Author Archives: Custer Rod and Gun Club

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – March 17, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors

Call to order and roll call of officers
Called to order: 7:05 PM
Directors Present: Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Levi Burch, Todd Burch, Ken Boschee, Jim keith

Reading of previous meeting minutes
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the March meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report
Cheri Reed reported we have $22,185.47 in checking, but she still needs to transfer the $2,500 back to the CD. Jim Keith motioned, “We accept the financial report as read.” Motion was seconded, and passed.

President report
Keith Hall reported that:
We received a thank you card from FWP for the donation of Chamber Bucks in December.

Jim and James Coleman have agreed to run the Youth .22 shoot again this year, and will decide on dates later this year.

Keith will check to see if there are any interest in signing up for a one day Youth Shotgun course. He will bring more information next month.

Keith will schedule meeting dates with the VFW for next winter’s Directors meetings, but we need to look at possibly a different location for the annual meeting as the consensus was that the VFW was a little small for the number of people in attendance this year.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
Jesse Smith presented a proposal for what steel targets and support steel to purchase for the Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol Range, and quotes from steel suppliers. Kenny Boschee motioned, “We accept the Pacific Steel bid.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Jesse Smith reported that the Friends of the NRA State Committee has recommended us for full funding, but it will probably be May before we find out if we are awarded our Sunday Creek range grant request from the national committee.

Randy Anderson reported that getting a key card reader type of lock for the Sunday Creek clubhouse, like the one on the gate, will cost $1,000. He said he will research getting one from somewhere else that is compatible with the same software.

Kenny Boschee reported that he is considering putting on a 3D archery tournament in May or April, if he gets some volunteers to help plan and run it. Anyone wanting to see this happen should contact him at 951-6577.

Cheri Reed reported that she needs to contact the trap thrower manufacturer to figure out what parts she needs to repair the thrower that was flooded last spring, as she thinks the book she has is for a different model thrower.

Cheri Reed reported trap shooting has resumed on Wednesday nights, we have 300 cases of clay targets, and didn’t order any this year.

Old Business
– no motions made on anything discussed

New business
Cheri Reed reported that it will cost about $1,000 to update the Spotted Eagle clubhouse, including rebuilding the bathroom and painting the building. Cheri Reed motioned, “We authorize her to spend a budget of $1,000 to update and repair the Spotted Eagle clubhouse.”

Jesse Smith reported that he was looking into security cameras for the Sunday Creek range, but has more research to do.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

Good and Welfare

Jesse Smith motioned to adjourn. Motion was seconded and passed at 8:46 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Custer Rod and Gun Club Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
17 Mar 2015 VFW 7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report
a) .22 kids shoot
b) Kids shotgun shoot

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.
a) Rifle range
1) Steel target Special Committee
2) NRA grant
b) Shotgun
1) Parts
2) Targets?

6) Old business
a) Pheasants Forever donation?
b) Clubhouse Access

7) New business
a) Spotted Eagle Bathroom (Cheri)
b) Security cameras for Rifle Range

(8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – Feb. 17, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors
February 17, 2015

Meeting Called to order: 7:03 PM

Directors Present: Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Todd Burch, Ken Boschee, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith, William Williams

Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the previous Board of Directors Meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report:
Cheri Reed reported that the club currently has $22,305.25 in the bank, plus she as some various deposits to make. She hasn’t yet transferred the $2,500 that was borrowed from the CD for a trap thrower, but will get it done in the next couple weeks.
Jim Keith motion “We accept report the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded and passed.

President report:
Keith Hall reported he didn’t have anything to report but will be discussing this year’s youth shoots at next months meeting.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
Rifle Range Committee – Jesse Smith reported that the Friends of the NRA’s state committee has recommended our grant request for building a bathroom/storage building and dirt work at the Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol Range, for full funding. It is now up to the Friends of the NRA’s National committee to approve the request, but we should have an answer in about a week from now.

Trap Range Committee – Cheri Reed reported that trap shooting has resumed on Sundays, and there are 300 cases of clays left in the clubhouse. When the weather gets better we need to move the clays into the trap houses to make room for repairs to be done in the clubhouse, then order more clays.

Old Business:
Cheri Reed reported Mule Deer Foundation has sent a plaque to recognize the Custer Rod and Gun Club’s support of their organization in 2014. Cheri gave the plaque to Jesse Smith to be hung in the Sunday Creek clubhouse.

New Business:
Cheri Reed reported that the Boy Scouts have several groups they want to get trap badges for. They want to use our facilities and probably borrow the club’s shotguns, but will pay for clays and provide own shells and instructors. They don’t have an exact date yet, but it will be after March 15th. The Board agreed by consensus to approve their request, and Cheri will work out a schedule with the Boy Scouts.

Cheri Reed reported that we need to do work in the bathroom at Spotted Eagle; that we have two windows and an air conditioner waiting to be installed; and we need to paint the outside of the clubhouse and the trap houses.
There was no motion made, and it was agreed that we need estimates for what the work will cost.

Ken Boschee motioned “We approve a budget of $4000 to purchase steel targets for the rifle & pistol range.” The motion was seconded and passed, unanimously. A committee was formed to decide how to spend the money on each range, with Jesse Smith being appointed as the head of the committee and the person authorized to approve the actual purchases.

Club member, Jeff Essmen, questioned why the general membership doesn’t have access to the clubhouse at the Sunday Creek range. He suggested putting a access card reader like what’s on the gate, on the clubhouse and allowing members to use the facilities at will. There was discussion about the rights of the members vs. the damage and cost potential to the clubhouse. There was no motion made, but Randy Anderson was assigned the task of finding out what it would cost to install a card reader lock on the clubhouse, and the issue will be discussed at the next meeting.

Ken Boschee motioned “We give the Pheasants Forever $100 for their annual banquet.” The motion was not seconded, but the topic will be discussed again at the next meeting.

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors:

Good and welfare: (presented at earlier in meeting)
Jonathan Kieser with FWP and Pheasants Forever thanked the club for our previous support of Pheasants Forever, and requested we continue to support them by being a sponsor of their Pheasants Forever banquet again in 2015.

Cheri Reed motioned “We adjourn the meeting”. The motion was seconded and passed at 9:01 PM.

8th Annual Tongue River Pheasants Forever Banquet

Saturday, March 21at 5:00pm
Miles City Town and Country Club
727 S 4th St, Miles City, Montana 59301

Social hour and silent auction starts at 5:00, dinner at 6:00 with live auction & ever-popular “rooster race” to follow!

Tickets: $50/single or $70/couple, $15/youth under 18 (All include membership & meal.)
-Tickets available from any committee member or starting Jan. 31 at Red Rock Sporting Goods. Limited to 200.
-Last day to get tickets is Mar. 16; no tickets sold at the door.

Something for everyone! Guns, binoculars, gear, artwork (including pieces from local artists), gun safe, kids stuff, something for the ladies and your dog, you name it!

All proceeds stay with the Miles City chapter and benefit local publicly-accessible habitat projects including the Tongue River Ranch, Pumpkin Creek Ranch, Matthews Rec Area, Pirogue Island State Park and more, as well as our Youth program and youth hunt activities.

Questions? contact Erin 234-9791 (eve) or Travis 951-3585 (eve)

2015 Montana Shooting Schedule (as provided to us)

As of Jan 9, 2015

(Contact the match sponsor prior to an event to be sure it is being held as scheduled!)

HPR –XTC: High Power Rifle (“Cross the Course”) HP-LR: ( Long Range 700-1000yds); HPR-MRP: High Power Mid-Range Prone; F-Class: incl F-Open & F-TR; SB-R: Smallbore Rifle incl indoor & outdoor, position or prone & AR, AP Air Rifle and Air Pistol; Pistol: incl Indoor Gallery, International & Outdoor Pistol; VMR: Vintage Military Rifle; SILH: Silhouette incl Highpower rifle, .22 rifle, Lever rifle ; BPCR: incl BPCR Silhouette, Long & Mid Range prone


Jan 3-4

Jan 10 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: Schuetzen (200yd Offhand) 50 shot aggregate; Butch Ulsher or Mark Griffis

Jan 11 SB-R, AR, AP; Bozeman, Greenway Range; USAS Junior Olympic Regional Championship; Lee Nelson

Jan 17 Pistol; Billings, YRC; Gallery Pistol 900pt Agg + ISU Centerfire Pistol 600pt Agg, NRA Approved, Lew Muller
Jan 18

Jan 24-25

Jan 31 SB Rifle; Missoula, Riverside range; Mid Winter Classic, 4×20; not NRA Approved; Gary Swartz


Feb 7 Pistol; Bozeman, Greenway Range; Gallery Pistol 900pt Agg + ISU Standard Pistol Pistol 600pt Agg, NRA Approved, Eric Gillitzer

Feb 7-8 SB-R: Big Timber; Open NRA Small-bore Rifle Sectional, 3P & 4P; NRA Registered, Mariann Duncan

Feb 14 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: Schuetzen (200yd Offhand) 50 shot aggregate; Butch Ulsher or Mark Griffis
Feb 14 SB Rifle; Missoula, Riverside range; 100 Shot Offhand Match; not NRA Approved; Gary Swartz
Feb 15 (Feb 16 – Presidents Day)

Feb 21-22 Air Rifle; Bozeman, Greenway Range; NRA Junior Sectional Championship; NRA Registered; Lee Nelson

Feb 28-Mar 1 SB-R; Big Timber; Junior Small-bore Rifle Sectional, 3P & 4P; NRA Registered; Mariann Duncan


Mar 7 Air Rifle; Bozeman, Greenway Range; USAS Junior Olympic, 3P; Lee Nelson
Mar 7-8 SB Rifle; Missoula, Riverside range; NRA OpenSectional, 3P& 4P; NRA Registered; Gary Swartz
(DST begins – Mar 8)

Mar 8 Pistol; Bozeman, Greenway Range; Gallery Pistol 900pt Agg + ISU Standard Pistol Pistol 600pt Agg, NRA Approved, Eric Gillitzer
Mar 8 HP-XTC(practice):  Billings, YRC:  High Power Rifle – XTC, 500 point Agg (50 shots), reduced range course of fire – 300yds max, not NRA Approved; Matt Waite      Note: contact Matt prior to the practice match date to be sure the event will be held – range conditions and/or weather may delay or cancel an event.

Mar 14-15 SB-R; Big Timber; MT State Small-bore Rifle Championships (indoor), 3P & 4P – eastern division; NRA Registered; Mariann Duncan
Mar 14-15 SB Rifle; Missoula, Riverside range; NRA Junior Sectional, 3P& 4P; NRA Registered; Gary Swartz

Mar 14 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: Schuetzen (200yd Offhand) 50 shot aggregate; Butch Ulsher or Mark Griffis

Mar 21-22 SB-R; Missoula, Riverside range; MT State Small-bore Rifle Championships (indoor), 3P & 4P – western division; NRA Registered; Gary Swartz

Mar 28-29


Apr 4 Pistol; Bozeman, Greenway Range; Gallery Pistol 900pt Agg + ISU Standard Pistol Pistol 600pt Agg, NRA Approved, Eric Gillitzer
Apr 5 (Apr 5th – Easter Sunday)

Apr 11 Pistol: Billings, YRC: State Indoor Pistol; Gallery, Intl Standard Pistol & Air Pistol: NRA Registered: Lew Muller

Apr 12 HP-XTC(practice):  Billings, YRC:  High Power Rifle – XTC, 500 point Agg (50 shots), reduced range course of fire – 300yds max, not NRA Approved; Matt Waite      Note: contact Matt prior to the practice match date to be sure the event will be held – range conditions and/or weather may delay or cancel an event.

Apr 11-12 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: Schuetzen (200yd Offhand) 100 shot aggregate; Butch Ulsher or Mark Griffis

Apr 18-19

Apr 25 HP-XTC: Butte, BGC-Rocker Range; High Power XTC 800 pt Agg; NRA Approved; Jake Taverna
Apr 26


May 2 HPR-MRP:  Billings, YRC: High Power Rifle Mid-RangeProne; 600 point Agg (3-20 shot matches at 600yd), Match rifle, Service & F-Class; NRA Approved; Neil Adams

May 3 HPR-XTC: Billings, YRC: High Power XTC; 800 point Agg, NRA Approved; Matt Waite

May 10 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: BPCR 40 shot silhouette, NRA Approved;  Mark Griffis
May 11 BPTR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: 30 shot agg. Mid Range Prone (200, 300, 600yds); NRA Approved; Mark Griffis,
(May 10-Mother’s Day )

May 16 HP-XTC; Anaconda; High Power XTC, 800 Agg (200yd reduced distance range); NRA Approved; Dick Miller
May 16  Pistol: Anaconda: Conventional Outdoor Pistol, 900 point Agg, (90 shots), .22LR or CF/.45’ all matches fired at 25 yds, Dick Miller
      Note: This match will be shot following the High Power Rifle match – be at the range by 2:00PM for Registration if you are coming for pistol only.
May 16 HP-XTC; Glendive, High Power XTC, 800 Agg (100yd reduced distance range); NRA Approved; Terry Pedersen
May 17 HP-XTC: Butte, BGC-Rocker Range; High Power XTC 800 pt Agg; NRA Approved; + Vintage Military Rifle, 500 pt Agg; Jake Taverna

May 22-23 (Fri-Sat)   Pistol: Missoula, HCSA,  Riverside Range:  Crawford Mem 2700 Outdoor Pistol, NRA Approved;  Mike Winz

May 22 (Friday) HPR-XTC(+LR): Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range: High Power XTC,  1000 point Agg (2 x 600yds), NRA Registered; Jamey Williams  

May 23  HPR-MRP: Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range: Mid-Range Prone, 600 yds,  400 point Agg,  NRA Registered; Jamey Williams

May 24  HPR-MRP: Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range: Mid-Range Prone, 300-500-600 yds,  600 point Agg, 20 shots at each yard line,  500yd team match,  NRA Registered; Jamey Williams

May 25  HPR-LR: Missoula, HCSA,   Deep Creek Range: Palma Format, 800-900-1000yds, 450 point Agg; Match Rifle Any Sights, Service Rifle, F-Open, F-TR, NRA Registered;  Jamey Williams
(May 25 – Memorial Day)

May 30-31


June 6 HPR-MRP:  Billings, YRC: High Power Rifle Mid-RangeProne; 600 point Agg (3-20 shot matches at 600yd), Match rifle, Service & F-Class; NRA Approved; Neil Adams

June 7  HPR-XTC: Billings, YRC: High Power XTC; 800 point Agg, NRA Approved; Matt Waite

June 13 HP-XTC; Anaconda; High Power XTC, 800 Agg (200yd reduced distance range); NRA Approved; Dick Miller
June 13 Pistol: Anaconda: Conventional Outdoor Pistol, 900 point Agg, (90 shots), .22LR or CF/.45’ all matches fired at 25 yds, Dick Miller
      Note: This match will be shot following the High Power Rifle match – be at the range by 2:00PM for Registration if you are coming for pistol only.

