Sunday Creek Range, 7 pm September 18 , 2024
Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Cconnor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.
Meeting Minutes for August 21, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting. Erin made a motion to accept minutes as written, Matt 2nd, passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $17,226.65. The CD balance is $6060.30.
President’s Report: Lee and Devan are working on the computer issues for the membership cards and gate.
Action pistol: two shoots this month and is going to try and shoot through September.
Shotgun-regular use of trap and skeet ranges.
Archery- No report
SASS-No Report nothing scheduled
USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.
Old Business: Law Enforcement MHP and Custer SO wants to place a conex container on the range. They also want to complete night qualifications, noted that Randy Hart needs to be made aware including the board with the night shoot takes place. Marty made a motion to for conex and night range, Justin 2nd, motion passed.
New Business: Banquet prize amount for guns. Marty motioned $7,000, Devan 2nd Motion passed. Committee to pick guns, Marty, Lee, Justin, Travis and Erin. Discussions on menu for Banquet, potato bar seems high on the list at this point. Club wants 3 sections of the event center.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm