August 2022 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) August 2022 Activities

Well, its August already and wow is it hot out there. We have a couple of updates for the club activities. The John Hofer Memorial 5-Stand was a big hit in July. Our last match held on the 24th was our biggest 5-Stand match to date. We had roughly 25 shooters with a lot of new participants and shot 15 full five person squads. We want to give a big THANKS to Barney and Bonnie Hofer for bringing lots of food for everyone, the brownies were spectacular.

We also want to remind everyone about the Custer Rod & Gun Club 2022 Clay League, which runs till the end of September. There is still time to get your League rounds in. The rules are posted below as well as on the club’s website and facebook page.

Hope to see folks out on the ranges.  

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge matches are held every Second Thursday of each month. This month Steel Challenge is scheduled for the 11th at 6 pm at the Sunday Creek Range. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. ANY AND ALL HELP would be greatly appreciated. There are 3 Stages and a Steel Challenge Stage. This is open to club and non-club members. Hope to see you all there.

USPSA Matches

There will be no USPSA Matches held by the Custer Rod & Gun Club for August. Be sure to check Practiscore for any matches held out of town.

Skeet – Trap

Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet is held on Sunday at 3 p.m., unless a 5-Stand match is scheduled, out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. $4 for members & $5 for non-members.

Jon Hofer Memorial 5-Stand

Dates for the 5 Stand matches have been set through August. $5 for 25 targets. Volunteers are always needed to help set up and take down the 5-Stand. Setup begins at noon. Stay posted to any changes in the Dates.

  • August 14, 2022
  • August 28, 2022
  • September 11, 2022
  • September 25, 2022

Custer Rod & Gun Club 2022 Clay League

You must be a current Custer Rod and Gun Club Member to participate in the Clay League.

There will be three leagues in 2022. Simple aggregate average for score.

Awards will be presented at the annual banquet in February 2023. The awards will be determined at a later date.

The league period will run from July 5th through September 30, 2022.

Trap League – $20

Skeet League – $20

Top Gun – $40

League fees must be paid before shooting a league round. Fees will be collected by Matt Lewin or Jeff Faycosh at the Spotted Eagle Range on range days.

Shooter must declare league score PRIOR to shooting the round. The score sheet will be retained by the range master and signed by the shooter.

In addition to the league fees, the shooter must pay the normal target fees.

Target ammunition must be used, 7.5, 8, or 9 shot, 1 1/8 ounce maximum weight.

No more than 2 League rounds will be shot per day.

League shoots will take place on regularly scheduled range days. Tuesday for Trap, Sunday for Skeet & 5 Stand.

Trap League – 8 League rounds must be fired to complete the league. Failure to shoot 8 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 2 shooters must shoot the round with a 3rd person to pull and score. All rounds will be from the 16-yard position.

Skeet League – 8 League rounds must be fired to complete the league. Failure to shoot 8 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 3 shooters must shoot the round. There will be no separate categories for sub-gauge. 12, 20, 28, or .410 may be used for league scoring.

Top Gun League – 10 League rounds must be fired. At least 2 league rounds in each of the sports must be fired (Trap, Skeet, & 5 Stand) The rules for Trap and Skeet league applies. A 5 stand league round will require at least 3 shooters on the round in addition to range master/scorer.


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!