on 5-stand. Lee 2nd Motion passed. Chris has purchased the new camera system for Sunday Creek range. Needs assistance for installation.

New Business-Matt Lewin will be updating the webpage and creating a monthly newsletter. It will be sent out via email.

Jeff stated that 4H Shotgun Shooting sports will be on Tuesday’s from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm they will pay the $4 per 25 targets, Jeff will invoice 4H. Jesse Blankenship and Jeff Faycosh are 4H leaders.

Sunday Creek Range clean up day will be on April 23, 2022 at 9 am. Marty Scheid is ramrodding the clean up project.

Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm

Annual Banquet Meeting Minutes February 5, 2022

Custer Rod And Gun Club Annual Meeting

February 5, 2022

Custer County Event Center

5pm Doors Opened

6pm Banquet starts

7pm Roll Call of officer-Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Ben Beardsley, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Vincent Muggli, Patt Roos and Lee Wankel

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes from January 18, 2022, Approved as written

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $32,035.31 includes all membership payments made up to January 28, 2022, CD is currently at $6,000.

President Report by Jesse Smith, history of the annual banquet and of how successful the event is becoming. Concern of lack of range maintenance at Sunday Creek Range, days will be scheduled and weed control this year. There is no Hunting, Hiking, Off roading at the range. A new camera system will be installed to find violators. We will be adding steel challenges shoots this year. We have renewed the Spotted Eagle usage permit. The Spotted Eagle Range had to be closed due to safety violations except sanctioned events.

A brief introduction of local political candidates Pat Roos for Custer County Sheriff and Jeff Faycosh for Custer County Commissioner District 2.

Reports of Standing Committees

Action Pistol-Marty Scheid-$1964 of profit from Action Pistol this year Free Thursday night shoots the month of April, 2022

Archery-John Kuntz continue this year with Wednesday night shoots at Ken Boschee’s place, another 3d shoot is in the works this year.

Shotgun-Jeff Faycosh All the shotgun ranges brought in $3,500 this year. The Jon Hofer Memorial 5 stand course has been a hit, drawing in lots of new shooters. Going to set up a committee for shooting league shoots this year. Revisit price for shooting at next board meeting, price will increase.

USPSA-Jesse Blankenship two shoots will take place this year April 9 and May 15, help is needed for setting courses. Have been shooting in conjunction with Baker Club.

Old Business-None

New Business-None

Election of Officers took place, the following were elected. Jesse Smith President, Club Treasurer Marty Scheid, Director Jesse Blankenship, Director Jim Keith, Director John Kuntz and Director Pat Roos

Drawing of major prizes-Door Prize Winchester Wildcat .22 rifle Michael Wade, Incentive Prize Rock Island 12 gauge pump Pat Roos, Raffle Drawings Rock Island 45 acp Kevin Anderson, Glock Model 34 John Aye, Winchester SX4 12 gauge Jesse Blankenship, Tikka T3 308 Jeff Faycosh, Henry HD1086 .410 Scott Moore, Ruger 57 pistol Matt Gorton, Sig Sauer P365 RXP with optic John Aye, Savage Model 11 243 Jeff Faycosh, Springfield XDM 9mm William Hubbell

Volunteer Servers Dale Tribby and Robert Boager

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 18, 2022

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2022 at 7 PM
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Vincent Muggli, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes- Minutes from November and December Jesse B made motion to accept as written, 2nd Lee-passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the balance in the checking account was $3,544.34, $6,000 in the CD with no interest earned yet. All bills are paid.

4) President Report- 190 renewals at this point, 30-50 pending Micki Jo is on for the bar for the banquet, 12 pork roast purchased for the Boogs BBQ to cook for the banquet, figuring on 300 attendees.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July $1,968 profit this year
– Archery- John has ordered the archery net and working with 4H shooting sports for Wednesday night shoots, participants must be club members. Outdoor targets are order through Murdoch’s.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- Basically shut down for winter, weather dependent. Trap needs module for oscillation control. Matt and Jeff deposited $522 from the shotgun ranges; total amount collected this year $3,600 plus. Jeff has ordered 4 pallets of targets through Red Rock. Jeff made a motion to increase all target fees to $5 per 25 targets because the cost of the targets are increasing. Matt 2nd, Motion passed.
– USPSA-Jesse stated steel challenge will be run by AJ Rainey and Kenny Boschee using USPCA rules, 22 rimfire and up are allowed. This will take place one Thursday a month at the pistol range. Jesse deposited $150 from matches, Thursday night shoots in Baker. Jesse will provide pasters and cardboard to the Baker club since they are facilitating the shoots. Maybe a USPCA outdoor shoot in May in Miles City.

6) Old Business-Jeff stated that he was withdrawing motion for the grant for range improvements at Spotted Eagle since the member participation isn’t high enough to justify those expenses. Chris had already pulled his request for funds for Sunday Creek because he didn’t have enough time to get bids and plan.

7) New Business- Marty received the NRA certification for our club. VFW requested annual $50 for flags. Jim made a motion to pay, 2nd by Jesse B, motion passed. Jeff made a motion that the club pay Robert Boager $400 as a stipend for cooking for the banquet. Jim 2nd motion passed. Jesse B brought up that we need to advertise more in the paper and emails. Jesse B and Matt will be the directors responsible for media contacts so the information that is being disseminated is accurate and timely.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-Jesse Smith said he will not be running for president, he nominated Jeff. Depending upon the election there may be President and Secretary positions up for election. All current office holders intend to run again.

9) Good and Welfare- All agreed the club house at Spotted Eagle should be finished and prepared to hold club meetings perhaps beginning in March/April once the furniture is put back in place. Windows need repaired/replaced and curtains hung to enhance the acoustics of the room.

10) Adjourn at 8 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2021
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Jim Keith, Ben Beardsley, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes- Secretary Faycosh failed to have the November minutes completed before the meeting.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty was absent but email his report stating balance in the account was $20,186.43, $6,000 in the CD. All property taxes were paid, cash taken out for change for the banquet and raffle tickets were purchased. All bills are paid.

4) President Report- renewal period for the next 3 months.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July $1,968 profit this year
– Archery- John is researching arrow net and outdoor targets.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- one last 5 stand course will be shot this year to close up the season on December 19, 2021
– USPSA-Jesse stated steel challenge will be run by AJ Rainey and Kenny Boschee using USPCA rules, 22 rimfire and up are allowed. This will take place one Thursday a month at the pistol range.

6) Old Business-Chris researched the camera system for the range. Chris made a motion of a $600 budget for the camera system, Jim 2nd Motioned passed.

7) New Business- Jeff got a quote on the building for Sunday Creek. Discussion decided to improve range coverage and benches on rifle range instead. Chris said he would get quotes for the grant application. Jeff is pursuing bids on lighting for the trap and skeet range which will also allow 5 stand to be used after dark. Priority on the grant will be the lighting then rifle range improvement.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-no action

9) Good and Welfare- All agreed the VFW bar is not a good location, but the meeting room was taken.

10) Adjourn at 8 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 16, 2021

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2021
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Jim Keith, Ben Beardsley, Jesse Blankenship, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes- October Meeting- Marty made a motion to accept as published, Lee 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $20,428.01, $6,000 has been obtained. All bills are paid.

4) President Report- 493 Members, Sunday Creek Clubhouse is winterized. Robert Boager “Boogs’ BBQ is lined up to cook for the Banquet on 2/5/2022

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July $1,968 profit this year
– Archery- John is researching using the archery range in Home show building in conjunction with 4H
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- Trap, Skeet and 5 stand are still active. We will need to order targets this winter.
– USPSA-December 9 shoot in Baker

6) Old Business-Jeff will open the shotgun ranges for 4H Leadership training on December 11th. He will invoice 4H for the costs of the targets at $4 per 25. Marty has purchased all the guns and prizes for the banquet from Red Rock and Murdoch’s. They are
RI 1911 45 ACP, RIA 12 gauge pump, Winchester SX4 12 gauge, Henry HD1086 .410 lever action, Ruger 57 5.7×27 pistol, Sig Sauer P365 RXP, Glock Model 34 9mm, Tikka T3 308 win, Winchester Wildcat 22lr, Savage Model 11 .243 win, Springfield XDME 9mm, Vortex 10×42 Binoculars. In addition Red Rock donated a brick of 22lr and a flat of 12 gauge shells.

7) New Business- 4H shooting sports requests the shotgun range on December 10 and 11 for shotgun leadership training. Jeff will be on site. Incident where a member shot a deer on the rifle range. Confirmed it is not allowed and is a safety violation. No Hunting, Hiking or 4 wheeling on the ranges. John made a motion to have FWP investigate, Chris 2nd- passed, Jeff will contact FWP to investigate and pursue charges if any. Marty brought up range maintenance and lack of metal targets. We had members steal the ones on the ground rather than repairing them with kit provided. Chris stated wrenches, chains and bolts were stolen shortly after new targets were hung. Motion to hang metal targets with conveyor belt instead of chain by Jesse, 2nd by Jim, passed.
Discussion of loss of membership if found to be vandalizing or stealing range property. Chris made a motion to install a camera system, John 2nd motion passed. Chris will research camera system with recording capabilities.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-no action-lots of envelopes were stuffed with meeting and renewal information.

9) Good and Welfare- Wyatt English running for House District 38 spoke for a few minutes, he is encouraging youth firearm activities.

10) Adjourn at 8 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, October 19, 2021

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes- September Meeting- Marty made a motion to accept as published, Lee 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $35,214.78, All CDs have been surrendered and deposited into Checking account, all bills are paid.

4) President Report-Members numbers are consistent all memberships are caught up, Robert Boager “Boogs’ BBQ is lined up to cook for the Banquet on 2/5/2022

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July $1,948.38 profit this year
– Archery- No Report
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- 5 Stand is a hit, all ranges are showing increased activity Jeff provided a $588 deposit bringing the years total to $3,053 taken in this year.
– USPSA-Thursday shoots in Baker.

6) Old Business-Marty has purchased all the guns and prizes for the banquet from Red Rock and Murdoch’s. They are
RI 1911 45 ACP, RIA 12 gauge pump, Winchester SX4 12 gauge, Henry HD1086 .410 lever action, Ruger 57 5.7×27 pistol, Sig Sauer P365 RXP, Glock Model 34 9mm, Tikka T3 308 win, Winchester Wildcat 22lr, Savage Model 11 .243 win, Springfield XDME 9mm, Vortex 10×42 Binoculars. In addition Red Rock donated a brick of 22lr and a flat of 12 gauge shells.

7) New Business- 4H shooting sports requests the shotgun range on December 10 and 11 for shotgun leadership training. Jeff will be on site. Marty made the motion to allow the 4H to use the shotgun range, Lee 2nd, Passed.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-no action

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 7:45 pm

Board of Directors Meeting September 21, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes – September 21, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members presentJesse Smith, Marty Scheid,Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, John Kuntz, Pat Roos, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-July meeting, August no meeting lack of quorum-Lee made a motion to accept as published, Matt 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $39,207.56, CD #1 $2,343.51, all bills are paid.

4) President Report-Members numbers are consistent. Mary Jo is lined up for the Banquet on 2/5/2022

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July
– Archery- Ended on September 1, targets are now locked up. John is working on access to Home Show Building working with 4H group on the net.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- October 2nd is set up day with directors shoot for 5 stand, grand opening of Jon Hofer memorial 5 stand course on October 3 at noon. Lean to is completed off the northside on the container by Star Structures. With the last deposit Trap and Skeet has collected $2,400 this year in Range fees.
Jeff made a motion to set the rate for 5 stand for all shooters at $5 for 25 targets, Marty 2nd, motion passed.
City of Miles City demands a higher liability limit on our insurance to renew our special use permit. Their requirement pursuant to MCA 2-9-108 is $2 Million per occurrence and $1 Million per claim. Jeff made a motion to increase liability limits, John 2nd, Motion passed, Marty will coordinate with the insurance carrier.
– USPSA-Jesse B stated that there was not enough help in Custer Rod and Gun Club to hose Sectional Championship, it will fall to Baker. Baker is allowing shoots at their range.
-Youth rifle class was held on September 18, 2021 with 4 youth attending. Travis Helm kept this going and made sure it took place. The club took in $80.

6) Old Business-NONE

7) New Business- Banquet prizes after discussion concerning previous prizes, Marty made a motion to increase the limit for firearm prizes to $7,000 for 10 firearms equally split between local businesses if possible. Jim 2nd, motion passed. Marty will pick the firearms.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 8 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 20, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes – July 20, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, John Kuntz, Pat Roos, Jim Keith and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Lee made a motion to accept as published, Matt 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $46,402.43, CD #1 $2,343.31 and CD#2 matured and was closed, proceeds deposited in the checking account, all bills are paid.

4) President Report-No Report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports $1,948.37 in profit, incident report on injury sent to Jeff for filing.
– Archery- May 23-24 3D shoot at Woodruff Park. Wednesday raised $650.00. John stated Wednesday night shoots at Boschee’s are will attended, the club get $20 per person and new members.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- NWTF paid $250 for targets, baseball team from Longmont Colorado shot trap over the tournament dates and paid $90. Jeff deposited with Marty on June 30 $700+ and $177 on meeting date $1,853 to date this year. Rabbit thrower issue is being addressed with help from England. All traps are programed now, 5 stand is nearly ready. Marvin Stark is on board to build the lean too off the north side of the container late July/August. Chris stated the Precision Drywall painted the container less than $700.
– USPSA-next match is most likely canceled due to a variety of issues.
-Youth rifle class was canceled due to no one signing up, will be scheduled in August or September

6) Old Business-Chris is moving forward with the sign for the Jon Hofer 5 Stand Course to be mounted on the container at the Spotted Eagle Range. He has modified the design to get it moving forward. Curtis Solberg is now working on the design and completion.
Marty clarified for Jeff who wasn’t paying close enough attention at the prior meeting that the club insurance covers the Board Members.

7) New Business-– Youth Rifle Class-Travis Helm will be lead instructor, Class on July 17.2021 ages 10-18 $15 person. Jeff will assist.
Jeff requested board approval to meet with Mayor Hollowell about restricting access at Spotted Eagle over safety. John motioned, Chris seconded. On July 13, 2021 Jeff met with Mayor Hollowell to explain the club’s concern with continuing safety violations. Mayor Hollowell agreed the club’s permit allows restriction especially with safety issues and agreed without the forethought of safety the club could lose its Use Permit. Jeff made the motion to close the Spotted Eagle range to members and the public except during club sanctioned activity and that violators would be charged with Criminal Trespass. John 2nd, motion passed. The cost of signage is approved.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 7:53 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 18, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, John Kuntz, Ben Beardsley and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Marty made a motion to accept as published, John 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $44,526.83, CD #1 $2,343.11 and CD#2 $2023.77, all bills are paid.

4) President Report-there are 461 current members

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-3 shoots with $1,667 in profit.
– Archery- May 23-24 3D shoot at Woodruff Park. Wednesday night shoots at Boschee’s are will attended, the club get $20 per person and new members.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- Targets arrived and were loaded into the container, Lee furnished a telehandler. Marv Stark can build the lean too off of the north side of the container for $6,000. Chris stated that Jason Precision Drywall will paint for $6-700.
– USPSA-22 shooters at the section match.

6) Old Business-Chris is moving forward with the sign for the Jon Hofer 5 Stand Course to be mounted on the container at the Spotted Eagle Range. He has modified the design to get it moving forward.

7) New Business-– Youth Rifle Class-Travis Helm will be lead instructor, Class on July 17.2021 ages 10-18 $15 person. Jeff will assist.
Jeff requested board approval to meet with Mayor Howell about restricting access at Spotted Eagle over safety concerns. John motioned, Chris 2nd, motion passed.

Clean up Sunday Creek Range date set as May 23 at 9 am. Chris is leading this and Northern Landscape is spraying weeds.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 8:02 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 20, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes – April 20, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Vincent Muggli, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Vince made a motion to accept as published, Lee 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $50,287.87, CD #1 $2,343.02 and CD#2 $2023.77, all bills are paid.

4) President Report-there are 461 current members

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-30 new walls are soon to be ready. 2 new slot matches, profit of $2,768. Board was notified of a minor injury during a Thursday night shoot. Marty will fill out an incident report to keep on file.
– Archery- May 23-24 3D shoot at Woodruff Park. Wednesday night shoots at Boschee’s.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle-the targets are ordered 2 pallets regular, 1 pallet Middi, 1 pallet Rabbit targets. Ramp was built and Marty constructed the 5 shooting cages total cost $973.
– USPSA-May 8th shoot, Marty volunteered to set up courses, Jesse B unavailable. Slot Match June 12th. 100 yard and 300 yard ranges will be closed the evening prior and all day of the Match. Board concurs.

6) Old Business-Chris is moving forward with the sign for the Jon Hofer 5 Stand Course to be mounted on the container at the Spotted Eagle Range.

7) New Business-– Youth Rifle Class-Instructors have been contacted.
Matt Bean was present has potential for additional donations for Jon Hofer 5 stand. The discussion to build a canopy off the north side of the cargo container. Vince made a motion to build and get estimates from contractors, Jim 2nd motion passed.
Matt will be in contact with Jeff.
Nation Wild Turkey Federation will be using the Trap range June 27th noon to 5pm. They have provided insurance waiver for the club. Jeff or designee will be at the range. John made the motion to allow, Jim 2nd passed.
Eric Fritz to run his conceal carry class at the range unknown date. Motion made by Jeff to allow as long as Insurance waiver is provided covering the club, Lee 2nd Motion passed.
Clean up Sunday Creek Range date set as May 23 at 9 am.
Insurance coverage for Board Members to be paid by the club. All Board Members in agreement.
Jeff discussed donating all the rimfire ammo and the remainder of the shotgun ammo for rifle course and 4H shotgun shooting sports. John made the motion, Jim 2nd, passed.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 8:02 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 16, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes – March 16th, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
Mar. 16, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Lee made a motion to accept as published, Marty 2nd, Passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $38,853.77, CD #1 $2,342.92 and CD#2 $2023.64, all bills are paid.

4) President Report-there are 461 current members

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-new shooters match April 1st at 5:30. Free shooting the whole month of April. Jim Keith made a motion to increase the budget for the new walls to $2,800, Jesse B 2nd, motion passed.
– Archery- no report
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle-the new traps for the 5 stand are in, requiring batteries, a ramp for the cargo container and shooting cages. Jim Keith made a motion to budget $1,000 for ancillary equipment for the 5 stand, Vince 2nd Motion passed.
– USPSA-May and June will alternate with Baker club.

6) Old Business

7) New Business-VFW asked for annual donation for flags etc, Lee made a motion to approve the annual $50 contribution, Jesse B 2nd, motion passed.
– Donations-request for the club to donate to individual with medical issues, no action taken
– Friends of the NRA-everyone agrees worthy support, no one volunteered to assist.
– Youth Rifle Class-pending for this year, Jeff will contact other rifle instructors to set some dates.
– Projects for 2021-non-profit rates to use trap/skeet and 5 stand $4 per round, motion by Jim Keith, 2nd by Lee, motion passed

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 8:09 pm

Annual Meeting Minutes February 6, 2021

Annual Meeting Minutes February 6, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2021 7:00 PM
Eastern Montana Fairgrounds, Miles City

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes where approved as written.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated current cash balance $25,876.18, CD #1 $2,342.83, CD #2 $2,023.58, all bills paid and current.

4) President Report- 332 members so far, 476 last year and 459 in 2019. Jesse summarized the projects in 20201 including the 345 yard range at Sunday Creek, Roads graveled and improved, pistol bays leveled and graveled. There were 3 work days with a tremendous turn out of volunteers. 2 work days at Spotted Eagle, Skeet houses painted and trap bunkers painted. NFA educational training was held, Erik Fritz conducted concealed carry training. The rifle training was curtailed by Covid.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol- Marty stated that action pistol generated profit of $1,660. Shoots will start up April 1 new shooters and 22lr are allowed, 50 round courses. April 8 Steel challenge free shooting. May 8th Action Shooting begins $5 for members, $10 nonmembers.
-USPSA-Jesse Blankenship stated they held 8 shoots, 145 shooters from 4 states, 33 shooters at one match raising $2100. Custer Rod and Gun club USPSA is part of the Greater Yellowstone Section.
– Archery-John Kuntz stated that Archery shooting will begin at Ken Boschee’s place on Wednesday nights at 6pm. They intend to hold a 3D shoot this year.
– Cowboy Action-No report.
– Skeet-Trap-Five Stand- Jeff Faycosh stated that we will start on the Jon Hofer Memorial 5 stand course at Spotted Eagle. Matt Bean donated $6,000 toward the construction of the 5 stand course on behalf of Jon Hofer. Skeet was active all year as was Trap to an extent over $1,500 per paid on the ranges which covers the costs of the targets. In 2021 Women only shoots will occur as will more days each week for the range to be open.
– SOP-Still pending.

6) Old Business- none

7)New Business-Recognition for donations to the Annual Meeting Banquet, Lee Wankel, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Butcher Block, Red Rock and RZ Welding. Main prizes for the annual meeting, Volunteer Incentive Tom Smith Taurus G3, Door Prize Ken Koehler Henry 17 HMR, Bob Cremer Remington 783, Fred Soenichsen Ruger SP101, Kurt Holmlund Glock Model 48, Merle Blankenship Springfield 1911, Lee Wankel CZ Redhead Premier, John Morford Sig Sauer Legion and the 50/50 of $1,164 Travis Meidinger.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors- After the nominations and elections the following were elected. Chris Schlepp Vice President, Jeff Faycosh Secretary, Directors Ben Beardsley, Matt Lewin, Vincent Muggli, and Lee Wankel to 2 year terms.

9) Good and Welfare-People who assisted with serving at the Annual Meeting are entered into the 2021 volunteer Incentive drawing.

10) Adjourn