Author Archives: Custer Rod and Gun Club

Board of Directors Meeting – Feb. 2016

The Custer Rod and Gun Club’s Board of Directors will be meeting Feb 16th, 7:00 PM at the VFW in Miles City.

While only members of the Board of Directors have a vote at Board Meetings, all members are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting and voice their opinion on any and all issues, as well as bring other concerns, request, etc. to the boards attention.

You can find a complete list of the scheduled 2016 Board Meetings at

Meeting Agenda below: (other agenda items may be introduced from the floor)

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors
February 16, 2015 7:00 PM

Call to order and Roll call of officers:

Reading of previous meeting minutes:

Reading of current financial report:

President report:

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:

Old Business:
– Either discontinue selling of new memberships at Red Rock or a new
motion to strike the previous motion passed in December

New Business:
-Vault at Spotted Eagle or Sunday Cr.
-Sending delinquent memberships from 2014 and 2013 to collections
– Request by a member to start the Annual Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance
– Member survey & what questions should we ask?
– Request from MLEA (Law Enforcement Academy) to use the range July 12 and 13
– Pheasants Forever wants to borrow tables for the PF Banquet on March 19th

Nomination and Election of Officers:
– Nominations to replace William William?

Good and Welfare:


2016 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will hold our monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors, on the third Tuesday of each month, from February through December, at 7:00 PM. The location of each meeting can be found below:

2016 Meetings of the Board of Directors
February 16, 2016 – VFW Club 119 N. 6th St.
March 15, 2016 – VFW Club 119 N. 6th St.
April 19, 2016 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
May 17, 2016 – Sunday Creek clubhouse
June 21, 2016 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
July 19, 2016 – Sunday Creek clubhouse
August 16, 2016 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
September 20, 2016 – Sunday Creek clubhouse
October 18, 2016 – Spotted Eagle clubhouse
November 15, 2016 – VFW Club 119 N. 6th St.
December 20, 2016 – VFW Club 119 N. 6th St.

Annual Banquet and Meeting
January 21, 2017 – Miles City Town and County Club (4th and Eagle)

Though these are Board meetings, and only members of the Board of Director have a vote on motions at these meetings, all club members are encouraged to attend these meetings, and will be provided opportunity to speak at these meetings if they desire. The Board always seeks the opinion of club members.

2016 Annual Club Meeting Minutes

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Annual Meeting Minutes
1/16/16 7:00pm
Town and Country Club

Call to Order: 7:00 PM

Roll Call of Officers:
Present: Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Cheri Reed, Levi Burch, Todd Burch, Daniel Delong, Tom Fulton, Larry Hudson, Jim Keith

Absent: Ken Boschee, William Williams

Reading of previous meeting minutes:
Jesse smith motioned, “We accept the minutes from the previous Annual Meeting, as they are posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report:
Treasurer Cheri Reed reported that as of 3 pm yesterday the club has $20,040.53 in the bank. She reported the club expects the following list of minimum expenses for 2016:
Taxes $492 (doubled from last year)
Insurance $3,100
Repairs to the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse $5,000
Completion of the 100 Yard High Power Range $1,100
$2,500 going into CD to replace the money the club borrowed to buy trap thrower a few years ago.
The club is purchasing a new laptop to handle club memberships and gate programming.
Cheri Reported the club should have around $8,000 left after the expected expenses.

Randy Anderson Reported the club finished out last year with approx 420 members, but so far this year we’re only at 220 members.

Jim Keith motioned, “We accept the financial report as read.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Keith Hall announced that we are still accepting nominations for the Officer and Director positions that we will be voting to fill at the end of the meeting.

President Report:
President Keith Hall reported that in 2015 we held a Youth .22 instructional shoot that had 28 kids signed up from ages 1 – 15, and helped 5 Boy Scouts earn merit badges.

This years youth shoot will be May 12 – June 9. We will hold a Day Camp for shotgun on June 4th.

Keith Hall reported that FWP wants to use Spotted Eagle on Sunday Feb. 28, Saturday June 25, and Sunday July 31 for Hunter Safety field days. Jim Keith motioned, “We approve FWP’s request.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Keith Hall reported that 4H wants to use the Spotted Eagle range Tuesday March 29, they will supply their ownshells and buy clays from us. Marty Scheid motioned, “We approve 4H to use the range.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Keith Hall thanked the Range Masters for running the individual ranges. It seems to be working out well, and he hopes the next President will continue with it.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
Rifle Range – Jesse Smith reported that in 2015 the club received a grant from the Friends of the NRA for just under $6,000. The grant was used to expand the pistol range from 3 bays to 5 bays, as well as installing a septic tank, and bathroom/outhouse that can be used year around regardless of weather. The bathroom building also has a storage area to be used for targets and props for groups using the pistol bays.

Jesse Smith reported that the club spent approx. $4,000 to install the steel targets, that the club voted for at the 2015 Annual Meeting, on all the rifle/pistol ranges. He said in the approx. six months since they’ve been installed the steel is holding up well, but the support frames and chains are in need of repair because of people shooting the frames instead of the targets.

