Category Archives: Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes – November 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun
Board Meeting Minutes

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: Called to order 7:08 PM
Present: Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
– Randy Anderson motioned “We accept the minutes from the October meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report
– Cheri Reed reported there is $29,766.93 in the checking account. Jesse Smith reported there is approx. $1,500 in the PayPal account. Jim motioned “We accept the financial report.” The motion was seconded and passed.

4) President Report
– Randy Anderson reported we have all the printing for the annual letter back from the Star and are ready to stuff letters and mail them.
– Randy Anderson reported that he contacted Miles City Town and Country Club and confirmed our reservations for the annual meeting on Jan. 20th.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Shotgun: Jerry Austil was not present.
– Cowboy Action: Randy Hart reported there has been no activity since the last meeting.

6) Old Business
– Randy Anderson reported Jesse Smith framed the bathroom area at Spotted Eagle. Randy spoke to Builders First about getting a steel door for the storage area, but is still looking. There was discussion about the next step of the project and it was decided that Randy would contact the electricians and masonry contractors to get started on the storage room.

7) New Business
– Randy Anderson motioned “The club purchase two rounds of drinks for the volunteers stuffing, labeling, stamping envelopes for the 600 copies of the annual letter.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Randy Anderson inquired about the possibility of capping the club membership in order make management of memberships easier throughout the year. The Board discussed the idea but declined to make any motion.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
– Inquires were made as to which Board members would accept a nomination for reelection.

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn
Randy Anderson motioned “We adjour.” The motion was seconded and passed at 8:16 PM.

Board Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
October 17, 2017
Rifle Range

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers 7:03
Attendance: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the September meeting, as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report
Randy Anderson read a report submitted by Treasurer Cheri Reed, which stated the club has $29,429.58 in the bank. Also, Jerry Austil turned in $162 from last two weeks of trap shooting.

4) President Report:
Randy Anderson reported he contacted Keith Hall about running a turkey shoot in May. Keith did not want to run the shoot, but suggested it be held in June or July, due to the number of activities scheduled for May, and spotty weather.
– Jerry Austil motioned we strike Spring Turkey Shoot until further notice. Seconded, passed.

– Randy also discussed the possibility of holding some sort of long range match, perhaps in the Terry BLM area.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol
Jesse Smith turned in $381 in entry fees from the last two weeks of the regular season of Action Pistol, and the Jackpot shoot that Marty Scheid ran in September. Jesse reported that since he started Action Pistol five years ago, they have collected $5,121 in shooter fees, and spent $3,365.42 in expenses, leaving a net profit of $1,755.58. He also reported that he is stepping down from running the Action Pistol, and recommends it be taken over by a committee rather than just one person. He reported that Jess Blankenship would like to be on that committee, as well as Marty Scheid, and he recommends they team up to head the committee. Jesse also reported that he thought Mark Soderquist was willing to help out on the committee as well, but he wasn’t certain of it. Randy Anderson assigned Jess Blankenship, and Marty Scheid to head the new Action Pistol committee, with Mark Soderquist as a member, if he so chooses.

– Cowboy Action

– Shotgun
Jerry Austill reported he opened for trap shooting the last two weeks and would continue until they don’t have enough light. He reported there have been some 4H kids and adults attending the shoots.

6) Old Business
– Guns for Annual Banquet
Jesse Smith passed around a list prepared by Shane Adams, of suggested guns and prices, for the Annual Banquet raffle items. The Board chose to purchase a Glock 19, Sig 320, 6.5 Credmore rifle, and Savage .17 rifle. Marty Scheid motioned “We that rather than ask Red Rock for to work with us on the price, we instead increase our approved budged to $1856 to cover chosen guns and ask Red Rock if they will donate some extra prizes for the banquet.” The motion was seconded and approved.

– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
After discussion about options for the clubhouse remodel, it was decided to go with a block wall, steel door, and a safe and shelves in the vault area. Jesse Smith agreed to make a floor plan drawing for the bathroom so it can be framed. Randy Anderson will contact Higgins drilling to find out how to winterize the new pressure tank and water lines.

