Author Archives: Custer Rod and Gun Club

Action Pistol Results – 5/7/15

Wow! I believe we had 25 shooters. Thanks for a GREAT turnout for our first shoot of the year. We had a little bit of confusion as well as ran a bit late, but that is to be expected as we get back in the groove. We will have to make sure we get started on time in future weeks. Especially with adding an extra stage this year. Speaking of confusion, we’re missing some scores, one squad didn’t have time to shoot all four stages, and a few other scores didn’t get recorded. Whoop! We’ll have to do better next week.

Revolver Division Results

5/87/15 Car Jacking Left and Right Lots of Corners Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Jess Blankenship #2 35.94 34.71 11.44 82.09
John Reed ? 82.96 39.41 122.37

Semi-Auto Division Results

5/87/15 Car Jacking Left and Right Lots of Corners Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Jess Blankenship #1 28.49 27.28 12.68 68.45
Dallas Taylor 26.04 29.02 13.57 68.63
Lee Wankel 31.52 28.87 14.07 74.46
Jason Bednar 22.87 22.24 16.34 13.33 74.78
Pat Crisswell 26.08 22.45 18.40 11.33 78.26
Erik Fritz 27.07 24.91 26.42 ? 78.40
John Olsen 32.52 35.71 14.97 83.20
Jesse Smith 30.81 33.99 19.98 ? 84.78
James Smith 36.47 27.17 20.04 16.88 100.56
Ty Rainey 32.10 31.82 22.40 15.19 101.51
Shane Adams 38.91 49.02 18.42 106.35
Marty Scheid 36.97 30.45 25.20 14.24 106.86
Chuck Celander 49.69 45.05 17.23 111.97
RJ Hart 55.05 56.88 21.07 133.00
Simon Niece 36.51 44.00 32.78 21.81 135.10
Walter Lacy 53.35 27.72 31.68 22.74 135.49
Jim Keith 31.87 30.87 64.64 16.25 143.63
Casey Bigelow 30.35 28.80 28.96 70.06 158.17
Jake Hilderman 59.49 48.20 37.10 17.36 162.15
Tom Fulton 54.47 54.34 44.98 18.98 172.77
Steve Jacobs 50.96 61.69 36.09 49.98 198.72
Debi Smith 79.06 95.14 60.91 129.28 364.39

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – April 21, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Spotted Eagle

Call to order 7:00 PM
Directors Present: Keith Hall, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Levi Burch, Todd Burch, Ken Boschee, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith, Tom Fulton, William Williams

Reading of previous meeting minutes
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes for the March meeting as posted on website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report
Cheri Reed reported the club has $24,849.89 in the bank account. Ken Boschee motioned “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded and passed.

President report
Keith Hall reported the 4H wants to use the shotgun range and rifle range Friday and Saturday, May 1st and 2nd. They want 2 bays at the rifle range. William Williams volunteered to open and close the range for them. Jim Keith motioned, “We approve their planned use of the range.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
Rifle Range:
Todd Burch reported he had placed the order for the new steel targets for the rifle range, and thought the supplier had been in contact with Jesse Smith. Jesse Smith reported they had not contacted him. Todd Burch said he will follow up with the supplier.

Jesse Smith reported there is still no word from The Friends of the NRA’s national grant committee about our grant application for the rifle range, but he expects an answer in May.

Jesse Smith reported the college is about finished with the berm for the 100 yard NRA High Power/VMR range.

Trap Range:
Cheri Reed reported she’s ordered about $360 in parts to fix the two trap throwers.

Cheri Reed reported that someone kicked in the door on the High House at the Skeet range and the door has been replaced with one that Ken Boschee donated and installed.

Archery Committee:
Cheri Reed reported that Glader Electric quoted no more than $1,200 to rewire clubhouse at Spotted Eagle. Cheri motioned “We spend $1,200 to redo the electrical in the clubhouse.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Keith Hall asked for a financial report for the trap range. Cheri Reed reported she has not had time to prepare one.

Ken Boschee reported that he talked to Fort Keogh about using their land behind the archery range for a 3D archery shoot. He said they were fine with it, but he figures it will be June or July before he gets it organized.

Cheri Reed reported she received an email from MCC wanting to know if we can teach an archery class this summer. Ken Boschee pointed out that we have no volunteers or equipment to do so.

Ken Boschee reported he has the mower for Spotted Eagle all tuned up and ready to go for the summer, and will bring it to the range tomorrow.

Old business

New business
Daniel DeLong reported that he and Jesse Smith have tickets for The Friends of the NRA banquet on May 2nd and raffle tickets if anyone is interested in them.

Cheri Reed reported we only have 50 key cards left for the rifle range, there’s still aprox. 160 cards that have not been returned or renewed. She said she didn’t know if Randy Anderson has ordered the 100 cards that he was authorized to order, but if he hadn’t we need to get hem ordered soon.

Jesse Smith reported he has set up an account with MailChimp to send out the newsletters/emails and it seems to be working well.

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors.

