News from the February Board of Director’s Meeting

The CR&GC directors had a very pleasant meeting this month. The complete minutes from this meeting will be posted on the website in a couple weeks, after our new secretary has a chance to get settled in to her new position. In the mean time here’s some quick highlights of the meeting…

  • The old riding lawn mower that the club voted to sell at the annual meeting, was sold for $300
  • The raffles at the banquet this year was a great sucess. When all was said and done the entire evening only cost the club $106.
  • The new gate and electronic lock at the rifle range is up and working. We initially had some isues with some key cards not working, but we believe all the issues have were corrected by last Tue. morning.
  • The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding a Defensive Pistol/Concealed Carry class at the rifle range on March 24th. The class will be taught by Eric Fritz and Shane Taylor of EDC Training, LLC. More information is available by CLICKING HERE.
  • We are assembling a list of our directors and their contact information, as well as who have keys to the trap range. This information will be posted on the website as soon as it’s complete.
  • The .22 Youth Shooting Class starting on Tuesday, June 4th will be held at 6:00 PM, not at 5:00 as was mistakenly posted on the website before.
  • There will be a Youth Trap Shoot starting at 6:00 PM on Thursday, June 6th. Instructors will be Fred Tetschner, and John Hartwick. More information will be posted on our Events page soon.
  • We’ll be posting more information on the website as soon as posible regarding the Erin’s Hope Youth Archery Day that will be held at the end of June, as well as the Cowboy Action Shoot that is held at the rifle range the 3rd Saturday of every month.

Keep checking back as we’re always adding new information to the website.

Updated to add the Club Secretary’s official Minutes:

February 19, 2013

Board members John, Ken, Rand, Glen, Fred, Cheri

New business: Motion to fence S. Sunday Cr, John Deere old mower was sold to Mike @ Carquest, Bobcat got the bid for a new mower.

Ken H wants to have a shoot and a BBQ for all club members

Randy A installed lock @ gate, had some program problems with cards but now works, explain the card reader hold card against lock and will let you in, members being locked in range after 8:00 pm of who to call and what to do, to stop the vandalizing and late night shooting, any event contact Randy A and he will re program the gate to have the gate open during the event only.

Defense gun training by EDC was given @ Custer gun Cub a great turn out

100.00 donation to NRA

Old Business: change out tokens with Cheri @ gun range for old cards for clay shooting, HRH provides their own during the annual event, motion to purchase 400 cases from Red Rock ok’d per Ken B. Trap shoot keys who is to have the keys at all times board members John H and Fred T, Bill R with the city will have a key for access t to Spotted Eagle.

Tokens 3.00 for members and 4:00 for non members

A big thank you to Cheri for a great annual banquet

Randy A is looking into the price of trail cam for Sunday Creek

Bill R June 29 Walleyes Day for kids