7) New Business
– Safe area at pistol bays
Shane Adams submitted a suggestion by email to build a ‘safe area/room’ at the pistol bays, where competitors in pistol sports can handle their unholstered and/or loaded firearm rather than doing it at their cars behind the firing lines. He suggested building the safe area out of railroad ties. The Board discussed the idea and considered using car tires instead as we can get them for free. The Board will revisit the issue when plans for the 2018 rifle range work day are discussed.

– Miles City Firefighters Toy Dance request for donated memberships
Jesse Smith reported the club received a request to donate one or two club memberships to the Miles City Firefighter’s Toy Dance in December. Jim Keith motioned, “We donate a membership.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn

Board Meeting Agenda – October 17, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
October 17, 2017
Rifle Range

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report
– Boy Scout plaque

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Shotgun

6) Old Business
– Guns for Annual Banquet
– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

7) New Business
– Safe area at pistol bays
– Miles City Firefighters Toy Dance request for donated memberships

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn

Board Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2017
Spotted Eagle

Call to order: 8:00PM
Present: Randy Anderson, Randy Hart, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith,JD Arneson, Shame Adams, Todd Burch, Jerry Austill.
Absent: Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Daniel DeLong, Chris Schlepp
Guests present were: Scott Rehbein (Vo Ag instructor FFA) and Mike Wade (Boy Scouts).


– Motion was made and passed to accept previous minutes as posted on wedsite.

Financial report:
– Randy Anderson read a report from Cheri Reed stating the club has $29,449.58 in account with some checks still to deposit. Report accepted.

Presidents report:
– Cornerstone has seen the facilities and will be sending bid any time now.

Committee Reports:
– Action pistol:
Randy Anderson read a report from Jesse Smith that stated the Action Pistol Jackpot shoot was rained out and postponed until Saturday Sep. 23. The Action Pistol has collected $144 since last month’s meeting, but will not be turned in until next month’s meeting, so they can use it for change at the Annul Jackpot shoot. And don’t forget about Jackpot Sat, registration starts at 8:30.

– Cowboy Action:
Nothing to report

– Shotgun:
Range coordinator has cancelled openings. Jerry Austill has volunteered to take over but wants some instruction on operation. Jim Keith will get the keys from the former coordinator.

Old Business:
– Randy Anderson will contact Keith Hall about a Spring Turkey Shoot. Anyone can start on remodel of Trap building at any time, we don’t need to wait on floor anymore and estimates are coming on block wall. We also need to consider winterization of all facilities pretty soon.

New Business:
– Shane Adams will review choices for firearm prizes for banquet. Motion was made by Marty to purchase two rifles (1 door prize and 1 raffle) and two pistols (1 raffle and 1 for incentive). Also boost budget for guns from $1200 to $1600, Todd second and vote was unanimous.

Good and Welfare:
– Mike Wade with the local Boy Scout troop presented a plaque of appreciation from the Short Grass District to Custer Rod and Gun Club for its support and donations.

No further business, motion to adjourn passed at 7:26

Meeting of the Board of Directors – September 19, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
September 19, 2017 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

Call to Order and Attendance:

Reading of Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Reading of Current Financial Report:

President’s Report:
– Block for Vault at Spotted Eagle
– Other?

Report of Standing Committees:
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Shotgun

Old Business:
– Spring Turkey Shoot, tabled from last month
– Spotted Eagle Remodel

New Business:

Nomination of Officers:

Good and Welfare:
– Boy Scout’s presentation


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – August 15, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2017
Spotted Eagle

Call to Order and attendance: Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm
– Attendance:Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, Shane Adams, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp
– Absent: Cheri Reed, Randy Hart

Reading of previous meeting minutes:
– Jesse Smith motioned “We accept last month’s minutes as posted.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Financial report: Randy Anderson read a report that Cheri Anderson sent him stating the club has $29,782.10 in the bank account.

Presidents Report:
– Randy Anderson reported Randy Hart patched the floor in the Spotted Eagle clubhouse, and Pheasants Forever wants to use the Spotted Eagle range and possibly the clubhouse for their annual youth Pheasant hunting education program.