June 14 HP-XTC: Butte, BGC-Rocker Range; High Power XTC 800 pt Agg, + Long Range (800yds) Prone, 200 pt Agg, sling & F-class; NRA Approved; Jake Taverna

June 20 SB Rifle; Missoula, Riverside range; HCSA Prone Championship, 1600 Agg; not NRA Approved; Gary Swartz

June 20-21 Pistol; Billings, YRC: NRA Regional Pistol Championships, 2700 point Agg + Pistol EIC, 300 point Agg, (outdoor), NRA Registered; Lew Muller
(Father’s Day June 21st)
June 19-21 BPCR, Missoula, Deep Creek range: Northwest Regional BPCR Championships (Silhouette), June 19 – 60 shot Scope match; June 20-21: 80 shot scope agg (40 shots each day); NRA Reistered; Del Niemeyer

June 25-28 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: MT State BPCR Silhouette Championship, June 25-26: 80 shot scope agg: June 27-28: 80 shot iron sight agg; NRA Reistered; Mark Griffis

June 26 (Friday)   HPR-XTC: Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range:  XTC 3 Person TEAM Match Friday at 2:00, 10 shots each stage: offhand, sitting rapidfire, prone rapidfire and 600yds.  (400 point Agg plus sighters),   Jamey Williams This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

June 27-28   HPR-XTC: Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range:  MT State Service Rifle Championships:  Saturday,  HP-XTC, 800 point Agg + HP-LR Prone, 150 point Agg (15rds) @ 800 yds; Sunday –  CMP Rifle EIC,  500 point Agg; NRA, CMP Registered; Sunday afternoon – M1A MT State Championship.  500 agg plus sighters, all fired at 300yds.  All rifles are welcome to compete, but champion will be shooting an M1A.   Jamey Williams
      Note: MT ST Service Rifle Championship includes matches fired on June 28 and the CMP EIC leg match on June 29; 1450 point Agg, and may be fired with any current NRA Service Rifle equipped with metallic sights. Tactical Service Rifles (w/scopes or electronic sights) may participate but are not eligible for the State Championship.  Match rifles are welcome to particpate in all matches but are not eligible for championship; if three or more present there will be awards for the match division.  


July 4-5 (July 4th – Independence Day – Observed on July 3rd)

July 11 SB Rifle; Anaconda; 1600 Agg Outdoor Prone; NRA Approved; Bill Bisch

July 11 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: BPCR 40 shot silhouette, NRA Approved;  Mark Griffis
July 12 BPTR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: 30 shot agg. Mid Range Prone (200, 300, 600yds); NRA Approved; Mark Griffis,
(July 11-12, Worland WY, Worland Shooting Complex Rifle Range; WY ST Long Range (1000yd) High Power Champioships; NRA Registered; Nick Nickerson)

July 11-12 Pistol: Great Falls Shooting Sports Complex: MT State Outdoor Pistol Championships, 2700 point Agg + CMP Pistol EIC, 300 point Agg, NRA Registered; Stu Smith

July 17- 18-19 The Big Sky State Games, Billings, (see BSG website for entry and info)
July 19 BSG HP-XTC; Billings, YRC: High Power XTC, 500pt Aggregate (600yd reduced to 300yd) , Not NRA Approved, for additional info contact Matt Waite

July 25-26 HP-XTC: Butte, BGC-Rocker Range; Saturday – High Power XTC 800 pt Agg, Sunday – High Power Mid (600yds) and Long Range (800yds) Prone, sling and F-class; NRA Approved; Jake Taverna


Aug 1 HP-MRP, F-class: Billings, YRC: MT MRP State Championship (sling & F-class), 3x600yd; NRA Registered; Neil Adams
Aug 2 HPR-XTC: Billings, YRC: High Power XTC; 800 point Agg, NRA Approved; Matt Waite

Aug 8 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: BPCR 40 shot silhouette, NRA Approved;  Mark Griffis
Aug 9 BPTR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: 30 shot agg. Mid Range Prone (200, 300, 600yds); NRA Approved; Mark Griffis,

Aug 8-9 Pistol; Billings, YRC: MT State International Pistol Championships, Free Pistol, Standard Pistol, Rapid Fire Pistol & Centerfire Pistol, (outdoor), NRA Registered; Lew Muller

Aug 15-16 SB Rifle; Missoula, Riverside range; MT State Outdoor Prone and 3P Championships; NRA Registered; Gary Swartz

sdAug 15 16 HP-XTC; Glendive, High Power XTC, 800 Agg (100yd reduced distance range); NRA Approved; Terry Pedersen

Aug 22-23 HP-XTC; Billings, YRC; NRA High Power Regional Championship, Aug 22 Individual 1000pt Agg, Aug 23 – Team and CMP EIC matches; NRA & CMP Registered; Matt Waite

Aug 29-30


Sept 5  HPR-XTC; Butte, BGC, Rocker range; MT State High Power Rifle Championships, 1000 point Agg, NRA Registered;  Jake Taverna 
Sept 6  HPR-EIC+VMR: BGC, Rocker range:  CMP Rifle EIC,  500 point Agg (morning) + Vintage Military Rifle 500 point Agg (afternoon);  Jake Taverna/Don Strom
(Sept 7 – Labor Day)

Sept 11 (Friday)   HPR-LR: Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range:  Long Range Prone Team match, Palma Format, 450 point Agg/shooter,  4 person teams,  coached firing begins at 11:00AM, NRA Registered; Jamey Williams

Sept 12-13 HPR-LR: Missoula, HCSA, Deep Creek Range: Northern Rockies Long Range Regional  & MT LR (sling) State Championships, 1100 point Aggregate, NRA Registered;  Jamey Williams

Sep 12 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: BPCR 40 shot silhouette, NRA Approved;  Mark Griffis
Sep 13 BPTR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: 30 shot agg. Mid Range Prone (200, 300, 600yds); NRA Approved; Mark Griffis,

Sept 19: Pistol; Great Falls Shooting Sports Complex: Jack Gollahan Memorial 2700 (outdoor), NRA Approved; Stu Smith
Sept 20

Sept 25 (Friday)   HPR-LR-F-class: Missoula, HCSA,  Deep Creek Range:  Long Range F-class Team match, Palma Format, 450 point Agg/shooter,  4 person teams,  coached firing begins at 11:00AM, NRA Registered; Jamey Williams

Sept 26-27 HPR-LR-F-class: Missoula, HCSA, Deep Creek Range: Northern Rockies F-class Long Range Regional  & MT F-Class State Championships, 1100 point Aggregate, NRA Registered;  Jamey Williams
Sept 26 HP-VMR; Glendive; John C Garand High Power Rifle Match, CMP Approved; Terry Pedersen

Oct 3-4

Oct 10 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: BPCR 40 shot silhouette, NRA Approved;  Mark Griffis
Oct 11 BPTR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: 30 shot agg. Mid Range Prone (200, 300, 600yds); NRA Approved; Mark Griffis,

Oct 18-19
Oct 24-25, Oct 31

Nov 1, (Nov 1-Daylight Savings Time Ends)
Nov 7-8 (Nov 10 – USMC B-Day, Nov 11 – Veteran’s Day)

Nov 14 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: Schuetzen (200yd Offhand) 50 shot aggregate; Butch Ulsher or Mark Griffis
Nov 15
Nov 21-22 (Nov 26– Thanksgiving Day)

Dec 5-6,
Dec 12-13 BPCR, Butte: BGC, Rocker range: Schuetzen (200yd Offhand) 100 shot aggregate; Butch Ulsher or Mark Griffis

Dec 19-20 (Dec 25th Christmas Day), Dec 26-27

Sponsor Information  Replace the [at] with @ for the correct email address 
Anaconda – Anaconda Rifle Club  
Dick Miller HPR, Pistol (406) 536-2532(406) 536-2532 warbucks556[at] 
Bill Bisch SB-R  (406) 563-3161 no email 
Big Timber – Big Timber Rifle Club 
Mariann Duncan  duncanwreaths[at] 
Billings – Yellowstone Rifle Club 
Neil Adams HPR-MR-Prone (406) 861-7499(406) 861-7499 fivering1[at] 
Matt Waite, HPR  mwaite[at]
Lew Muller Pistol (406) 245-3763(406) 245-3763 lewm[at]
Terry Smith, BSG  (406) 245-8867(406) 245-8867     xo[at]

Bozeman – Bozeman Rifle Club (Fair Grounds) 
Martin Bourque Pistol (406) 581-5543(406) 581-5543 mdbourque[at] 
Eric Gillitzer Pistol (406) 570-6660(406) 570-6660 MontanaBob[at] 
Tom Everett SB-R (406) 388-9076 teverett03a3[at] 
Les Nelson   Junior  SB-R, AR  (406) 579-0612(406) 579-0612 rlittle33[at] 
Scott Francis   4H MT ST Champs (406), 284-3341 ext 351 sfrancis[at]
Butte – Butte Gun Club (Rocker Range) 
Jake Taverna  HPR       (406) 494-3679(406) 494-3679    Jtaverna2010[at]
Don Strom HPR, VMR  (406) 490-2303(406) 490-2303 destrom549[at]
Butch Ulsher BPCR (406) 490-4889(406) 490-4889 schuetzenmeister[at] 
Mark Griffis (406)………………..

Circle – Circle Rifle Club 
Open —-HPR 

Conrad – Pondera County Shooting Sports Complex
 Bruce Martin, SB-R (406) 450-0322
 Scott Johnson, SB-R  sjohnson[at] 
Forsyth – Forsyth Rifle and Pistol Club
Al Lee BPCR (406) 356-7746(406) 356-7746 no email 

Glendive – Trails End Rifle and Pistol Club
Terry Pedersen HPR (406) 377-6836(406) 377-6836 tpedersen[at]
Great Falls – Ed Mcgivern Pistol Club & Great Falls Shooting Sports Complex
 Jim Way Pistol (406) 781-2748(406) 781-2748 no email 
 Stu Smith Pistol (406) 761-5743(406) 761-5743 skilled59404[at]
 HPR – Coming Soon!

Lewistown – Central Montana Rifle Club
Dick Hassler SB-R has[at]
Ron Tucek  Silh   (406) 538-2573(406) 538-2573   RCT517[at]
Logan – Headwaters Rifle Club (MWA range) 
Merrill Arbuckle – High Power Merrill4055[at] 
Missoula – Hellgate Civilian Shooters
Gary Swartz SB-R, (406) 542-1978 ghrmswartz[at]earthlink net 
Mike Winz Pistol, (406) 258-6817(406) 258-6817 bjmwin[at] 
Jamey Williams HPR (XTC, LR, MR), (406) 868-4181(406) 868-4181 jameydan[at] 
John King BPCR /BPTR,  
Terri Kien  Silh (406) 543-7412(406) 543-7412   breezi[at]
Bill Kilroy  Schutzen Rifle  (406) 728-6296(406) 728-6296
Del Niemeyer  BPCR 

Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol League – Postal Match
Bernice McKinney, SB-R, Pistol, Junior (520) 281-8535(520) 281-8535 xcount[at] 

2015 Annual Meeting Mintues

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Annual Meeting Minutes
VFW, Miles City MT.

Meeting called to order to order: 7:18 PM

President: Keith Hall, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Ken Boschee, Jim Keith
+ approx. 70 people

Previous Meeting’s Minutes: John Reed motioned, “We skip the reading of the previous minutes.” Motion seconded, and passed.

Financial Report: Cheri Reed reported the club currently has $14,937.38 in the bank, plus the money she will be depositing from tonight. Cheri reported that we will be moving $2,500 to replace the money the club borrowed from our CD two years ago to pay for a trap thrower.

Randy Anderson reported that 2014’s membership peaked at about 420 members. Randy Anderson also requested that club members thank Gary Tyler for donating the silent auction items, as well as the local business that have supported our club.

John Reed motioned, “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Committee reports:
Sunday Creek Shooting Range Committee – Randy Anderson reported that the new pistol bays have been handy and are getting use by members wanting an area to shoot where they can be off by themselves; we are working with the college to build a NRA High Power range and should have CMP and NRA sanctioned matches by Aug. or Sep. of this year.

Jesse Smith Reported that we have repaired the waterlines in the clubhouse and finished the clubhouse bathroom including installing the water heater and sink; we have also applied for a Friends of the NRA grant to build a new bathroom near the pistol bays that would have open access year around.

Spotted Eagle Trap Range Committee – Cheri Reed reported that the trap range was used in 2014 for several groups, including birthday parties, and Boy Scouts who received their marksmanship merit badges, and that we have gained some new members as a result of people seeing the activities there. Cheri reported that we have been asked for use of the facilities this coming year by the Boy Scouts, and Miles Community College. She also reported that we need to do some upgrades to the clubhouse.

Archery Committee – Ken Boschee reported that not much has been done with archery the last couple of years. He said we need someone who has new ideas and interest in getting involved.

Presidents Report: Keith Hall reported that we held the Youth .22 shoot at the police range in Miles City, and 21 Scouts received there merit badges.

Old Business: none

New Business: Randy Anderson motioned “The club consider holding it’s annual banquet in a location that doesn’t primarily serve alcohol.” The motion was seconded, and after discussion failed unanimously.

John Reed motioned “We revisit lifetime memberships for consideration.” The motion was seconded and failed.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:

Nominations for Vice Pres: Randy Anderson
Glen Kapitzke motioned “We unanimously elect Randy Anderson.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Nominations for Secretary: Jesse smith
John Reed motioned “We unanimously elect Jesse Smith.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the first vacant Director position: Daniel DeLong, Dean Seifert. Daniel DeLong was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the second vacant Director position: William Williams, Dean Seifert. William Williams was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the third vacant Director position: Tom Fulton, Dean Seifert. Tom Fulton was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Nominations to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors, in the fourth vacant Director position: Austin Swank, Dean Seifert. Austin Swank was elected by majority vote of the members present.

President Keith Hall reported that Jeremy Kueffler resigned today from his position as director. Therefor a one year positions as a Director is now vacant.
Nominations to serve the remaining one year of Jeremy Kueffler’s Directors position: Levi Burch, Dean Seifert. Levi Burch was elected by majority vote of the members present.

Good and Welfare:
The 50/50 raffle worth $127.00 was won by Jim Bastian.
Silent auction brought in items sold for a total of $276
The Stoger 20 ga. Shotgun was won by Stephen Malewajia.
The M&P 9 Shield was won by Lee Wankel.
The door prize of the $500 gift certificate for Red Rock Sporting Goods was won by Willy Williams.
Other door prizes included 1st aid kits donated by Holy Rosary, and a book A Mule Deer Retrospective donated by Ken Boschee.

Adjourn: 8:48 PM

2015 Annual Meeting Agenda

Custer Rod and Gun Annual Meeting Agenda
17 January 2015
6:00 Dinner, 7:00 PM Meeting
VFW (Post 1579)
119 North 6th St. Miles City


1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.
a) Rifle Range
b) Shotgun Range

6) Old business

7) New business
a) Mike Freeman regarding his letter of request to the CR&GC board

8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors.

President Keith Hall
Treasurer Cheri Reed

Todd Birch
Ken Boschee
Jim Keith
Jeremy Kueffler

Vice President _________________________
Secretary ______________________________

1) _____________________________________
2) _____________________________________
3) _____________________________________
4) _____________________________________

9) Good and welfare

a) Drawing for door prize/gun

10) Adjourn

Directors Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2014

CR&GC Directors Meeting

Called to order: 7:05 PM

Keith Hall, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Randy Anderson, Todd Birch, Ken Boschee, Jim Keith

Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Todd Birch motioned “To accept the minutes as published” Motion was seconded, and passed.

Financial Report:
Cheri Reed reported we have $11,060.43 in account, she also has to make a deposit of $2084.00 from membership renewals, and another deposit of about $400.

Cheri Reed reported that our “Flex-Time” deposit account, which has $2027.35 in it and interest .25%, is rolling over Dec. 26 if we don’t do anything with it.

Cheri Reed reported she has paid the fire insurance for the rifle range, property taxes for 2013, and the club liability insurance is coming due in June or July. Cheri thinks it will be around $4,000 this year as our club membership has grown so much over the last couple years.

Cheri Reed reported we received the IRS Determination letter we requested. It says we are an IRS 501c3 section 7 and donations made to the club are not deductible on the donor’s income taxes.

Ken Boschee motioned “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

President Report:
Keith Hall would like reports presented at the annual meeting by the various committees about what has been accomplished this past year and what is in the works for the upcoming year.

Keith Hall reported he will make an agenda for the annual meeting. It was decided that Randy Anderson would procure a projector for the club computer and the agenda will be projected on the wall at the meeting rather than printing paper agendas to pass out.

Old business:
Randy Anderson reported membership letters cost an extra $91. to mail because some of them were addressed upside down and the Post Office wouldn’t accept them like that.

New Business:
Todd Birch motioned “We renew our membership in the Miles City Chamber of Commerce.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Jim Keith motioned that we pay back, from the club’s general account, the $2500 that we took out of the Flex-Time account. The motion was seconded, and passed.

Jesse Smith reported the club received an email from the college looking for someone willing to teach a trap or skeet shooting class, as well as a fly tying class. Keith Hall said he will contact them and set something up.

Randy Anderson reported the club received a letter in the PO box from Mike Freeman, requesting that the Annual Meeting & Banquet be held at an alcohol free location. Randy agreed to contact Mike Freeman to discuss the matter further.

Adjourn 8:17

2015 Annual Club Meeting and Banquet – Jan. 17th

Dear Custer Rod and Gun Club member,
The annual CR&GC membership meeting and potluck/ banquet will be held at 6:00 pm on January 17th, 2015 at the VFW (Post 1579) 119 North 6th St. in Miles City. In traditional CR&GC style, the club will provide either pulled pork or roast beef and dinner rolls. Attendees A thru M are asked to bring a dish and N thru Z a salad or desert.

With your 2015 CR&GC membership you will be eligible for a door prize of a $500 gift certificate to Red Rock Sporting Goods, there will also be multiple other prizes and drawings available including a Smith and Wesson M&P Shield. More prizes are accumulating as we speak and may include additional firearms. Eligible members must be present to win and legally eligible to own/possess a firearm if applicable. All prize and raffle availability is terminated at the conclusion of the annual club meeting.

Please consider helping with preparation and cleaning after, you may contact any of the board members or the banquet committee chair CJ Truesdale. Also consider nominees for various board and officer positions that will be filled during the meeting. (see positions up for election below)

Please take a moment to thank the local businesses that have helped us out this past year: Car Quest, Cenex CHS, Doeden Const. Glader Electric, Dr. Jeff Williams, Kenny Boschee, MDU, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Pacific, Red Rock, Reynolds Grocery, Western Powders Inc. and Big Sky Components.

Vice President (currently held by CJ Truesdale)
Secretary (currently held by Jesse Smith)
Director (currently held by Randy Anderson)
Director (currently held by Ken Hess)
Director (formally held by Ron Hurr, resigned)
Director (formally held by Jeff Williams, resigned)

Time to renew your membership

Custer Rod and Gun Club membership renewals are due “now”.

Dear Custer Rod and Gun Club member,
The annual CR&GC membership meeting and potluck/ banquet will be held at 6:00 pm on January 17th, 2015 at the VFW (Post 1579) 119 North 6th St. in Miles City. In traditional CR&GC style, the club will provide either pulled pork or roast beef and dinner rolls. Attendees A thru M are asked to bring a dish and N thru Z a salad or desert. With your 2015 CR&GC membership you will be eligible for a door prize of a $500 gift certificate to Red Rock Sporting Goods, there will also be multiple other prizes and drawings available including a Smith and Wesson M&P Shield. More prizes are accumulating as we speak and may include additional firearms. Eligible members must be present to win and legally eligible to own/ possess a firearm if applicable. All prize and raffle availability is terminated at the conclusion of the annual club meeting. Please consider helping with preparation and cleaning after, you may contact any of the board members or the banquet committee chair CJ Truesdale. Also consider nominees for various board and officer positions that will be filled during the meeting.
Please take a moment to thank the local businesses that have helped us out this past year: Car Quest, Cenex CHS, Doeden Const. Glader Electric, Dr. Jeff Williams, Kenny Boschee, MDU, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Pacific, Red Rock, Reynolds Grocery, Western Powders Inc. and Big Sky Components.

Just a friendly reminder about the renewal of your club membership. 2015 memberships are available for renewal beginning December 1st 2014 through January 31st 2015 and would make an excellent Christmas present or stocking stuffer. Otherwise please submit your renewal before the January 31st deadline, all members renewed by the deadline simply keep the HID card, it will stay active. The HID card (which is a gate key) is the property of Custer Rod and Gun Club. Any personnel “not” renewing their membership by the deadline must return the HID card to the club by midnight January 31st regardless of intention to renew at any later date. Any membership not renewed by the Jan. 31st date “that has failed to return the HID card” will have the assigned HID card disabled and the former member assessed a $25.00 non-refundable fee for the cost of the card, programming and lock updating.
This incentive to return un-used club property may sound harsh, but this year we had over 60 former members fail to return the HID cards and we ran short by year end. Cards can only be ordered in lots of 100 and programming is extra. Because of those 60+ people we had to spend $375.00 on replacement cards and programming. Having a specified renewal period (Dec-Jan) and getting the un-used HID cards back in a timely manner (they are reissued to new members) will prevent these costs in the future and we can avoid an increase in annual membership costs. In addition members can take advantage of a full 12+ months of use. The additional memberships generated by a more secure access system have funded improvements that are under way as we speak.
As of today (11/5/2014) CR&GC has a record 420 members. Managing this volume of members and maintaining the range facilities has been a time consuming and costly task on part of the volunteers handling it. Please help them as much as you can by submitting your renewals on time and helping out at the range. Remember, this club is maintained by its members, it is not the sole responsibility of the board to maintain it and we do not have a range custodian. Please remind people of this if they complain about our range, it’s their responsibility too.
Please do not go to Red Rock to “renew” or get a second card, they cannot process renewals or sell an existing member a second membership. To renew your membership you can simply mail a check of $40.00 to the address below or renew online via PayPal at the clubs website you may also renew your membership at the annual meeting (see above). Please provide clearly printed, current mailing address, phone number and email on new or renewed membership correspondence. If you do not wish to renew your membership please mail the HID card to the address below before January 31st, 2015. If you have any questions regarding membership call Randy Anderson at 406-951-0301.

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Po Box 303
Miles City, Montana

Thank you,
CR&GC Board of Directors

Board of Directors Meeting – November 18, 2014

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Director Meeting
VFW Meeting Hall

Meeting called to order: 7:01 PM

Present: Jim Keith, Randy Anderson, Kenny Boschee, Keith Hall, Todd Burch, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith

Absent: Ron Hurr, Ken Hess, Jeremy Kueffler, Cheri Reed

Minutes from previous meeting:
Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the October meeting as published on the website.” The motions was seconded and passed.

Financial Report:
The treasurer was not present to present her report.

Presidents Report:
Keith Hall reported that Boy Scouts will get back to us about using our facilities, as they didn’t our clubhouses are not heated in the winter.

Keith Hall reported that the Fish and Game banquet is coming up, and asked if we want to donate if FWP approaches us?
Todd Burch motioned “We give FWP $100 in Chamber Bucks for their Block Management banquet, in the form of 2 $50 donations.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Committee Reports:
Annual Banquet Committee – CJ Truesdale reported that the the VFW is booked for room and food, the gun and door prizes are arranged.

Membership Committee – Randy Anderson reported that the membership letter is printed and waiting to be addressed.

Randy Anderson reported he got 100 new key cards and updated programming done for gate lock.

Rifle Range Committee – Jesse Smith and Randy Anderson reported that the college heavy equipment class was willing to do the VMR/High Power Range work, the pistol range berm work, and some work on the road. They reported that it was for such a good price they went ahead and authorized the college to start the work as soon as they can.

Randy Anderson reported he got the new hitch installed on the DR Mower and mowed the range.

Website Committee – Jesse Smith reported he is going to remove the forum section from the club website because it isn’t used and attracts 1-3 spammer registrations per day.

Old Business:

New Business:

Meeting Adjourned: 7:55 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 21, 2014

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Director Meeting
VFW Meeting Hall

Meeting called to order: 7:30 PM

Present: Jim Keith, Ken Hess, Randy Anderson, Jeremy Kueffler, Kenny Boschee, Keith Hall, Todd Burch, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed

Absent: Ron Hurr

Minutes from previous meeting: Cheri Reed motioned “We accept the August 19th minutes as published on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Financial reports:
Cheri Reed reported the club has $13,453.62 in the bank account. Jeremy Kueffler moved to accept financial report as read.

Jeremy Kueffler moved “We reimbursed Jesse Smith $94.09 that he spent on the jackpot shoot.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Randy Anderson motioned “We give Randy Hart $40 to reimburse him for the membership he gave Doeden Construction as a thank you for work they donated.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Committee reports:
Jesse Smith reported the Action Pistol Jackpot Shoot brought in $390, he spent $94.09 and the club profited $295.91.

Old Business:
Annual Meeting:

Jeremy Kueffler motioned, “The club supplies pulled pork and rolls, and the rest of the annual banquet will be a potluck.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Randy Anderson motioned “We buy a $500 gift certificate from Red Rock to be used as a door prize at the annual meeting.” The motion was seconded, and passed by 7 votes to 2 and one abstaining.

CJ Truesdale motioned “The club authorize CJ Truesdale to spend a budget of $500 on items to be raffled at the annual meeting” The motion was seconded. Randy Anderson motioned to amend the motion to read, “The club authorize CJ Truesdale to spend a budget of $500 on one handgun to be raffled at the annual meeting by selling a deck of cards for $20 per card.” The amendment was seconded and passed. The original motion as amended was passed.

Randy Anderson reported that the berm work for the new 100m range still hasn’t been completed, and that he would contact Doeden Construction again about doing the work.

New Business:
Jeremy Kueffler reported that the Special Olympics wants to use the Spotted Eagle clubhouse as a warming hut when they do a polar bear club type of ice water swim January 31. Cheri Reed motioned “We approve the Special Olympics to use the clubhouse January 31.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Randy Anderson reported that the Boy Scouts want to use some facility for their Monday night meetings twice a month. Keith Hall will contact them and discuss whether or not our facilities will work for them.

Randy Anderson reported the rifle range looks bad, and he wanted to do some mowing but needs parts to fix the hitch on the DR mower. Cheri Reed motioned “We authorize Randy Anderson to spend the money needed to build a hitch for the mower.”

Randy Anderson motioned “In the membership letter we send out in November, we announce that memberships due now, and must be renewed by January 31, or the member’s card key needs to be mailed back to the club, or a $20 non returnable fee for the card will be charged to the member.” Cheri Reed motioned to “We amend the original motion to $25 instead of $20”. The amendment was seconded, and passed by 8-1. The original motion as amended was seconded and passed.

Good and Welfare:

Cheri Reed motioned “We adjourn the meeting.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM.

2nd Annual Action Pistol Jackpot Match Results – Sep. 27 2014

Well the results are in for the 2nd Annual jackpot shoot, but first I would like to thank all the the volunteers who ROed the match for us and the wonderful ladies who ran the office AND fed us lunch! As well, I’d like to thank everyone who helped tear down and load everything up at the end.

I’d especially like to thank Big Sky Cast Bullets ( and Reynolds Market ( for donating the prizes for the side shoots and door prizes.

I’d also like to thank all the shooters who came out to play. Without the volunteers to run the match and the shooters to shoot it, we couldn’t do this. Thank you everyone for making this so successful and I hope to see you all again next year as we continue to grow!

Stock Pistol Division:

Ranking Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Total Time
1 – $70.00 Pat Crisswell 26.79 19.18 19.57 22.64 22.43 15.91 126.52
2 – $42.00 Jason Bednar 27.13 24.88 18.92 28.77 18.42 13.69 131.81
3 – $28.00 Mark oderquist 32.51 28.55 20.96 22.73 22.07 18.64 145.46
4 Ty Rainey 28.38 23.1 20.96 24.74 28.26 22.94 148.38
5 Rhoudy Olsen 30.81 22.71 20.32 33.25 28.78 22.76 158.63
6 Shane Bettenhausen 34.09 27.22 27.32 29.7 28.26 20.03 166.62
7 Jesse Smith 32.07 28.07 23.74 29.07 36.45 20.68 170.08
8 Roy Kearnes 31.41 29.52 25.35 30.1 42.77 20.21 179.36
9 Marty Scheid 40.45 29.08 18.34 34.75 35.58 22.92 181.12
10 Taylor Poitras 36.13 35.79 22.41 34.1 32.92 21.46 182.81
11 Lee Wankel 39.04 30.32 28.59 31.89 34.77 19.48 184.09
12 James Smith 38.55 28.42 21.07 38.42 37.09 23.87 187.42
13 John Olsen 35.57 48.53 20.81 42.71 34.04 20.38 202.04
14 Steve Jacobs 40.64 39.67 23.54 32.89 45.61 25.57 207.92

Ladies Stock Pistol:

Ranking Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Total Time
1 – $12.00 Tracy Olsen 81.91 38.58 35.6 39.36 66.1 29.33 290.88
2 – $8.00 BethAnn Rainey 53 50.59 101.29 56.04 51.23 86.05 398.2

Revolver Division:

Ranking Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Total Time
1- $20.00 John Reed 61.65 69.37 35.71 81.63 82.68 50.77 381.81

Race Pistol Division:

No Entries.

Quick Draw Challenge – Side Shoot:

Ranking Name String #1 Sting #2 String #3 Fastes Time
1 Ty Rainey 2.11 1.96 1.99 1.96
2 Pat Crisswell 2.87 2.14 2.12 2.12
3 Lee Wankel 3.79 2.18 3.8 2.18
4 Marty Scheid 2.23 2.23
5 Roy Kearns 2.41 5.76 2.41
6 Ty Rainey 3.5 3.57 2.47 2.47
7 James Smith 2.51 3.81 2.85 2.51
8 Jesse Smith 5.02 4.56 2.54 2.54
9 Steve Jacobs 2.99 4.04 2.7 2.7
10 BethAnn Rainey 9.83 6.34 3.84 3.84
11 Taylor Poitras 4.17 4.02 4.02 4.02

Progressively Smaller Plates – Side Shoot:

Ranking Name Time
1 Pat Crisswell 9.9
2 James Smith 11.35
3 Marty Schied 15.54
4 Marty Schied 16.3
5 Pat Crisswell 16.41
6 Ty Rainey 18.76
7 Taylor Poitras 31.86
8 Roy Kearnes 46.2
9 BethAnn Rainey 71.3

 Long Range Falling Plates – Side Shoot:

Ranking Name Time
1 Pat Crisswell 11.59
2 John Olsen 11.74
3 ??? 21.49
4 Marty Shied 25.3
5 Roy Kearnes 37
6 James Smith 62.14
7 Steve Jacobs 64.83
8 John Reed 109.7


Turkey Shoot, Baker MT. September 21, 2014

Baker Mt

Turkey shoot
September 21st
Registration 8 am
Start shooting 9am
Shooting shotgun at clay targets, we will play 10 shot games like
Buddy / buddy, dead bird, progressive, annioakly and some others.
Baker, mt fallon county gun range 1/4 mile west of baker.
Bring eye and ear protection, money, shotgun and shells for that shotgun.
There will be BBQ cheeseburgers and hot dogs for lunch you can buy and we
will have pop water and cookies or bars for you to buy throughout the day.
For more info contact Penney or Dave kono at 406-778-2414 or Nicole kono at

2nd Annual Action Pistol Jackpot Shoot

Thank you everyone who participated in the 2014 Jackpot Shoot! You can find the results here. We hope to see you back at next year’s match!

Click to view or print flyer

Scenarios: (in no particular order)
  Bugging Out
  Clearing the Officer
  Unlucky Horeshoe
  Hostage Rescue
  Steel Challenge No-1
  Steel Challenge No-2

General Information:
  Registration will open at 8:30 AM, with a Safety Meeting to be held at 9:45 AM, and competition starting approx. 10:00 AM.

  There will be food and drinks available for purchase, with all proceeds going to improving and expanding our Action Pistol Shooting program.

  We will shoot 3 scenarios, then take an approximately one hour lunch break, followed by shooting 3 more stages. While the Range Officers are changing the stages out, lunch will be available, as well as additional pistol side games, for anyone interested in participating. Cost to participate in the side games will be in the couple of dollar range, and there will be some great prizes donated by local business to be awarded to the winners.

  Stages will be posted here as soon as they are complete.

Range Location:
The match will be located at Custer Rod and Gun Club’s range, known as The Sunday Creek Rifle Range, approx. 6 miles outside of Miles City, MT. on Hwy. 489.
View Larger Map

Cold Range Rules:
Please arrive at the match with your firearm unloaded and either in a holster or in a range bag. Firearms can ONLY be removed from the holster or range bag in the designated safe area. NO FIREARM SHALL BE LOADED UNTIL THE LOAD AND MAKE READY COMMAND IS GIVEN BY A RANGE OFFICER!

Division Requirements

All Divisions:
  Eye and ear protection is required by all shooters, and spectators.
  All firearms must be between 9mm (9×19) and .45 (.452″) caliber
  Firearms equipped with a manual safety, must start with the safety engaged.
  Firearms with a decocking lever or button will be decocked using the lever or button.
  Selective DA/SA firearms will start hammer down unless it is equipped with a manual safety that can be engaged when cocked.
  Firearms designed for cocked and locked carry will start cocked and locked (hammer cocked, safety engaged).
  Shooters may only start a stage with 3 magazines, speed loaders, or other ammunition feeding devices. (One in the firearm, and two on their waist.)
  Extra ammunition feeding devices (magazines, speed loaders, moon clips, etc.) must be carried in such a way that they are within 1″ of the shooter’s body, except in the Race Pistol division.
  If a holster or magazine pouch has a retention device such as a thumb break, strap, etc. it must be engaged before the shooter starts a stage.
  Ammunition may be lead or jacketed, and may be factory or handloads. Incendiary, steel core, or armor piercing ammunition is not allowed.
  There will be no distinction between major or minor power factors in scoring.
  Reactive steel targets will be calibrated to be actuated by a hit in the scoring area by a cartridge/gun combination producing a power factor of 125, or greater. If a shooter feels that a reactive target failed to operate properly, immediately upon completing the stage, and after unloading and showing clear, the shooter may request that the target be tested by a match official. If the target proves to be calibrated correctly the shooter’s time will stand. If the target is indeed out of calibration, it will be corrected and the shooter may reshoot the stage.
  If a reactive target actuates without being hit (eg. from the wind or from the target stand/frame being shot) the Range Officer will stop the shooter and the shooter will be required to shoot the stage from the beginning. Please bring enough ammunition to allow for this.

  Holsters must be of types commonly used for daily carry, and must not be “competition” or “race” type holster type, except in the Race Pistol division. Holsters with open fronts that allow the pistol to be canted forward before the muzzle clears the top of the holster are only permited in the Race Pistol division.
  The following are not permitted in any division: Cross-draw carry, Shoulder holsters, Small of the back carry, Appendix carry, Pocket carry.

Stock Pistol Division:
  Firearm must be semi-automatic.
  Sights may be changed to another notch and post type but slides may not be machined to accept different style sights.
  Shooters must start each stage with 10 rounds in each magazines (or to magazine capacity, whichever is less), and one additional round loaded in the barrel/chamber.
  Firearms may have reasonably sized add-on magazine well openings. They must be sized small enough to be generally accepted as reasonable for daily concealed carry. Over sized ‘competition style’ magwells will be moved to the Race Pistol division. Final determination of concealable vs race equipment will be made my the match director.
  Compensated firearms with or without compensated barrels installed, are not permitted.
  Aftermarket slides are not permitted.
  Internal enhancements such as trigger jobs and aftermarket guide rods are permitted, as well as aftermarket barrels provided the barrels are the same length as the original barrel. Minor enhancements such as skateboard tape, cross-hatching or dimpling of the grip areas are also acceptable.
  In order to level the playing field among firearms in this division, extended magazines which will allow a firearm to be loaded with up to 10+1 rounds, are specifically approved.

The intent is for this class to be limited to firearms that would be commonly accepted as a factory configuration carry gun, with only minor enhancements. If the match director feels that a firearm violates this intent by having features that are commonly excepted as “Race Gun” or Competition only” enhancements, the director may at his discretion require the shooter to be moved to the Race Pistol division.

Race Pistol:
  Firearm must be semi-automatic.
  Shooters must start each stage with 3 magazines (one in the gun, and two on the shooter) loaded with 10 rounds (or to magazine capacity, whichever is less), and one additional round loaded in the barrel/chamber.
  Compensated firearms, aftermarket slides, slide releases, safeties, hammers, barrels, and add-on magazine well openings may all be used.
  Extra ammunition magazines must be carried in such a way that they are within 2″ of the shooter’s body.

Revolver Division:
  Revolvers may be loaded to the division capacity of six (6) rounds in the cylinder. Seven (7) and eight (8) shot revolvers are permitted, but may only load six (6) rounds.
  Have a barrel length of 6.25” or less (as measured from the front of the cylinder).

Ladies Division:
  The Ladies division is the same as the Stock Pistol division, but limited to female competitors only. Female competitors must choose to enter either the Stock Pistol division, or the Ladies division when they register.

Action Pistol Shooting results 8-28

Well gang, here’s the results for our last weekly shoot of the year. Thanks for the great turnout, it’s been a fun 16 weeks!

Please don’t forget to come out for our Action Pistol Jackpot Shoot September 27th. It will be loads of fun, with cash payouts as well as additional prizes. Check the website as we will be posting all the details as they are available.

08/28/14 One Handed Escape Home Defense 3 Sixes Total Time
John Olsen 30.19 32.61 41.64 104.44
Ty Rainey 28.64 33.54 49.33 111.51
Tracy Olsen 28.01 39.20 47.08 114.29
James Smith 30.51 37.36 47.34 115.21
Jim Keith 32.90 43.76 41.66 118.32
Jasen Bednar 57.50 37.57 32.89 127.96
Marty Scheid 39.33 56.22 36.30 131.85
Shane Taylor 45.25 47.81 47.61 140.67
Lee Wankel 28.11 52.17 61.22 141.50
Dallas Taylor 30.31 32.59 91.23 154.13
David Gamble 46.22 45.40 64.80 156.42
Jesse Smith 46.10 40.50 79.87 166.47
Eric Leggate 31.72 54.76 93.25 179.73
Steve Jacobs 41.31 60.62 79.28 181.21
Jason Ortivez 60.10 65.31 71.49 196.90
Jeremy Loomis 46.03 73.92 98.28 218.23
BethAnn Rainey 73.33 90.27 110.49 274.09
Deb Smith 75.04 116.70 167.43 359.17
John Reed** 57.84 68.30 n/a 126.14
Greg Waldie** n/a n/a 173.72 173.72

Action Pistol Shooting Results 8-21-14

08/21/14 Door Number 1 Taking Off The Gloves A Lot of Steel Total Time
Ty Rainey 25.49 22.11 24.13 71.73
Jesse Smith 21.44 22.51 29.37 73.32
John Olsen 28.30 23.59 21.47 73.36
James Smith 35.69 21.52 33.04 90.25
Jim Keith 29.33 28.82 35.52 93.67
Dave Gamble 33.38 26.82 38.16 98.36
Shane Taylor 32.71 44.89 35.15 112.75
Erik Fritz 30.68 50.86 31.35 112.89
Dallas Taylor 32.03 52.29 32.33 116.65
Steve Jacobs 41.99 41.65 46.14 129.78
Tracy Olsen 39.30 48.91 71.00 159.21
Jon Reed 53.10 72.74 82.82 208.66
BethAnn Rainey 44.00 71.81 104.40 220.21
Rhoudy Olsen 24.51 ??? 26.48 ???

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 8-19-14

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Director Meeting
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

Meeting called to order: 7:05 PM

Todd Burch reported that Jeff Williams has resigned his position on the Board of Directors due to lack of available time Cheri Reed motioned to accept his resignation. Motion seconded and approved.

Present: Keith Hall, CJ Truesdale, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Jim Keith, Todd Burch
Absent: Randy Anderson, Ken Boschee, Ken Hess, Ron Hurr, Jeremy Kueffler

Reading of previous meeting minutes:
• Cheri Reed motioned “To accept the minutes from the July 15th meeting as posted on the website.” Motion seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report:
• Cheri Reed reported that as of 4 PM the club has $11,728.33 in account in the bank account. She reported that she has made the following deposits this month:
$20.00 in cash donations
$280.00 in membership fees
$182.00 in Action Pistol Shooting fees
$50.00 in donations from The Range Riders toward the John Hartwick memorial sign

• Cheri reported the only thing not deposited was the cash box for the trap range, and that Jesse Smith had just turned in $174.00 from the Action Pistol and $100 from EDC. LLC for the last CCW class they held at the range.

• Keith Hall reported that he had two donations from Delmar Delmarzezula to use for the youth shoots.

Jesse Smith motioned, “We accept the financial reports as read.” Motion seconded and passed.

President report:
• Kieth Hall reported that we need a volunteer to organize the Annual Meeting and Banquet in January. CJ Truesdale volunteered to take charge of that project.

• Kieth Hall reported he would like to organize and start holding basic Shotgun Shooting/safety classes with certified NRA instructors, starting with a NRA 1st Steps class, then a more advanced class. He will do more research and planning, and present it to The Board at a later time.

Old Business:
• Cheri Reed motioned “We keep the DR Mower and store it at the rifle range.” Motion was seconded and passed.

• Keith Hall reported that CJ Truesdale had filled in the holes at Spotted Eagle, but he thought there may have been some settling that needs to be topped off.

New Business
• Todd Burch motioned “We authorize Jesse Smith to hold an Action Pistol Jackpot shoot at the rifle range September 27th.” Motion was seconded and passed.

• Todd Burch motioned “We authorize Jesse Smith to move the handgun and shotgun area, and associated steel targets to the pistol bays.” Motion was seconded and passed.

• Keith Hall reported that he confirm arrangements hold the winter meetings of The Board of Directors at VFW, and let Jesse know so they can the schedule can be updated on the website.

• Todd Burch reported that he assumes the archery league Ron Hurr was thinking about putting on is probably canceled.

• Todd Burch motioned “We donate $250 toward the Mule Deer Foundation’s annual banquet to be held on Oct. 11th.” Motion was seconded and passed.

• CJ Truesdale motioned “We approve Jesse Smith and Cheri Reed to include the purchase and installation of a shed with a bathroom and cistern at the rifle range, on the NRA grant application due in November.” Motion was seconded and passed.

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors:
• Tod Burch motioned “We leave Jeff Williams Directors position vacant until Annual meeting.” Motion was seconded and passed.

Good and welfare:
• CJ Truesdale reported that someone had removed the hinges in order to bypass the lock and gain entry to the secure camera equipment and hard drives in the Spotted Eagle clubhouse.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 PM