Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) April 2024 Activities
Well folks its that time of year again to start working on spring projects. For those who might be getting an itchy trigger finger we want to remind everyone that the club has several activities open to members and non-member including Action Pistol, Archery, Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand. Already we’ve shot a couple Trap and Skeet rounds. The Trap range is open on Tuesdays at 5pm, Skeet range on Sundays at 4pm, and Archery will be held on Fridays out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. Action Pistol is held on Thursdays at 6pm out at the Sunday Creek Range.
As always matches and events are weather dependent and we do try to post updates to the Custer Rod and Gun Club facebook page.
Welcome to Spotted Eagle Day – May 4th
On Saturday May 4th the Custer Rod and Gun Club is planning on holding a Welcome to Spotted Eagle Day running from 10am to 3pm. We are planning on having the 5-Stand range set-up as well as the Archery range.
Ducks Unlimited is also planning on holding a Trap Shoot with prizes and a raffle (Flyer Below). The adult prize is a SKB HS300 20 gauge Shotgun, the kids prize is a Chiappa M1-22, and the raffle is for a Taurus TX22 Ducks Unlimited Edition. For more information on the prizes and the raffle contact Jeff Faycosh (406)-951-2987.
We are also trying to get a couple more things lined out for that day and as soon as we have them squared away we will post them to the Club facebook page and webpage.
Action Pistol
Action Pistol will be held every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. ANY AND ALL HELP would be greatly appreciated. Due to scheduling conflicts Thrusday April 4th has been canceled.
3D Archery
Jason Sibble is planning on the 3D Archery shoots on Fridays & possibly some Saturdays at Spotted Eagle. Check the CR&GC Facebook page for times. Contact him on messenger for more information. Each week is a different setup. No class or division. Just laid back. Bow Hunter/Free Style. (Range finders welcome.) All Ages. Score cards and water provided. Bring Bug Spray. Not necessary to be a member to shoot Fridays.
Steel Challenge
Steel Challenge matches are held every second Thursday of each month. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.
Skeet – Trap
Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons 5 – 5:30 p.m. and Skeet every Sunday at 3 p.m. out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. Check the CR&GC Facebook page for updates.
Jon Hofer Memorial 5-Stand
When we have the dates for the year pinned down they will be posted on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page.
Annual Keith Hall Annie Oakley Shoot
We had a great turn out for Keith Hall Annie Oakley Shoot last year and we are planning on holding it again. When we have the date figured out it will be posted on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page.
All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!