April 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

The April Directors Meeting was held 7:00 PM, April 16th at our Spotted Eagle clubhouse. This months meeting was pretty short and sweet, with some of the highlights listed below…

  • Club President Todd Burch reported that he submitted a grant request to the Yellowstone Caviar Project for improvedments to the Spotted Eagle facilities, including a new trap thrower, updated power, and lights, etc. We should find out if our grant is approved withing 90 days.
  • The Directors approved advertising the .22 Youth Shoot that starts June 4th, through the newspaper, flyers, and online, as the dates get closer.
  • The Concealed Weapons/Defensive Pistol class CR&GC held March 24th and taught by EDC Training, LLC. was a sucess dispite the cold weather. We had 14 studends in the class including some who were club members, and at least 3 who purchased memberships right after the class. There is talk of holding another class later in the year.
  • Rocky Mountain Promotions will be holding a Gun Show at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds in Miles City May 10th – 12th, and requested to rent tables from our club. This was discussed and approved at the meeting.
  • Randy Hart purposed building a dedicated pistol bay/range at the rifle range. The idea was well received, but tabled until the next meeting which will be held at the rifle range and everyone can decide exactly where it should be and what dirt birms, etc. would be required.

The next Directors Meetings will be held 7:00 PM May 21, 2013 at the Rifle Range club house. All members wishing to have a voice in their club are encouraged to attend.

Updated to add the Club Secretary’s official Minutes:

Meeting 4/16/13
Todd, John O. Ken B, Glen K, Jeremy K, Randy A Ken H
grant new trap with 60-90
Jeff Williams to donate up to 5,000
treasure 9,000in account
bob cat to deliver soon, is the new mower paid for? Todd thinks so
245 members so far an average of 10 people a week per Randy A
Trap birds have be delivered and great turn out on Sunday
Clean up on rifle range approved
Old Business Randy A was the gate keeper at the womens shoot
New Business cavier grant
John H flyer for buying ad in newspaper cost is 60-65 dollars for advertisements run add for 2 weeks possible thru Chamber of Commerce approved
Hot water heater needs to be hooked up at rifle range
Trail Cam was purchased and Randy A is to install it
Possible steel wording across agate and will find out how much it will cost
Gary Matthews and friends that are marines per Ken H will be here this spring to shoot @ spotted eagle possible looking for shot guns to use
Randy H is making a new shooting burm for Cowboy Action held every third Saturday of each month, ok’d for, table until next month to see what can be done
Charles L questioning the shot gun targets to be shot @ rifle range discussed
adjorned meeting