Author Archives: Custer Rod and Gun Club

Action Pistol Results – July 2 2015

Another great turnout and a really fun evening! Here’s the results…

Revolver Division

07/02/15 Division Three Each Bad Men Mirror Mirror When Poppers Go Bad Total Time
John Reed Revolver 36.52 59.20 69.30 8.51 173.53
Michael Bricco Revolver 41.54 80.02 69.56 10.47 201.59
Greg Waldie Revolver 48.53 101.53 80.72 15.61 246.39

Semi-Auto Division

07/02/15 Division Three Each Bad Men Mirror Mirror When Poppers Go Bad Total Time
Marty Scheid Semi-Auto 17.92 24.32 32.30 5.06 79.60
Shane Tayler Semi-Auto 16.75 31.41 29.50 4.49 82.15
Mark Soderquist Semi-Auto 15.01 39.20 25.34 3.62 83.17
Dallas Taylor Semi-Auto 16.27 32.27 33.36 4.51 86.41
Lee Wankel Semi-Auto 17.76 35.31 31.74 4.82 89.63
Ty Rainey Semi-Auto 18.33 34.02 33.42 4.76 90.53
Walter Lacy Semi-Auto 17.84 36.24 36.27 4.92 95.27
Erik Fritz Semi-Auto 16.06 41.57 33.38 4.60 95.61
Alan Dodge Semi-Auto 13.94 39.55 38.72 4.63 96.84
Jake Hilderman Semi-Auto 18.61 36.58 36.86 5.44 97.49
Steve Jacobs Semi-Auto 16.29 43.50 34.74 5.05 99.58
Jesse Smith Semi-Auto 18.89 48.86 26.26 6.58 100.59
Roy Kearnes Semi-Auto 33.79 42.30 29.40 4.19 109.68
James Smith Semi-Auto 15.76 55.28 39.85 6.38 117.27
Shane Adams Semi-Auto 22.82 50.46 54.81 6.35 134.44
Tom Fulton Semi-Auto 32.60 48.56 54.93 4.78 140.87
Deith Allies Semi-Auto 28.70 53.68 66.38 5.58 154.34
Larry Adams Semi-Auto 34.43 50.19 66.30 10.48 161.40
Michael Bricco Semi-Auto 45.35 69.14 50.63 12.91 178.03
Debi Smith Semi-Auto 33.64 109.03 65.53 17.46 225.66
Jonathan Thornton Semi-Auto 88.01 123.66 105.91 33.70 351.28
Jim Keith Semi-Auto 17.16 1000.00 32.74 4.36 1054.26

Fallon County Gun Club Turkey Shoot

( trap shooting)
Date: September 13th 2015

Time: registration 8am
Start shooting 9am

Were: Fallon county gun range Baker, MT

Shooting shotgun at clay targets thrown from a trap machine.

Games include:
Buddy/ buddy Best of ten

Progressive Annioakly

Dead bird Women only shoot

Kids only shoot

Anyone is welcome to come out and participate
Women, kids and men
There will be prizes too.

Bring eye and ear protection, money, shotgun and shells for that shotgun.
If you don’t have a shotgun there will be some out there you can barrow for the time you are shooting. If you don’t have shells there will be some out there you can buy.

All proceeds from the turkey shoot will go to the Fallon county 4-h shooting sports kids.

Action Pistol Shooting


Our next Action Pistol shoot will be Thursday, July 2nd at 6:00 PM. It’s suppose to be the coolest day this week, so don’t miss out on a chance to come out and stop some bad guys.

Here’s the scenarios we’ll be shooting this week…
Stage # 1 Three Each
Stage # 2 Bad Men
Stage # 3 Mirror Mirror
Stage # 4 When Poppers Go Bad

You can learn more about our Action Pistol shooting HERE.

Action Pistol BUG shoot results 6-25-15

Hey gang, thanks for a great attendance last night. I would call our first BUG shoot a success! Here’s the results…

Revolver Division

06/25/15 Division Another Attacker Bank Burglary Cubical Crisis Dangerous Doorways Total Time
John Reed Revolver 22.50 24.45 42.83 51.07 140.85
BethAnn Rainey Revolver 24.92 106.83 70.71 59.60 262.06

