Board of Directors Meeting
July 19, 2022
Spotted Eagle Range Miles City
7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, John Kuntz, Jim Keith, and Lee Wankel
Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $35,526.88, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid
Motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as written by Jim, 2nd by John, passed.
Presidents Report: Membership normal for this time of year.
Action Pistol: Marty reports ongoing Thursday night shoots and a profit of $2,087.97
Archery: John said good activity until the heat got unbearable. No 3D shoot this year, hopefully in the spring of 2023. John wanted 3 volunteers added for archery range clean up, Todd Anderson, Wesley Anderson and Pat Hagemeister. John has the materials just not the time to build the new archery targets for Spotted Eagle.
Shotgun: Jeff reported that range attendance has increased on all three ranges, lots of new shooters.
Old Business: Marty gave a list of all volunteers for the Sunday Creek Range clean up on June 4th.
New Business: Jeff noted that the control head for the trap was getting pulled out. Jeff requested a wireless trap control rather than buy a new corded control. Jeff researched the “Long-range” control similar to the 5 stand and skeet ranges. Estimate was $400 with shipping. John made the motion to purchase, Lee 2nd, passed. Jeff will order.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm