Directors Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2014

CR&GC Directors Meeting

Called to order: 7:05 PM

Keith Hall, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Randy Anderson, Todd Birch, Ken Boschee, Jim Keith

Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Todd Birch motioned “To accept the minutes as published” Motion was seconded, and passed.

Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported we have $11,060.43 in account, she also has to make a deposit of $2084.00 from membership renewals, and another deposit of about $400.

Cheri Reed reported that our “Flex-Time” deposit account, which has $2027.35 in it and interest .25%, is rolling over Dec. 26 if we don’t do anything with it.

Cheri Reed reported she has paid the fire insurance for the rifle range, property taxes for 2013, and the club liability insurance is coming due in June or July. Cheri thinks it will be around $4,000 this year as our club membership has grown so much over the last couple years.

Cheri Reed reported we received the IRS Determination letter we requested. It says we are an IRS 501c3 section 7 and donations made to the club are not deductible on the donor’s income taxes.

Ken Boschee motioned “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

President Report:
Keith Hall would like reports presented at the annual meeting by the various committees about what has been accomplished this past year and what is in the works for the upcoming year.

Keith Hall reported he will make an agenda for the annual meeting. It was decided that Randy Anderson would procure a projector for the club computer and the agenda will be projected on the wall at the meeting rather than printing paper agendas to pass out.

Old business:
Randy Anderson reported membership letters cost an extra $91. to mail because some of them were addressed upside down and the Post Office wouldn’t accept them like that.

New Business:
Todd Birch motioned “We renew our membership in the Miles City Chamber of Commerce.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Jim Keith motioned that we pay back, from the club’s general account, the $2500 that we took out of the Flex-Time account. The motion was seconded, and passed.

Jesse Smith reported the club received an email from the college looking for someone willing to teach a trap or skeet shooting class, as well as a fly tying class. Keith Hall said he will contact them and set something up.

Randy Anderson reported the club received a letter in the PO box from Mike Freeman, requesting that the Annual Meeting & Banquet be held at an alcohol free location. Randy agreed to contact Mike Freeman to discuss the matter further.

Adjourn 8:17