Committee Reports:
– Action Pistol: Jesse Smith turned in $110 and reported that since the beginning of the Action Pistol Shoots, they have made a profit of $1,408.56 after all expenses.
– Cowboy Action: N/A no one present to report
– Shotgun: Jesse reported that Wes Foster’s offered to open for trap/skeet a few times per month. Wes will supply list of dates and times he is available to open, and if anyone contacts him stating they intend to shoot on any of those dates, he will open. If no one contacts him, he will not open.

Old Business:
– Spring Turkey Shoot: Randy Anderson motioned “We table the topic to next month’s meeting, but he will talk to Keith Hall to see it he would be interested in running the event.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Spotted Eagle remodel project: After discussion, it was decided that we can start framing the bathroom, and Randy Anderson will look into the clay block offered to the club for building the vault.

– Jim Keith reported he repaired the roof on the skeet range high house. Jim spent about 9 hours working on it, spent about $100, and has receipts to turn in when the Treasurer is present.

New Business:
– Daniel DeLong motioned “We accept Wes Foster’s offer to open for trap and skeet shooting, and email the plan and dates to the club members as well as post it on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Jesse Smith motioned, “We allow Pheasants Forever to use a trap house and the clubhouse at Spotted Eagle Aug 19, Sep 9, & Sep 16th for their youth pheasants hunting instruction. And will pay the club’s standard rate for non-profits of $20 per case of clays uses. The motion was seconded and passed

– Jesse Smith reported that Scott Rehbein contacted him wanting to hold a monthly 4H/FFA trap shoot. Jesse reported that he instructed Scott to put together a detailed plan and either attend tonight’s meeting to request it’s approval, or submit it to Jesse to present at the meeting on Scott’s behalf. Jesse reported that Scott had not done either option, and Jesse had been unable to contact Scott before the meeting.

– Jesse Smith reported he didn’t see any suitable target backer boards in the shed at the Sunday Creek range, but he had found the shed left open with 1/4” sheet goods half in and half out of the shed. He didn’t know if they were steeling them or donating them, but someone apparently changed their mind halfway through and left the shed open.

Election and Nomination of Officers:

Good and Welfare:

Daniel DeLong motioned, “We adjourn the meeting.” The motion seconded and passed at 7:35 PM.

Meeting of the Board of Directors Agenda – August 15, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
August 15, 2017 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap

6) Old business
– Spring Turkey shoot
– Spotted Eagle remodel project

7) New business
– Wes Foster opening for skeet/trap
– Scott Rehbein’s FFA/Ag monthly trap shoot

8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors.

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – July 18, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
July 18, 2017
Spotted Eagle

Call to order: 7:04 PM

Present: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Jim keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp
Absent: None

Minutes from previous meeting:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the June meeting as posted on the club website.” Motion was seconded and passed.

Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported the club has $35,442.34 in checking account. Randy Anderson reported that the club would shortly be receiving around $3,000 in bills coming from work that has been recently done at Spotted Eagle.

Presidents Report:
Randy Anderson reported the new gate lock was installed last Thursday; we should have running water in the Spotted Eagle clubhouse now; Randy serviced the Spotted Eagle lawn mower, which was pretty beat up underneath; and the club is currently at 413 memberships for 2017.

Committee Reports:
Action Pistol: Jesse Smith turned in $106 in shooting fees collected since the last meeting.
Cowboy Action: Randy Anderson reported there have only been 3 shooters participating since last Board meeting he attended.
Shotgun: Chris Schlepp turned in $56 in token fees. Jesse Smith reported Wes Foster emailed and said he would be willing to open 2 Sunday’s per month and possible 1 or 2 weekdays.

Old Business:
Spotted Eagle Remodel Project: The Board discussed the current state of the project and steps that needed to be completed next.
Friends of the NRA: Shane Adams reported he hasn’t had a chance to talk to the FNRA coordinator, Joe.

New Business:
Cheri Reed reported there was a micro-burst at Spotted Eagle this past Sunday and the roof on the skeet house was in need of repair. Jim Keith volunteered to take care of the repairs.

Jesse Smith reported we had a request via the facebook page, to hold ‘some sort of fundraiser shoot’ to help send a local child with epilepsy to Disneyland. The Board declined to hold a fundraiser for an individual person/cause but decided it may be an option for fundraising organizations/groups to run concessions at our events to raise money for their causes, however there were are no suitable events scheduled the remainder of this year.

The Board discussed the possibility of holding a shotgun ‘turkey shoot’ in the spring to promote participation in trap/skeet shooting.

Good and Welfare:
Jesse Smith reported the club received an email from Jeff Leete requesting the fan direction be reversed, in the bathroom at the rifle range; and an email from Duane Ziegler, thanking the Board for doing a great job.

Todd Burch motioned “We adjour.” The motion was seconded and passed at 7:43 pm.

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – July 18, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
July 18, 2017 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report
– Rifle Range Gate Lock
– Spotted Eagle well

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Shotgun

6) Old business
– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse Remodel Project
– FNRA Banquet

7) New business

8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors.

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – June 20, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 20, 2017
Spotted Eagle

Call to order: 7:01 pm

Present: Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith
Absent: Jerry Austill, Cheri Reed, Randy Hart, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp

Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Todd Burch motioned, “We accept the May meeting minutes, as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Financial Report:
n/a Treasurer not present

President Report:
– Randy Anderson reported that Higgins Drilling estimated it would cost about $550 to replace the water pump in the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse’s well, which appears to be burned out. Randy motioned “We aprove hiring Higgins Drilling to replace the pump.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Randy Anderson reported it will be about $1,200 to replace the gate lock at the rifle range with a new lock. The Board reaffirmed that there was already an approved motion to purchase a new lock. Randy said he will try taking the lock apart, changing the batteries, and cleaning it one more time before he orders the new lock.

Committees Reports:
Action Pistol:
Jesse Smith turned in $188 in Action Pistol shooter fees, and reported he had a receipt for approx $30 for supplies. He forgot the receipt and will turn it in next month.

Chris Schlepp was not present, but Jesse Smith reported that Chris told him there has been very little participation. Most weeks it’s just Chris and one other shooter, sometime it’ just Chris. He reported that Chris was going to give it a few more weeks, and if we didn’t start getting shooters participating we will need to find someone else to open. As of yet, there have still not been any volunteers to open trap/skeet on Wed. nights and soon there will be no one for Sunday afternoons either.

Friends of the NRA Banquet:
Shane Adams reported that he spoke with the FNRA coordinator who said the club could purchase a table at their banquet for $1,450 which would include 8 seats/meals, a gun, and $500 worth of raffle tickets. This would be a way for the CR&GC to support the FNRA fundraising efforts that supply gun range and shooting sports/education grant to the local area, and the CR&GC could recoup part of the expense by raffling the table, gun, etc. at the CR&GC banquet in Jan.

After discussion, the Board thought this was probably more than the club is wanting to spend and Shane was asked to check with the FNRA to see if they could suggest a cheaper option.

Rifle Instructor Class:
Jesse Smith reported that due to heath reasons, the rifle instructor certification class is postponed until further notice, and would not be in time to hold a youth shoot this year.

FWP Hunter Safety Field Day:
Todd Burch reported the FWP Field Day held at the Spotted Eagle range on June 10th, had 28 students participate.

Concealed Carry Class:
Jesse Smith Reported that EDC, LLC. canceled the concealed carry class they had scheduled for June 10th due to the lack of enrollment.

Old Business:

Spotted Eagle remodel project:
The Board decided once the well is replaced, we will pressure wash the floor in the clubhouse, then fill the cracks and paint the floor with whatever materials Ace Hardware recommends.

Adjourn: 8:08

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – June 20, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
June 20, 2017 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

1) Call to order and roll call of officers:

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:

3) Reading of Current Financial Report:

4) President Report:
– Rifle Range Gate Lock
– Spotted Eagle Remodel Project

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap/Skeet
– Friends of the NRA Donation Request
– Rifle Instructor Certification
– FWP Field Day June 10th
– EDC Concealed Carry Class June 10th

6) Old Business:
– Spotted Eagle Remodel Project
Floor finish type? Window/AC locations? Floor Plan? Volunteers and Work Schedule?

7) New Business:

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

9) Good and Welfare:

10) Adjourn:

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
May 16, 2017 7:00 PM
Rifle/Pistol Range Clubhouse

1) Call to order and roll call of officers: 7:06
Present: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp
Absent: Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, Daniel DeLong

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the April meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report:
n/a Treasurer was not present.

4) President Report:
– Gate Lock
Randy Anderson reported that the gate lock at the rifle range is not reading key cards. We have programmed a temporary combination and emailed it out to all club members who have provided an email address, as well as posted a sign on the gate with Randy’s phone number so he can give the code to anyone who did not get it. The code is temporary and will only work for a couple weeks while we repair the lock. He has contacted the lock company and is working with them to resolve diagnose and repair the problem.

Todd Burch motioned, “We authorize Randy to purchase replacement parts or a new lock which ever is cheaper.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Gun Show use of tables
Randy reported the gun show that was held at the fairgrounds last weekend approached the club about using the club’s tables. Randy reported he rented the tables to them for $100.

– Spotted Eagle Work Day
Randy reported the stuff from the Spotted Eagle clubhouse was hauled to the dump or moved to storage. He reported the clay pigeons that the Boy Scouts were expected to move from the clubhouse to the skeet high-house, was not moved during their Camporee. Instead Cheri Reed and Kevin Anderson moved half of them last Thursday and the volunteers for the work day moved the rest of them on Saturday.

– Friends of the NRA donation request
Randy reported that Shane Adams had requested the club find a way to donate to or support the Friends of the NRA fundraiser event held in Miles City. He pointed out that while the club’s policy is not to donate cash to other organization, the Board is free to donate/support in other ways, and the FNRA has provided our club with grant funds in the past. Jesse Smith suggested we have Shane contact the FNRA and provide us with a list of options such as purchasing a table of at the dinner that includes dinner for everyone at the table and a gun raffle for that table only, and the table could be auctioned off at our club’s annual banquet.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle/Pistol range
Jesse Smith reported that Doeden Construction did bill the club for the berm work on the pistol range, but it was only about $740 for 7+ hours of work, plus the drive both ways, and represented a substantial discount over their normal rates.

– Action Pistol
Jesse Smith reported the Action Pistol has had two shoots that have brought in $106. He has spent $91.78 on supplies and will probably spend another $150 to be stocked up for the season. To date the Action Pistol has made a profit of $1,152.05

– Cowboy Action
Randy Hart reported there was not a shoot this month, and he turned in $4 the Cowboy Action owed from last month, to Jesse Smith by leaving it in the Action Pistol cash box.

– Trap/Skeet
Chris Schlepp reported there hasn’t been a lot of activity on Sundays and he couldn’t give a report on the number of tokens sold and cash collected because the treasurer had emptied the cash/token jar already. Chris reported that he contacted John Harris and John is willing to help him open on Sundays if there is a week he can’t do it.

David McGinn reported he was willing to open on Wednesday nights starting in June.

Randy Anderson suggested we set up a group text with Chris and David, and include John Harris, John Reed, and Cheri Reed, so they can back up Chris and David if they can’t open some week. Randy said he will talk to Cheri and get David a key, as all the other openers already have a key.

– Rifle Instructor Certification
Jesse Smith reported that he has emailed Fred and the people the club are sending to the rifle instructor class, and given everyone’s email to everyone else. At this point we’re just waiting for Fred to schedule a date for the class or let the students know if they need to do anything before that.

6) Old Business:
– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse Remodel Progject
It was decided to start work on the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse by dividing up each stage of work in small groups rather than trying to get a bunch of people trying to do a bunch of work at on the same day. Randy Anderson and Jesse Smith committed to having the floor scrubbed by the end of the weekend. JD Arneson and Chris Schlepp committed to having the floor cracks/holes filled by the end of next weekend. At that time the directors will schedule a day to do the floor top coating.

7) New Business:
– Jesse Smith reported that John Reed requested permission to shorten the stock on one of the youth shotguns so we have something smaller children can use. After much discussion the Board chose to decline the request at this time.

– FWP Field Day
FWP requested to hold a Hunter Safety Field Day at the Spotted Eagle range on June 10th. JD Arneson motioned “We approve FWP to hold a Hunter Safety Field Day at Spotted Eagle on the 10th of June.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– EDC. LLC requests to hold a concealed carry class on June 10th.
Chris Schlepp motioned “We allow EDC LLC. to hold an Introduction to Concealed Carry class at the rifle range on June 10th. for the usual $100 fee.” The motion was seconded and passed.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:
– Volunteer Incentive Raffle nominations
For their participation in the rifle range work day and the Spotted Eagle work day, Jesse Smith nominated the following people to be entered in the Volunteer Incentive gun giveaway at the Annual Banquet: Chris Schlepp, Jesse Smith, Marty Scheid, Sebastian Valdivia, Jim Syring, Kristen Olson, Matt Davidson, Amber Davidson, JD Arneson, Brian Ludwig, Cheri Reed, John Reed, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, Kyle Carter, Randy Anderson, Jim Keith, Terry Haggard, David McGinn, Kevin Anderson.

9) Good and Welfare:

10) Adjourn:
Jim Keith motioned “We adjourn.” The motion was seconded and passed at 8:24pm.

Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
May 16, 2017 7:00 PM
Rifle/Pistol Range Clubhouse

1) Call to order and roll call of officers:

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:

3) Reading of Current Financial Report:

4) President Report:
– Gate Lock
– Work Days
– other

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle/Pistol range
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap/Skeet
– Rifle Instructor Certification

6) Old Business:
– Spotted Eagle remodel project

7) New Business:
– John Reed requested to shorten the stock on one of the youth shotguns so we have something smaller children can use.

– EDC. LLC requests to hold a concealed carry class on June 10th.

– Wed. night trap/skeet shooting

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:
– Volunteer Incentive Raffle nominations

9) Good and Welfare:

10) Adjourn:

Board Meeting Minutes – April 18, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Mintues
April 18, 2017
Rifle/Pistol Range Clubhouse

1) Call to order and roll call of officers: 7:09 PM
Present: Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp
Absent: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Todd Burch

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the March meeting, as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

3) Reading of Current Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported the club has $38,310.38 in the bank but haven’t paid the NRA insurance yet, which is between $2,800-$3,500.
Jim Keith motioned, “We accept the Treasurer’s report as read.” The motion was seconded and passed.

4) President Report:

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle/Pistol Range: Jesse Smith reported that Doedens spend approximately 7 hours raising the berms on the pistol bays. Jesse reported that he made sure they had the address to send the bill to, but the front end loader operator indicated that he thought they might just donate the work. Cheri Reed reported that we haven’t received a bill.

– Shotgun Range: Chris Schlepp reported he has been opening the shotgun range for the past 3 Sundays. They have sold 50 chips. He will turn in money collected at the next month’s meeting.

– Cowboy Action: Randy Hart reported they had 6 shooters at the March shoot. He turned in $8 but still owes the club another $4.

– Rifle Instructor Certification: Jesse Smith reported that out of the people who responded to the club’s email looking for people interested in being certified in exchange for teaching the Youth .22 class for three years, he selected the four people who where the most willing and able to take the class and commit to the 3 year requirement. Chris Schlepp indicated that some other people had already contacted Fred Tetschner directly about the class. The Board decided by consensus that Jesse would send a list of the four people who the club is paying for, to Fred, and anyone else Fred accepts in the class is up to Fred to collect payment for as he sees fit.

6) Old Business:
– Rifle range work day:
The Board discussed the items they would like to accomplish during the work day planned for the rifle/pistol range on April 29th. Projects include:
* reset the culvert across the west entrance to the pistol bays, replace with longer pipe
* repair steel targets on the 200 yard range (need welder)
* replace backer boards (need bailing wire & drill)
* possibly install pipe over gate entrance (talk to Randy Anderson to see what we need)
* replace broken chains on steel targets with rubber belts (need bolts, washers, wrenches, drill)
* repair/weld 25 yard target frame
* build new berms with tires behind 25 and 50 yard targets (need tires, rebar)

Jesse Smith motioned, “We approve a $100 budget to feed everyone BBQ and drinks during the work day.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Spotted Eagle Work day:
The Board discussed the items they would like to accomplish during the work day planned for the Spotted Eagle range on May 13th. Projects include:
* Empty clubhouse, items either go to storage or the dump (have enough trailers planned, but need volunteers to move items)
* Demo last remaining wall and haul demo materials to dump
* fix floor cracks (will get sealer/crack fill as needed on work day)
* fix benches and shotgun racks (need lumber, hole saws, screws, drills)
* paint trap houses white (Cheri Reed will pick up paint, brushes, rollers, etc.)
* spray weeds
* fix mower tires
* mow grass
* spray for bees
* change blade on mower

7) New Business:
– Boy Scout Camporee: John Reed clarified that the Boy Scouts will pay replacement cost of for any clay pigeons they use during their May 5th-7th camporee.

– Jesse Smith reported the Steel Challenge style targets on the pistol bays are almost impossible to remove from the receivers set in the ground. Jesse motioned “We approve a budget up to a maximum of $500, to build 20 new target stands to replace the receivers currently holding the Steel targets in the pistol bays, and that could also be used for Action Pistol target stands.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Jesse Smith reported that Marshal Haferkamp offered the club 4 or 5 wool bales to be used as archery targets. Jesse reported that Ken Boschee advised him that he would suggest the club pass on the offer. The Board concurred with Ken’s assessment and agreed to pass on the offer.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

9) Good and Welfare:
– Daniel Delong reported he entered the club in a drawing to win 10 electronic targets from CMP.

10) Adjourn:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We adjourn the meeting.” The motion was seconded and passed at 8:18 PM

Board Meeting Agenda – April 18, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
April 18, 2017
7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Rifle/Pistol Range

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Pistol Range
– Shotgun Range
– Cowboy Action
– Rifle Instructor Certification

6) Old Business
– Rifle/Pistol Range work day plans
– Spotted Eagle work day plans

7) New Business
– Boy Scout camporee clay use clearification
– New steel target stands

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn

Board Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
March 21, 2017
7:00 PM

Call to order: 7:10 PM

Present: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Chris Schlepp
Absent: Daniel DeLong, Marty Scheid

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the February meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported the club has $39,877.78 in the bank as of Feb. 28th, and Randy Anderson just gave her about $120 in membership checks checks that haven’t been deposited yet.

President Report:

Report of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Jesse Smith reported that he called Doedens about raising the berms on the pistol range but the weather turned off and they haven’t called him back yet. He will call them again.

– Randy Hart reported the Cowboy Action shoot wasn’t held in March due to schedule conflicts.

Old Business:
– Spotted Eagle Remodel
By consensus The Board scheduled a work day at Spotted Eagle for May 13th, with the intention to empty everything out of the clubhouse, remove the last wall, and level floor.

New Business:

Nomination and elections of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:
– A representative from Boy Scouts troop 208 requested to use the Spotted Eagle range the 1st weekend in May for a Boy Scout camp out and getting the kids badges in trap shooting, archery, etc.

Cheri Reed motioned “We allow the Boy Scouts to use the Spotted Eagle trap range, archery range, trap throwers air rifles, and shotguns, May 5th-7th.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– John Bradley the Eastern Montana Field Rep for Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF) addressed The Board and thanked the club for the $200 donation approved by the members at the Annual Meeting. He spoke for approx 20 minutes on some of the MWF’s key issues. Which included Science based wildlife management, Defense of Public Lands from transfer to state or private holding, Restore Habitat Montana to full funding. He also wanted everyone to know that their website, has a bill tracker for wildlife related bills and the progress they are making in Congress. John also stated the MWF are working to revamp their Affiliate Club Membership program to decrease membership fees and possibly change their newsletter to mostly online only.

Chris Schlepp motioned, “We adjourn.” The motion was seconded and passed at 8:16 PM

Board Meeting Agenda – March 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors Agenda
March 21, 2017

Call to order and Roll call of officers

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

Reading of Current Financial Report

President Report

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle/Pistol Range
– Cowboy Action

Old Business
-Spotted Eagle Remodel

New Business

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

Good and Welfare
Boy Scout Troop 208 request to use Spotted Eagle


Board Meeting Minutes – February 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:04 PM

Present: Randy Anderson, Jerry Austill, Jesse Smith, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Marty Scheid
Absent: Cheri Reed, Jim Keith, Chris Schlepp

Reading of Previous Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We approve the minutes from the Dec. meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s Financial Report:
Randy Anderson reported that Treasurer Cheri Reed was out of town but was sending a financial report to the meeting with John Reed. John was not present and Randy Anderson reported that Cheri had reported at the Annual meeting that we had approx. $17,000 in the bank, Jesse Smith transferred $6,859.22 from the PayPal account to checking account, and Randy Anderson had turned in to Cheri Reed about $2,000 in checks since the Annual Meeting. So we should have around $25,000 in the bank.

President’s Report:
Randy Anderson reported the club was at 380 members as of right now. Last year we finished the year with 395. There are 190 gate key cards that have not been returned or paid for. He also reported that he contacted the lock company, they expanded our lock software so it will hold more cards. He has already issued 25 of the new cards just bought, for new club members.

Good and Welfare:
Jesse Blankenship addressed The Board and reported his intention to build a Cowboy Action range on his property in Moon Creek, where the props will not be vandalized and can be left up all the time. He proposed holding the club’s monthly SASS Cowboy Action shoot at his new range, if the club’s insurance will cover it.
Randy Anderson motioned, “We authorize Jesse Blankenship to move the monthly cowboy shoots, which will be approved by the board on a monthly basis, to the shooting range he’s building on his property, pending approval by our insurance.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Committee Reports:
– Randy Anderson reported that Cheri told him the Annual meeting cost the club about $400 after the raffle income was subtracted from the meeting and prize expenses.

– Todd Burch motioned, “We book the MC Town and Country Club for the 2018 annual meeting.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– Jesse Smith reported he still needs to contact Doeden Construction to schedule them to raise the berms on the pistol bays.

Old Business:
– Spotted Eagle Remodel: Randy Anderson will check on prices for purchasing a storage shed to store clay pigeons in, which could be used to store the items from the clubhouse while we work in the clubhouse.

– Rifle Instructor Certifications: Jesse Smith reported there have been about six people interested in becoming instructors. Also he has spoke with Fred Tetschner about the certification class.Fred said he will hold the class sometime this Spring, but hasn’t picked a date yet, and will need to know how many will be attending the class so he can order student packets. The Board instructed Jesse to coordinate with the volunteers and Fred to make the arrangements for the club to pay for 3 volunteer’s tuitions.

New Business:
-2017 Board Meeting Schedule: The Board decided they will hold March meeting at the VFW as previously scheduled, then due to the remodel work at the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, starting with the April meeting, all future Board meetings will be held at the Rifle Range clubhouse until further notice.

– Review of annual expenditures and establishment of emergency fund:
Jesse Smith motioned “We go through the check book and establish what the club’s annual expenses average, not including expansion or building projects. Then starting in 2018 we deposit 1/3 of that amount into one the club’s CDs, each February of the next 3 years (2018, 2019, 2020). The money is to be held as an emergency fund in case of financial miscalculations or a sudden drop in membership renewals, etc.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Hunter Safety use of the Spotted Eagle range: Todd Burch motioned “We allow FWP to hold their Hunter Safety program at the Spotted Eagle range Feb. 26th”. The motion was Seconded, passed.

– Rifle Range Work Day: The Board decided to hold a work day at the riffle range on April 29th. Randy will advertise for volunteers on the radio, and Jesse will advertise online.

Randy Anderson motioned to adjourn. The motions was seconded and passed at 8:29 PM

Board Meeting Agenda – February 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
February 21, 2017
7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
– Introduction of new Board Members

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report
– Membership report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Annual Meeting
– Rifle/Pistol range

6) Old Business
– Spotted Eagle remodel projects plans
– Rifle instructor certification for youth shoots

7) New Business
– 2017 Board Meeting Schedule
– Review of annual expenditures and establishment of emergency fund
– Review and updating of Bylaws
– Cowboy Action range and insurance

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn

2017 Board of Directors

President: Randy Anderson
Vice President: Jerry Austill
Secretary Jesse Smith
Treasurer Cheri Reed
Director Shane Adams
Director JD Arneson
Director Todd Burch
Director Daniel DeLong
Director Randy Hart
Director Jim Keith
Director Marty Scheid
Director Chris Schlepp

The Board of Directors meet at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month (Feb. – Dec.) Officers and Directors are elected to the Board at the Annual Meeting and Banquet the third Saturday of January.