Category Archives: General News

March Board of Director’s Meeting

The club held our monthly Director’s Meeting March 19th at the Rifle range as well as had a brief range clean up before hand. The highlights of this meeting were as follows…

  • The club is in the process of obtaining a Debit/Credit card tied to the club’s bank account to make it easier to pay for services or purchase items over the phone, rather than having to mail a check and wait for it to clear before vendors will ship merchandise to us.
  • The club is looking into the property lines at the rifle range in order to ensure fences are in the correct locations for liability reasons.
  • The Ladies Trap shoot will be done as it was last year. Ladies who are participating for their first year will receive their shells, clays, and a loner shotgun (if needed) for the entire 5 weeks. Ladies who have participated in past years will be required to provide their own shells, but will not be charged for clays, and can use a club gun if needed.
  • The Youth Archery Day will be held on June 22 at Spotted Eagle. This is the same day that Fish & Wildlife will be holding their Youth Walleye Fishing Day.
  • There have been issues with members shooting exploding targets at the rifle range, and leaving the gate open. Persons caught doing this, or any other damaging activities will be sent a warning letter, notifying them that a repeat offense will result in their barring from the club.
  • A committee was established to work on selling advertising sign space at both our Spotted Eagle and Rifle Range facilities.

The next Directors Meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2013 and will be held at the Spotted Eagle clubhouse at 7:00 PM. All club members are encouraged to attend these meetings. While only directors have a vote, ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO OFFER THEIR OPINIONS AND IDEAS AT THE MEETINGS.

Ladies Trap Shoot

Thursday, July 25th 2013
6:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Recreation Area

All ladies 18 years of age and up, are welcome to come out and shoot trap free of charge every Friday evening starting July 25th and running for 5 weeks. Instruction and shotguns (12 or 20 gauge) will be provided to those needing them. Ammunition will be furnished to all ladies who are participating for their first year.

Our instructors are all NRA certified.

For more information please contact:
John Hartwick – (406) 234-0595
Fred Tetschner – (406) 234-7406

Youth Trap Shooting

Thursday, June 6th 2013
6:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Recreation Area
Ages 12-18

Starting at 6:00 PM and running approx. 2 hours per night (depending on the number of kids) this class will be held Thursday night and run for 7 weeks. Youths ages 12-18 years of age will have the opportunity to shoot about 50 rounds per night. We will cover safety in class the room and on the range.

CR&GC will provide 20 ga and 12 ga shotgun’s and ammo will be furnished. If they want to they can bring their own shotgun and we will check it for safety.

We need parents to sign kids up the first night at Spotted Eagle or they wont shoot!

For more information contact:
Fred Tetschner – (406) 234-7406
John Hartwick – (406) 234-0595

March Director’s Meeting

Tuesday, March 19th 2013
6:00 PM

The CR&GC’s Directors will be holding their monthly business meeting at the rifle range club house. We encourage as many club members as possible to attend this meeting in order to stay involved in the direction of our club.

Also, before the meeting starts we will be preforming the final touch-ups, to the cleaning done during the Range Clean-Up Day, in anticipation of the Concealed Handgun Training Class that will be held on the following Sunday, March 24th 2013.

Range Clean Up Day Planed

Saturday, March 16th 2013 10:00 AM
CR&GC Rifle Range

We will be holding a Range Clean UP Day to get the range and facilities spruced up before the Concealed Handgun Training class that will be held there the following weekend (Mar. 24th). We expect the class to draw non-members. This will be a good opportunity to show off our facilities to the public, and probable new members.

If you’re one of the many who have expressed a desire to get more involved in the club, this is a great opportunity to help out, and meet other members. You’re help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Concealed Handgun Training

Sunday, March 24, 2013
CR&GC Rifle Range
Cost: $100

Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding a class on Sunday March 24th. in Miles City. This will be an Introduction to Concealed Carry Class, taught by EDC Training LLC. This class is for the individual that may or may not hold a Montana Concealed Carry Permit and is wanting to learn more about the Defensive use of a handgun.

This course addresses the effective concealed carry and use of the handguns popular today. The course will address the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, models, configurations and calibers of such Handguns, as well as the most effective support equipment and methods of concealed carry. The program consists of both classroom discussion, and live fire drills on the range. This course introduces the student to techniques applicable to defensive use of the handgun. Emphasis is put on shooting skill development for application in real-life circumstances. The fundamentals of Mindset, Gun-handling, and Marksmanship are covered in lecture while the practical aspects are taught on the range. Other course topics include Situational Awareness, equipment selection, safety, handling, loading, unloading, malfunction clearance, drawing and firing techniques. Cost of this class will be $100.00

Required equipment list:

  • Centerfire Handgun in a minimum defensive caliber (generally, 9mm or .38spl or larger)
  • Ammunition 100 rounds.
  • Spare magazines or speedloaders
  • Spare ammunition pouches, carrier, or magazine holster
  • Method of carrying the handgun (i.e.- suitable belt and belt holster, Shoulder holsters generally not acceptable- you “sweep” others when drawing the firearm)
  • Ear protection
  • Eye protection
  • Clothing suitable for the weather
  • Cap with a brim
  • Rugged shoes or boots
  • Lunch and hydration fluid(water sports drink etc for the day)

Click here to view a printable CLASS ENROLLMENT APPLICATION

.22 Youth Shoot

Tuesday, June 4th 2013
6:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Recreation Area (first week)
Mile City Police Range (all remaining weeks)

Youth 8 – 18 years of age (or any other new shooters who want to learn) will be taught firearm safety, and improve their marksmanship skills under the supervision of certified instructors.