Semi-Auto Division

06/25/15 Division Another Attacker Bank Burglary Cubical Crisis Dangerous Doorways Total Time
Shane Taylor Semi-Auto 7.42 14.72 31.50 19.19 72.83
Steve Jacobs Semi-Auto 9.30 19.75 24.22 20.38 73.65
Dallas Taylor Semi-Auto 17.55 14.01 26.01 17.54 75.11
Shane Adams Semi-Auto 8.54 18.88 27.59 20.70 75.71
Alan Dodge Semi-Auto 8.34 16.97 30.00 22.75 78.06
Ty Rainey Semi-Auto 9.32 18.98 23.87 27.62 79.79
Pat Crisswell Semi-Auto 9.51 19.22 23.71 29.41 81.85
Malachi Taylor Semi-Auto 8.78 35.94 22.40 16.90 84.02
James Smith Semi-Auto 10.79 23.87 29.92 25.43 90.01
Lee Wankel Semi-Auto 9.28 23.89 36.78 22.84 92.79
Jim Keith Semi-Auto 14.65 21.92 38.61 22.35 97.53
Mike Murphy Semi-Auto 18.01 24.50 37.03 26.18 105.72
R J Hart Semi-Auto 23.64 27.53 35.99 28.60 115.76
Marty Scheid Semi-Auto 13.56 40.25 43.86 34.79 132.46

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – July 19, 2015

The next Meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Tuesday, July 19th, 7:00 PM at the Sunday Creek Range.

The meeting agenda will as follows…

Custer Rod and Gun Meeting Agenda
21 July 2015 Sunday Creek 7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report

A) Will not be here for Aug meeting

B) Walleyes used the club house at S.E.( 26 June) for kids day

C) Kids 22 shoot

D) Pheasant Forever: 18 July, 1, 15, 29 Aug, 19 Sept. (9 am-1 pm)

E) Complaint on berm height / investigation / if action is to be taken by board

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.

A) Rifle range

1) Steel target Special Committee

2) NRA grant

3) 100 yard High Power range project – Randy Anderson

4) Bob brown shoot

B) Shotgun

1) Parts

2) Spotted Eagle Bathroom & wiring

3) Financial report shotgun range

C) Annual diner

6) Old business

A) Cap membership

B) Cowboy Action Shoots

7) New business

A) John Olsen’s request to run a Steel Challenge shoot on Tuesday nights

B) John Olsen’s request to sell Steel to club

(8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors (N/A)

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – June 16, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Directors Meeting
Spotted Eagle

Call to order 7:05

Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Todd Burch, Jim Keith

Randy Anderson reported that Austin Swank has resigned from his position as a Club Director due to his out of state work schedule.

New Business (held out of order)
Bob Brown attended the meeting and asked to hold a Dog Days Silhouette Shoot to benefit the Wounded Warriors and Miles City Foster Care Project. He submitted a copy of his insurance to Cheri Reed.

Randy Anderson Motion “We charge Bob Brown $100 to use the range for his shoot Saturday Aug. 8th”. The motion was seconded, and passed.

Cheri Reed motioned “We allow Bob brown to hold the Dog Days Shoot on August 8th, and the portion of the range he will be using will be closed for him to set up on Friday afternoon until torn down on Sunday.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Cheri Reed and Jesse Smith will babysit targets after they are set up Friday night, Aug. 7th.
Members of the Board of Directors will patrol the range durring the shoot Aug. 8th, to ensure only members are using the rest of the range while the gate is open, and to provide a club presense during the shoot.

Previous Meeting Minutes
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the May meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Financial Report
Cheri Reed reported we have $29,527.61 in bank however $6,690.00 is part of the Friends of the NRA grant money for the Sunday Creek Range’s pistol bays and bathroom. She also has received bill from college for the dirt work for approx. $862, she didn’t have the bill with her.

Cheri Reed motioned “We donate an extra 50% of the college’s bill to MCC heavy equipment and CDL program as a thank you for doing great work and taking on our project.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Cheri Reed reported Dodens charged $1,012 for gravel for rifle range road and donated $512 of the bill back, leaving us owing $500.

Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Presidents report:
Keith Hall reported that FWP used the Spotted Eagle clubhouse for a youth fishing day, Keith let them in.

Also the Youth .22 shoot will be 5 weeks of shooting and 1 week of safety. The Coleman’s will run it again and will finalize the dates Jim Coleman returns from his trip. Keith will use his $200 per month expenditure authorization if they need more ammunition.

Committee Reports:
Jesse Smith reported that the steel from Pacific was suppose to ship last week and should be here this week probably.