Jesse Smith also reported a guy from Baker held a Prairie Dog silhouette shoot at the rifle range, and part of the proceeds was supposes to go to the Wounded Warriors and a local foster parent group in Miles City. It didn’t have the turnout he hoped for, but the guy who put it on hopes to have a better turnout this year.

Jesse Smith reported we repaired the window frames on the rifle range clubhouse and painted trim.

Randy Hart reported the Cowboy Action Shooting is going well, they are holding shoots every 3rd Saturday of the month, and are growing their matches a little more than in the past.

Shotgun Range –
Cheri Reed reported that trap shooting hasn’t been as active this year because 2 years ago the traps got flooded, and one thrower is still not working properly. Ken Boschee and Cheri have been working on the trap with the aid of the manufacturer, but even the manufacturer can’t figure out what is wrong with it. Cheri said they hope to get the second thrower running and be more active in 2016.

Cheri reported despite the thrower breakdowns in 2015 we still managed to hold a Boy Scout shoot, Kids shoot, MCC College shoot, and a Beginners shoot. We also shot skeet a couple times.

Old Business:

New Business:
Randy Anderson Reminded everyone that our insurance doesn’t cover the club if we let non-members use the range unless it’s part of an event that has been pre-approved in the Board Meeting minutes before the event, or they are a guest of a member, and the member is present.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors:
Nominations for the position of President were:
Randy Anderson, accepted
There were no further nominations made.
Randy Anderson was elected by default, his term expires January, 2018.

Jesse Smith motioned, “We take nominations and vote to fill the rest of Randy Anderson’s term as Vice-President before we go any further in the elections.” The motion was seconded, and passed.

Nominations for the position of Vice-President:
Clint Meidinger, declined
Jesse Smith, declined
Ty Rainey, accepted
There were no further nominations made.
Ty Rainey was elected by default, his term expires January 2017.

Nominations for the position of Treasurer were:
Cheri Reed, accepted
There were no further nominations made.
Cheri Reed was elected by default, her term expires January, 2018.

Nominations for the 4 available two year positions as Directors:
Jim Keith, accepted
Ty Rainey, declined
Marty Scheid, accepted
Todd Burch, accepted
Randy Hart, accepted
There were no further nominations made.
The 4 nominees Jim Keith, Marty Scheid, Todd Burch, and Randy Hart were elected to the 4 two year Director positions by default, their terms expires January, 2018.

Nominations fill the last year of the vacant Directors position temporarily being filled by Larry Hudson:
Matt Lewin, declined
Larry Hudson, accepted
There were no further nominations made.
Larry Hudson was elected by default, his term expires January 2017.

Good and Welfare:

Door Prizes and Raffle Items:
Door prize winner: Member #176 was not present, and was redrawn. The winner of the Savage .17 HMR was member #102 Matt Lewin.

Bucket Raffle winners were as follows:
S&W Shield 9mm – Keith Hall
Henry GOlden Boy .22 – Kevin Anderson
Hyskore Universal Shooers Clamp – Leroy Kuper
$50 Reynolds Market Gift Certificate – Jody West
EDC Basic Pistol Course – Mel Patch
Flying Pheasant Mount – Clyde Leischner
Framed Duck Print – Keith Hall
Unframed Duck and Quail Prints – John Sgrignoli
Makers Mark Whisky – Randy Hart
Solo Stove – Christina
27 lb. Box of Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears – Keith Hall
Camo Picnic Bag and Accessories – Mel Patch
Eder 3’x5′ American Flag – Lee Wankel
$100 Thrive by LeVel Gift Certificate – Arin Ransom
Browning Pistol Rack – Keith Hall

Adjourn: Keith Hall motioned “To adjourn.” The motion was seconded, passed at 7:57 PM

Friends of the NRA needs volunteer

The Friends of the NRA are in need of volunteers right now to organize and prepare for their annual fundraising banquet in 2016. FNRA provide vital grant dollars needed to promote shooting facilities and programs in our immediate area. Just this year they provided the Custer Rod and Gun Club with our new bathroom and storage building, septic tank, and pistol range berm improvements.

Please consider donating a little time to help them help our shooting community.

For more information please contact Tera Kiel at (406) 951-2282.

Thank you,
Custer Rod and Gun Club

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 15, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
December 15, 2015

Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 pm

Attendance: Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Levi Burch, Todd Burch, Ken Boschee, Daniel DeLong, Jim keith, Tom Fulton

Reading of previous meeting minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the October 15th meeting as posted on the website.” The motions was seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report:
The treasurer was not present, Randy Anderson reported that she has not made any deposits since the last meeting, but should have a substantial amount of deposits to make from 2016 memberships that have been coming in.

President report:
Keith Hall reported that he talked to the Colmans about running the 2016 Youth .22 shoot. They want to hold the shoot on May 19, May 26, June 2, June 9, and June 16.

Daniel Delong motioned, “We approve a $300 budget for Keith to purchase ammunition for the Youth .22 shoot.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Keith Hall reported the club has shotgun shells that were donated by FWP for our Youth Shotgun shoots. He would like to teach a one day Youth Shotgun Camp on June 4th or 11th with the shells provided by FWP, clays provided by the club, and lunch provided by donations from local businesses.

Tom Fulton motioned, “We approve the Youth Shotgun Camp as proposed free of charge.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
Jesse Smith reported the Friends of the NRA Grant is 100% complete. We came in about $200 under budget. He has filled the final report, and Cheri Reed has issued a check to return the unused money to the Friends of the NRA.

Old Business:
Randy Anderson reported that many of the people attempting to buy ‘new memberships’ at Red Rock or calling him, are previous members who did not return their key card and own the club money.

Jesse Smith motioned, “We add a membership application (membership card) to the website and require all new members to apply for membership by filling out the membership card online, and be verified by the membership committee to have paid all fees owed to the club before the membership will be activated and their membership card and key card sent to them by mail. If the membership committee finds they are a previous member who owes the club money for any reason, the new membership will be denied and payment refunded.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Randy Anderson reported that we needed to order more key cards for the rifle range gate. Todd Burch motioned, “We purchase an additional 200 key cards.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Jesse Smith reported that he has communicated with the firearms instructor in Sidney who contacted the club, and the instructor is interested in holding a 2-day Tactical Carbine class at our range in May. Jesse will coordinate with the instructor to arrange for him to see the facilities and come to a board meeting.

There will be an Annual Meeting and Banquette committee meeting at the VFW at 7:00 pm Tue. January 12th. Any Board members participating in the annual meeting should attend to go over any preparations needed for the banquette.

New Business:
Daniel Delong motioned, “We post on our club’s website a call for help for the Miles City Friends of the NRA committee who needs volunteers to put on their annual fund raising banquet.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors: N/A

Good and welfare: N/A

Adjourn: 8:52 pm

Annual Member’s Meeting and Banquet

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Annual Member’s Meeting and Banquet
Saturday, January 16, 2015
Banquet starts 6:00 PM
Meeting starts 7:00 PM
Miles City Town and Country Club (4th and Eagle St.)

The Custer Rod and Gun Club will hold our Annual Member’s Meeting and Banquet Saturday January 16, 2016 at the Miles City Town and Country Club. The banquet starts at 6:00 PM, and the meeting at 7:00 PM. You may renew your club membership at the door, or if you have already renewed your membership, please BE SURE TO BRING YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD WITH YOU, as you will be required to show it when voting or making nominations.

The banquet will be a potluck meal, with the club providing roast beef, potatoes, and a roll. Members with a last name beginning with A-L are requested to bring a main dish. Members with a last name beginning with M-Z are requested to bring a salad or dessert.

We will be giving away a Savage 17 HMR with scope package – mod. 93R17 GVXP as a door prize to one lucky member who attends the meeting. We will also have other prizes to be raffled off, including a Henry .22LR Golden Boy, a Smith & Wesson 9mm Shield, AND MORE!

Election of Officers and Directors:
Board of Directors positions to be filled at this year’s Annual Meeting and Banquet:
President – currently held by Keith Hall
Treasurer – currently held by Cheri Reed
Four 2-Year Director Positions – Currently held by Levi Burch, Todd Burch, Ken Boschee, & Jim Keith
One 1-Year Director Position – Currently held by Larry Hudson

Check back, as more information may be posted as the date approaches.

Directors Meeting Minutes – October 20, 2015

Directors Meeting
October 20, 2015
Spotted Eagle 7:00 PM

Call to order: 7:06 PM

Attendance: Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Todd Burch, Jim keith, Tom Fulton, William Williams

Reading of previous meeting minutes:
Jesse Smith motioned “We accept the minutes from the previous September meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of current financial report:
Randy Anderson reported that Cheri Reed asked him to report that the club has $19,038 in the bank account as of yesterday. Also Randy reported that he just turned in more money to Cheri, which should bring the total to $19,183. Todd Burch motioned “We accept the financial report as read”. The motion was seconded and passed.

President report:
Keith Hall reported that he had nothing to report at this time.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
Rifle range – Jesse Smith reported that there is trash everywhere at the rifle range. The new trash cans have not been staked down yet and the wind on the week before has turned the cans over and blown trash everywhere. Also, Jesse reported he is going to winterize the clubhouse on Thursday.

Steel targets project – Jesse Smith reported the project is done except he needs to reset the posts for one scenario in the pistol bays, and he will need to repair some target frames. He might do the repairs sometime this winter when there’s snow on the ground since he has to weld on the range.

NRA grant – Jesse Smith reported the grant work is finished he just needs to get the final report completed and turned in the the Friends of the NRA by the end of the month. He’ll work on it Thursday.

100 Yard High Power range project – Randy Anderson reported he needs to talk to Pacific again as he has gotten a coupe different quotes on support steel from them.

Shotgun – Keith Hall reported that a group of women have contacted him about holding a women’s trap league in the spring.

Parts for trap throwers – n/a no one present to report

Spotted Eagle Bathroom & wiring – n/a no one present to report

Financial report shotgun range – n/a no one present to report

Annual diner – Jesse Smith reported he would like to raise the door prize/raffle budget to $1,233 which would be used to purchase one gun for a door prize and two guns for raffle prizes. Randy Anderson motioned “We up the total banquet budget to $2,015.00”. The motion was seconded and passed.

Old Business:
Memberships/Key Cards – The idea of capping club memberships or only selling memberships during certain times of the years was discussed as possible ideas to help reduce the number of key cards that don’t get renewed or returned, and reduce the work load on Randy Anderson. A Membership Committee was formed to brainstorm more solutions. Keith Hall appointed Randy Anderson as the committee chair. Randy will send out an announcement when he is ready to hold the first meeting.

New Business:
Target Shed Access – Jesse Smith asked if it would be OK with the Board if he have a key to the pistol range shed to Randy Hart so the Cowboy Action guys can use the pepper poppers. The Board left the decision up to Jesse.

NRA Classes – Jesse Smith reported he had an Email from Jim Langler in Sidney, asking if the club would be interested in sponsoring various NRA classes that he offered. Jesse will contact Langler and get more details about his proposals.

MWF Firefighting letter – Jesse Smith reported the Montana Wildlife Federation sent an email asking our club to sign onto a letter they are sending to Montana’s U.S. Congressmen, asking for changes in the way firefighting funding was budgeted. The Board discussed the letter and decided to take no action on it as the club has members who would take both sides of the issue and The Board doesn’t feel we should speak for all of them on this issue.

Nomination and election of officers and board of directors: N/A

Good and Welfare:
Montana Wildlife Federation’s new representative for Eastern and Central Montana introduced himself and reported that he would like to attend 2 or 3 meetings per year to connect with the club’s members and find out their concerns. He will also like to put on a presentation at the club’s Annual Meeting and Banquet in Jan.

Adjourn: Randy Anderson motioned “We adjourn the meeting” The motion was seconded and passed at 8:47 PM

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – Oct. 22, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Meeting Agenda
20 Oct 2015 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.

A) Rifle range

1) Steel target Special Committee

2) NRA grant

3) 100 yard High Power range project – Randy Anderson

B) Shotgun

1) Parts

2) Spotted Eagle Bathroom & wiring

3) Financial report shotgun range

C) Annual diner

6) Old business

7) New business

1) MWF letter

(8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

2015 Action Pistol Jackpot Shoot Results


Well, another year is in the books. Thank you everyone who came out to participate and support our efforts this year. See you all around May to resume our Thur. night shoots.

Here’s this year’s jackpot shoot results…

Name Division Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Total
Ty Rainey Stock Pistol 29.08 23.24 33.44 18.55 15.71 15.84 19.38 10.45 165.69
Erik Fritz Stock Pistol 29.43 25.52 30.74 24.85 17.37 13.61 19.73 8.84 170.09
Marty Scheid Stock Pistol 31.62 22.76 27.34 25.95 19.6 20.76 13.72 9.48 171.23
Lee Wankle Stock Pistol 32.87 23.91 36.39 24.31 17.5 15.86 12.91 7.77 171.52
James Smith Stock Pistol 34.97 26.43 31.67 24.75 14.82 15.04 21.29 9.37 178.34
Mark Soderquist Stock Pistol 26.18 22.97 38.25 20.88 17.05 18.79 25.8 8.48 178.4
Jesse Smith Stock Pistol 34.62 25.1 33.44 27.87 19.31 17.26 15.3 9.1 182
Jim Keith Stock Pistol 34.28 38.74 36.48 23.88 23.91 13.42 15.93 9.05 195.69
Chris Schlep Stock Pistol 29.65 32.79 41.19 23.12 24.31 24.31 18.42 11.22 205.01
Shane Taylor Stock Pistol 32.75 25.13 61.92 34.28 19.03 17.11 19.18 9.83 219.23
Shane Adams Stock Pistol 41.27 30.61 37.2 28.52 25.48 21.88 22.68 11.69 219.33
Simon Nice Stock Pistol 51.12 37.2 49.32 35.03 19.52 18.57 24.15 14.09 249
Larry Adams Stock Pistol 50.64 64.2 63.6 37.18 25.56 24.84 26.65 11.94 304.61
Jim Baker Stock Pistol 61.75 86.34 72.43 37.76 34.42 26.52 20.9 10.92 351.04
Name Division Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Total
BethAnn Rainey Ladies Stock Pistol 55.67 68.24 83.25 64.18 44.7 31.3 41.22 22.59 411.15
Debi Smith Ladies Stock Pistol 80.6 63.29 93.46 81.69 174.26 78.51 145.43 34.6 751.84
Name Division Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Total
Roy Kerns Race Pitol 37.03 27.01 40.71 28.99 21.2 22.09 16.7 8.23 201.96
Name Division Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Total
John Reed Revolver 98.77 64.12 63.92 54.88 32.78 19.24 30.08 17.26 381.05

Mule Deer Foundation Annual Banquet

The Powder River Mulies Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation in Miles City would like to invite you to our 7th annual banquet to raise funds for the conservation of Mule Deer and their habitat in Montana. The Mule Deer population in Montana has had their ups and downs with weather issues, disease, predation and loss of habitat. By joining us at our banquet and/or making a donation, you can help us help the mule deer of Eastern MT so that we can ensure sustainable and huntable populations for generations to come.

