Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2021
Miles City VFW
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Jim Keith, Ben Beardsley, Jesse Blankenship, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes- October Meeting- Marty made a motion to accept as published, Lee 2nd, Passed.
3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $20,428.01, $6,000 has been obtained. All bills are paid.
4) President Report- 493 Members, Sunday Creek Clubhouse is winterized. Robert Boager “Boogs’ BBQ is lined up to cook for the Banquet on 2/5/2022
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports no activity last shoot was in July $1,968 profit this year
– Archery- John is researching using the archery range in Home show building in conjunction with 4H
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- Trap, Skeet and 5 stand are still active. We will need to order targets this winter.
– USPSA-December 9 shoot in Baker
6) Old Business-Jeff will open the shotgun ranges for 4H Leadership training on December 11th. He will invoice 4H for the costs of the targets at $4 per 25. Marty has purchased all the guns and prizes for the banquet from Red Rock and Murdoch’s. They are
RI 1911 45 ACP, RIA 12 gauge pump, Winchester SX4 12 gauge, Henry HD1086 .410 lever action, Ruger 57 5.7×27 pistol, Sig Sauer P365 RXP, Glock Model 34 9mm, Tikka T3 308 win, Winchester Wildcat 22lr, Savage Model 11 .243 win, Springfield XDME 9mm, Vortex 10×42 Binoculars. In addition Red Rock donated a brick of 22lr and a flat of 12 gauge shells.
7) New Business- 4H shooting sports requests the shotgun range on December 10 and 11 for shotgun leadership training. Jeff will be on site. Incident where a member shot a deer on the rifle range. Confirmed it is not allowed and is a safety violation. No Hunting, Hiking or 4 wheeling on the ranges. John made a motion to have FWP investigate, Chris 2nd- passed, Jeff will contact FWP to investigate and pursue charges if any. Marty brought up range maintenance and lack of metal targets. We had members steal the ones on the ground rather than repairing them with kit provided. Chris stated wrenches, chains and bolts were stolen shortly after new targets were hung. Motion to hang metal targets with conveyor belt instead of chain by Jesse, 2nd by Jim, passed.
Discussion of loss of membership if found to be vandalizing or stealing range property. Chris made a motion to install a camera system, John 2nd motion passed. Chris will research camera system with recording capabilities.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-no action-lots of envelopes were stuffed with meeting and renewal information.
9) Good and Welfare- Wyatt English running for House District 38 spoke for a few minutes, he is encouraging youth firearm activities.
10) Adjourn at 8 pm