NRA Grant – Jesse Smith reported NRA bathroom grant check has been received. He has met the utility companies to locate lines, and will meet the septic outfit next Monday or Tuesday to install the the septic tank. He said the shed/bathroom is suppose to be delivered right after the 4th of July.

100 Yard Range – Randy Anderson reported the 100 yard NRA High Power Range, berm is in. Randy needs someone to go with him to Glendive to take some measurements on their range and plan our set up fully.

Trap Range – Cheri Reed reported the college’s trap class is going on today and Thursday, students paid $25 each to pay for clays.

Cheri Reed reported both trap throwers are still down. Trap parts are here, but a bolt is stripped and will need to be drilled out in order to replace the hydraulic relay. The first parts the manufacture recommended we replaced did not fix the problem.

Cheri Reed reported the bathroom/clubhouse project at Spotted Eagle is on hold until volunteers have free time in the fall.

New Business
Pheasants Forever want to use the trap rang July 18, Aug 1, Aug 15, Aug 29, Sep 19th 9am -1pm, buying pigions from the club at $20 per case.
Todd Burch motioned “We allow Pheasants Forever to use the trap range on the purposed dates” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Austin Swank replacement
Jesse Smith nominated Larry Hudson to fill the Club Director position vacated by Austin Swank. The nomination was seconded and passed. A vote was called and Larry Hudson was elected unanimously.

MWF Sage Grouse letter
Montana Wildlife Federation requested the club sign on to a letter they are sending to the Montana Governor Bullock requesting more conservation and regulation regarding Sage-Grouse habitat in Montana. After reviewing the letter and much discussion, the Board chose not to take any action on behalf of the club members on this issue.

Annual Meeting and Banquet
Jesse Smith volunteered to organize the 2016 Annual Meeting and Banquet.

Club Memberships Cards
Randy Anderson reported there are only 23 un-issued key cards left, plus the 20 or so that are at Red Rock

John Olsen proposal for the club to buy his steel from him
John Olsen was not present to present his proposal. Jesse Smith reported that Olson has another club making an offer on his steel targets that he had been loaning to the club for the Action Pistol shooting, and wanted to know if our club wanted to make a competing offer on his steel. No motion to bid on the steel was made.

Pepper Popper targets
Jesse Smith requested the club purchase four full size Pepper Popper targets for the Sunday Creek Range.
Todd Burch motioned “We allow Jesse to purchase $1,300 worth of pepper poppers as he sees needed for the Sunday Creek Range.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

SASS Cowboy Action Shoots
Cheri Reed reported that there has not been any money turned in from the Cowboy Action Shooting in quite a while, and that she was told a non-club member is now running it.

Randy Anderson motioned “The Cowboy Action cease utilization of the Custer Rod and Gun facilities until the Rifle Range Range Master verifies that it is being ran by a club member and they will provide a breakdown of how many member and non members shoot each month and the fees charged” The motion was seconded and passed.

John Olsen’s request to run a Steel Challenge shoot on Tuesday nights
John Olsen was not present to present his proposal. Jesse Smith reported that John wants to start a Steel Challenge shoot on Tuesday nights once the steel targets from Pacific arrive. The Board requested that John present his proposal at the July Board Meeting.

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors
(see “New Business”)

Meeting adjourned 9:20 PM

Action Pistol (BUG) Shoot

Sorry for last week’s cancellation, it couldn’t be avoided. We’ll hold last week’s scheduled BUG shoot this week. See below…

This week’s shoot will be a little different. It will be a Backup Gun Shoot (BUG). While you will be allowed to shoot any gun you normally could, the stages are specifically designed for sub-compact, low capacity, small caliber guns. All firearms will be loaded to a MAXIMUM of 6 rounds per magazine, plus one in the chamber to start with if your firearm will allow it.

The stages have a MAX round count of 15 rounds on any stage to accommodate the lower capacity magazines/revolvers. There will be NO steel which means no minimum power factor. IE. .380s and .22lr can compete right along side the .45 ACPs and .357s. If you have a sub-compact such as an LCP, XDs, m36, LC9, etc. This week’s shoot is specifically designed for you.

You will still need 3 magazines or speed loaders and a holster. Pocket carry will be allowed ONLY if you have a pocket holster and are completely comfortable with your ability to safely draw from your pocket. Those who do not have a holster or are uncomfortable drawing their firearm from a holster, may start in a low ready position with an additional 2 seconds added to their time. Those who have not shot with us before may be asked to start from a low ready position until we’re comfortable with your ability to safely draw from a pocket/holster.

Total round count for this week’s match will be 35 rounds (if you don’t miss or have to reshoot)

Stage # 1 Another Attacker
Stage # 2 Bank Burglary
Stage # 3 Cubical Crisis
Stage # 4 Dangerous Doorways

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Results 6/11/15

Great shoot everyone! Thanks for the great turnout!

Next week will be a BUG (Back Up Gun) match. You can still shoot any gun you want, but the scenarios will be specifically designed for 5 shot magazines. Full size guns will be downloaded accordingly. Also, there will be no reactive steel, which means .22s and .380s will work! If you have a LCP, XDs, m36, Solo, etc. this is the one week you can get away with shooting it and not worry about not having enough magazine capacity or enough power to knock over the steel. You’ll still need 3 magazines/speed loaders and some sort of holster. Pocket carry will be allowed provided you have a pocket holster. See you then!

Match Results 6/11/15

06/11/15 Division Down The Hall When Cardboard Attacks Upside Down World Stage 4 Steel Total Time
Jess Blankenship Revolver 32.92 18.90 9.65 6.71 68.18
John Reed Revolver 52.23 37.49 16.18 27.79 133.69
06/11/15 Division Down The Hall When Cardboard Attacks Upside Down World Stage 4 Steel Total Time
Dallas Taylor Semi-Auto 28.68 17.67 11.17 8.93 66.45
Shane Taylor Semi-Auto 25.65 21.84 12.59 8.17 68.25
Mark Soderquist Semi-Auto 28.62 18.55 12.00 9.28 68.45
Alan Dodge Semi-Auto 32.02 16.41 9.70 10.89 69.02
Ty Rainey Semi-Auto 35.43 18.98 7.38 7.58 69.37
Lee Wankel Semi-Auto 28.30 21.77 11.56 8.24 69.87
Marty Scheid Semi-Auto 29.13 24.28 9.58 7.62 70.61
James Smith Semi-Auto 37.04 18.84 8.40 8.98 73.26
Steve Jacobs Semi-Auto 32.58 22.7 10.65 12.05 77.98
Mike Merwin Semi-Auto 36.51 25.35 12.65 8.74 83.25
Roy Kearnes Semi-Auto 32.41 19.64 11.50 30.14 93.69
Shane Adams Semi-Auto 44.78 27.87 12.19 13.71 98.55
Jesse Smith Semi-Auto 41.05 26.95 15.70 18.93 102.63
Sebastian Valdiva Semi-Auto 45.09 26.59 15.65 51.03 138.36
Larry Adams Semi-Auto 47.74 31.95 27.07 35.01 141.77
Malachi Taylor Semi-Auto 29.57 45.66 24.02 47.90 147.15
Michael Tilley Semi-Auto 44.41 34.42 25.38 63.50 167.71
BE Rainey Semi-Auto 64.50 37.81 22.51 43.10 167.92
Debi Smith Semi-Auto 72.02 45.51 30.76 65.38 213.67
Greg Waldie Revolver 93.31 65.98 34.70 32.15 226.14

Directors Meeting Agenda

Custer Rod and Gun Meeting Agenda
16 June 2015 Spotted Eagle 7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report


1) Kids fishing day

B) Kids 22 shoot

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.

A) Rifle range

1) Steel target Special Committee

2) NRA grant

3) Security cameras for Range

4) 100 yard High Power range project – Randy Anderson

B) Shotgun

1) Parts

2) Spotted Eagle Bathroom & wiring

3) Financial report shotgun range

6) Old business

7) New business

A) Bob Brown shoot

B) Pheasant Forever: 18 July, 1, 15 ,29 Aug,19 Sept. (9am-1pm) 579-7315

C) Austin Swank

D) Sage-grouse letter

E) Take volunteers to organize the 2016 Annual Banquet and Club Meeting

F) John Olsen proposal for the club to buy his steel from him

G) John Olsen request to run a Steel Challenge shoot on Tuesday nights

8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors (N/A)

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

Action Pistol Shooting – 6/11/15

We’ll be holding our weekly Action Pistol shoot Thursday night at 6:00 PM.

Don’t forget we’ll shoot one addition stage which will be some sort of steel match. It’s not shown, but will have a minimum round count of 18 rounds, in addition to what is needed for the three stages listed below….