MDF is dedicated to the following goals:
•To restore, improve and protect mule deer habitat (including land and easement acquisitions) resulting in self-sustaining, healthy, free ranging and huntable deer populations
•To encourage and support responsible wildlife management with government agencies, private organizations and landowners;
•To promote public education and scientific research related to mule deer and wildlife management;
•To support and encourage responsible and ethical behavior and awareness of issues among those whose actions affect mule deer;
•Acknowledge regulated hunting as a viable component of mule and black-tailed deer conservation.

MDF understands foremost that its goals cannot be accomplished without partnering with members and businesses like yours. This is the reason that I am reaching out to your company. Support can come in many ways:

1) Join us at our 7th annual banquet, this is a great way to entertain your staff and customers (flyers attached).

2) Become a supporting member! We have general membership and lifetime memberships available and our most popular is becoming a Sponsor Member in which you or your company are recognized at our banquet, receive a plaque, sponsor hat and pin as well as a chance at a rifle for every five Sponsor Members the chapter signs. Sponsor Memberships are $250. Lifetime Membership is $1000 and can be paid in quarterly installments if desired.

3) Make a donation to our banquet with merchandise, services you offer, underwriting an item/raffle or a cash donation. We have items ranging from guns to prints that cost $50 to $2000 that could be underwritten. Additionally, we look for support to cover the costs of our banquet dinner. We have two highly visible raffles that may interest you, our annual hat raffle, 50 hats (could be your hat) at $50 apiece and the winner wins a Kimber rifle where they get to pick the caliber. Another highly visible raffle is the best general raffle in the area, 10-12 high end items and a bonus gun, this year a Bushmaster .223 w/red dot scope is the bonus gun. In the case of sponsoring a raffle/game, we would incorporate your name into raffle name, hang a banner above the game, listed you in our program and multiple mentions during the event by the Emcee.

4) For a huge impact in Montana there is the Mule Deer Conservation Partnership program, with a minimum donation of $1,500. 100% of those funds stay in Montana and will be applied to an MDF project here!

Partnering with us, we will promote your company at the event through our banquet program, signage (if you have banners, we will hang them and send back to you), verbally by the MC and any items that are donated or underwritten will be identified with signage.

The Mule Deer Foundation was established in 1988 and continues to expand its footprint as we now have 14 chapters in Montana!! The MDF Chapters in Montana put a total of $123,000 on the ground in 2015 for habitat projects in all regions as well as assisting the state and USFS in three land purchases to enhance public access and conserve habitat (York Gulch – six mining claims that connected a USFS trail to ensure that access in perpaturity. Whitetail Prairie, Beartooth WMA – purchased 2800 acres adjacent to the WMA and opened up an additional 900 acres of previously blocked state land. Jenkins Gulch – a 317 ac private inholding in the middle of the Elkhorns.) Additionally MDF chapters in Montana donated $22,000 to youth shooting teams in MT.

Unlike other big game animals, mule deer have not adapted well to change in their environment. Specifically, as urban areas continue to sprawl and more people build homes in rural settings, mule deer and their habitat suffer. But you can help change the future for mule deer by helping us help the mule deer with funds raised to enhance habitat, rehabilitate habitat and work with private landowners in terms of habitat and hunter access.

Yours in Conservation,

Marshall Johnson
Regional Director
Mule Deer Foundation
2016 Burlington Ave
Billings, MT 59102 Miles City, MT 59301

Introduction To Concealed Carry Course

Concealed Handgun Training

EDC Training LLC. Will be holding a class on Saturday Oct. 10th. at the Custer Rod and Gun Club’s range in Miles City. This will be an Introduction to Concealed Carry Class. This class is for the individual that may or may not hold a Montana Concealed Carry Permit and is wanting to learn more about the Defensive use of a handgun.
This course addresses the effective concealed carry and use of the handguns popular today. The course will address the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, models, configurations and calibers of such Handguns, as well as the most effective support equipment and methods of concealed carry. The program consists of both classroom discussion, and live fire drills on the range. This course introduces the student to techniques applicable to defensive use of the handgun. Emphasis is put on shooting skill development for application in real-life circumstances. The fundamentals of Mindset, Gun-handling, and Marksmanship are covered in lecture while the practical aspects are taught on the range. Other course topics include Situational Awareness, equipment selection, safety, handling, loading, unloading, malfunction clearance, drawing and firing techniques.

Cost of this class will be $100.00

Required equipment list:
* Centerfire Handgun in a minimum defensive caliber (generally, 9mm or .38spl or larger)
* Ammunition 100 rounds.
* Spare magazines or speedloaders
* Spare ammunition pouches, carrier, or magazine holster
* Method of carrying the handgun (i.e.- suitable belt and belt holster, Shoulder holsters generally not acceptable- you “sweep” others when drawing the firearm)
* Ear protection
* Eye protection
* Clothing suitable for the weather
* Cap with a brim
* Rugged shoes or boots
* Lunch and hydration fluid(water sports drink etc for the day)

Low Light/No Light Handgun Training

17_lowlightjpg[1] Low Light/No Light Handgun Training

EDC Training LLC. Will be holding a class on Sat. Oct. 10th. in Miles City at the Custer Rod and Gun Club range. This course focuses on the unique aspects of low-light / night encounters. Topics include types of low light, visual capabilities and perceptions, equipment, firing techniques, and practical scenarios.

Prerequisite for the Low Light Seminar is EDC Trainings Introduction To Concealed Carry Course. (If you have not taken the prerequisite course there will be one offered at the same location before the Low Light class.)

Required equipment list:
* Centerfire Handgun in a minimum defensive caliber (generally, 9mm or .38spl or larger)
* Ammunition 100 rounds.
* Spare magazines or speedloaders
* Spare ammunition pouches, carrier, or magazine holster
* Method of carrying the handgun (i.e.- suitable belt and belt holster, Shoulder holsters generally not acceptable- you “sweep” others when drawing the firearm)
* Ear protection
* Eye protection
* Clothing suitable for the weather
* Cap with a brim
* Rugged shoes or boots
* Good Quality “tactical” style Flashlight.

To register for the class or for more information contact Erik Fritz, NRA Certified Instructor or call 406-346-2825

Directors Meeting Minutes – September 15, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Directors Meeting
Sunday Creek Range

Call to order: 7:12

Attendance: Keith Hall, Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Ken Boschee, Daniel DeLong, Tom Fulton

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: Jesse Smith motioned, “To accept the August meeting minutes as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed

Financial Report: N/A (Treasurer not present)

President’s report:
Keith Hall reported:
– Youth .22 shoot is finished. We had 10 kids total, but only 6 who shot shot the whole season. The .22 rifles were in the Coleman’s possesion durring the season and have been returned to the safe.
– FWP did not use the Spotted Eagle fasilities on Aut. 31, as they decided to cancel their shoot for that day.
– Ken Boschee did some mowing at Spotted Eagle.

Committee Reports:
Steel Targets: Jesse Smith reported all the steel targets have been installed but one of the pistol bays was incorrectly set and will need to be moved later. He also plans to make some modifications to some of the swinger targets when the weather permits welding on the range with no fire hazard.

NRA Bathroom/Berm Grant: Jesse Smith reported the bathroom is almost finished. As soon as he gets the window installed for light he will unlock it and open it for use. Then he still has to install the solar vent fan when it arrives, and build handicap ramps.

100 Yard High Power Range – Randy Anderson reported he still needs to get to Glendive to measure their targets before completing ours, but he doesn’t know when he will have time.

Trap Range:
Ken Boschee Reported – The #1 trap thrower is up and running, but they think we have an internal hydraulic leak in the #2 thrower, that he is still working on.

Annual Dinner – Tom motioned “We book the Town and Country Club for our annual dinner.” The motion was seconded and passed.
Tom motioned “We authorize Jesse to spend a $1,000 budget for the door prize and raffle prizes for the annual meeting.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Cowboy Action: Randy Hart reported they had 15 shooters last month, but is not sure how many will be there in September and October.

Daniel DeLong suggested we need to do more advertising and promotion of our events.

Old Business:
Randy Anderson reported Club membership is at 434 members and we only have 16 cards left. 122 cards still not returned.

New Business:
Tom Fulton motioned, “We allow Erik Fritz to teach two pistol classes on Oct. 10th at the Sunday Creek range, and they must be finished by 9pm”. The motion was seconded and passed.

Tom Fulton motioned, “We Charge Erik Fritz $200 total to hold the two classes he’s holding on Oct. 10th.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Election of Officers: N/A

Good and Welfare: N/A

Meeting Adjourned: 9:03 pm















You may use any iron sighted rifle. There are no caliber restrictions except center fire rifle. There are two rapid fire strings that will require you to be able to reload your rifle and complete firing all 10 shots in 60 or 70 seconds.

You will need probably 65 rounds of ammo, you will get 2 sighter rounds per course of fire.

RIFLES: M1A 308, MA 30-06 OR 308, AR-15 223, SPRINGFIELD 1903 OR 1903A3,





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DATE: September 26, 2015. Firing will begin at 9:00 am. Registration will begin at 8:00 am and close at 8:45 am.

LOCATION: Ken Olmstead Range, North of Glendive, next to Hollecker Lake. A map will be sent on request.

ENTRY: Entry may be made at the range or by sending a note to

TERRY PEDERSEN, 310 Sunset Ave, GLENDIVE, MT 59330-2839

Phone: 1-406-377-6836, E-mail:

FEES: The entry fee is $ 10.00 per competitor.


a. RULES: This match is conducted in accordance with current

Civilian Marksmanship Program Competition Rules and Regulations.

b. OPEN TO: Any citizen of the United States 16 years of age or older, however it is required to be at least 18 to purchase a rifle from the CMP.

c. A notarized Eligibility Affidavit and Liability Agreement must be on file or completed prior to participation in this match.

d. COURSES OF FIRE: John Garand Match, Course B 50 Round.


First Stage – Slow fire, 100 yards, 5 sighting shots and 20 record shots, prone, 25 minutes.

Second Stage – Rapid fire, 100 yards, 10 shots, prone from standing, 70 seconds.

Third Stage – Rapid fire, 100 yards, 10 shots, sitting from standing, 60 seconds.

Fourth Stage – Slow fire, 100 yards, 10 shots, standing, 10 minutes.

e. ARM: As-Issued U.S. rifle, caliber .30, M1903 Springfield; caliber.30, M1917 Enfield; caliber .30, M1 Garand; caliber .30, M1941 Johnson; and U.S. carbine, caliber .30 M1. (No rifles chambered for the 7.62 mm NATO (.308) cartridge may be used.)

f. AMMUNITION: Ammunition may be commercially manufactured or handloads.

Certificates of Competition will be distributed to competitors upon completion of this match.

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Sep. 15th

Custer Rod and Gun Meeting Agenda
15 September 2015 7:00 PM
Sunday Creek

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers

2) Reading of previous meeting minutes

3) Reading of current financial report

4) President report
a) Kids 22 shoot (10-6)
B) FWP. Did not use the range on the 31 of August

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees.
A) Rifle range
1) Steel target Special Committee
2) NRA grant
3) 100 yard High Power range project – Randy Anderson

B) Shotgun
1) Parts
2) Spotted Eagle Bathroom & wiring
3) Financial report shotgun range

C) Annual diner

6) Old business
a) Cowboy Action Shoots

7) New business
a) EDC. LLC Pistol classes Oct. 10th

(8) Nomination and election of officers and board of directors (N/A)

9) Good and welfare

10) Adjourn

3rd Annual Action Pistol Jackpot Shoot


Schedule and Stage Scenarios:
Safety Meeting: 9:45 AM
Match start: 10:00 AM
Stage # 1 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #1
Stage # 2 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #2
Stage # 3 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #3
Stage # 4 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #4
20 Min. lunch break while we get the steel targets ready
(lunch will be available before this as well)
Stage # 5* 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #5 – Outer Limits
Stage # 6 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #6 – Speed Option
Stage # 7 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #7 – Pendulum
Stage # 8 2015 Jackpot Shoot Stage #8 – Smoke and Hope
* Stages 5-8 will be shot 3 times. Your longest time will be thrown out and your two best times will be added together.
* Stage 5
All shooting will be from center box, moving from one box to another will not be required.

General Information:
  Registration will open at 8:30 AM, with a Safety Meeting to be held at 9:45 AM, and competition starting approx. 10:00 AM.

  Free lunch and beverages will be provided while supplies last.

  We will shoot 4 ‘run & gun’ IDPA-style stages, followed by 4 Steel Challenge-style stages. The IDPA-style stages will not require more than 18 rounds per stage, but you may take additional shots if you wish. The Steel Challenge stages will require a minimum of 15 rounds per stage, but again, you will want extra ammo.

Range Location:
The match will be located at Custer Rod and Gun Club’s range, known as The Sunday Creek Rifle Range, approx. 6 miles outside of Miles City, MT. on Hwy. 489.
View Larger Map

Cold Range Rules:
Please arrive at the match with your firearm unloaded and either in a holster or in a range bag. Firearms can ONLY be removed from the holster or range bag in the designated safe area. NO FIREARM SHALL BE LOADED UNTIL THE LOAD AND MAKE READY COMMAND IS GIVEN BY A RANGE OFFICER!

Division Requirements

All Divisions:
  Eye and ear protection is required by all shooters, and spectators.
  All firearms must be between 9mm (9×19) and .45 (.452″) caliber
  Firearms equipped with a manual safety, must start with the safety engaged.
  Firearms with a decocking lever or button will be decocked using the lever or button.
  Selective DA/SA firearms will start hammer down unless it is equipped with a manual safety that can be engaged when cocked.
  Firearms designed for cocked and locked carry will start cocked and locked (hammer cocked, safety engaged).
  Shooters may only start a stage with 3 magazines, speed loaders, or other ammunition feeding devices. (One in the firearm, and two on their waist.)
  Extra ammunition feeding devices (magazines, speed loaders, moon clips, etc.) must be carried in such a way that they are within 1″ of the shooter’s body, except in the Race Pistol division.
  Ammunition may be lead or jacketed, and may be factory or handloads. Incendiary, steel core, or armor piercing ammunition is not allowed.
  There will be no distinction between major or minor power factors in scoring.
  Reactive steel targets will be calibrated to be actuated by a hit in the scoring area by a cartridge/gun combination producing a power factor of 125, or greater. If a shooter feels that a reactive target failed to operate properly, immediately upon completing the stage, and after unloading and showing clear, the shooter may request that the target be tested by a match official. If the target proves to be calibrated correctly the shooter’s time will stand. If the target is indeed out of calibration, it will be corrected and the shooter may reshoot the stage.
  If a reactive target actuates without being hit (eg. from the wind or from the target stand/frame being shot) the Range Officer will stop the shooter and the shooter will be required to shoot the stage from the beginning. Please bring enough ammunition to allow for this.

  Holsters must be of types commonly used for daily carry, and must not be “competition” or “race” type holster, except in the Race Pistol division. Holsters with open fronts that allow the pistol to be canted forward before the muzzle clears the top of the holster are only permitted in the Race Pistol division.
  The following are not permitted in any division: Cross-draw carry, Shoulder holsters, Appendix carry, Pocket carry.

Stock Pistol Division:
  Firearm must be semi-automatic.
  Sights may be changed to another notch and post type but slides may not be machined to accept different style sights.
  Shooters must start each stage with 10 rounds in each magazines (or to magazine capacity, whichever is less), and one additional round loaded in the barrel/chamber.
  Firearms may have reasonably sized add-on magazine well openings. They must be sized small enough to be generally accepted as reasonable for daily concealed carry. Over sized ‘competition style’ magwells will be moved to the Race Pistol division. Final determination of concealable vs race equipment will be made by the match director.
  Compensated firearms with or without compensated barrels installed, are not permitted.
  Aftermarket slides are not permitted.
  Internal enhancements such as trigger jobs and aftermarket guide rods are permitted, as well as aftermarket barrels provided the barrels are the same length as the original barrel. Minor enhancements such as skateboard tape, cross-hatching or dimpling of the grip areas are also acceptable.
  In order to level the playing field among firearms in this division, extended magazines which will allow a firearm to be loaded with up to 10+1 rounds, are specifically approved.

The intent is for this class to be limited to firearms that would be commonly accepted as a factory configuration carry gun, with only minor enhancements. If the match director feels that a firearm violates this intent by having features that are commonly excepted as “Race Gun” or Competition only” enhancements, the director may at his discretion require the shooter to be moved to the Race Pistol division.

Race Pistol:
  Firearm must be semi-automatic.
  Shooters must start each stage with 3 magazines (one in the gun, and two on the shooter) loaded with 10 rounds (or to magazine capacity, whichever is less), and one additional round loaded in the barrel/chamber.
  Compensated firearms, aftermarket slides, slide releases, safeties, hammers, barrels, and add-on magazine well openings may all be used.
  Extra ammunition magazines must be carried in such a way that they are within 2″ of the shooter’s body.

Revolver Division:
  Revolvers may be loaded to the division capacity of six (6) rounds in the cylinder. Seven (7) and eight (8) shot revolvers are permitted, but may only load six (6) rounds.
  Have a barrel length of 6.25” or less (as measured from the front of the cylinder).

Ladies Division:
  The Ladies division is the same as the Stock Pistol division, but limited to female competitors only. Female competitors must choose to enter either the Stock Pistol division, or the Ladies division when they register.

Meeting of the Board of Directors Aug. 18, 2015

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Directors Meeting
Spotted Eagle

Call to Order: 7:05 pm
Attendance: Randy Anderson, Jesse Smith, Levi Burch, Todd Burch, Daniel DeLong, Jim keith, William Williams

Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: Todd Burch motioned “We accept the minutes from the last meeting as posted on the website.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Reading of Current Financial Report: N/A – The Treasurer was not present
Tod Burch motioned “We skip the Treasurer’s Report.” The motion was seconded and passed.

President’s Report: N/A – Club President was not present.

Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees:
Cowboy Action Shooting – Randy Anderson reported that he spoke with Randy Hart about the Cowboy Action Shooting, and told him that he should be attending the Directors Meetings to turn in his reports and money, and communicate with the club Directors.

Archery/Trap/Spotted Eagle: N/A – no one present to report

Steel Targets – Jesse Smith reported that all the new targets for the 200 yard range were installed. He has the targets for the 100 yard range nearly finished and hopes to get them installed this next weekend. He will then start work on the targets for the pistol bays.

Bathroom/Grant Project: Jesse Smith reported we are still waiting for Star Structures to build the bathroom/storage building for us. Star Structures was supposed to have it completed right after the 4th of July but every week they say it will be the next shed they build and will be done the next week. Todd Burch volunteered to contact Star Structures to try to motivate them.

100 Yard High Power Range: Randy Anderson reported that he still needs to get measurements from the range in Glendive, but he is busy right now and the project is on hold for a while.

Dog Days/Wounded Warrior Shoot: Jesse Smith reported that Cheri Reed, Kevin Anderson, John Reed, Daniel Delong, and himself picked up trash, trimmed weeds, and painted the trim/posts on the front of the clubhouse the night before and the day of the shoot. He reported the shoot only had about 12 shooters, but he suspected it would be bigger if done again next year. He thought the $100 entry fee scared shooters away, and even though Bob Brown had dropped the fee to less, he didn’t think the community was aware of the price drop. He reported that the people who did shoot had fun and were all talking about coming back next year.

Youth .22 Shoot: Randy Anderson reported that the .22 cal rifles are not in Spotted Eagle safe. He is looking into where they are, but assume the youth shoot instructors still have them.

Annual Meeting & Banquet: Jesse Smith reported that he hadn’t booked Park Place yet because he wanted to figure out what we are doing for food as that may effect where we need to have the event. He presented food price options from Reynolds Market, Park Place, and Carmen Fleming. The prices all ranged from $7 – $9 per serving unless we cook it ourselves. The Board instructed Jesse to seek more price quotes from the Elks, Town & Country, and the Omni and we’ll make a decision at the next meeting.

Old Business: N/A

New Business:
Daniel Delong and Jesse Smith presented the idea of getting involved with the Appleseed Project shoots, which was proposed by one of the shooters at the Dog Days Shoot, who was in town temporarily for work. There was no motion made in to pursue the issue.

Todd Burch motioned, “We set a budget of $150 for food and prizes for the pistol Jackpot Shoot.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Nominations: N/A

Good and Welfare:

Adjourn: 8:19