Custer County Event Center, 7 pm January 15, 2025
Board Attendance: Lee Wankel, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Erin O’Connor, Matt Lewin Justin Hughes, Pat Roos and Travis Helm.
Meeting Minutes for the December 18, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting, Matt made a motion to accept minutes as written, Travis 2nd, passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Marty stated checking account balance is $11,807.99. The CD balance is $6090.69. Marty stated there was fraudulent activity on the club credit card. Those charges are being reversed and a credit card will be issued later this week.
President’s Report: Just a few membership issues. All is being taken care of as soon as practical.
Membership Report: Devan was out of town.
Action pistol: Lee said that Baker is hosting shoots.
Shotgun-winter schedule, shoot on Sundays, weather permitting at 1 pm.
Archery- Chris said Jason wants to do the archery, but is unable to make director meetings with new job duties.
SASS-No Report nothing scheduled
USPSA-will not renew considered defunct.
Old Business: Marty has the tickets for the raffle. The person who trespassed at night has not posted the apology.
New Business: VFW inquiired about yearly flag donation. Matt made a motion to provide them $50, Erin 2nd Motion passed.
Jeff will draft bylaw changes for the annual meeting so they can be voted on.
Director positions that are open this year due to resignations. Robert, Boager, Jason Sibble and Pat Roos. Lee is up for election because he filled half term. Chris and Jeff are up for election, Matt Lewin, Erin, Justin and Travis. Because the staggered terms are being changed, Lee will expire in 2028 as will Matt, Erin, Justion and Travis. They filled positions will expire in 2027.
Justin will prepare the banquet and will request help when required.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm