Annual Meeting Minutes February 6, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2021 7:00 PM
Eastern Montana Fairgrounds, Miles City
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes where approved as written.
3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated current cash balance $25,876.18, CD #1 $2,342.83, CD #2 $2,023.58, all bills paid and current.
4) President Report- 332 members so far, 476 last year and 459 in 2019. Jesse summarized the projects in 20201 including the 345 yard range at Sunday Creek, Roads graveled and improved, pistol bays leveled and graveled. There were 3 work days with a tremendous turn out of volunteers. 2 work days at Spotted Eagle, Skeet houses painted and trap bunkers painted. NFA educational training was held, Erik Fritz conducted concealed carry training. The rifle training was curtailed by Covid.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol- Marty stated that action pistol generated profit of $1,660. Shoots will start up April 1 new shooters and 22lr are allowed, 50 round courses. April 8 Steel challenge free shooting. May 8th Action Shooting begins $5 for members, $10 nonmembers.
-USPSA-Jesse Blankenship stated they held 8 shoots, 145 shooters from 4 states, 33 shooters at one match raising $2100. Custer Rod and Gun club USPSA is part of the Greater Yellowstone Section.
– Archery-John Kuntz stated that Archery shooting will begin at Ken Boschee’s place on Wednesday nights at 6pm. They intend to hold a 3D shoot this year.
– Cowboy Action-No report.
– Skeet-Trap-Five Stand- Jeff Faycosh stated that we will start on the Jon Hofer Memorial 5 stand course at Spotted Eagle. Matt Bean donated $6,000 toward the construction of the 5 stand course on behalf of Jon Hofer. Skeet was active all year as was Trap to an extent over $1,500 per paid on the ranges which covers the costs of the targets. In 2021 Women only shoots will occur as will more days each week for the range to be open.
– SOP-Still pending.
6) Old Business- none
7)New Business-Recognition for donations to the Annual Meeting Banquet, Lee Wankel, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Butcher Block, Red Rock and RZ Welding. Main prizes for the annual meeting, Volunteer Incentive Tom Smith Taurus G3, Door Prize Ken Koehler Henry 17 HMR, Bob Cremer Remington 783, Fred Soenichsen Ruger SP101, Kurt Holmlund Glock Model 48, Merle Blankenship Springfield 1911, Lee Wankel CZ Redhead Premier, John Morford Sig Sauer Legion and the 50/50 of $1,164 Travis Meidinger.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors- After the nominations and elections the following were elected. Chris Schlepp Vice President, Jeff Faycosh Secretary, Directors Ben Beardsley, Matt Lewin, Vincent Muggli, and Lee Wankel to 2 year terms.
9) Good and Welfare-People who assisted with serving at the Annual Meeting are entered into the 2021 volunteer Incentive drawing.
10) Adjourn