Author Archives: Custer Rod and Gun Club

Board of Directors Meeting

August 19, 2014
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding our monthly Meeting of the Board.

Though only Members of the Board are allowed to vote on issues at board meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings on any subject discussed.

To find the currant list of meeting dates and locations, check the 2014 Board Meeting schedule.

See what was discussed at previous meetings by checking out the Board Meeting Minutes.

Board of Directors Meeting

July 15, 2014
Sunday Creek Rifle Range Clubhouse
7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding our monthly Meeting of the Board.

Though only Members of the Board are allowed to vote on issues at board meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings on any subject discussed.

To find the currant list of meeting dates and locations, check the 2014 Board Meeting schedule.

See what was discussed at previous meetings by checking out the Board Meeting Minutes.

Board of Directors Meeting

June 17, 2014
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding our monthly Meeting of the Board.

Though only Members of the Board are allowed to vote on issues at board meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings on any subject discussed.

To find the currant list of meeting dates and locations, check the 2014 Board Meeting schedule.

See what was discussed at previous meetings by checking out the Board Meeting Minutes.

Board of Director Meeting

May 20, 2014
Sunday Creek Rifle Range Clubhouse
7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding our monthly Meeting of the Board.

Though only Members of the Board are allowed to vote on issues at board meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings on any subject discussed.

To find the currant list of meeting dates and locations, check the 2014 Board Meeting schedule.

See what was discussed at previous meetings by checking out the Board Meeting Minutes.

Board of Director Meeting

April 15, 2014
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding our monthly Meeting of the Board.

Though only Members of the Board are allowed to vote on issues at board meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings on any subject discussed.

To find the currant list of meeting dates and locations, check the 2014 Board Meeting schedule.

See what was discussed at previous meetings by checking out the Board Meeting Minutes.

Board of Directors Meeting

March 18, 2014
VFW Club, Miles City
7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding our monthly Meeting of the Board.

Though only Members of the Board are allowed to vote on issues at board meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings on any subject discussed.

To find the currant list of meeting dates and locations, check the 2014 Board Meeting schedule.

See what was discussed at previous meetings by checking out the Board Meeting Minutes.

Cowboy Action Shooting

Nov. 15th, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Oct. 18, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Sep. 20, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Aug. 16, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

July 19th, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

June 21, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

May 17th, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

April 19th, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Mar. 15th, 2014
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held on the new Action Shooting bays between the short and long rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month.

Match target fees are $1 per shooter for the entire event.

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

CANCELED: Action Pistol Shooting

March 8, 2014
10:00 AM
CR&GC Rifle Range


The March shoot has been canceled due to mud/flooding conditions on the range. With the warm weather and snow melt, we can not get a truck and trailer down to the pistol bays to set up for the shoot. Sorry about that, we know folks were looking forward to doing some shooting after this ridiculously long winter.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 17 2014

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Directors Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2014


  • Board Members
    • Keith Hall, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith, Cherie Reed, Todd Burch, Ken Hess, Kenny Boschee, Jeff, Williams, Randy Anderson, Jim Keith, Ron Hurr, Jeremy Kueffler
  • Non-Board members:
    • Jeff Essman, Glen Kapitzke, Suzanne Seaba, Erin O’Connor

Reading of previous meeting minutes:

  • Cheri Reed motioned “That we approve the minutes from the November meeting, as published on the club website.”
    • Motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report:

  • Cheri Reed gave the Treasurer’s Report
    • The club has $10,698.62 in the bank.
    • Cheri said she spoke to the Yellowstone Caviar Grant foundation, and was assured they would issue a check by early next week to reimburse the CR&GC for the $3,000 we spent on the electrical work at Spotted Eagle in 2013
    • As of Sunday 2/16/14 the club had 91 non-renewed memberships, and approx. 283 memberships that have been renewed.
    • CJ Truesdale motioned “To accept the financial report as read.” Motion was seconded and passed.

Presidents Report:

  • Keith Hall gave the President’s Report
    • The trailer the club stores at Tire Rama for hauling tables to events at Spotted Eagle, is now permanently licensed.
    • We need to start thinking about what we are going to be able to do for the Youth .22 and Trap instructional shoots this year. Right now we have no .22lr ammunition, and so far can’t find any at a reasonable price. Also, we only have 9 cases of 12 gauge cartridges and 16 cases of 20 gauge cartridges.
    • We need to look at purchasing more trap clays.
    • Pheasants Forever will be using our tables for their annual banquet March 14 & 15
    • We’re looking at having an Outdoors Equipment Only Swap Meet at Spotted Eagle on June 7th.
    • We need to decide if we have enough shells for the Woman’s and Youth Shoots this year, and look at possibly running them for fewer weeks to cut back on ammunition expense.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:

  • Membership Committee
    • Randy Anderson reported we have 288 memberships paid for 2014.

