Category Archives: Upcoming Events

Range Work Days – Help Needed

Custer Rod and Gun Club Members,

We just wanted to send out a reminder/update on the two club work days coming up. Please note that he rifle/pistol range will be CLOSED during the work day April 29th!

Rifle Range Work Day: (Saturday April, 29th 9:00 AM)
We have a few projects to accomplish and they should be great improvements to the range. Please see the below list of projects and bring any hand tools you think we might need. We always need a few weed eaters, string, gas, etc. and volunteers to run them, spray weeds, and accomplish the below projects. We can use some adjustable wrenches, wire cutters, and shovels as well. We will have a couple tractors and welders on-site but need volunteers badly. Even if you can’t spend all day, please consider coming out for a couple hours. NOTHING is done on your range, except that which is done by members volunteering their time.

We will be firing up the BBQ and the club will be providing lunch and refreshments! We will need volunteers to run the BBQ and man the coolers!

Projects to be accomplished at the Rifle Range Work Way (April 29th):
* replace berms behind the 25 and 50 yard target boards with tire walls filled with dirt and backed by berms, to keep mud off sidewalks
* reset the culvert across the west entrance to the pistol bays, replace with longer pipe and set pipe deeper in ground
* repair steel swinging targets targets on the 200 and 100 yard ranges
* replace broken chains on steel targets with rubber belts
* repair/weld 25 yard target frame
* replace any worn target backer boards
* install pipe over gate entrance
* weld new stands for steel targets
* move lock washers on steel targets so they ring when hit

We can use used tires! If you have used tires you need to get rid of, please bring them with you!

Spotted Eagle Work Day: (Saturday, May 13th 9:00 AM)
* Empty clubhouse, items either go to storage or the dump (we have enough trailers planned, but need volunteers to move items)
* Demo last remaining wall and haul demo materials to dump (need sledge hammers, crow bars, wire cutters, electrical tape, cordless drills, etc.)
* fix floor cracks (will get sealer/crack fill as needed on work day)
* fix benches and shotgun racks (need lumber, hole saws, screws, cordless drills, etc.)
* paint trap houses white (Cheri Reed will bring paint, brushes, rollers, etc.)
* spray weeds
* fix mower tires
* weed eat
* mow grass
* spray for bees
* change blade on mower

If you believe in promoting shooting and like the club and community having use of the Spotted Eagle clubhouse, please donate a couple hours to help get this work done. We have approximately 400 members in the club, and we average about 8 people each year at our work days. Just like voting, YOUR PARTICIPATION DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If you have any questions, please email us.

Also, the Boy Scouts are holding a camporee at the Spotted Eagle shotgun and archery range May 5th-7th. Among other projects, they will be working to receive badges in archery, trap shooting, etc. They could use some volunteers to help supervise the kids during the shooting/archery events on the 5th and 6th. If you would like to volunteer to help the Boy Scouts for a few hours, please email us and we will forward your contact info to the folks in charge.

Board Meeting Agenda – April 18, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
April 18, 2017
7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Rifle/Pistol Range

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Pistol Range
– Shotgun Range
– Cowboy Action
– Rifle Instructor Certification

6) Old Business
– Rifle/Pistol Range work day plans
– Spotted Eagle work day plans

7) New Business
– Boy Scout camporee clay use clearification
– New steel target stands

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn

Action Pistol Match

Welcome to the 5th season of CR&GC’s Action Pistol. We’ll kick things off on May 4th. Remember the evenings are still a little short on daylight the first couple weeks of the season, so please try to be ready get started on time. There are also some rule changes this year, which will be posted on the main Action Pistol Page as soon as they are finalized.

Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 Bad Guys are Just Bad
Stage # 2 Bad Choices
Stage # 3 Worse Choices
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Rule Changes and Clarifications:

As you know, we have been running the Action Pistol shoots with an unwritten rule book based on MOST of the IDPA rule book. This year the IDPA has made extensive changes to their rules. For that reason, we had a meeting of most of the folks who regularly RO the matches, and went through the new IDPA rule book to decide which rule we will keep, change, or clarify. Later in the summer, we plan to have an official written Action Pistol rule book. In the mean time, below is a quick and dirty summery of rules that have changed, or we thought needed to be reiterated. As always, the matches will stay lighthearted, and friendly. The new rule book will not be intended to encourage debate on technicalities, only to clarify the intent of the game so we have a reference and everyone is on the same page.