CR&GC will be holding this annual program the first Tuesday in June, and it will run for 7 weeks. The first week we will meet at the CR&GC clubhouse in the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area for sign-ups and our safety meeting. Parents MUST sign up their child at this meeting the first night, or they will NOT be allowed to shoot!

This program is free of charge. Custer Rod and Gun Club will provide all required materials including .22 cal. rifles, ammunition, targets, eye and ear protection, and instructors.

For more information please contact:
Jim Coleman 874-8892
James Coleman 234-0707

News from the February Board of Director’s Meeting

The CR&GC directors had a very pleasant meeting this month. The complete minutes from this meeting will be posted on the website in a couple weeks, after our new secretary has a chance to get settled in to her new position. In the mean time here’s some quick highlights of the meeting…

  • The old riding lawn mower that the club voted to sell at the annual meeting, was sold for $300
  • The raffles at the banquet this year was a great sucess. When all was said and done the entire evening only cost the club $106.
  • The new gate and electronic lock at the rifle range is up and working. We initially had some isues with some key cards not working, but we believe all the issues have were corrected by last Tue. morning.
  • The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding a Defensive Pistol/Concealed Carry class at the rifle range on March 24th. The class will be taught by Eric Fritz and Shane Taylor of EDC Training, LLC. More information is available by CLICKING HERE.
  • We are assembling a list of our directors and their contact information, as well as who have keys to the trap range. This information will be posted on the website as soon as it’s complete.
  • The .22 Youth Shooting Class starting on Tuesday, June 4th will be held at 6:00 PM, not at 5:00 as was mistakenly posted on the website before.
  • There will be a Youth Trap Shoot starting at 6:00 PM on Thursday, June 6th. Instructors will be Fred Tetschner, and John Hartwick. More information will be posted on our Events page soon.
  • We’ll be posting more information on the website as soon as posible regarding the Erin’s Hope Youth Archery Day that will be held at the end of June, as well as the Cowboy Action Shoot that is held at the rifle range the 3rd Saturday of every month.

Keep checking back as we’re always adding new information to the website.

Updated to add the Club Secretary’s official Minutes:

February 19, 2013

Board members John, Ken, Rand, Glen, Fred, Cheri

New business: Motion to fence S. Sunday Cr, John Deere old mower was sold to Mike @ Carquest, Bobcat got the bid for a new mower.

Ken H wants to have a shoot and a BBQ for all club members

Randy A installed lock @ gate, had some program problems with cards but now works, explain the card reader hold card against lock and will let you in, members being locked in range after 8:00 pm of who to call and what to do, to stop the vandalizing and late night shooting, any event contact Randy A and he will re program the gate to have the gate open during the event only.

Defense gun training by EDC was given @ Custer gun Cub a great turn out

100.00 donation to NRA

Old Business: change out tokens with Cheri @ gun range for old cards for clay shooting, HRH provides their own during the annual event, motion to purchase 400 cases from Red Rock ok’d per Ken B. Trap shoot keys who is to have the keys at all times board members John H and Fred T, Bill R with the city will have a key for access t to Spotted Eagle.

Tokens 3.00 for members and 4:00 for non members

A big thank you to Cheri for a great annual banquet

Randy A is looking into the price of trail cam for Sunday Creek

Bill R June 29 Walleyes Day for kids


New lock at rifle range.

The new gate lock at the rifle range has been installed and is now working! The lock is up and running, but apparently 100 of the proximity cards (key cards) didn’t get programmed into the system. Randy Anderson has reprogrammed the lock to include these cards and we believe this issue is now fixed.

WE GREATLY APOLOGIZE FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE. If for some reason you are still unable to get into the range, please contact Randy at 406-951-0301. PLEASE DO NOT call Red Rock Sporting Goods as they do not have anything to do with the programming, also keep in mind that Randy works for a living and may not be able to take your call during business hours.

We are working on getting the wrinkles ironed out on this new lock ASAP. Again, we apologize and thank you for bearing with us!


Feb. Club Meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
Eagles Lounge, 7:00 PM

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding it’s monthly meeting this Tuesday evening, at the Eagles Club at 7:00 PM.

All members are encouraged to attend the meeting and voice their input in directing our club.

With luck we will have more more information to regularly post on the website after this meeting.

See you there!

Changes to Trap/Skeet fees

At the 2013 Annual Meeting the club members voted to raise the fee for each round trap or skeet to $4.00 for non-members or $3.00 for members. A round being 25 pigeons.

Also, they voted to no longer issue the 25 round prepaid trap/skeet cards to members. Instead all credits for prepaid rounds will be issued in the form of tokens. There will be one color token for the $3.00 member rounds, and another color for the $4.00 non-member rounds. This change will make it possible for the club to keep track of how many rounds have been prepaid and how many have already been redeemed. This will aid the club greatly in budgeting and purchasing our pigeons.

If you already have a 25-Round prepaid card with rounds remaining to be used, please bring it with you to the trap range. When you turn in your card you will be issued a token for each round remaining on the card. Any additional rounds/tokens may be purchased at the new rates.

December Meeting

The December meeting will be held at the Eagles on the 19th. We are always looking to hear from the membership and would encourage members to attend if they have an issue they would like to present.
Our annual banquet this year will mark the 100th anniversary of the club so we are hoping to have a great turn out in January for that.