Stage # 1 Down The Hall
Stage # 2 When Cardboard Attacks
Stage # 3 Upside Down World

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol results 6/4/15

06/04/15 Division Bad Guys Everywhere Single Car Garage Don’t Hate Me Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Jess Blankenship Revolver 26.54 23.91 12.07 18.70 81.22
Mark Soderquist Semi-Auto 24.31 20.18 16.78 26.87 88.14
Marty Schied Semi-Auto 30.72 29.65 13.12 16.05 89.54
John Olsen Semi-Auto 29.86 27.51 15.26 17.17 89.80
James Smith Semi-Auto 31.81 30.21 21.17 20.89 104.08
Dallas Taylor Semi-Auto 31.56 30.16 19.51 25.40 106.63
Simon Niece Semi-Auto 34.03 33.67 12.74 26.45 106.89
Lee Wankel Semi-Auto 40.66 26.81 20.92 25.47 113.86
Chuck Celander Semi-Auto 32.66 39.49 23.92 35.91 131.98
Steve Jacobs Semi-Auto 30.54 36.76 18.03 46.67 132.00
Mike Merwin Semi-Auto 38.71 36.32 36.49 29.82 141.34
Larry Adams Semi-Auto 46.25 39.03 24.09 34.23 143.60
Ty Rainey Semi-Auto 25.39 26.09 27.38 64.92 143.78
Shane Adams Semi-Auto 47.17 32.58 16.40 58.28 154.43
Jesse Smith Semi-Auto 32.07 38.34 18.79 94.93 184.13
John Reed Semi-Auto 50.14 47.90 31.39 66.70 196.13
BethAnn Rainey Semi-Auto 50.40 86.39 36.10 85.20 258.09
Randy Hart Semi-Auto 110.90 ??? 24.26 22.66 157.82

See you next week!

May Meeting of the Board Lacked Quorum

The Meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for 5/19/15 was not held do to the lack of enough directors present to have a quorum.

In lieu of of a meeting the Directors present held an informal discussion of current club events. A represenative from Pheasants Forever was present to request the use of the trap range from 9am – 1pm on July 18; Aug. 1, 15, 29; and Sep. 19 to hold their annual Youth Pheasant Hunting class. They were told we will discuss and vote on the issue at the June meeting.

The Directors present discussed the shoot that Bob Brown purposed to hold in Aug. and decided to request that Bob Brown attend to June meeting to field questions and concerns about the event.

Action Pistol shoot 6/4/15

We’ll be holding our weekly Action Pistol shoot Thursday night at 6:00 PM. Sorry for the cancellation last week, but we are all set to shoot those scenarios this week.

Don’t forget we’ll shoot one addition Steel Challenge style stage which is not shown, but will have a minimum round count of 18 rounds, in addition to what is needed for the three stages listed below….

Stage # 1 Bad Guys Everywhere
Stage # 2 Single Car Garage
Stage # 3 Don’t Hate Me

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Results 5/21/15

Sorry gang, the spread sheet wasn’t adding the steel stage into the total time. Here are the updated rankings/times.

05/07/14 Division Caught in the Act Assault in the Office Clearing Rooms Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Jess Blankenship Revolver 32.00 16.80 37.75 22.64 109.19
Alan Dodge Revolver 42.76 25.96 35.80 32.24 136.76


05/07/14 Division Caught in the Act Assault in the Office Clearing Rooms Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Pat Crisswell Semi-Auto 23.89 18.45 17.63 12.53 72.50
Mark Soderquist Semi-Auto 28.69 17.49 18.23 15.58 79.99
Jason Bednar Semi-Auto 27.64 32.83 16.25 14.01 90.73
Steve Jacobs Semi-Auto 34.98 18.26 22.90 20.10 96.24
Shane Taylor Semi-Auto 29.47 23.29 22.99 22.17 97.92
Dallas Taylor Semi-Auto 33.26 20.74 26.23 17.93 98.16
Ty Rainey Semi-Auto 40.53 20.75 22.03 15.26 98.57
Jim Keith Semi-Auto 34.04 21.57 27.13 16.48 99.22
Marty Scheid Semi-Auto 31.38 23.76 26.03 21.80 102.97
Jonathan Kaiser Semi-Auto 40.06 24.25 24.29 28.61 117.21
James Smith Semi-Auto 44.90 17.62 28.33 32.85 123.70
Jesse Smith Semi-Auto 37.67 19.89 23.89 48.71 130.16
Shane Adams Semi-Auto 41.10 25.19 34.80 31.83 132.92
Sebastian Valdivia Semi-Auto 40.91 28.49 29.92 35.29 134.61
Chuck CeLander Semi-Auto 36.78 24.24 41.65 43.22 145.89
Larry Adams Semi-Auto 53.98 40.17 41.97 49.66 185.78
BethAnn Rainey Semi-Auto 57.09 42.53 60.21 68.02 227.85
Debi Smith Semi-Auto 80.10 60.20 70.95 57.51 268.76
Kevin Anderson Semi-Auto 89.85 46.61 55.05 90.42 281.93

