Author Archives: Custer Rod and Gun Club

December Meeting

The December meeting will be held at the Eagles on the 19th. We are always looking to hear from the membership and would encourage members to attend if they have an issue they would like to present.
Our annual banquet this year will mark the 100th anniversary of the club so we are hoping to have a great turn out in January for that.

Agenda Items for Meeting

Rifle Range clean up day and September Meeting site.Fire response for future closures.

Club equipment Loan it or Rent it appoint a central person to control,

3-D archery targets aquisition.

Bylaws discussion (any new material)

Standard agenda items
old business
Finances etc.

In talking to the fire commisioner we can use the rifle range as long as we are willing to use caution and have the proper equipment.
Please have a bucket and shovel and possibly some other fire suppresion device. Smoking is allowed in vehicles only and extinguish there also.The fire season is not over but it will be nice to have our facility to use.
The meeting this month will be at Spotted Eagle on the 21st.
Please contact me if you have agenda items or concerns.
Todd Burch

Opening of the range

We are waiting for the rifle range to reopen soon. The weather looks to keep us closed until we are not seeing redflag warnings daily.
I will touch base with the fire commisioner again early next week before the meeting to determine what course of action we might take.
I am wanting agenda items for our meeting on the 21st. Though a few are already on the docket.Please feel free to contact me if there are topics you want discussed or brought foward.
Todd Burch