Good and welfare

Cheri Reed motioned, “We adjourn”. The motion was seconded and passed, 7:47 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda April 21, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Meeting Agenda
April 21, 2015
Spotted Eagle 7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report
a) 4-H

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.
a) Rifle range
1) Steel target Special Committee
2) NRA grant
3) Security cameras for Range

b) Shotgun
1) Parts
2) Spotted Eagle Bathroom
3) Financial report shotgun range

C) Bow
1) 3D shoot

6) Old business

7) New business

(8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors (N/A)

9) Good and welfare

2014 Action Pistol Results

2014 Schedule:

(Links will be added when scenarios are finalized)

1st Shoot of the year
& Beginners Shoot

Apr. 12th 10:00 AM
StagesMatch Results

Thursday Night Shoots

May 1st 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

May 8th 6:00 PM

May 15th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

May 22nd 6:00 PM
(not posted)Match Results

May 29th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

June 5th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

June 12th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

June 19th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

June 26th 6:00 PM

July 3rd 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

July 10th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

July 17th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

July 24th 6:00 PM

July 31 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

Aug. 7th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

Aug. 14th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

Aug. 21th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

Aug. 28th 6:00 PM
StagesMatch Results

Sep. 27th 10:00 AM
2nd Annual Action Pistol
Jackpot Shoot

Match Results

We start setting up about 1.5 hours ahead of time. Anyone willing to help setup is welcomed to join us.

Cowboy Action Shooting

Dec. 19, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Nov. 21, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Oct. 17, 2015
9:00 AM (double check with Randy as it may change)
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

Sept. 19, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

July 18, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

This match is back on. Please disregard any rumors that it’s canceled.

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

June 20, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shooting

May 16, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Cowboy Action Shoot

Mar 18, 2015
1:00 PM
Custer Rod and Gun Club Rifle Range

The Custer County Stranglers SASS club will be holding its monthly Cowboy Action Shoot at the CR&GC rifle range. This match is held in the pistol bays between the two rifle ranges.

This is a monthly match that is held the third Saturday of every month. For more info see the: Cowboy Action Shooting Home Page

For more information contact:
Randy or Penny Hart (406) 232-0727

Emergency Meeting of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 3/25/15

Emergency Meeting of the Board of Directors
Phone Conference

Called to order: (started calling directors) at 6:50 PM
Attendance (contacted by phone): see list below

New Business:
Jesse Smith motioned by an email sent to the members of the Board of Directors and by posting the motion on the club’s website that, “We approve EDC, LLC. to use the clubhouse and range facilities at the Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol Range, to hold a Basic Pistol/CCW class, on Saturday, April 11th.”

The following evening (3/25/15) the board members cast their vote on the motion by telephone. The result of the vote was:

Keith Hall – Aye
Randy Anderson – Aye
Jesse Smith – Aye
Cheri Reed – Aye
Levi Burch – Aye
Todd Burch – Aye
Ken Boschee – Aye
Jim Keith – Aye
Daniel DeLong – Aye
Tom Fulton – Aye
Austin Swank – unable to be reached (no contact information available)
William Williams – Aye

Motion passed unanimously by the 11 Directors that were able to be contacted.

Adjourned: 8:06 PM

Introduction to Concealed Carry Class – April 11th

Saturday, April 11th 2015
Custer Rod and Gun Club’s Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol Range
Cost: $100

Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding a class on Saturday April 11th in Miles City. This will be an Introduction to Concealed Carry Class, taught by EDC Training LLC. This class is for the individual that may or may not hold a Montana Concealed Carry Permit and is wanting to learn more about the Defensive use of a handgun.

This course addresses the effective concealed carry and use of the handguns popular today. The course will address the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, models, configurations and calibers of such Handguns, as well as the most effective support equipment and methods of concealed carry. The program consists of both classroom discussion, and live fire drills on the range. This course introduces the student to techniques applicable to defensive use of the handgun. Emphasis is put on shooting skill development for application in real-life circumstances. The fundamentals of Mindset, Gun-handling, and Marksmanship are covered in lecture while the practical aspects are taught on the range. Other course topics include Situational Awareness, equipment selection, safety, handling, loading, unloading, malfunction clearance, drawing and firing techniques. Cost of this class will be $100.00

Required equipment list:

Centerfire Handgun in a minimum defensive caliber (generally, 9mm or .38spl or larger)
Ammunition 100 rounds.
Spare magazines or speed loaders
Spare ammunition pouches, carrier, or magazine holster
Method of carrying the handgun (i.e.- suitable belt and belt holster, Shoulder holsters generally not acceptable- you “sweep” others when drawing the firearm)
Ear protection
Eye protection
Clothing suitable for the weather
Cap with a brim
Rugged shoes or boots
Lunch and hydration fluid(water sports drink etc for the day)

Emergency Meeting of the Board of Directors 3-25-15 Agenda

Board of Directors Emergency Meeting
Telephone Conference

1. Attendance

2. New/Emergency Business
– Vote to be held on the following motion, made by Jesse Smith: “We approve EDC, LLC. to use the clubhouse and range facilities at the Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol Range, to hold a Basic Pistol/CCW class, on Saturday, April 11th.”

3. Adjourn