Category Archives: General News

IMPORTANT: New procedures for renewing your club membership

Club membership “renewals” will have to be purchased differently from now on. Since the club has access cards for the rifle range, members simply mail in their payments and the card stays active. If they let the membership lapse, the card has to be disabled and either paid for, or turned back into the club. If the member does not renew there membership on time they will not have immediate access to the rifle range if/when they do decide to renew.

Because the lock is manually programmed, to renew or reactivate a cancelled card, has to be done at the lock and even though a member pays for the membership, if it’s done after a cancellation it will result in a delay of one to two weeks before the member can use (get into) the range. A letter will be drafted and sent to all of the club members urging renewal prior to and through annual banquet time. Shortly after the annual banquet Randy will have to disable all unpaid membership access cards.

We’ll post more information about option to renew your membership in the coming weeks.

Concealed Weapons/Defensive Pistol Class by EDC., LLC. September 14th

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013
CR&GC Rifle Range
Cost: $100

Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding a class on Saturday Sept. 14th. in Miles City. This will be an Introduction to Concealed Carry Class, taught by EDC Training LLC. This class is for the individual that may or may not hold a Montana Concealed Carry Permit and is wanting to learn more about the Defensive use of a handgun.

This course addresses the effective concealed carry and use of the handguns popular today. The course will address the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, models, configurations and calibers of such Handguns, as well as the most effective support equipment and methods of concealed carry. The program consists of both classroom discussion, and live fire drills on the range. This course introduces the student to techniques applicable to defensive use of the handgun. Emphasis is put on shooting skill development for application in real-life circumstances. The fundamentals of Mindset, Gun-handling, and Marksmanship are covered in lecture while the practical aspects are taught on the range. Other course topics include Situational Awareness, equipment selection, safety, handling, loading, unloading, malfunction clearance, drawing and firing techniques.

Cost of this class will be $100.00

Required equipment list:

  • Centerfire Handgun in a minimum defensive caliber (generally, 9mm or .38spl or larger)
  • Ammunition 100 rounds.
  • Spare magazines or speedloaders
  • Spare ammunition pouches, carrier, or magazine holster
  • Method of carrying the handgun (i.e.- suitable belt and belt holster, Shoulder holsters generally not acceptable- you “sweep” others when drawing the firearm)
  • Ear protection
  • Eye protection
  • Clothing suitable for the weather
  • Cap with a brim
  • Rugged shoes or boots
  • Lunch and hydration fluid(water sports drink etc for the day)

Click here to view a printable CLASS ENROLLMENT APPLICATION

August 20th Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 20th CR&GC meeting started at 7:00PM, present were:
      Todd Burch
      Keith Hall
      Ken Hess
      Ken Boschee
      Randy Anderson
      John Olsen
      Glen Kapitske
      Jeremy Kueffler
      Fred Tetschner
      Dean Seiffert
      Jesse Smith
      Larry Hudson
      Nick Gevock (guest speaker w/ Montana Wildlife federation)

Order of Business:

  • Ken Boschee moved to table previous meetings minutes due to absence of Secretary, seconded by Randy Anderson and passed.
  • Treasurers report incomplete due to absence of Treasurer, however the Trap Range box has $278.00 cash, 40 ea. 3 dollar tokens and 2 ea. 4 dollar tokens. Keith Hall sold 3 hats ($12.00 ea.) and 2 rounds of skeet ($4.00 ea.) total of $44.00. Todd also has $100.00 from Shane Taylor and Eric Fritz’s defensive handgun course. Jesse Smith has $166.00 from the Action Pistol events.
  • Membership was reported by Randy A. to be at 287 members as of two weeks ago when the cards were last picked up from Red Rock.
  • Nick Gevock gave a presentation on the Montana Wildlife Federations past and current activities. Nick also talked at length about the upcoming legislative issues and the Federations stance and involvement.

Committee reports:

  • Jesse Smith reports that they have had 14, 18, 13 and 18 Action Pistol shooters respectively in the last four weeks since the last meeting.
  • Keith Hall reports that the new mower needs cactus juice in the tires and was told to get some.
  • The Women’s Shotgun shoot hasn’t been attended very well and has only have an average of one person the last couple dates. It was decided to cancel the upcoming date due to the Fair.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • Randy Anderson brought up the subject with the rifle ranges time lock. Diminishing daylight hours and complications with people getting locked in indicate it would be easier to deal with simply doing away with the lock-out feature. Ken Boschee made a motion to cancel the time lockout, several people made a second and it passed unanimously. Randy will probably just leave it at 9:00 pm since it is dark long before that now.
  • Discussion regarding the upcoming clay purchase and details involved, revealed no conclusion and will be revisited at a later date. Suggestions were made to put the purchase out to bid and several stated that we may not even need to purchase any due to the current inventory.
  • Keith Hall pointed out that a Weed Whacker is needed for the facilities.
  • Jesse Smith reserved the 29th of September for an Action Pistol shoot.
  • Todd Burch reported that Shane Taylor and Eric Fritz will need the rifle range for another defensive handgun course on the 13th of September.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:38

4th Annual Holy Rosary Healthcare Foundation Sportsmen’s Charity Classic

Good afternoon! A quick note announcing the 4th Annual Holy Rosary Healthcare Foundation Sportsmen’s Charity Classic is set for Saturday, August 17 at the Custer Rod & Gun Club trap & archery range at Spotted Eagle Recreation Area in Miles City. We’re adding an archery competition this year.