Finger on trigger
Fingers must be obviously and visibly outside the trigger guard during loading, unloading, drawing, holstering, while moving (unless engaging targets) and during malfunction clearance.
A. First offense is a Procedural Error penalty.
B. Second Offense is a DQ from the match.
C. Each “Finger” violation will be clearly noted on the shooter’s score sheet for tracking purposes.

Concealment Garments
IDPA requires drawing from concealment, we do not. However, in the spirit of promoting realistic concealed carry scenarios and a level playing field, starting this year there will be 1 second deducted from a shooters time, per stage that they use a concealment garments.

Shooting from a window
When engaging targets through a window, the shooter must engage targets using Tactical Priority from the side of the window. Slice the pie, not nearest to farthest, and shooter must use cover, not stand square in front of the window.

Start Position
Unless specified otherwise in the stage description, the default ready position requires the shooter to stand erect with the body relaxed and hands resting naturally at sides.

Points Down
Each point down adds 1 second to the time for the stage.

Shoot Throughs no-shoot targets or threat targets.
When a bullet passes through a non-threat target and
All shoot throughs count regardless if they are also strikes a threat target, the shooter will get the penalty for the non-threat target hit and will get credit for the scored hit on the threat target. The reverse also applies when a round on a threat target penetrates a non-threat or threat behind it. All target shoot through hits count.

Loading Devices
A. A “loading device” is a magazine, speed loader, or moon clip.
B. Shooters starting with 8 or more rounds in all loading devices are allowed to start with the loaded firearm plus two additional loading devices.
C. Shooters starting with 6 or 7 rounds in all loading devices are allowed to start with the loaded firearm plus three additional loading devices.
D. Shooters starting with 5 or fewer rounds in all loading devices are allowed to start with the loaded firearm plus four additional loading devices.
E. No additional loading devices beyond the above limits may be used during a string.

More changes/clarifications:
* Intentionally discharging the firearm at anything other than a target or an activator is a D.Q.
* Dislodging a magazine from the carrier is not a penalty as long as it is retrieved before the last shot. Magazines or ammo that are left on the ground due to clearing a malfunction, will not incure a penalty.
* Shooter may reload and re-engage any on the move “in the open” targets after a reload.
* Shooter may reload at any time as long as the shooter is not exposed to any un-engaged threats.
* Head box will now have a 4” -0 circle in the center and the rest of the head box will be scored -1. (once old targets are used up)
* Incomplete stages will be scored as they stand. Time plus penalties and points down.
* Flagrant penalty is given when a violation otherwise gives the shooter a competitive advantage.
* No more Failure to Neutralize (FTN) penalty.

Board Meeting Agenda – March 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors Agenda
March 21, 2017

Call to order and Roll call of officers

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

Reading of Current Financial Report

President Report

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle/Pistol Range
– Cowboy Action

Old Business
-Spotted Eagle Remodel

New Business

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

Good and Welfare
Boy Scout Troop 208 request to use Spotted Eagle


Board Meeting Agenda – February 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
February 21, 2017
7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
– Introduction of new Board Members

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report
– Membership report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Annual Meeting
– Rifle/Pistol range

6) Old Business
– Spotted Eagle remodel projects plans
– Rifle instructor certification for youth shoots

7) New Business
– 2017 Board Meeting Schedule
– Review of annual expenditures and establishment of emergency fund
– Review and updating of Bylaws
– Cowboy Action range and insurance

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn

2017 Annual Banquet and Membership Meeting Agenda

Custer Rod and Gun Club
2017 Annual Members Meeting
MC Town and Country Club
1/21/17 7:00 PM
(Annual Banquet starts at 6:00 PM)

Pledge of Allegiance

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report
– Membership stats and new membership renewal period
– Spotted Eagle clubhouse renovation

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle Range
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap/Archery

6) Old Business

7) New Business
– Rifle instructors needed for .22 Youth Shoots
– Expanding the remodel on the Club house to include covered patio area and budget
– Club volunteer incentive program
– HID card recovery

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
(Short break to accept nominations and last call for raffle tickets)

Positions to be filled:
– Vice-President, currently held by Ty Rainey
– Club Secretary, currently held by Jesse Smith
– Director, currently held by Shane Adams
– Director, currently held by Daniel DeLong
– Director, currently held by Larry Hudson
– Director, currently held by Chris Schlepp

9) Good and Welfare
– MWF wants a donation from the club
– Thank raffle item contributors
– Raffle Drawings

10) Adjourn

Club Banquet & Membership Meeting

Club Banquet/Meeting and Membership Reminder:

Just a quick reminder that the Custer Rod and Gun Club’s Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet will be held Saturday Jan. 21st at the Miles City Town and Country Club. Potluck style banquet starts at 6:00 PM, Meeting at 7:00 PM. There will be door prizes and raffle items. If you’ve ever wanted to get to know your fellow club members, this is your chance. This is the one social event we have each year and your free attendance is a great opportunity to help strengthen the ‘club’ part of our gun club. We hope to see you there!

Really, please attend this banquet, especially if you’ve never attended before.

Also, we still need a few more items to be donated to the raffles that pay for the club’s share of the banequet and the guns that will be given away. If you have any new or lightly used items that you wish to donate to the banquet, please contact Jesse Smith

Remember, membership renewals are due by Feb. 15th. No 2017 renewals will be sold after Feb. 15th. Anyone who does not renew before Feb. 15th will have to wait until Dec. 1st when we start selling 2018 renewals. Renewals are $40 and can be payed at the annual meeting on the 21st, or online at

Thank you for your time,
Jesse Smith
CR&GC Secretary

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – Dec. 20, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
December 20, 2016
7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
3) Reading of Current Financial Report
– Activity on bank CD

4) President Report
– Annual Membership letter

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle/Pistol range

6) Old Business
– Shoot Dog Days Payment for use of range?
– Finalize Annaul Meeting plans

7) New Business

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare
– MC Jaycees youth BB gun shoot (Logan Bartholomew)

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – November 15, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
November 15, 2016
7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
3) Reading of Current Financial Report
4) President Report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle range
– Shotgun range
– Annual Meeting

6) Old Business
– Bill Shoot Dog Days for use of range?

7) New Business
– Pistol Bay berms

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare
– MC Jaycees youth BB gun shoot (Logan Bartholomew)
– Miles City Firefighters Toy Dance donation
– MWF letter

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 20, 2016
7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Range

Call to Order:
Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Reading of Current Financial Report:
President Report:

Report of Board and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap Range

Old Business:
– Jesse Smith motioned, “We revise the club’s Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”” The motion was seconded by Daniel DeLong, and will be voted on at the Sep. Board Meeting.
– 22 Youth Instructors needed
– Spotted Eagle remodel

New Business:
– Possible suspension of a member’s range privileges
– Boy Scouts use of Spotted Eagle and shotguns
– Annual Banquet

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:


4th Annual Action Pistol Jackpot & Fundraising Shoot

4th Annual Action Pistol Jackpot Match

Sunday September 18th
8:00 AM Registration opens
9:15 AM Safety Meeting
9:30 AM Match Starts

50% of entry fees jackpotted back + added prizes
$20 Entry fee
$5 Range fee

4 stages of Action Pistol followed by a free lunch and 4 stages of Steel Challenge Side games/pots during lunch. Bring extra money and ammunition!

Jackpots and prizes paid in the following divisions:
– Stock Pistol:
Semi-Auto handgun with post and notch sights, no ported barrels, no large flared magazine wells (smaller flared magwells practical for concealed carry will be accepted), no lightened or weighted slides. In other words, a nearly off the shelf production gun that is would be typlical for a concealed carry weapon.

– Race Pistol/Open:
All semi-autos or revolvers that have features prohibited in the Stock Pistol division.

– Single Stack .45 ACP:
Any semi-auto, with post and notch sights, shooting 45 ACP, with a single stack magazine, and will be loaded to a maximum of 8 rounds in the magazine (plus start with 1 in the chamber)

– Ladies Stock Pistol:
Same requirements as Stock Pistol, but limited to ladies only.

– Stock Revolver:
Revolvers with post and notch sights, no added competition only features, limited to 6 rounds loaded at a time. (7 or 8 shot revolvers may be used but must be loaded with no more than 6 rounds)

132 minimum round count if you don’t have any misses, makeup shots, or re-shoots due to malfunction. Plus you’ll need ammo for side games at lunch. Shooters are recommended to bring at least 200 rounds. Also note that the local gun shop does not open until 10:00 AM on Sunday, so don’t wait until Sunday to by ammo.

Action Pistol Shooting

Thursday Aug 25th, 2016
Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 Corners and Halls
Stage # 2 Quick Draw Plus Some
Stage # 3 Around the Next Corner
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Match – Aug 11, 2016

Thursday June 9th, 2016
Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 Home Invasion
Stage # 2 Shootout At The IDPA Corral
Stage # 3 The Dallas Dilemma
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – Aug. 16, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Aug 16, 2016
Spotted Eagle

Call to order and Roll call of officers:
Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Reading of Current Financial Report:
President Report:

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range
     – EDC LLC. 8/13 Concealed Carry Class report

– Action Pistol

– Cowboy Action

– Trap Range
     Trap/Skeet committee report
     July 31 Hunter Safety report

Old Business:
– MWF sponsored trap shoot with donated shells

– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse plans
     – Storage container?
     – Floor Plan?
     – Work Day?

– Rifle instructors for Youth Shoot

– Wording for Pistol Bay signs

New Business:
– Motion to revise Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:


Action Pistol Match – Aug 4, 2016

Thursday Aug. 4th, 2016
Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 Shooting In A Crowd
Stage # 2 Taco Jihad
Stage # 3 The Quick and The Dead
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Shooting 7-28-16

Thursday July, 28th, 2016
Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 They Aren’t KFC Employees
Stage # 2 Parking Garage Meyhem
Stage # 3 Barrels O Poppers
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Shoot

Thursday July 21th, 2016
Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 Should I Go Left or Should I Go Right?
Stage # 2 Pokemon Go Home
Stage # 3 Turn Up The Heat
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol BUG Shoot 7-14-16

Thursday July 14, 2016
Registration: 5:30 PM
Safety Meeting: 5:50 PM
Match Start: 6:00 PM

Don’t forget this week is our BUG (Backup Gun) shoot. All stages are limited to a max of 15 rounds and there is no reactive steal targets. So a 5 shot .380, or even a .22lr can compete. Snubs are encouraged, but full size guns will be allowed. However, all magazines are limited to a max of 6 rounds per magazine. Pocket carry will be allowed only with a holster. If you don’t have a holster, you can start in the low ready position.

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…
Stage # 1 Sidewalk Mugging
Stage # 2 Enough Already
Stage # 3 Body Armor
Stage # 4 Randomly designed Steel Challenge-like stage. (15 rounds min.)

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Board Meeting Agenda – July 19, 2016

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will hold it’s July Board of Directors meeting at the Sunday Creek rifle and pistol range clubhouse, Tuesday 7/19. Any members wishing to share their wants/needs/opinions, or just wanting to observe are welcomed to attend the meeting. The agenda as of now is below but may be added to or changed at the meeting:

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
July 19, 2016
Sunday Creek Range

Call to order and Roll call of officers:
Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Reading of Current Financial Report:

President Report:
-MLEA canceled use of rifle range

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Shoot Dog Day’s report
– Action Pistol and LEO shoot
– Cowboy Action
– Trap/Archery Range

Old Business:
– MWF sponsored trap shoot with donated shells
– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse plans
– Rifle instructors for Youth Shoot
– Trap/archery range volunteers

New Business:
– Scott Zeitner membership situation
– Signs for pistol bays
– Action Pistol Jackpot shoot Sep 18th and prize budget

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:
– Correspondences
