Board Meeting Minutes – July 20, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2021 7pm
Miles City VFW
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: board members present Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, John Kuntz, Pat Roos, Jim Keith and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Lee made a motion to accept as published, Matt 2nd, Passed.
3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty stated the current balance in the checking account is $46,402.43, CD #1 $2,343.31 and CD#2 matured and was closed, proceeds deposited in the checking account, all bills are paid.
4) President Report-No Report
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty reports $1,948.37 in profit, incident report on injury sent to Jeff for filing.
– Archery- May 23-24 3D shoot at Woodruff Park. Wednesday raised $650.00. John stated Wednesday night shoots at Boschee’s are will attended, the club get $20 per person and new members.
– Cowboy Action-No report
– Shotgun/Spotted Eagle- NWTF paid $250 for targets, baseball team from Longmont Colorado shot trap over the tournament dates and paid $90. Jeff deposited with Marty on June 30 $700+ and $177 on meeting date $1,853 to date this year. Rabbit thrower issue is being addressed with help from England. All traps are programed now, 5 stand is nearly ready. Marvin Stark is on board to build the lean too off the north side of the container late July/August. Chris stated the Precision Drywall painted the container less than $700.
– USPSA-next match is most likely canceled due to a variety of issues.
-Youth rifle class was canceled due to no one signing up, will be scheduled in August or September
6) Old Business-Chris is moving forward with the sign for the Jon Hofer 5 Stand Course to be mounted on the container at the Spotted Eagle Range. He has modified the design to get it moving forward. Curtis Solberg is now working on the design and completion.
Marty clarified for Jeff who wasn’t paying close enough attention at the prior meeting that the club insurance covers the Board Members.
7) New Business-– Youth Rifle Class-Travis Helm will be lead instructor, Class on July 17.2021 ages 10-18 $15 person. Jeff will assist.
Jeff requested board approval to meet with Mayor Hollowell about restricting access at Spotted Eagle over safety. John motioned, Chris seconded. On July 13, 2021 Jeff met with Mayor Hollowell to explain the club’s concern with continuing safety violations. Mayor Hollowell agreed the club’s permit allows restriction especially with safety issues and agreed without the forethought of safety the club could lose its Use Permit. Jeff made the motion to close the Spotted Eagle range to members and the public except during club sanctioned activity and that violators would be charged with Criminal Trespass. John 2nd, motion passed. The cost of signage is approved.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9) Good and Welfare
10) Adjourn at 7:53 pm