Category Archives: Meeting Minutes

2017 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will hold our monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors, on the third Tuesday of each month, from February through December, at 7:00 PM. The location of each meeting can be found below:

2017 Meetings of the Board of Directors
February 21, 2017 – VFW Club 119 N. 6th St.
March 21, 2017 – VFW Club 119 N. 6th St.
April 18, 2017 – Sunday Creek Rifle Range
May 16, 2017 – Sunday Creek Rifle Range
June 20, 2017 – Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
July 18, 2017 – Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
August 15, 2017 – Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
September 19, 2017 – Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
October 17, 2017 – Sunday Creek Rifle Range
November 21, 2017 – VFW Club 119. N. 6th St
December 19, 2017 – VFW Club 119. N. 6th St

Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet
January 20, 2017 – Miles City Town and Country Club

Though these are Board meetings*, and only members of the Board of Director have a vote on motions at these meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings if they desire. The Board always seeks the opinion of club members.

* Annual Membership Meeting is open to motions from all club members present.

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes – January 21, 2017

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Membership Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2017
Miles City Town and Country Club

Meeting Called to Order: 7:12 PM

Marty Scheid lead the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call of officers:
Present: Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp
Not Present: Ty Rainey, Larry Hudson
Total attendance approximately 87 people.

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from last year’s meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report:
Cheri reported the club has $17,152.94 in the checking account, which doesn’t include any money taken in at tonight’s meeting or memberships paid through PayPal. Cheri also reported that we have two CDs. One with a balance of $2,304.72 which will renew at an interest rate of .25%. The other is at US Bank, has a balance of $2,304.54 and is also set to renew at an interest rate of .25
Debra Smith motioned, “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

President Report:
– Club memberships
Randy Anderson reported the Board changed the club Bylaws to extended the deadline for club members to renew their memberships until the 15th of Feb. each year but no renewal will be accepted after Feb. 15, only new memberships, and new memberships can not be purchased by a member who is delinquent in renewing their membership, until they either turn in their gate key card for the riffle range, or pay the $25 lost card fee. Otherwise they will have to wait until Dec. 1st to renew for the following year.

Keith Hall pointed out that he believed the change needed to be voted on by the club members in order to be a permanent change to the Bylaws.
Lee Wankel motioned “We approve the change made by the Board to the Bylaws to revise the club’s Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”” The motion was seconded and passed.

Randy Anderson reported the club was at 245 paid members before the annual meeting, and 2016 memberships were only down 65 people since the decline of the oil work in the area.

– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
Randy Anderson reported the Board had approved a budget of $8,000 to renovate the inside of the Spotted Eagle clubhouse including replacing the bathroom and plumbing, refinishing the floor, and possible replacing the back room with a vault. He asked the members if they would like Board to expand the project to include a covered patio outside as well. Kathy Kaiser motioned, “We increase the budget and expand the project to include a covered patio on Spotted Eagle clubhouse.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range
Jesse Smith reported the club held a work day in June where they painted the shed by the clubhouse, painted the shooting benches on the 200 yard range, and corrected the drainage so the new bathroom septic tank doesn’t flood again. He reported there’s been a lot of vandalism on the steel targets with people shooting up the frame instead of the targets, and people shooting armor piercing and rifle/carbine cartridges on the pistol targets leaving holes and dangerous dimples. He reported they have installed a couple signs with safety/range rules, and the pistol bays are to be pistol or shotgun only.

Jesse reported the Board has passed a motion to hire a dirt contractor to increase the height of the pistol bay berms as soon as the weather improves, now that they have had time to settle since their initial construction.

Jesse also reported that he has been approached by several people wanting the club to offer 3-Gun or other types of shooting events not currently offered. Jesse reported that he has never seen the Board turn down a request to start a new activity, as long as someone is willing to volunteer to organize and run the event.

– Action Pistol
Jesse Smith reported the Action Pistol shoots have averaged between 15-24 shooters each week, and over the 4 years it’s been running has collected just over $4,000, spent just under $3,000 and profited $1,137.83

– .22 Youth Shoot
Keith Hall requested members thank Cabelas for donating 5,000 rounds of .22 for the youth shoots.

– Cowboy Action Shooting
Randy Hart reported the Cowboy Action Shooting attendance has been pretty slow last year but if anyone wants to try it, it’s the 3rd Saturday of every month, and they are very accommodating with new shooters, they don’t require period costumes, etc. that other SASS shoots do.

– Shotgun Shooting
Jesse Smith Reported that one of the two trap throwers is working normal, the other one is still not oscillating but he didn’t think anyone had been working on it in several months. He reported that the club made a big push to get revitalize participation in the weekly trap/skeet shoots, starting the first of Aug. 2016. He said they had volunteers committed to opening the range every Wednesday and started with 12-15 shooters which quickly dropped to about 6 each week. Eventually they went 4 weeks straight without a single shooter showing up, and just canceled the shotgun shooting because the volunteers didn’t want to commit to showing up if there were no shooters participating. He reported that there were rumors that there were people interested in starting a league in the Spring, and the Board would make another push to get it going again in the Spring.

Cheri Reed reported that the club may need to take apart the trap thrower that is not working correctly, and ship parts of it to the manufacturer to work on it.

Randy Anderson asked if someone had equipment to move snow at Spotted Eagle so the melt water doesn’t flood the trap houses again. Chris Schlepp volunteered to do it with his tractor and blade. Cheri Reed motioned, “We reimburse Chris Schlep for his fuel to plow snow on the trap range.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Old Business:
Randy Anderson motioned “We approve the change made by the Board to the Bylaws to amend the club’s Bylaws, Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section B; to read, “B) A member’s spouse, and children (under 18 years of age) will have the use of the club as an associate member with all the privileges of the club, with the member present and responsible for them. They will not have a vote and cannot hold an office as an associate member. All associate members will be accompanied by the member.”” The motion was seconded and passed.

New Business:
– Certified Rifle Instructors
Debra Smith motioned, “The club pay for the books and fees to certify rifle instructors who agree to a 3 year commitment to teach the club’s .22 Youth Shoots.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Club Contribution Incentive
Randy Anderson motioned, “The club initiate a volunteer incentive program where Board members and Committee chairs submit names, on a monthly basis, of members who have contributed to the club, to be put in a drawing to win a gun which will be purchased by the club and drawn for at each annual meeting.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– HID card recovery
Randy Anderson reported he is unable to program the new batch of HID cards in the rifle range gate lock. He is worried the lock may not accept more cards, and we may need to recover the HID cards from delinquent members who have not returned their cards.

Randy Anderson motioned, “If necessary, or dictated by lock manufacturer that we need to recover HID cards, we proceed with Main Street Business collections to recover delinquent cards.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:
Randy Anderson reported the following members have been nominated during the banquet, to fill the following 2 year positions:

Jerry Austill, and Jess Blankenship for Vice-President, currently held by Ty Rainey
Jesse Smith for Club Secretary, currently held by Jesse Smith
Shane Adams for the Board of Director position currently held by Shane Adams
Daniel DeLong for the Board of Director position currently held by Daniel DeLong)
J.D. Arneson for the Board of Director position currently held by Larry Hudson)
Chris Schlepp for the Board of Director position currently held by Chris Schlepp)

All nominees accepted the nominations except Jess Blankenship who declined. Randy then called for more nominations from the floor. There were no additional nominations made. Keith Hall motioned, “We elect all unopposed nominees unanimously.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Good and Welfare:
– VFW Flag Project donation request
Randy Anderson reported he received a request from the VFW for a $50 donation to their flag project that places American flags around town on holidays. Jim Bastian motioned, “We donate $50 to the VFW flag project.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– Montana Wildlife Federation donation request
Randy Anderson reported the MWF sent a request for donations. He explained the Board does not sign on to political letters/petitions MWF sends to lawmakers because we have club members on both sides of most of the issues and we can’t speak for all club members.

Fred Tetschner motion, “We donate $200 to the MWF.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– Door Prizes and Raffle Items
Cheri Reed drew the winners of the door prize and other raffle items.
John Reisler won the Door Prize which was a Henery .22 lever action rifle.
John Riesler won the Savage .17 HMR rifle.
Penny Hart won the Glock 19 9mm pistol.
Jim Keith won accommodations for 8 days & 7 nights in Cancun Mexico

Other raffle prize winners included:
Shane Adams, Randy Anderson, Chris Schlepp, Clinton Meidinger, Dave Nation, Brian Kinneman, & Teresa Scheid

Randy Anderson motioned to adjourn. The motion was seconded, and passed at 9:09 PM.

2017 Annual Banquet and Membership Meeting Agenda

Custer Rod and Gun Club
2017 Annual Members Meeting
MC Town and Country Club
1/21/17 7:00 PM
(Annual Banquet starts at 6:00 PM)

Pledge of Allegiance

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes

3) Reading of Current Financial Report

4) President Report
– Membership stats and new membership renewal period
– Spotted Eagle clubhouse renovation

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle Range
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap/Archery

6) Old Business

7) New Business
– Rifle instructors needed for .22 Youth Shoots
– Expanding the remodel on the Club house to include covered patio area and budget
– Club volunteer incentive program
– HID card recovery

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
(Short break to accept nominations and last call for raffle tickets)

Positions to be filled:
– Vice-President, currently held by Ty Rainey
– Club Secretary, currently held by Jesse Smith
– Director, currently held by Shane Adams
– Director, currently held by Daniel DeLong
– Director, currently held by Larry Hudson
– Director, currently held by Chris Schlepp

9) Good and Welfare
– MWF wants a donation from the club
– Thank raffle item contributors
– Raffle Drawings

10) Adjourn

Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes – December 20, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
December 20, 2016

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
Call to Order: 7:10 PM
Present: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainy, Jesse Smith, Shane Adams, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Marty Scheid
Absent: Cheri Reed, Randy Hart, Larry Hudson, Jim Keith

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
– Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the November meeting as posted on the website.”

3) Reading of Current Financial Report
– Randy Anderson reported that Cheri Reed told him she has to do a deposit tomorrow, and he figures that that should put the account in excess of $30,000. He also reported that the club has two CDs at different banks and one of them called him to inform us that the CD would be turned over to the state for lack of activity if we don’t go in and sign some paperwork. Randy reported that Cheri Reed will be taking care of that.

4) President Report
– Randy Anderson reported that the Annual Membership letter was mailed out last week, a few delinquent cards have come back in, but he has had to send some new cards out as well, and we are nearly out of key cards. Randy said he will order another 100 cards before the banquet, which he was authorized by the Board to purchase a year ago.

– Randy also reported he Talked to NRA about insurance for the Jaycees to put on a youth BB gun shoot under our insurance. The NRA said that it was not allowed, and also said any group holding events on our property has to add our club to their insurance. They also said the club does not have to use certified instructors for classes in order to be covered by the insurance.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Jesse Smith reported the new safety and rule signs are installed at the pistol bays at the rifle range.

– Jesse turned in $36 from the last collection from the trap range, and reported there is about $2,800 in the PayPal account from memberships so far.

6) Old Business
– Jesse Smith reported he still has not received an answer as to whether or not Shoot Dog Days ever payed for using the rifle range last summer. After discussion it was decided to just send them a bill for the range use fee of $100.

– Annual Meeting plans
Plans for the Annual Meeting were discussed. It was decided to use the last six 100-year hats as prizes at the banquet.

7) New Business

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
Randy Anderson asked the six Board Members who’s terms are expiring in January if they accept a nomination to be re-elcted. Chris Schlepp, Daniel DeLong, and Jesse Smith accepted; Shane Adams and Larry Hudson declined.

9) Good and Welfare
– MC Jaycees youth BB gun shoot
Randy Anderson will inform Logan Bartholomew of the decision he got from the NRA.

10) Adjourned: 7:37

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – Dec. 20, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
December 20, 2016
7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
3) Reading of Current Financial Report
– Activity on bank CD

4) President Report
– Annual Membership letter

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle/Pistol range

6) Old Business
– Shoot Dog Days Payment for use of range?
– Finalize Annaul Meeting plans

7) New Business

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare
– MC Jaycees youth BB gun shoot (Logan Bartholomew)

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – November 15, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
November 15, 2016

Call to order: 7:09 PM

Roll Call of officers: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainy, Jesse Smith, Daniel DeLong, Larry Hudson, Jim keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp

Reading of Previous Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Treasurers Report:
Cheri Reed was absent. Randy Anderson reported that Cheri had not given him any info but he figures our bank account has got to be in the ballpark of $30,000. Randy reported that the bank had contacted us because there had been no activity on the CD and they needed to verify our contact info or the account would be forfeited to the state. He reported that Cheri has contacted the bank and taken care of it.

Presidents Report:
Randy reported the trash service says we closed our account for the rifle range in 2014, but he got them to come out and empty the dumpster and is trying to reopen the account. Randy also reported that he put up target backers at the rifle range last week. He reminded everyone that we need to do something on the Spotted Eagle clubhouse remodel, probably in spring.

Committee Report:
Rifle Range:
– Jesse Smith reported we still need to weld the 25 yard target backer, and some steel targets are broke and missing. Also, he picked up the signs for the pistol and shotgun bays. They cost $275 rather than the $200 they were expected to, and will install them in the next few days
– Chris Schlepp suggested getting a no hunting sign at rife range, as he has had people ask if they could hunt at the range and the club policy has always been to NOT allow hunting at the range.

Shotgun Range:
– Chris Schlepp reported there have been no shotgun shooters for last 3 weeks at Sunday trap/skeet shoots. He reported he was not going to continue to open every week since no one is showing up. Jesse Smith suggested we email the members saying trap shooting is done for winter and will resume sometime in the spring. The suggested was agreed upon by condenses.

Old Business:
– Annual meeting
Jesse Smith reported the guns from Red Rock have been picked out and billed to the club, he called and confirmed our reservations at Town and Country.

New Business:
Jesse Smith reported that the berms on the pistol bays need to be raised now that they have settled and he would like to have have Doeden Construction come out and do it. Jim Keith motioned “We authorize a budget of up to $2,000 to raise the height of the the pistol bay berms.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Jesse Smith reported that Shane Adams and Jess Blankenship inquired about holding a Steel Challenge rimfire shoot in the winter. The Board agreed by concenses that they could go ahead if they wanted, but work on the berms may interfere.

Good and Welfare:
Logan & Taylor Bartholomew from MC Jaycees addressed The Board asking about the possibility of the club sponsoring the Jaycees’ Youth BB Gun Shoot in Feb. in order to use the club’s insurance. Randy Anderson will check with our insurance and discuss the idea at the Dec. meeting.

Jesse Smith reported Eddy Kanduch emailed the club requesting we donate a club membership to the Miles City Firefighters Toy Dance. Marty Scheid motioned “We donate a membership to Firefighters Toy Dance.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Jesse Smith reported the MWF sent a request wanting the club to sign on to a letter they were sending to the state lawmakers requesting they restore FWP’s authority to purchase land with conservation funds. The Board discussed the issue and the their stance of not wanting to speak on behalf of almost 400 members who might or might not be on the same side of the issue. No motion was made to respond to the letter.

Randy Anderson reported he was given some paperwork about a high school trap program but it appears it is something that would have to be started through the high school not the gun club

Marty Scheid motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed at 8:04 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – November 15, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
November 15, 2016
7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes
3) Reading of Current Financial Report
4) President Report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Rifle range
– Shotgun range
– Annual Meeting

6) Old Business
– Bill Shoot Dog Days for use of range?

7) New Business
– Pistol Bay berms

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare
– MC Jaycees youth BB gun shoot (Logan Bartholomew)
– Miles City Firefighters Toy Dance donation
– MWF letter

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 20, 2016
7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Range

Call to Order: 7:15 pm

Attendance: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainy, Jesse Smith, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Chris Schlepp

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: Jesse Smith motioned “We approve the minutes from the August meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report: The Treasurer was not present and had not submitted a report to be read.

President Report:
Randy Anderson had nothing to report.

Report of Board and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range: Jesse Smith reported that he had ordered the signs for the pistol range but they are not done yet. Jesse turned in a $100 check from EDC. LLC. for use of the clubhouse and pistol bay for their Basic Pistol/Concealed Carry class in Aug. Jesse reported that Chris Schlepp had emptied all the trash cans from the 200 yard rifle range and around the clubhouse, and Chris and Jesse would empty the rest of the cans from the 100 yard range and pistol range before the dumpster is emptied. Jesse reported he intends to winterize the clubhouse after the pistol classes the 1st of Oct.

– Chris Schlepp reported there are some target backer boards that need replacing which he will do in the next week or so.

-Action Pistol: Jesse Smith turned in $82 collected from the last two weeks of Action Pistol shooting, and $317.66 raided at the Jackpot shoot September 18th.

– Cowboy Action: Randy Heart turned in money for last month shoot. He reported there was only had 2 people at last shoot.

– Trap Range: Jesse Smith turned in $339 that has been collected at the trap/skeet shooting since the last Board Meeting. Chris Schlepp volunteered to start opening the shotgun shooting on Sundays at 1:00 PM and they will end the Wednesday night shooting for the season.

Old Business:
– Jesse Smith motioned at the last Board Meeting, “We revise the club’s Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”” The motion was seconded by Daniel DeLong, and was voted on at the Sep. Board Meeting. The motion passed.

– 22 Youth Instructors needed: No new information about certified rifle instructor classes in the area, has been found.

– Spotted Eagle remodel: After discussion about the remodel schedule it was decided that Randy Anderson will let warriors on Water know we don’t need the trailer, and the remodel of the Spotted Eagle clubhouse will probably be postponed until Spring.

New Business:
– Possible suspension of a member’s range privileges: A member who has, for the second time, lost his range key card by loaning it to non-members will not have his membership suspended, but will not be issued a new key card for the remainder of the year.

– Boy Scouts’ use of Spotted Eagle and shotguns: Chris Schlepp reported that John Reed had inquired about using the club’s shotguns and Spotted Eagle range for a Boy Scout instructional shoot. The Board sent word that he will need to present his proposal to the Board when he has dates and has a certified instructor lined up.

– Annual Banquet: Jesse Smith motioned, “We schedule the Town and Country Club for the annual meeting if we can get it for the same price as last year, and we set a budget of $1,200 to purchase one gun for the door prize and two guns for the raffle buckets.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Todd Burch reported that someone has inquired about the gun club putting on a gun show. The Board didn’t think the club had ever held a gun show before as far as they knew and currently had not plans to do so.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:

Adjourn: 8:09 PM

Board of Directors Meeting

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 20, 2016
7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Range

Call to Order:
Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Reading of Current Financial Report:
President Report:

Report of Board and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range
– Action Pistol
– Cowboy Action
– Trap Range

Old Business:
– Jesse Smith motioned, “We revise the club’s Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”” The motion was seconded by Daniel DeLong, and will be voted on at the Sep. Board Meeting.
– 22 Youth Instructors needed
– Spotted Eagle remodel

New Business:
– Possible suspension of a member’s range privileges
– Boy Scouts use of Spotted Eagle and shotguns
– Annual Banquet

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:


Board Meeting Minutes – Aug. 16, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
Aug. 16, 2016
Spotted Eagle

Call to Order: 7:00 pm

Attendance: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainy, Jesse Smith, Shane Adams, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Larry Hudson, Jim keith, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp.

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the July meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report:
Randy Anderson read the Cheri Reed’s Treasurer’s report that stated have $23,846 in the bank.

President Report:
Randy Anderson reported that he talked to Brush trucking, and we can borrow a truck trailer to store the contents of the Spotted Eagle clubhouse while we remodel but they want to know when they will get it back. Randy will schedule the truck to be delivered ASAP and we will contact contractors about scheduling someone to start the block wall on the new vault.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
Rifle Range:
– Jesse Smith reported that EDC, LLC. held their scheduled Concealed Carry class on Aug. 13th. The class had 8 students and 6 instructors. Chris Schlepp reported that he attended the class and it was well run.

– Jesse Smith reported the Action Pistol attendance has been down to around 14 or 15 people the last few weeks. He reported that he collected $303 over the last 8 weeks, spent $138.81 of that on targets and pasters, and turned in $164.19

– Randy Hart reported the Cowboy Action Shooting has been slow, but they are expecting several shooters from Billings at the next match.

– Jess Smith reported the shotgun range has shot a combined 47 round by members, and 7 rounds by non-members, of trap and skeet. Since Aug. 3rd they have sold $236 worth of tokens and taken collected $169 worth of tokens for rounds shot, leaving $67 of tokens in circulation in addition to any tokens that were in circulation before they started tracking them on Aug. 3rd. Jesse turned in the $236 collected, to Randy Anderson who will get it to the Treasurer.

– Jesse Smith read an email in which Keith Hall reported that the Montana Hunter Education field day held at the Spotted Eagle range on July 31, had 46 students age 10 and up including 4 adults. They had 7 instructors and and the shotgun and archery ranges were closed to members and guests from 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM.

Old Business:
– Randy Anderson reported he hasn’t heard anything more about the Montana Wildlife Federation wanting to put on a sponsored shotgun shoot.

– Rifle instructors for Youth Shoot: No one has found any NRA Rifle Instructor certification classes yet.

– The board discussed the wording to be printed on the signs for the pistol & shotgun bay signs. Jesse Smith will order the signs as discussed.

New Business:
– Jesse Smith motioned, “We revise the club’s Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”” The motion was seconded by Daniel DeLong, and will be voted on at the Sep. Board Meeting.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:

Adjourn: 7:36 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – Aug. 16, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Aug 16, 2016
Spotted Eagle

Call to order and Roll call of officers:
Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Reading of Current Financial Report:
President Report:

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range
     – EDC LLC. 8/13 Concealed Carry Class report

– Action Pistol

– Cowboy Action

– Trap Range
     Trap/Skeet committee report
     July 31 Hunter Safety report

Old Business:
– MWF sponsored trap shoot with donated shells

– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse plans
     – Storage container?
     – Floor Plan?
     – Work Day?

– Rifle instructors for Youth Shoot

– Wording for Pistol Bay signs

New Business:
– Motion to revise Bylaws Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section C to read, “C) Membership renewals will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. New memberships will be sold online throughout the year, only to applicants who have never been a member before. The club may, at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm.”

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:


Board of Director Meeting Minutes – July 19, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
July 19, 2016
Sunday Creek Range

Call to order and Roll call of officers: 7:07 pm

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Marty Scheid motioned “We accept the minutes from the June meeting as posted on website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report:
Treasurer was not present.
Jesse Smith reported he transferred $1,350.36 from the PayPal account to the checking account, which was the entire balance in the PayPal account from online renewals and new memberships.

President Report:
Randy Anderson reported he was told the MLEA had canceled their planned use of the riffle range for qualifications but ended up calling and asking to use it the day of the event. He made sure they had access to the range.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range: Jesse Smith reported that FWP was using the entire 200 yard range for qualifications when he arrived to set up for Action Pistol on Thursday July 14th.

– Shoot Dog Day’s match: Todd Burch reported the Shoot Dog Days match had 12 shooters, and was done about 4pm. He said it was ran very well, and safe. He also reported that Bob Brown said he isn’t going to do a shoot in Miles City next year, and instead will just hold one shoot in Baker.

– Action Pistol and LEO shoot: Jesse Smith reported he hasn’t turned in any money for the last month yet, he’ll do it at next month’s meeting. He also reported that no law enforcement personnel attended the LEO match, except the three guys who shoot regularly.

– Cowboy Action: Randy Hart reported that only 3 people shot in last month’s match.

– Trap/Archery Range: Jesse Smith reported that after speaking with Ken Boschee, he didn’t believe anyone has opened the trap range in the last two months. He also reported that three club members have volunteered to be on the trap range committee opening committee.
– Jesse Smith motioned “The Trap Committee meet at Spotted Eagle next Wednesday July 27th, with league and/or open shooting to start the following Wed. Jesse will advertise it online, and place an ad in the paper if it’s not to expensive.” The motion was seconded and passed. Ty Rainey offered to check on the price of putting an ad in the paper.

Old Business:
– MWF sponsored trap shoot with donated shells
Randy Anderson reported he hasn’t heard back from MWF, and will contact them.

– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse plans
Randy Anderson reported we need to empty the Spotted Eagle clubhouse out, then we can resurface the floor and start a new floor plan for the building. He will check with Brush Trucking about borrowing a cargo van to store the stuff from the clubhouse while work is being done.

– Rifle instructors for Youth Shoot
Randy Anderson and Daniel DeLong will look for instructors classes to become rifle instructors, and we’ll look at volunteers to take the class and teach the future youth classes.

– Trap/archery range volunteers
(see trap report above)

New Business:
– Scott Zeitner membership situation
Randy Anderson will contact Scott and look into the situation.

– Chris Schlepp asked about adding some option for selling new memberships during the year.
Chris motioned “We resume online membership sales for the rest of the 2016 calendar year, for new members who have never been a member before.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– Signs for pistol bays
Jesse Smith motioned “We set a budget of $200 to purchase two signs for the pistol bays, and Jesse will coordinate with the other directors via email to determine the wording on the signs.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Action Pistol Jackpot shoot Sep 18th and prize budget
Todd Burch motioned “We hold the annual Action Pistol Jackpot Shoot on September 18th with a budget of $150 for food and prizes.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Jesse Smith motioned, “We approve EDC LLC. to hold a concealed carry class on Aug. 13 and Oct 1, and a night class on Oct. 1 with all shooting finished by 9pm. and charges will be $100 for the 13th and $150 for the 1st.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:
– Correspondences: Jesse Smith read a couple of emails that had been sent to the club’s email address.

Adjourn: 8:48

Board Meeting Agenda – July 19, 2016

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will hold it’s July Board of Directors meeting at the Sunday Creek rifle and pistol range clubhouse, Tuesday 7/19. Any members wishing to share their wants/needs/opinions, or just wanting to observe are welcomed to attend the meeting. The agenda as of now is below but may be added to or changed at the meeting:

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
July 19, 2016
Sunday Creek Range

Call to order and Roll call of officers:
Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Reading of Current Financial Report:

President Report:
-MLEA canceled use of rifle range

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Shoot Dog Day’s report
– Action Pistol and LEO shoot
– Cowboy Action
– Trap/Archery Range

Old Business:
– MWF sponsored trap shoot with donated shells
– Spotted Eagle Clubhouse plans
– Rifle instructors for Youth Shoot
– Trap/archery range volunteers

New Business:
– Scott Zeitner membership situation
– Signs for pistol bays
– Action Pistol Jackpot shoot Sep 18th and prize budget

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:
– Correspondences


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2016
Spotted Eagle

Call to order and Roll call of officers: 7:07 PM
Present: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainey, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Tom Fulton, Jim keith, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the May meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported we have $24,441.24 in the bank.
Randy Anderson reported we finished accepting 2016 memberships at about 377 members.

President Report:
Randy Anderson reported that MWF contacted him and said they have a manufacturer who will supply shot shells if we put on a MWF affiliated trap shoot of some sort. He asked to include discussion about it on the July agenda.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Rifle Range: Jesse Smith reported 11 people showed up for the rifle range work day June 4th and they were able to get the septic situation corrected; the old shed, trim on the clubhouse, and wooden shooting benches painted; the pond behind the pistol bays drained, the steel targets repaired, weeds sprayed, and other various projects completed.

– Action Pistol: Jesse Smith reported that he turned in $177 in shooting fees collected over last 4 weeks.

– Trap/Archery Range: Jesse Smith reported that he installed the four new “Shotgun/Archery Only Signs” at trap range. Todd Burch reported The City is setting up a meeting to discuss extending our usage lease at Spotted Eagle for an additional 5 – 10 years beyond it’s current expiration.

Good and Welfare:
– Miles Muscha, from Pheasants Forever, requested to use the Spotted Eagle clubhouse and trap range for their annual Kids Pheasants Forever course. The classes would be held from 9am-12pm on July 30, Aug. 20, Sep. 10 and Sep. 17, and they will not need anyone to open the clubhouse as he already has a key. Jim Keith motioned “We allow Pheasants Forever to use the trap range and clubhouse on the dates requested” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Miles Muscha also asked if PF can put up a banner at Spotted Eagle for a couple weeks to attract kids for the aforementioned class. The Board approved it by consensus.

Old Business:
– Jesse Smith reported that no comments from The Board about the survey results were ever turned in, so he just went ahead and posted the results on the website without any comments.
– Randy Anderson reported that The City told him we have several years left on our usage agreement for Spotted Eagle, and we didn’t have to worry about ever loosing that agreement. He reported that means the motion made last month to set a budget of $8,000 is good to go, and we can start improvements immediately. He said we just need to figure out a floor plan. He also said he will contact Brush Trucking to inquire about borrowing a storage container while the work is done. Randy also reported he is working with the college on obtaining the vault door from the old armory to install during the Spotted Eagle remodel.

– Cheri Reed reported that she hasn’t yet found any classes to get new rifle instructors NRA certified to teach the youth .22 class in the spring.

– Jesse Smith reported we need to schedule someone to open the Spotted Eagle clubhouse for FWP on July 15th, but Miles Muscha said he will be part of FWP’s event and can open the clubhouse for them.

– Shoot Dog Day’s event July 15th and 16th: Daniel DeLong volunteered to guard the steel targets Friday night July 15th, after they are set up for the match, and will supervise the event on Saturday to make sure non-members are not sneaking into the club. Todd Burch said he will help on Saturday but will be on call and may need to leave unexpectedly

New Business:
– Miles Muscha said he works for FWP and would like to mow the spotted Eagle range in July before they hold their kids fishing day.

– Tom Fulton turned in his resignation effective at the end of June, as he will be moving out of the community. Cheri Reed motioned “We accept Tom’s resignation.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– At Tom Fulton’s request, Jim Keith motioned, “We hold a Law Enforcement Appreciation Action Pistol Shoot on July 7th, and invite all law enforcement officers to shoot the match for free.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– There was discussion about the need for volunteers to consistently open the trap range. It was decided that Jesse would send out a club email asking if anyone was interested in participating in a trap league, and/or take responsibility for opening the trap or skeet range for weekly shooting.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:
– Jesse Smith nominated Chris Schlep to replace Tom Fulton on the Board of Directors. The motion was seconded, and he was elected by unanimous vote.

Good and Welfare:

Adjourn: Marty Scheid moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed at 8:14 PM.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2016
Sunday Creek Range

Call to order and Roll call of officers: 7:04 PM
Present: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainy, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Larry Hudson, Marty Scheid. Plus two members.

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
– Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the April meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report:
– Randy Anderson read a report submitted by Cheri Reed that stated she has paid the club’s insurance and the club has $24,550.33 in the bank.

President Report:
– Randy Anderson reported that he has tried contacting the city about renewing our lease at Spotted Eagle before we put a bunch of money into remodeling the whole clubhouse, but has been playing phone tag and hasn’t been able to get a hold of anyone yet.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Randy Anderson read a report that Keith Hall submitted that stated that FWP used the club’s Spotted Eagle range on May 5th to hold their Hunter Safety field day. 137 kids and 32 adults used the facilities and Keith donated 168 bottles of water and 80 pounds of ice in the name of the club.

– Randy Hart reported that the Cowboy Action Shooting hasn’t had much participation recently, with only 1 person showing up for the May shoot. However the May shoot had been rescheduled and next month they will be back on their normal schedule.

– Jesse Smith reported that Action Pistol Shooting is off to a good start this year, with 23 shooters the first week, 27 the second week, and 22 shooters the third week. He turned in $126 in shooting fees to the Treasurer at the meeting.

Old Business:
– It was determined that the rifle range work day will be held as scheduled on June 4th at 9:00 AM. Jesse will send out emails and contact members who indicated they would be willing to help out, in an effort to get enough volunteers to complete the work. Projects planed for the day will include finishing painting the trim on the clubhouse, painting the shed next to the clubhouse, refurbishing and painting the wooden shooting benches, replacing broken seats on other shooting benches, resetting misplaced target receivers in the first pistol bay, filling in ruts in front of the pistol bays, work on the septic system for the new bathroom, repairing steel targets on the rifle range, repairing berms and target backers on rifle range, mowing, spraying weeds, possibly setting the post for the new NRA High Power range, etc.

– Cheri Reed motioned “We spend $100 to provide food and drinks to volunteers on the work day.” The motion was seconded and passed.

– Vote on the motion by Jesse Smith “To amend the Bylaws to remove Article XI, Section 1, Sub-Section B; and clauses 1, and 2.” The motion was introduced and seconded at the April meeting and required to be voted on at the May meeting. The motion passed at the May meeting.

– Vote on the motion by Jesse Smith “To amend Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section B; to read, ‘B) A member’s spouse, and children (under 18 years of age) will have the use of the club as an associate member with all the privileges of the club, with the member present and responsible for them. They will not have a vote and cannot hold an office as an associate member. All associate members will be accompanied by the member.’” The motion was introduced and seconded at the April meeting and required to be voted on at the May meeting. The motion passed at the May meeting.

– The Board discussed the need to post some responses from the Board when we post the results of the membership survey conducted recently. It was decided the Board would bring their suggested comments to discuss at the June 4th work day and posted soon after.

New Business:
– Jesse Smith reported that Jim and James Coleman would like this to be the last year that they run the Youth .22 shoot and that we need to find new volunteers to run it next year. Cheri Reed agreed to try to find the nearest NRA Basic Rifle Instructor certification class, but we need volunteers to get certified and teach the class next year.

– Jesse Smith reported that the septic tank for the new bathroom is taking on water and has flooded twice this Spring. He has locked the door until repairs can be made. The Board decided to perform repairs during the work day June 4th.

-Spotted Eagle Remodel
Cheri Reed motioned “We approve a budget of up to $8,000 for a complete remodel of the Spotted Eagle clubhouse, pending approval to extend our usage agreement by the City. If the usage agreement is not extended then we approve a budget of $2,200 for the remodel of the bathroom and upgrades to the electrical and clubhouse.” The motion was seconded, passed.

– Jesse Smith reported that someone has vandalized the steel targets in one of the pistol bays by shooting armor piercing or steel core rifle ammo. Approximately $400 worth of steel targets now have one side that is unsafe to shoot because of the divots created by the vandal, and have several holes shot clean through them. The Board decided to use materials we already have to install two signs at the entrance and exit points of the pistol bay area. The Board will determine what to have printed on the signs after the posts are installed.

– Jesse Smith reported that FWP wants to use the Spotted Eagle clubhouse on July 15th for a BBQ they plan to hold after training they are holding in Spotted Eagle. Jesse Smith motioned “We let FWP use the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse on July 15th.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Good and Welfare:
– Jesse Smith read an email the club received from a club member Dale Tribby who inquired if the club was no longer affiliated with the Montana Wildlife Federation

Adjourn: 8:46 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – May 17 2016

Attention CR&GC members: The CR&GC Board of Directors meeting that was scheduled for 7:00 PM 5/17/16, has been rescheduled to next Tuesday 5/24/16 instead. It will still be held at 7:00 PM and it will still be at the Sunday Creek Rifle/Pistol range clubhouse.

The Custer Rod and Gun Club’s Board of Directors will hold their May Board Meeting Tuesday May 17th, 2016, 7:00 PM at the Sunday Creek Rifle/Pistol Range Clubhouse. The agenda is posted below. Any and all members are welcome to attend the meeting and present their opinion to the Board on any matter.

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
May 17, 2016
Spotted Eagle

Call to order:
Reading of Minutes From Previous Meeting:
Treasurer’s Report:
President Report:

Committee Reports:
– Rifle Range
– Spotted Eagle

Old Business:
– Sunday Creek Work Day
– Vote on motion by Jesse Smith “To amend the Bylaws to remove Article XI, Section 1, Sub-Section B; and clauses 1, and 2.” The motion was seconded at the April meeting and will be voted on at the May meeting.
– Vote on motion by Jesse Smith “To amend Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section B; to read, ‘B) A member’s spouse, and children (under 18 years of age) will have the use of the club as an associate member with all the privileges of the club, with the member present and responsible for them. They will not have a vote and cannot hold an office as an associate member. All associate members will be accompanied by the member.’” The motion was seconded at the April meeting and will be voted on at the May meeting.
– Comments by the Board to include with survey results

New Business:
– Need instructors for youth rifle shoot.
– vandalism of steel targets
– Plans for Spotted Eagle bathroom

Nominations and Elections:

Good and Welfare:
– Correspondences


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – April 19, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2016 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

Call to order: 7:00 PM

Present: Randy Anderson, Ty Rainey, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Tom Fulton, Larry Hudson, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid

Reading of previous meeting minutes:
– Jim Keith motioned “We accept the minutes from the March meeting, as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Reading of current financial report: Postponed until later in the meeting.

Presidents Report:
– Randy Anderson had nothing to report.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Keith Hall reported that the youth shoots are all expected to be held as planned.

– Keith Hall reported that 4H didn’t use Spotted Eagle as planned on March 29th, and will want to reschedule. They will contact us when they are ready.

– Randy Anderson that Ken Boschee is still working with the trap thrower manufacturer and they think that a relay that was previously replaced, may not have been the correct relay.

– Jesse Smith read highlights of the results of the membership survey the Board sent out last month.

Tod Burch motioned, “We post the entirety of the survey, minus the column that contains member’s contact information, on the website along with select comments by the Board.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Reading of current financial report: Cheri Reed reported we currently have $29,622.00 in the bank.

– John Bradley from Montana Wildlife Federation reported he was attending the meeting to introduce himself to the new Directors and reported that the MWF will be celebrating their 80th anniversary May 14th in Helena. If anyone happens to be in the area, they are invited to attend. He will send the club an email with more details.

Old Business:
– Cheri Reed motioned, “We cancel the rile range work day in April and reschedule it for June 4th.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– Vote on motion made by Todd Burch, and seconded at last month’s meeting to amend the club Bylaws to include “All club memberships will be sold December 1 through February 15th at which time no further memberships or renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. The club may at it’s discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm”. The motion passed.

– Vote on motion made by Cheri Reed, and seconded at last month’s meeting “To cease 2016 renewals of memberships effective June 1st 2016, final notices will be sent to the delinquent members.” The motion passed.

New Business:
– Bob Brown requested to hold a Dog Days Shoot July 16th at the Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol range. He would set up starting the morning of 15th, hold the shoot and tear down on the 16th. The 200 yard range would need to be closed both days.

Tom Fulton motioned “We allow Mr. Brown to run the Dog Days shoot on July 16th, which will require closing the 200 yard range on the 15th and 16th and the club will provide people to supervise the gate.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

– FWP requested to use the Spotted Eagle clubhouse for a Kids Fishing Day May 5th 7am – 3pm. Jim Keith motioned “To allow FWP to use the Spotted Eagle clubhouse on May 5th.” The motion was second, and passed. Keith Hall volunteered to open the clubhouse for them.

– Jesse Smith motioned “To amend the Bylaws to remove Article XI, Section 1, Sub-Section B; and clauses 1, and 2.” The motion was seconded and will be voted on at the next meeting.

– Jesse Smith motioned “To amend Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section B; to read, ‘B) A member’s spouse and children (under 18 years of age) will have the use of the club as an associate member with all the privileges of the club, with the member present and responsible for them. They will not have a vote and cannot hold an office as an associate member. All associate members will be accompanied by member.'” The motion was seconded and will be voted on at the next meeting.

– A work day to gut out the bathroom at the Spotted Eagle clubhouse was scheduled for 9:00 AM May 14th.

Nominations and Elections:
– To fill the vacant Director position on the board, formally held by William Williams, Tom Fulton nominated Shane Adams, Ty Rainey nominated Chris Schlep. Both nominations were seconded. Shane Adams received the majority of the votes and was elected to the Board of Directors until the 2017 Annual Meeting.

Good and Welfare:
– Todd Burch reported that there have been non-members caught shooting pistols and rifles at the Spotted Eagle trap range. If anyone sees someone shooting anything other than shotguns or archery, the police should be called immediately.

Jesse Smith motioned, “We authorize a budget of $200 to purchase 3 or 4 signs for Spotted Eagle that state it is shotgun only.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Adjourned: 9:01 PM

Board Meeting Agenda – April 19, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
April 19, 2016
Spotted Eagle

Call to order:
Reading of Minutes From Previous Meeting:
Treasurer’s Report:
President Report:

Committee Reports:
– Keith Hall sent word that the 4H didn’t use the Spotted Eagle on March 29th, and will want to reschedule. They were told not on a Sunday or Wednesday.
– Trap Thrower Options and Estimates
– Membership Survey Results

Old Business:
– Fire prevention work day at Sunday Creek
– Vote on motion by Todd Burch and seconded to amend club policy or by-laws to include “All club memberships will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further memberships or renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. The club may, at its discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm”
– Vote on motion by Cheri Anderson “To cease 2016 renewals of memberships effective June 1st (2016) final notices will be sent to the delinquent members.”

New Business:
– Bob Brown request to hold a Dog Days Shoot July 19th.
– FWP Wants to use Spotted Eagle clubhouse for Kids Fishing Day May 5th 7 am – 3 pm
– Amend By-Laws to remove Article XI, Section 1, Sub-Section B; and clauses 1 and 2.
– Amend Article 1, Section 1, Sub-Section B; to replace the words “Associate members under 16 years of age” with the words “All Associate members”.
– Need to schedule a work day at to start work at Spotted Eagle clubhouse

Nominations and Elections:
– Nominations to fill vacant position on the Board of Directors (formally held by William Williams)

Good and Welfare:



Board Meeting Minutes – March 15, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
March, 15 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:06 PM
Present: Randy Anderson, Todd Burch, Ty Rainey, Larry Hudson, Marty Scheid, Randy Hart, Daniel Delong, Cheri Anderson
Also present: Keith Hall and Kevin Anderson
Absent: Jesse Smith, Tom Fulton, Jim Keith

Previous Minutes:
Todd Burch moved to accept as posted on web site, (Marty 2nd) passed.

Financial Report:
Cheri Anderson reports $27,145.01 in the account but has not deducted the bills for this month.

Presidents report:
– Club has obtained .22 shells for the youth shoot. Cabela’s is still working on the last of the requests.

– Youth .22 shooting: Keith Hall will finalize dates and report further details at the April meeting. May possibly start around the 12th of May.

– Keith Hall reports Montana Hunters education held a Field Day Course on February 28th at Spotted Eagle. Present were 37 youth 10 years and older along with 10 instructors. The trap and bow ranges were shut down from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm for set up, class and tear down.

– Details are forthcoming from Keith Hall on the June 4th youth shotgun camp, he expects to have most of it by next meeting.

– Randy Anderson reports MLEA (Montana Law Enforcement Academy) will use the Sunday Creek Range on July 12 and 13, they have been granted use under club policy but after discussion by the Board will not be allowed exclusive use of the entire facility. One range will be left for the use of members.

Old Business:
– The Amendment to Article I, Section 1, Sub-Section A, passed by unanimous vote. Dan Delong pointed out that some manner of notice would have to be included on the membership application and there would have to be means of acknowledgement like a box to check or something.

– New memberships applications and temporary ones sold through Red Rock. This will be a time dependent process and with a full schedule Randy doesn’t know when he will get to it.

– The trap at Spotted Eagle is still not working right, Randy will see if he can take a look at it. Cheri believes that it may be a leaking hydraulic cylinder.

New Business:
– Jesse Smith sent report that Eric Fritz of EDC LLC. has requested the use of two pistol bays and the clubhouse at Sunday Cr. on April 30th, the usual $100.00 charge will apply. Passed unanimous.

– Randy Anderson suggests in expectation of a probable fire season we take precautionary measures to avoid range closure. A fire berm should be established around the property. The board discussed measures that the club can take and established a tentative date of April 23rd for a Spring range maintenance day, at which time we will back burn the dead growth. Announcements will need to be sent and work crew commitments will be needed. Randy will contact the college construction program to see if dozing a road/berm would be of interest to them. This would also be beneficial in regards to fence maintenance.

– Appeal of late membership renewal charges was not addressed as the party failed to attend. The Post marked envelope was made available for the boards inspection.

– Discussion on what to do about delinquent memberships that have failed to return HID cards has resulted in a motion to amend club policy and possibly by-laws. A previous motion was made to strictly enforce policy and ban offending members for a five (5) year period, was rescinded. The current proposal is as follows: “All club memberships will be sold December 1 through February 15 at which time no further memberships or renewals will be sold for the remainder of the year. The club may, at its discretion, host a limited number of staffed “Range Days” where the public can attend for a fee per firearm” (to be clarified, there was mention of $10.00 and $20.00 per firearm). Todd Burch made the motion, it received a second (Larry) and will be voted on at the April meeting. This motion if passed will take effect 1 December 2016.

– Cheri Anderson introduce a motion to cease renewals of memberships effective June 1st (2016) final notices will be sent to the delinquent members. This motion also received a second (Marty) and will be voted on at the April meeting.

Nominations and Elections of Officers:
– Jesse Smith sent report that Nancy Okerman has expressed interest in helping out at Spotted Eagle and he will contact her about the possibly of nominating her to fill the vacant board position. Keith Hall also offered to fill any positions if needed. We currently have a vacated board position and will conduct nominations/ selections at the April meeting.

Meeting adjourned 8:55

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – March 15, 2016

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
March 15, 2016 7:00 PM

Call to order:
Roll call of officers:

Reading of previous meeting minutes:

Reading of current financial report:

President report:
– .22 shells for Youth .22 shoots

– Keith Hall to report on:
• FWP Field Day Feb. 28, June 25, July 21
• Verify dates of Youth .22 Shoot
• Plans for Youth Shotgun Camp June 4

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
– Trap thrower status and grant prospect information

Old business:
– Motion on the table has been seconded and needs to be voted on: Randy Anderson motioned, “We amend Article I, Section 1, Sub-Section A, of the club By-Laws to read ‘Any person may become a member upon completion of a membership card and paid dues, provided they are a legal citizen of the United States of America. In the event they are not a legal citizen they may petition the Board of Directors for an exception.’”

– New membership applications and temporary access codes at Red Rock

New business:
– Fire berm around range in preparation for dry season
– Alan Dodge wants to appeal his late renewal charges

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors:
– Nominations to fill director position vacated by William Williams

Good and welfare:

