Schedule and Stage Scenarios:
Safety Meeting: 9:45 AM
Match start: 10:00 AM
Stage # 1 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #1
Stage # 2 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #2
Stage # 3 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #3
Stage # 4 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #4
20 Min. lunch break while we get the steel targets ready
(lunch will be available before this as well)
Stage # 5* 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #5 – Outer Limits
Stage # 6 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #6 – Speed Option
Stage # 7 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #7 – Pendulum
Stage # 8 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #8 – Smoke and Hope
* Stages 5-8 will be shot 3 times. Your longest time will be thrown out and your two best times will be added together.
* Stage 5
All shooting will be from center box, moving from one box to another will not be required.
General Information:
• Registration will open at 8:30 AM, with a Safety Meeting to be held at 9:45 AM, and competition starting approx. 10:00 AM.
• Free lunch and beverages will be provided while supplies last.
• We will shoot 4 ‘run & gun’ IDPA-style stages, followed by 4 Steel Challenge-style stages. The IDPA-style stages will not require more than 18 rounds per stage, but you may take additional shots if you wish. The Steel Challenge stages will require a minimum of 15 rounds per stage, but again, you will want extra ammo.
Range Location:
The match will be located at Custer Rod and Gun Club’s range, known as The Sunday Creek Rifle Range, approx. 6 miles outside of Miles City, MT. on Hwy. 489.
View Larger Map
Cold Range Rules:
Please arrive at the match with your firearm unloaded and either in a holster or in a range bag. Firearms can ONLY be removed from the holster or range bag in the designated safe area. NO FIREARM SHALL BE LOADED UNTIL THE LOAD AND MAKE READY COMMAND IS GIVEN BY A RANGE OFFICER!
Division Requirements
All Divisions:
• Eye and ear protection is required by all shooters, and spectators.
• All firearms must be between 9mm (9×19) and .45 (.452″) caliber
• Firearms equipped with a manual safety, must start with the safety engaged.
• Firearms with a decocking lever or button will be decocked using the lever or button.
• Selective DA/SA firearms will start hammer down unless it is equipped with a manual safety that can be engaged when cocked.
• Firearms designed for cocked and locked carry will start cocked and locked (hammer cocked, safety engaged).
• Shooters may only start a stage with 3 magazines, speed loaders, or other ammunition feeding devices. (One in the firearm, and two on their waist.)
• Extra ammunition feeding devices (magazines, speed loaders, moon clips, etc.) must be carried in such a way that they are within 1″ of the shooter’s body, except in the Race Pistol division.
• Ammunition may be lead or jacketed, and may be factory or handloads. Incendiary, steel core, or armor piercing ammunition is not allowed.
• There will be no distinction between major or minor power factors in scoring.
• Reactive steel targets will be calibrated to be actuated by a hit in the scoring area by a cartridge/gun combination producing a power factor of 125, or greater. If a shooter feels that a reactive target failed to operate properly, immediately upon completing the stage, and after unloading and showing clear, the shooter may request that the target be tested by a match official. If the target proves to be calibrated correctly the shooter’s time will stand. If the target is indeed out of calibration, it will be corrected and the shooter may reshoot the stage.
• If a reactive target actuates without being hit (eg. from the wind or from the target stand/frame being shot) the Range Officer will stop the shooter and the shooter will be required to shoot the stage from the beginning. Please bring enough ammunition to allow for this.
• Holsters must be of types commonly used for daily carry, and must not be “competition” or “race” type holster, except in the Race Pistol division. Holsters with open fronts that allow the pistol to be canted forward before the muzzle clears the top of the holster are only permitted in the Race Pistol division.
• The following are not permitted in any division: Cross-draw carry, Shoulder holsters, Appendix carry, Pocket carry.
Stock Pistol Division:
• Firearm must be semi-automatic.
• Sights may be changed to another notch and post type but slides may not be machined to accept different style sights.
• Shooters must start each stage with 10 rounds in each magazines (or to magazine capacity, whichever is less), and one additional round loaded in the barrel/chamber.
• Firearms may have reasonably sized add-on magazine well openings. They must be sized small enough to be generally accepted as reasonable for daily concealed carry. Over sized ‘competition style’ magwells will be moved to the Race Pistol division. Final determination of concealable vs race equipment will be made by the match director.
• Compensated firearms with or without compensated barrels installed, are not permitted.
• Aftermarket slides are not permitted.
• Internal enhancements such as trigger jobs and aftermarket guide rods are permitted, as well as aftermarket barrels provided the barrels are the same length as the original barrel. Minor enhancements such as skateboard tape, cross-hatching or dimpling of the grip areas are also acceptable.
• In order to level the playing field among firearms in this division, extended magazines which will allow a firearm to be loaded with up to 10+1 rounds, are specifically approved.
The intent is for this class to be limited to firearms that would be commonly accepted as a factory configuration carry gun, with only minor enhancements. If the match director feels that a firearm violates this intent by having features that are commonly excepted as “Race Gun” or Competition only” enhancements, the director may at his discretion require the shooter to be moved to the Race Pistol division.
Race Pistol:
• Firearm must be semi-automatic.
• Shooters must start each stage with 3 magazines (one in the gun, and two on the shooter) loaded with 10 rounds (or to magazine capacity, whichever is less), and one additional round loaded in the barrel/chamber.
• Compensated firearms, aftermarket slides, slide releases, safeties, hammers, barrels, and add-on magazine well openings may all be used.
• Extra ammunition magazines must be carried in such a way that they are within 2″ of the shooter’s body.
Revolver Division:
• Revolvers may be loaded to the division capacity of six (6) rounds in the cylinder. Seven (7) and eight (8) shot revolvers are permitted, but may only load six (6) rounds.
• Have a barrel length of 6.25” or less (as measured from the front of the cylinder).
Ladies Division:
• The Ladies division is the same as the Stock Pistol division, but limited to female competitors only. Female competitors must choose to enter either the Stock Pistol division, or the Ladies division when they register.