Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 18, 2024

Custer County Event Center, 7 pm December 18 , 2024

Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Connor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Devan McGranahan and Travis Helm.

Meeting Minutes for the October 16, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting There was no quorum on November 20th, the board of directors stuffed envelopes for the annual meeting notice. Travis made a motion to accept minutes as written, Erin 2nd, passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $10,043.38. The CD balance is $6090.69.

President’s Report: all quiet, preparing for banquet

Membership Report: Devan said memberships are coming in batches, approximately 120 are paid so far.

Action pistol: No organized shoots, target holders need built and welded.

Shotgun-winter schedule, shoot on Sundays, weather permitting at 1 pm.

Archery- Chris said Jason wants to do the archery, but is unable to make director meetings with new job duties.

SASS-No Report nothing scheduled

USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.

Old Business: 4 colored raffle tickets, 50/50 drawing 3 levels of tickets with limited number sold on main prize.

New Business: Person trespassing on the range December 3 will be given the opportunity to apologize to the club on a facebook posting. If he fails to do so, then the Sheriff’s Office will be advised of his admission and ask for trespassing charges to be pursued. Jeff will draft the letter, have the board edit and Jeff will personally serve the letter on the violator.

By law suggestions for the annual meeting of violations, including hunting on property, littering, damage from rule violations, exploding targets, using range after hours will be, reimburse the club for damages and loss of membership and notice not to be on club property for 6 months to a year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm