2015 Annual Meeting Mintues

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Annual Meeting Minutes
VFW, Miles City MT.

Meeting called to order to order: 7:18 PM

President: Keith Hall, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Ken Boschee, Jim Keith
+ approx. 70 people

Previous Meeting’s Minutes: John Reed motioned, “We skip the reading of the previous minutes.” Motion seconded, and passed.

Financial Report: Cheri Reed reported the club currently has $14,937.38 in the bank, plus the money she will be depositing from tonight. Cheri reported that we will be moving $2,500 to replace the money the club borrowed from our CD two years ago to pay for a trap thrower.

Randy Anderson reported that 2014’s membership peaked at about 420 members. Randy Anderson also requested that club members thank Gary Tyler for donating the silent auction items, as well as the local business that have supported our club.

John Reed motioned, “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Committee reports:
Sunday Creek Shooting Range Committee – Randy Anderson reported that the new pistol bays have been handy and are getting use by members wanting an area to shoot where they can be off by themselves; we are working with the college to build a NRA High Power range and should have CMP and NRA sanctioned matches by Aug. or Sep. of this year.

Jesse Smith Reported that we have repaired the waterlines in the clubhouse and finished the clubhouse bathroom including installing the water heater and sink; we have also applied for a Friends of the NRA grant to build a new bathroom near the pistol bays that would have open access year around.

Spotted Eagle Trap Range Committee – Cheri Reed reported that the trap range was used in 2014 for several groups, including birthday parties, and Boy Scouts who received their marksmanship merit badges, and that we have gained some new members as a result of people seeing the activities there. Cheri reported that we have been asked for use of the facilities this coming year by the Boy Scouts, and Miles Community College. She also reported that we need to do some upgrades to the clubhouse.

Archery Committee – Ken Boschee reported that not much has been done with archery the last couple of years. He said we need someone who has new ideas and interest in getting involved.

Presidents Report: Keith Hall reported that we held the Youth .22 shoot at the police range in Miles City, and 21 Scouts received there merit badges.

Old Business: none

New Business: Randy Anderson motioned “The club consider holding it’s annual banquet in a location that doesn’t primarily serve alcohol.” The motion was seconded, and after discussion failed unanimously.

John Reed motioned “We revisit lifetime memberships for consideration.” The motion was seconded and failed.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Nominations for Vice Pres: Randy Anderson
Glen Kapitzke motioned “We unanimously elect Randy Anderson.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Nominations for Secretary: Jesse smith
John Reed motioned “We unanimously elect Jesse Smith.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the first vacant Director position: Daniel DeLong, Dean Seifert. Daniel DeLong was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the second vacant Director position: William Williams, Dean Seifert. William Williams was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the third vacant Director position: Tom Fulton, Dean Seifert. Tom Fulton was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the fourth vacant Director position: Austin Swank, Dean Seifert. Austin Swank was elected by majority vote of the members present.

President Keith Hall reported that Jeremy Kueffler resigned today from his position as director. Therefor a one year positions as a Director is now vacant.
Nominations to serve the remaining one year of Jeremy Kueffler’s Directors position: Levi Burch, Dean Seifert. Levi Burch was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Good and Welfare:
The 50/50 raffle worth $127.00 was won by Jim Bastian.
Silent auction brought in items sold for a total of $276
The Stoger 20 ga. Shotgun was won by Stephen Malewajia.
The M&P 9 Shield was won by Lee Wankel.
The door prize of the $500 gift certificate for Red Rock Sporting Goods was won by Willy Williams.
Other door prizes included 1st aid kits donated by Holy Rosary, and a book A Mule Deer Retrospective donated by Ken Boschee.

Adjourn: 8:48 PM