Custer Rod and Gun Club
Director Meeting
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
Meeting called to order: 7:05 PM
Todd Burch reported that Jeff Williams has resigned his position on the Board of Directors due to lack of available time Cheri Reed motioned to accept his resignation. Motion seconded and approved.
Present: Keith Hall, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Jim Keith, Todd Burch
Absent: Randy Anderson, Ken Boschee, Ken Hess, Ron Hurr, Jeremy Kueffler
Reading of previous meeting minutes:
• Cheri Reed motioned “To accept the minutes from the July 15th meeting as posted on the website.” Motion seconded and passed.
Reading of current financial report:
• Cheri Reed reported that as of 4 PM the club has $11,728.33 in account in the bank account. She reported that she has made the following deposits this month:
$20.00 in cash donations
$280.00 in membership fees
$182.00 in Action Pistol Shooting fees
$50.00 in donations from The Range Riders toward the John Hartwick memorial sign
• Cheri reported the only thing not deposited was the cash box for the trap range, and that Jesse Smith had just turned in $174.00 from the Action Pistol and $100 from EDC. LLC for the last CCW class they held at the range.
• Keith Hall reported that he had two donations from Delmar Delmarzezula to use for the youth shoots.
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the financial reports as read.” Motion seconded and passed.
President report:
• Kieth Hall reported that we need a volunteer to organize the Annual Meeting and Banquet in January. CJ Truesdale volunteered to take charge of that project.
• Kieth Hall reported he would like to organize and start holding basic Shotgun Shooting/safety classes with certified NRA instructors, starting with a NRA 1st Steps class, then a more advanced class. He will do more research and planning, and present it to The Board at a later time.
Old Business:
• Cheri Reed motioned “We keep the DR Mower and store it at the rifle range.” Motion was seconded and passed.
• Keith Hall reported that CJ Truesdale had filled in the holes at Spotted Eagle, but he thought there may have been some settling that needs to be topped off.
New Business
• Todd Burch motioned “We authorize Jesse Smith to hold an Action Pistol Jackpot shoot at the rifle range September 27th.” Motion was seconded and passed.
• Todd Burch motioned “We authorize Jesse Smith to move the handgun and shotgun area, and associated steel targets to the pistol bays.” Motion was seconded and passed.
• Keith Hall reported that he confirm arrangements hold the winter meetings of The Board of Directors at VFW, and let Jesse know so they can the schedule can be updated on the website.
• Todd Burch reported that he assumes the archery league Ron Hurr was thinking about putting on is probably canceled.
• Todd Burch motioned “We donate $250 toward the Mule Deer Foundation’s annual banquet to be held on Oct. 11th.” Motion was seconded and passed.
• CJ Truesdale motioned “We approve Jesse Smith and Cheri Reed to include the purchase and installation of a shed with a bathroom and cistern at the rifle range, on the NRA grant application due in November.” Motion was seconded and passed.
Nomination and election of officers and board of directors:
• Tod Burch motioned “We leave Jeff Williams Directors position vacant until Annual meeting.” Motion was seconded and passed.
Good and welfare:
• CJ Truesdale reported that someone had removed the hinges in order to bypass the lock and gain entry to the secure camera equipment and hard drives in the Spotted Eagle clubhouse.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 PM