April 2022 Newsletter


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Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) April 2022 Activities

Well spring is upon us and its time to dust off that rifle, shotgun, pistol, or bow and get out and do some shooting. The club has several activities open to members and non-member including Action Pistol, USPSA matches, Archery, Trap, Skeet, 5-Stand, and new for this year Steel Challenge.

Sunday Creek Range Clean-up Day

First off Saturday April 23rd at 9am has been scheduled for a clean-up day out at the Sunday Creek Range. Help is need with mowing, weed trimmers, target repairs, and general maintenance. Every volunteer that helps on range clean up days are entered into the Volunteer Incentive Raffle for a chance to win a gun that will be drawn at the annual club banquet. Hope to see you out there.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol shoots will get started April 7th at 6 p.m. with a New Shooters Night out at the Sunday Creek Rifle/Pistol Range. If your new to Action Pistol shooting and interested come on out and see what it’s all about. Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m.

USPSA Matches

The CR&GC along with the Fallon County Gun Range also holds sanctioned USPSA matches throughout the year. To check for dates see the Custer Rod & Gun Club Action Pistol facebook page and register on Practiscore.

Skeet – Trap

With the warmer weather we’ve already had a couple of Trap & Skeet shoots. Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet every Sunday at 3 p.m. out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area.


Last fall CR&GC introduced the Jon Hofer Memorial 5-Stand course which was a big hit, drawing in a lot of new shooters. This year the club will again hold the Jon Hofer Memorial 5-Stand course once a month. When dates are set they will be posted on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page.


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

Last year John Kuntz and Theresa Williams hosted the two-day Miles City Rod & Gun 3D Archery Shoot at Woodruff Park. Even with the cool rainy weather they had a great turn out. Another 3D Archery Shoot is in the works for this year stay tuned for dates.

New for This Year – Steel Challenge

New for this year starting in April the club will hold a steel challenge shoot once a month on Thursday nights at 6 p.m. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary. Again when dates are set they will be posted on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!