Dear Custer Rod and Gun Club member,
Your presence is requested at the annual CR&GC membership meeting and banquet. This year’s banquet will be held at 6:00 pm on Saturday January 18th, 2020 in the Home Show building at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds (NEW LOCATION!!) Followed by the Annual Meeting at 7:00 PM. In traditional CR&GC style, the club will provide roast beef with the remainder of the meal being pot-luck. Attendees with a last name starting with A thru M are asked to bring a main or side dish, and N thru Z a salad or dessert. As has been the case the last several years, this year’s banquet will be bigger and better than ever, with more guns and prizes then ever before. This year’s door prize and raffle items will include: Hoyt Klash Compound Bow package, Ruger Wrangler .22LR revolver, Ruger American 6.5 Creedmore rifle, Stoeger 300 12 ga. Semi-auto shotgun, Sig Sauer P320F M17 9mm pistol, Springfield 1911 45 ACP (parkerized), Ruger 10/22 Carbine, NEW THIS YEAR: Dillon XL750 high-speed progressive reloading press.
Membership renewals will be sold at the door (please have your membership number handy if you know it), but if you renew online before the meeting please bring your membership card with you, as the attached stub is your entry for the door prize raffle, and the membership card is required to vote.
More prizes are accumulating as we speak and may include additional firearms. Brink plenty of money and keep in mind that the meeting space, servers, and food provided by the club is paid for by the raffles held during the banquet. Also, f you have any items you would be willing to donate to the raffles, please contact us at email@custerrodandgun.com to arrange for them to be included in the raffles and picked up before the meeting if you can’t attend.
Also consider nominees for board positions that will be expiring and filled during the meeting. Please consider serving your club by serving on the Board of Directors. This year we will be electing two Officers and five Directors. The Officer positions that are expiring are currently held by Jesse Smith (President), and Marty Scheid (Treasurer). The Director positions are currently held by Jesse Blankenship, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, and Jim Keith. All positions are for two year. If you would be interested in serving on the Board but won’t be able to make the meeting, please contact The Board at the email address above to have your nomination entered, or to suggest someone else who may be interested in accepting a nomination.
Please take a moment to thank the local businesses that have helped us out this past year: Doeden Construction, Glader Electric, Murdoch’s Ranch and Home, Red Rock Sporting Goods, Reynolds Market, EDC. LLC. Western Powders Inc., Miles City Photography Club, ABC Sign and Glass, RZ Welding. And, please accept our apologies if we missed anyone!
Also, be aware that members are encouraged to bring guests, preferably guest with wallets and who like raffle tickets! Seriously though, many have worked hard the past few years to build this event into a fun and exciting night for our members. It’s the one social event of the year for the club, and your participation is greatly appreciated. The Board, and more importantly, your fellow members look forward to seeing and mingling with you at our Annual Banquet.