Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 20, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2020 7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Clubhouse
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: Motion by Lee to accept as written, 2nd by Jim, Passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated current cash balance $26,458.81, CD #1 $2,342.43, CD #2 $2,023.38, all bills paid and current.
4) President Report- Jesse stated that there are 471 members. The Clubhouses need to be winterized. Jesse will work on Sunday Creek and Jeff will work on Spotted Eagle.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Dormant for the year. Finished with $1,711 in profit.
-USPSA club will pay for trophies at $300 and will be reimbursed by participating clubs, our expense $52 =-
– Archery-Nothing much going on John is still looking for safety net for indoor shoots.
– Cowboy Action-No report.
– Skeet-Trap-Five Stand-Jeff trap is due most anytime, Marty has paid the balance. Billings Rod and Gun club will sell us targets. Regular showings at Skeet and Trap on Friday and Sunday.
– SOP-Still pending.
6) Old Business- Continuing discussion on the banquet plans Marty and Jesse organizing the purchase of tickets.
7)New Business-Checking on vendors to cook for the Banquet, Pat is checking on his contacts.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-At least 3 director positions will be open for next year. Recruitment for active participation is encouraged.
9) Good and Welfare-Next meeting moved to the VFW if available.
10) Adjourn at 8:00 pm