Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2022 at 7 PM
Miles City VFW
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Vincent Muggli, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes- Minutes from November and December Jesse B made motion to accept as written, 2nd Lee-passed.
3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the balance in the checking account was $3,544.34, $6,000 in the CD with no interest earned yet. All bills are paid.
4) President Report- 190 renewals at this point, 30-50 pending Micki Jo is on for the bar for the banquet, 12 pork roast purchased for the Boogs BBQ to cook for the banquet, figuring on 300 attendees.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July $1,968 profit this year
– Archery- John has ordered the archery net and working with 4H shooting sports for Wednesday night shoots, participants must be club members. Outdoor targets are order through Murdoch’s.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- Basically shut down for winter, weather dependent. Trap needs module for oscillation control. Matt and Jeff deposited $522 from the shotgun ranges; total amount collected this year $3,600 plus. Jeff has ordered 4 pallets of targets through Red Rock. Jeff made a motion to increase all target fees to $5 per 25 targets because the cost of the targets are increasing. Matt 2nd, Motion passed.
– USPSA-Jesse stated steel challenge will be run by AJ Rainey and Kenny Boschee using USPCA rules, 22 rimfire and up are allowed. This will take place one Thursday a month at the pistol range. Jesse deposited $150 from matches, Thursday night shoots in Baker. Jesse will provide pasters and cardboard to the Baker club since they are facilitating the shoots. Maybe a USPCA outdoor shoot in May in Miles City.
6) Old Business-Jeff stated that he was withdrawing motion for the grant for range improvements at Spotted Eagle since the member participation isn’t high enough to justify those expenses. Chris had already pulled his request for funds for Sunday Creek because he didn’t have enough time to get bids and plan.
7) New Business- Marty received the NRA certification for our club. VFW requested annual $50 for flags. Jim made a motion to pay, 2nd by Jesse B, motion passed. Jeff made a motion that the club pay Robert Boager $400 as a stipend for cooking for the banquet. Jim 2nd motion passed. Jesse B brought up that we need to advertise more in the paper and emails. Jesse B and Matt will be the directors responsible for media contacts so the information that is being disseminated is accurate and timely.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-Jesse Smith said he will not be running for president, he nominated Jeff. Depending upon the election there may be President and Secretary positions up for election. All current office holders intend to run again.
9) Good and Welfare- All agreed the club house at Spotted Eagle should be finished and prepared to hold club meetings perhaps beginning in March/April once the furniture is put back in place. Windows need repaired/replaced and curtains hung to enhance the acoustics of the room.
10) Adjourn at 8 pm