Old business:

  • Cheri Reed reported that the Montana Wildlife Federation has raised their Affiliated Club Memberships dues from $300 to $500 with no warning. In addition they are requesting the personal contact information of 100 of our club members.
    • Jeremy Kueffler motioned “Custer Rod and Gun Club shall break ties with Montana Wildlife Federation, by not renewing our membership.”
      • Motion seconded, and passed.
  • There was discussion about the property lines at the Sunday Creek range. The neighbors have apparently erected fences that are on the CR&GC’s property, instead of on he property lines. Randy Anderson agreed to call the neighbors to discuss the situation and report back to the Board.
  • There was discussion on who holds all the keys to the various locks owned by the club. There was no motion made, but it was generally agreed that Cheri Reed would continue to hold all the keys not issued to persons in the club, and that she would only issue keys on a long term basis, to persons having significant need for frequent access to club property or buildings such as range masters, etc. Persons running a single event, or filling in for the range master for the day should pick up the needed keys just for that event, and return them after the event.
  • President Keith Hall made the following committee appointments:
    • Jesse Smith as the Head of Rifle Range Committee
    • Cheri Reed as the Head of the Trap and Skeet Committee
    • Kenny Boschee as the Head of the Archery Committee
      • Ron Hurr as an Archery Committee member
    • President Keith Hall gave each of the three committee heads the title of “Range Master” and defined their duties as such to include:
      • Being the primary point of contact for groups or individuals wanting to use those facilities for special events, though event’s still need to be approved by the Board.
      • Arranging to provide access to the facilities, equipment, etc. by groups or individuals who have obtained approval by the Board for such use.
      • Ensure groups or individuals using the facilities are doing so in accordance with any rules or agreements made when obtaining permission for such use, etc.
      • Facilitate range and facility upkeep issues such as housekeeping, minor repairs, etc.
  • There was discussion as to how the Archery Committee should handle replacing target faces at the archery range when they wear out or are abused by the public, and how much club money should be spent doing so. There was no motion made, but the general consensus by the Board was for them to continue replacing them as needed unless, in the Archery Committee’s opinion, the cost was getting excessive or wasteful.

New Business:

  • Cheri Reed proposed holding a “Run for the Gun” or “Dash for the Cash” trap shoot on June 8th at Spotted Eagle. She said it would probably be a $50 entry fee, with a 50% payout in cash or prizes.
    • CJ Truesdale motioned “Custer Rod and Gun Club hold a ‘Run for the Gun’ or ‘Dash for the Cash’ trap shoot on June 8th 2014, with Cheri Reed organizing the event, in conjunction with a swap meet on June 7th to be organized by Keith Hall.”
      • Motion was seconded, and passed.
  • There was discussion as to weather or not the club wanted to continue to provide free of charge memberships to law enforcement agencies such as Montana Highway Patrol, Fish Wildlife and Parks, Custer County Sheriff Office, etc. for official use by the departments for training and qualifying purposes. It was decided that we would continue to do this, and no motion was required, but Randy Anderson will write a Letter of Understanding to be approved by the Board, defining our policy on the issue.
  • Randy Anderson motioned “To clarify that the meeting held the third Tuesday of each month, at 7 PM is to be a Meeting of the Board of Directors, not a general membership or ‘club’ meeting.” There was discussion as to whether or not the club would have to hold a monthly club meeting in addition to the Meeting of the Board of Directors, or if the Board of Directors had the authority to amend the bylaws to remove that requirement, and how these options would effect the attendance door prize/jackpot that the membership voted for at the Annual Meeting.
    • CJ Truesdale moved “To table the motion until next months meeting.”
      • The subsidiary motion was seconded, and passed.

Nomination and Elections of Officers and Board of Directors

  • N/A

Good and Welfare

  • Pheasants Forever addressed the Board, asking for a $250 sponsorship from the club. They said that all sponsors will receive two tickets to the Pheasants Forever banquet in March, as well as an entry to win one of the guns they will be giving away at the Banquet.
    • CJ Truesdale motioned “Custer Rod and Gun Club shall sponsor Pheasants Forever for $250.”
      • The motion was seconded.
        • Jeremy Kueffler motioned “To amend the motion to read ‘Custer Rod and Gun Club shall sponsor Pheasants Forever for $250, and refuse the two tickets to the banquet.’”
          • Motion to amend was seconded, and passed.
      • The amended motion passed.
  • On behalf of Walleyes Unlimited , CJ Truesdale asked permission to use the clubhouse at Spotted Eagle, as part of their Youth Fishing Day event June 21, 2014.
    • Cheri Reed motioned “Custer Rod and Gun Club allow Walleyes Unlimited to use the Spotted Eagle clubhouse on June 21, 2014.”
      • The motion was seconded, and passed.


  • Cheri Reed motioned “To adjourn the meeting.”
    • The motion was seconded and passed.

2014 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will hold our monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors, on the third Tuesday of each month, from February through December, at 7:00 PM. The location of each meeting can be found below:

February 18, 2014 – Eagles Club
March 18, 2014 – VFW Club
April 15, 2014 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
May 20, 2014 – Sunday Creek clubhouse
June 17, 2014 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
July 15, 2014 – Sunday Creek clubhouse
August 19, 2014 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
September 16, 2014 – Sunday Creek clubhouse
October 21, 2014 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
November 18, 2014 – VFW Club
December 16, 2014 – VFW Club

Though these are Board meetings, and only Board of Director members are allowed to vote on issues, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings if they desire.

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – February 2014

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.

6) Old business

– Montana Wildlife Federation rate increase
– How to decide who gets the 100 memberships from MWF
– Yellowstone Caviar Grant money
– Sunday Creek Range property lines and the neighbor’s fences

7) New business

– Club policy for agency memberships for MHP, FWP, CCSO, etc.
– Board of Director’s contact information
– Goals or benchmarks for club success/activities over the next year

8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors. (N/A)

9) Good and welfare

– Comments to the club by the Eagles Club

10) Adjourn