Click for —> Registration Form and Flyer

Jackie Muri & the HRH Team of Volunteers
Holy Rosary Healthcare Foundation

News from the July 16th, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

The club directors held their monthly meeting this month at the CR&GC rifle range facilities. Meeting highlights are as follows…

  • EDC, LLC. held another Concealed Weapons class on July, 13th. They reported having only 5 students this go around because the people who were interested were already committed to other obligations. EDC said they are considering holding another class in September, after everyone’s summer activities settle down.
  • This year’s .22 Youth Shoot is finished. Fred Tetchner reported that the club supplied approx. 500 rounds of .22lr per week for the Youth Shoot. He said we have about consumed our ammo supply for this event, and will have to come up with more before next year’s class.
  • Ron Hurr reported that the Youth Archery clinic this year was OK, but attendance was much lower than last year.
  • Cheri Reed reported that Keith Hall has done a tremendous amount of work at the Spotted Eagle Trap Range. She said he has done a lot of tree trimming, and week control, as well as removed stumps and other objects that could damage the new riding mower. Please thank Kieth for his hard work, when you see him.
  • Bluerock will be installing a Pepsi vending machine on the outside of the Spotted Eagle clubhouse. The club will supply the power, and receive a portion of any proceeds from the machine.
  • Club directors have been meeting with contractors over grant work to be performed at the trap range. We are waiting to get a firm quote back any day. Then we can start scheduling the first phase of the project. We have only have until the end of the year to complete the project and turn our receipts into the Yellowstone Caviar Project, in order to receive reimbursement from the grant money that they approved us for. Please note that at some point we will need several volunteers to help with the trenching for this project.
  • In accordance with the club’s Bylaws in regards to missing the last four consecutive Directors Meetings, the club’s Vice President has been assumed to have resigned. Cheri Reed nominated Keith Hall to fill the vacant position, and was approved by the directors.
  • The 4th Annual Holy Rosary Trap Shoot is still being finalized, but there will probably only be one Annie Oakley shoot this year, which will be held after all three rounds of trap have been completed. Todd Burch will get with Holy Rosary and discuss the idea of opening up the skeet range at the same time, so folks waiting to shoot trap could have the opportunity to shoot some skeet also. There was also some discussion about having an archery tournament the morning of the trap shoot, but this will probably not happen as the distractions when the trap shooting starts would be an unfair advantage to the archers who already shot before the trap shooting starts.
  • Fred Tetschner reported that the rifle range is out of new target backer boards, and he will start checking prices to get more.
  • The directors approved purchasing a shot timer to be used for the weekly Action Pistol Fun Shoot being held at the rifle range Thursday nights. They also approved this event to be opened up to non club members, and to charge an appropriate target fee for members, and one for non members.
  • Cheri Reed is going to start applying for Friends of the NRA grants improve the Spotted Eagle trap and clubhouse facilities, in order to meet the requirements necessary to hold sanctioned ATA trap matches there.

July 2013 Directors Meeting

July 16, 2013
7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Rifle Range

The next Club Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16th, 7:00 PM at the Sunday Creek Rifle Range.

These club meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. All club members are encouraged to attend these meetings and participate in their club.

You can see a summery of previous meetings by clicking here –> Meeting Minutes

Rifle Range LOCKED FOR THE NIGHT at 9:00 PM!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the lock on the entrance/exit gate at the rifle range is now set to NOT unlock after 9pm. There is a sign on the gate has been changed to 9 pm, rather than Sunset as it used to say.

Please, be aware that YOU WILL BE LOCKED IN if you have not exited the range by 9 PM!

Please direct any questions about this issue, or other issues with key card access to Randy Anderson 406-951-0301.

Concealed Weapons Pistol Class

Saturday, July 13, 2013
CR&GC Rifle Range
Cost: $100

Custer Rod and Gun Club will be holding a class on Sunday March 24th. in Miles City. This will be an Introduction to Concealed Carry Class, taught by EDC Training LLC. This class is for the individual that may or may not hold a Montana Concealed Carry Permit and is wanting to learn more about the Defensive use of a handgun.

This course addresses the effective concealed carry and use of the handguns popular today. The course will address the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, models, configurations and calibers of such Handguns, as well as the most effective support equipment and methods of concealed carry. The program consists of both classroom discussion, and live fire drills on the range. This course introduces the student to techniques applicable to defensive use of the handgun. Emphasis is put on shooting skill development for application in real-life circumstances. The fundamentals of Mindset, Gun-handling, and Marksmanship are covered in lecture while the practical aspects are taught on the range. Other course topics include Situational Awareness, equipment selection, safety, handling, loading, unloading, malfunction clearance, drawing and firing techniques. Cost of this class will be $100.00

Required equipment list:

  • Centerfire Handgun in a minimum defensive caliber (generally, 9mm or .38spl or larger)
  • Ammunition 100 rounds.
  • Spare magazines or speedloaders
  • Spare ammunition pouches, carrier, or magazine holster
  • Method of carrying the handgun (i.e.- suitable belt and belt holster, Shoulder holsters generally not acceptable- you “sweep” others when drawing the firearm)
  • Ear protection
  • Eye protection
  • Clothing suitable for the weather
  • Cap with a brim
  • Rugged shoes or boots
  • Lunch and hydration fluid(water sports drink etc for the day)

Click here to view a printable CLASS ENROLLMENT APPLICATION

June 2013 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

The Custer Rod and Gun Club held their June directors meetings at the Spotted Eagle Trap Range, June 18th. Meeting highlights are as follows…

  • Ron Hurr reported that they are all set to have the Youth Archery clinic Saturday morning, June 22nd at the Spotted Eagle Archery Range. This event is open to any children who wish to experience archery for the first time, or who have shot before. If anyone would like to help run this event, or would like more information about bringing your kids, please contact Ron Hurr at 853-2370.
  • Fred Tetschner reported that he received permission from the City Council to use the City Range for the .22 Youth Shoot. The city required the club to up our insurance from $500,000 to $1 million, but also issued a resolution letter giving us permission to use the range for the Youth Shoot the next 3 years. Fred said the Councilmen were great to work with and very in favor of this sort of Youth activity. Please take the time to thank your Mayor and Councilmen when you see them.
  • Fred also reported that we have 32 kids attending the Youth .22 Shoot, and 15 signed up for the Youth Trap Shoot.
  • Some targets have been removed from the Spotted Eagle range for repairs made necessary by more vandalism last week.
  • Randy Hart reported that he is getting closer to a final layout for the new pistol range to be built at the Rifle Range facilities. He said Mike Webb has agreed to help with the earth work to build the new berms.
  • Todd Burch reported that Holy Rosary wants to hold their annual charity fundraiser Trap Shoot on Aug. 9th and 10th, but there is a scheduling conflict on the 10th with the Pheasants Forever Youth program. Todd said he will try to work out the scheduling conflict.
  • The Directors approved Eric Fritz and Shane Taylor of EDC, LLT. to hold another Concealed Weapons pistol class at the Rifle Range on July 13th.
  • It was noted that the club’s Vice President has now missed 3 consecutive Directors Meetings. It was moved and approved to address the issue appropriately at next month’s meeting.
  • Jesse Smith reported that he will be setting up Action Pistol style steel and cardboard silhouette targets on the short range at the CR&GC Rifle Range every Tuesday night at 6pm starting July 9th, for any club members who wish to come out and do some fun action pistol shooting. This will just be a fun/practice shoot open to any club members who wish to come out and spend a evening with other pistol shooters. Handgun shooters of all experience levels are encouraged to come out and bring any auto or revolver of common defensive caliber (usually 9mm/.38 – .45 cal) There is no charge to shoot, and all targets will be supplied by himself and John Olsen.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for 7pm July 16, 2013 at the CR&GC Rifle Range. All members are encouraged to attend these meetings and help steer their club in any decisions to be made.

May 2013 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

The Custer Rod and Gun Club held their May directors meetings at the rifle range, May 21st. Meeting highlights are as follows…

  • Todd Burch reported that the Yellowstone Caviar Project got back to us about the grant request he had submitted for funds to instal an additional trap thrower, lighting, and updated electrical at the Spotted Eagle trap range. Yellowstone Caviar Project did not award us the money he requested, but offered a portion of the requested money. If all the work is completed and we submit receipts before the end of the year they agreed to reimburse the club $3,000 toward the project.
  • The directors voted to allow Pheasants Forever to hold their annual Youth Pheasant hunting program at the Spotted Eagle trap facilities. They will hold classes for the 11-15 year olds enrolled in the program, and practice shooting trap every other Saturday from July 18th through September 21st. This class has already been filled to maximum enrollment.
  • Everyone at the meeting inspected the area where Randy Hart proposed to build an new action pistol bay/range at the rifle range. They decided the location needed to be thought out more and adjusted, but approved him to go ahead and build it when he decides exactly where it would work the best.
  • It was decided that this year’s Trap League will only run 8 weeks, rather than the 12 it has in the past. This change was made to hopefully encourage shooters to participate through the entire season, and not leave other shooters hanging without a partner toward the end of the season. Cheri Reed volunteered to run the league this year, but would like someone to volunteer to help her. Cheri is checking her schedule and will decide when she has time for the league to start. Please contact Cheri if you would be willing to help run this year’s trap league.
  • Fred Tetschner is scheduled to meet with City Counsel Wed. 4/22 to ask permission for the CR&GC to use the water plant shooting range, to hold the Youth .22 shoot.
  • A couple of people mentioned that they have been approached by various foundations that would like to award grants to the Custer Rod and Gun Club, but we don’t have anyone submitting the grant requests. If anyone is interested in helping out the club by writing grant requests on behalf of the Custer Rod and Gun Club, PLEASE contact Todd Burch at (406) 853-6707.
  • Ken Hess is going to look into the feasibility of installing the air conditioner that was donated to the club, in the Spotted Eagle club house.
  • Ron Hurr is looking at running a Youth Archery league on Tuesday evening, at Spotted Eagle, but hasn’t decided on exact dates yet.
  • The directors discussed holding some sort of “Club Ironman” contest in conjunction with a club BBQ. The idea would be that participants would have the opportunity to compete on the same day at shooting rifle, pistol, shotgun, and archery. The days winner would receive bragging rights for the year, and this would be a great opportunity to get all the club members together for something other than the annual meeting, as well as expose members to other shooting disciplines that they may not currently have experience in.
    It was decided that there wasn’t enough time to set it up this year, but we need to start planning it for next year so that the official date and details can be announced at the annual meeting in January, and members will have time to plan for it.
    If you’re interested in helping plan or run this event, please contact any of the club directors.

May 2013 Directors Meeting

May 21, 2013
7:00 PM
CR&GC Rifle Range clubhouse

The next Directors Meeting is scheduled for May 21, 2013 and will be held at the CR&GC Rifle Range clubhouse at 7:00 PM. All club members are encouraged to attend these meetings. At this meeting we will be deciding where to build a dedicated pistol range/bay for Cowboy Action Shoots, Action Pistol, Cowboy Mounted Shoots, etc.

April 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

The April Directors Meeting was held 7:00 PM, April 16th at our Spotted Eagle clubhouse. This months meeting was pretty short and sweet, with some of the highlights listed below…

  • Club President Todd Burch reported that he submitted a grant request to the Yellowstone Caviar Project for improvedments to the Spotted Eagle facilities, including a new trap thrower, updated power, and lights, etc. We should find out if our grant is approved withing 90 days.
  • The Directors approved advertising the .22 Youth Shoot that starts June 4th, through the newspaper, flyers, and online, as the dates get closer.
  • The Concealed Weapons/Defensive Pistol class CR&GC held March 24th and taught by EDC Training, LLC. was a sucess dispite the cold weather. We had 14 studends in the class including some who were club members, and at least 3 who purchased memberships right after the class. There is talk of holding another class later in the year.
  • Rocky Mountain Promotions will be holding a Gun Show at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds in Miles City May 10th – 12th, and requested to rent tables from our club. This was discussed and approved at the meeting.
  • Randy Hart purposed building a dedicated pistol bay/range at the rifle range. The idea was well received, but tabled until the next meeting which will be held at the rifle range and everyone can decide exactly where it should be and what dirt birms, etc. would be required.

The next Directors Meetings will be held 7:00 PM May 21, 2013 at the Rifle Range club house. All members wishing to have a voice in their club are encouraged to attend.

Updated to add the Club Secretary’s official Minutes:

Meeting 4/16/13
Todd, John O. Ken B, Glen K, Jeremy K, Randy A Ken H
grant new trap with 60-90
Jeff Williams to donate up to 5,000
treasure 9,000in account
bob cat to deliver soon, is the new mower paid for? Todd thinks so
245 members so far an average of 10 people a week per Randy A
Trap birds have be delivered and great turn out on Sunday
Clean up on rifle range approved
Old Business Randy A was the gate keeper at the womens shoot
New Business cavier grant
John H flyer for buying ad in newspaper cost is 60-65 dollars for advertisements run add for 2 weeks possible thru Chamber of Commerce approved
Hot water heater needs to be hooked up at rifle range
Trail Cam was purchased and Randy A is to install it
Possible steel wording across agate and will find out how much it will cost
Gary Matthews and friends that are marines per Ken H will be here this spring to shoot @ spotted eagle possible looking for shot guns to use
Randy H is making a new shooting burm for Cowboy Action held every third Saturday of each month, ok’d for, table until next month to see what can be done
Charles L questioning the shot gun targets to be shot @ rifle range discussed
adjorned meeting