Board Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
March 21, 2017
7:00 PM

Call to order: 7:10 PM

Present: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Chris Schlepp
Absent: Daniel DeLong, Marty Scheid

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the February meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported the club has $39,877.78 in the bank as of Feb. 28th, and Randy Anderson just gave her about $120 in membership checks checks that haven’t been deposited yet.

President Report:

Report of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Jesse Smith reported that he called Doedens about raising the berms on the pistol range but the weather turned off and they haven’t called him back yet. He will call them again.

– Randy Hart reported the Cowboy Action shoot wasn’t held in March due to schedule conflicts.

Old Business:
– Spotted Eagle Remodel
By consensus The Board scheduled a work day at Spotted Eagle for May 13th, with the intention to empty everything out of the clubhouse, remove the last wall, and level floor.

New Business:

Nomination and elections of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:
– A representative from Boy Scouts troop 208 requested to use the Spotted Eagle range the 1st weekend in May for a Boy Scout camp out and getting the kids badges in trap shooting, archery, etc.

Cheri Reed motioned “We allow the Boy Scouts to use the Spotted Eagle trap range, archery range, trap throwers air rifles, and shotguns, May 5th-7th.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– John Bradley the Eastern Montana Field Rep for Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF) addressed The Board and thanked the club for the $200 donation approved by the members at the Annual Meeting. He spoke for approx 20 minutes on some of the MWF’s key issues. Which included Science based wildlife management, Defense of Public Lands from transfer to state or private holding, Restore Habitat Montana to full funding. He also wanted everyone to know that their website, has a bill tracker for wildlife related bills and the progress they are making in Congress. John also stated the MWF are working to revamp their Affiliate Club Membership program to decrease membership fees and possibly change their newsletter to mostly online only.

Chris Schlepp motioned, “We adjourn.” The motion was seconded and passed at 8:16 PM