Action Pistol Shooting 5/21/15

We’ll be holding our weekly Action Pistol shoot Thursday night at 6:00 PM. Don’t forget we’ll shoot one addition Steel Challenge style stage which is not shown, but will have a minimum round count of 24 rounds, in addition to what is needed for the three stages listed below….

Stage # 1 Caught In The Act
Stage # 2 Assault in the Office
Stage # 3 Clearing Rooms

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Action Pistol Results – 5/14/15

Thanks for the great turnout everyone. And in case I forgot to mention it, I really appreciate the folks who help RO, help setup, and help tear down. We couldn’t do this without all of you!

Revolver Division Results

05/07/14 Division Bad People Why Me Escaping the
Meth Lab
Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Jess Blankenship Revolver 32.59 25.54 30.31 13.85 88.44
John Reed Revolver 89.94 67.40 81.30 24.82 238.64


Semi-Auto Division Results

05/07/14 Division Bad People Why Me Escaping the
Meth Lab
Steel Challenge #1 Total Time
Jachson Wolfe Semi-Auto 30.75 20.08 29.19 14.85 80.02
Jess Blankenship Semi-Auto 36.96 25.86 34.25 12.33 97.07
Shane Taylor Semi-Auto 40.08 29.70 29.45 16.70 99.23
Marty Scheid Semi-Auto 44.78 24.38 33.81 14.97 102.97
Dallas Taylor Semi-Auto 33.21 33.92 37.86 15.56 104.99
Erik Fritz Semi-Auto 42.99 30.66 35.51 15.12 109.16
Mark Soderquist Semi-Auto 36.40 24.78 48.10 13.79 109.28
Steve Jacobs Semi-Auto 48.40 32.09 34.23 20.59 114.72
Jim Keith Semi-Auto 38.20 37.77 40.17 16.36 116.14
Roy Kearnes Semi-Auto 53.19 24.67 47.49 18.36 125.35
James Smith Semi-Auto 58.28 33.25 36.66 13.38 128.19
Jesse Smith Semi-Auto 51.42 29.03 48.83 21.45 129.28
Randy Hart Semi-Auto 47.80 37.66 63.66 19.47 149.12
Ty Rainey Semi-Auto 58.77 41.60 58.50 30.54 158.87
Walter Lacy II Semi-Auto 60.24 33.09 78.06 16.94 171.39
Shane Adams Semi-Auto 68.65 46.63 60.43 20.00 175.71
Larry Adams Semi-Auto 64.06 43.47 99.51 37.77 207.04
BethAnn Reiney Semi-Auto 97.49 59.84 90.04 63.44 247.37
Debi Smith Semi-Auto 126.52 95.61 129.57 89.15 351.70
Jonathan Semi-Auto 209.16 139.57 194.90 142.08 543.63

Action Pistol Shooting 5/14/15

It looks like there will be enough break in the predicted weather to hold our normal Thursday night shoot. Setup starts around 4:30, shooting at 6:00 PM. Please try to arrive a early as possible so we can get started on time and not run out of daylight.

Remember all firearms should be unloaded and holstered at all times. If you arrive at the range with a loaded firearm, or one that is in a range bag instead of a holster, please ask for the designated safe area to handle firearms.

Here are the scenarios we’ll be shooting…

Stage # 1 Bad People
Stage # 2 Why Me
Stage # 3 Escaping the Meth Lab

You can read more about our Action Pistol shoots HERE

Hope to see you all there!

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – May 19th, 2015

There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:00 PM, Tuesday May 19th at the rifle and pistol range. All members are welcomed to attend the meeting.

The agenda is as follows:

19 may 2015 Sunday Creek 7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report

1) Kids fishing day

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.
A) Rifle range

1) Steel target Special Committee
2) NRA grant
3) Security cameras for Range

B) Trap Range

1) Parts
2) Spotted Eagle Bathroom & wiring
3) Financial report shotgun range

6) Old business

7) New business
A) Bob Brown shoot

8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn