Membership Application

Thank you for applying for membership in the Custer Rod and Gun Club.

If this is a gift membership, please fill out all fields of the below membership application with the actual member’s information not the person paying for the membership. Once the membership committee has verified the applicant is a new member who does not owe any past fees to the club, the member will receive their membership card and activated key card to access the rifle range, by mail in approx. 2 – 3 weeks. Due to abuse in the past, same day memberships WILL NOT be issued.

All memberships run from Jan. 1 – Dec. 31 of the current calendar year and my be purchased at anytime during the calendar year.

Please note all memberships expire on Dec. 31 each year, regardless of when it was purchased. So if you purchased a new membership on November 1st, for example, it will only be good for the remainder of the current calendar year and you will have to renew your membership for the following calendar year beginning January 1st.

Membership Application (all fields required)

Enter Membership Applicant’s FULL NAME: (One name per membership)
Memberships will not be issued in the name of a business or more than one person’s name (ie. Mr. and Mrs Brown, is not allowed)Applicant’s Email Address: Applicant’s Phone Number: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Applicant’s Birth Date: MM\DD\YY
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
If you’re mailing a check, please indicate so in the comments field below.
Additional Comments:

Payment can be made using a credit card, PayPal, or personal check on the following page.

*By applying for membership, you acknowledge that the club will occasionally (a few time a year) send notices of current club events and news to the email address you provided. However, under no circumstances will any of your personal information be shared with anyone outside of the club’s membership and newsletter committees.