IMPORTANT: New procedures for renewing your club membership

Club membership “renewals” will have to be purchased differently from now on. Since the club has access cards for the rifle range, members simply mail in their payments and the card stays active. If they let the membership lapse, the card has to be disabled and either paid for, or turned back into the club. If the member does not renew there membership on time they will not have immediate access to the rifle range if/when they do decide to renew.

Because the lock is manually programmed, to renew or reactivate a cancelled card, has to be done at the lock and even though a member pays for the membership, if it’s done after a cancellation it will result in a delay of one to two weeks before the member can use (get into) the range. A letter will be drafted and sent to all of the club members urging renewal prior to and through annual banquet time. Shortly after the annual banquet Randy will have to disable all unpaid membership access cards.

We’ll post more information about option to renew your membership in the coming weeks.