Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
December 18, 2017 7:00 PM
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: 7:04 PM
Attendance: Randy Anderson, Cheri Reed, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the November meeting as posted on web site.” The motion was seconded and passed.
3) Reading of Current Financial Report
– Cheri Reed reported we have $29,170.90 in the bank and will have $30,610.90 after she deposits membership dues that have been turned in to Randy Anderson. Jim Keith motioned, “To accept the Treasurers report.” The motion was seconded and passed.
4) President Report
– Spotted Eagle
Randy Anderson reported that he is still waiting on a quote for a high security door and the masonry guys are waiting on door guy before they can start. He said he should have a quote tomorrow and can get the door ordered so the masonry guys can get started.
– Memberships
Randy Anderson also reported that we have already sold 155 memberships for 2018.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol
Marty Sheid and Jesse Blankenship reported the committee had a meeting and are thinking they want to use Practice Score, an online scoring system that uses cell phone and tablets to automatically post match scores. They also may need to purchase consumables before the next season starts, and would like to purchase more steel for targets. They will get some quotes before the next meeting. Jesse Smith reported he still had a lot of targets, pasters, 1x2s, paint, and the timers stored for winter in his shop. Jesse Blankenship reported they would like to make an announcement at the annual meeting about having an Action Pistol meeting in Feb.
– Cowboy Action
– Shotgun
6) Old Business
– Annual Meeting and Banquet plans
Cheri Reed reported she has paid Red Rock for the guns to be given away at the raffle.
Randy Anderson reported he called Town and Country and our reservations are confirmed for Jan. 20th.
Daniel Delong requested changing the weekend next year so it wouldn’t conflict with other events. The Board discussed it but decided there are competing events every weekend and it would require changing the club’s By Laws.
7) New Business
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9) Good and Welfare
– John Bradley from Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF), addressed the club to talk about chronic wasting disease in Montana. He said what is being done to control the disease right now involves issuing extra hunting permits to get larger sampling size, testing road kill, trying to stop the feeding of Elk which encourages them to gather in large groups and spread disease. John said the MWF and FWP would like feedback if anyone has sugestions or complaints on how to combat the disease’s spread in Montana.
10) Adjourn Cheri motioned, seconded, pased 7:36.