Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 19, 2021
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2021 7:00 PM
VFW Miles City
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith and Vincent Muggli.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes of December was omitted due to Jeff not getting them done in time for the meeting.
3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated current cash balance $28,842.34, CD #1 $2,342.73, CD #2 $2,023.58, all bills paid and current.
4) President Report- 250 members so far, 476 last year. Banquet is proceeding as planned for February 6, 2021 at Eastern Montana Fairgrounds.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty made a request to purchase metal for 30 bases for walls which he will build. Vince made a motion to accept and authorize $2,600 for materials. Jim 2nd-passed.
-USPSA will be shooting 2nd Saturdays
– Archery-Nothing
– Cowboy Action-No report.
– Skeet-Trap-Five Stand-NWTF is requesting the range at a date unknown for their fund raising, cost will be $4 per 25.
Matt Bean reached out to donate money for a memorial for Jon Hofer. Proposal for $6,000 to be donated to a Jon Hofer Memorial 5 stand course. Jeff got quotes for 3 throwers and carts for $10,098.65. If the Hofer family agrees the motion to proceed to purchase traps and cargo container for the 5 stand. Motion passed to proceed once we hear from the family. (update 2/1/2021 the Hofer family was in agreement)
– SOP-Still pending.
6) Old Business- Continuing discussion on the banquet plans Marty and Jesse organizing the purchase of tickets. Rob Bogner doing the meat, club will provide brisket. Discussion of ticket sales and bucket distribution for banquet.
7)New Business-NRA certified Range membership was received. Discussion for age membership to be 18 years of Age for their own membership. Jeff made motion, Vince 2nd-Motion passed.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9) Good and Welfare-Next meeting Annual Banquet February 6, 2021
10) Adjourn at 8:00 pm