Author Archives: Jeff Faycosh

2019 CR&GC Annual Banquet Major Prize winners

We had a great turn out for the annual banquet on January 19, 2019. Lots of great food and time to visit with everyone. The major prize winners of the door prize, volunteer drawing and raffles are:

Door Prize Ruger 10/22 -Bob Cramer
Sig Sauer P365-James Goodsall
Volunteer winner Ruger SR9mm-John Raisler
S&W M&P 45-Steve Goetz
270 Ruger American-Bill Bolton
Ruger PC Carbine 9mm-Kail Treu
50/50 drawing $210-Brady Kearnes

Thanks everyone for the great turnout and our community sponsors
Red Rock Sporting Goods
Murdoch’s Ranch and Home
Western Powder
Mac’s Frontierland Ford
Yellowstone Tactical
Harvey Whipps Art and Frames
Reynolds Market
RJ Sporting goods/Randy Hart
Adam Forslund
Lee Wankel
Jim Keith
Jesse Smith
Marty Scheid
Kathy Kaiser
Jody and Dennis West
D&J Trailer Repair
Sorry if I missed anyone.

Board Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2018 700 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers, Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Jerry Austill, Marty Scheid, Chris Schlepp Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jess Blankenship, Jim Keith, Lee Wankel and Vince Muggli

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes motion to accept with correction of Lee Wankel in attendance, Chris, 2nd by Jerry Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty reports bills pending payment and deposit pending checking account after is $29,632.06
– Stockman CD-moving CD to US bank it matures later this month (27th?) $2,047.72
-CD currently at US Bank $2,314.20 Moved to accept financial report by Jim K, 2nd Jess B., passed

4) President Report
– Membership-Renewals are arriving in good numbers.
– Spotted Eagle Remodel-progressing slowly, discussion on completing current upgrade and wait further expenditure until trap range is used more.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees-looking at interest in Archery league, needing volunteers and head of Archery committee.
Action pistol-if weather holds a winter shoot.

6) Old Business
– Annual Banquet & Meeting-January 19th-looking for donations which will be held by Jesse Smith, some have been received. The 6 firearms for raffles were arranged, price of tickets and 50/50 drawings, card drawing, volunteer incentive, door prize etc.

7) New Business
– Winter Coyote/rifle Shoot-Jeff Faycosh proposed a winter shoot (Feb or March weather permitting) 4 targets (coyote images with clay kill zone) using 200 yard range. $5 per cycle, one shot at each range, all 4 standardized positions (prone, sitting, kneeling and standing), no bipods, no shooting sticks, most accurate and quickest wins. Lee moved to approve, Jim 2nd passed
– First Responder’s 3 Gun Shoot-Jeff Faycosh proposed late spring shoot (date not set) for Custer County first responders, 3 gun shoot, steel plates, thrown clays and rifle on action pistol range. Chris moved to approve, JD 2nd, passed

USPSA committee was proposed by Jess Blankenship, committee needs 10 members, $75 to join, $50 annual fees thereafter. Must have 7 matches a year. Allows members to be classed for national and regional events. Committee with Jess B as president, Marty as VP other members as they are interested. Jess B motion, Shane 2nd to pay fees and form USPSA committee within the Custer Rod and Gun club. Motion passed

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-Chris to VP, Vince Muggli to Director, other positions currently serving and up for election. One vacant Director is open too with no nominations received yet.

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn 8:10 PM

Board Meeting Minutes November 20, 2018

Board Meeting– November 20, 2018
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2018 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers, Officers present-Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, Jesse Blankenship, Randy Hart and Chris Schlepp, Lee Wankel.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Jesse Blankenship motion to accept, 2nd Lee-Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty Scheid provided the following: Current Bank Balance $26,076.59. Marty reported the guns for the annual meeting are paid for and exceeded the budget by $31. The steel challenge took in $350, prizes were $113 with $237 to the club. Marty provided a list of financial transactions which are saved in the minute files. Jeff made a motion to accept the financial report, Lee 2nd-passed

4) President Report
– firearms for annual meeting were all purchased from Red Rocks because of transfer issues from Murdoch’s
– By-laws for signatures was circulated and signed by Board members.
– Jesse brought all envelopes and letters to the meeting requiring all board members to label and stuff envelopes for mailing to membership.

5) New Business
– Membership donated to MCFD Toy Dance, Marty made motion, Jesse Blankenship 2nd-passed

6) Good and Welfare-stuffed envelopes—yay

10) Adjourn at 8:03 PM

Board Meeting Minutes-October 16, 2018

Board Meeting– October 16, 2018
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Agenda
October 16, 2018 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers, Officers present-Jesse Smith, Jerry Austill, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith, Lee Wankel and Chris Schlepp.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Jim Keith motion to accept, 2nd Chris-Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report- Marty Scheid provided the following: Current Bank Balance $29,715.24. He identified a CD at Stockman’s Bank maturity date 12/26/18 $2,047.72 currently collecting interest at .3%, CD at US Bank maturity date 07/03/19 $2,306.55 currently collecting interest at 2%.
Marty just wrote a check for $60 to Miles City Sanitation for Sunday Creek Range garbage. A safety Deposit Box has been acquired at US Bank, Jesse Smith and Marty Scheid have keys.
Post office Box has been rekeyed. Trap club has turned in $38 cash, 21 white tokens and 152 red tokens.
Current Token balance is 600 Red member tokens and 108 White nonmember tokens.

4) President Report
– Trash-Sunday Creek Range has been picked up
– Winterization-Sunday Creek and Spotted Eagle have been winterised
– Spotted Eagle Remodel-ongoing
– Pheasants Forever tickets-Jody and Dennis West were awarded the free tickets
– Membership Committee-Jesse Smith is the point of contact for new members, 429 current members and 222 delinquent cards
– Keys-Locks are being re-keyed 3 keys will be made for vault, 5 for clubhouse

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-No report-Jackpot shoot was a success with 15 shooter $135 taken in.
– Cowboy Action-no shoot no report
– Shotgun-during the winter Jeff Faycosh will look at getting league information for spring as well as discount ammunition.

6) Old Business
– Guns & Prizes for Annual Meeting-firearms were chosen by board members for the meeting raffles 3rd Saturday in January. January 19th. $2,300 approved for purchase of 6 firearms which were picked by the board. Dan motioned, Jeff 2nd passed.
– CDs, Savings account, emergency fund Motion made to move all CD to US Bank, by Chris, 2nd Jeff-passed

7) New Business
– Annual Meeting, renewals, letter-Amnesty letter to go to delinquent members, complete letter yet to be drafter, Jim Kieth Motion, JD 2nd- Passed
– Winter meeting locations-Sptted Eagle in November and December then as weather permits otherwise to VFW.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-Jerry Austill will decline and Chris Schlepp accepted nomination to Vice President.
– List of Board Members with expiring terms and inquiry of who will accept a nomination for another term-Faycosh accepted, Shane Adams-accepted, Daniel DeLong declined.

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn at 8:15 PM

Board Meeting Minutes-August 20, 2018

Board Meeting – August 20, 2018
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting minutes
August 20, 2018 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Jess Blankenship, JD Arneson, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid and member Randy Anderson

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: moved to accept at written by JD and 2nd by Chris, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report-Cheri Reed absent-information provided by Randy Anderson
– Financial Report-as provided by Randy Anderson:420 members, 22 life members 398 paid dues, 227 cash ($9080), 171 paid through PayPal ($6,590.34), 4 card replacement fees paid ($100) Total membership deposits from 2018 $15,770.34. Current balance in bank $28,287.40.
– New savings account and deposit of $2,000 for Emergency Funds-not yet completed
– Status of adding VP as secondary signer on financial accounts-still not done

4) President Report
– Spotted Eagle Remodel-not yet completed
– SSL Certificate-Done
– Rifle Range Wi-Fi-installed and working
– Game Cam- Jeff Faycosh will order at a later date.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Railroad ties purchased and delivered $259.80, targets purchased $99.98 misc supplies $42.76. Proceeds from shoots $1010.00 in addition to $567.41. Marty moved to have the action pistol continue through the month of September and he would head it up. Chris 2nd motion passed.
– Archery-nothing to report
– Audit-no action not done Board members concerned and each took to task to complete.
– Cowboy Action-SSA approved not much information provided
– Membership-covered in Randy Anderson’s report on treasurer
– Tarmat from airport-in process for range use
– Trap-$174 received from Trap shoots- Faycosh made a motion to have a female champion trap shooter put on a trap shooting clinic for female shooters in September. Cost was $40 per shooter for a 4 hours clinic, with the club sponsoring the clinic and paying half of the fees. Limited to 10 attendees. Chris 2nd, passed.
– Trama Kits-4 received 2 will be at Sunday Creek Range, 1-at trap club, the other will be kept by Jim Keith for safe storage.
– Centerfire Turkey shoot-Well attended $30 to the club. Chris Schlepp and Jeff Faycosh conducted the shoot.

6) Old Business

7) New Business
– Annual Meeting-will be at the Country Club
– Membership Letter
– Updating By Laws-Article 10 amended to read as follows, motion by Jesse Smith, 2nd by Jeff, motion will be voted on at the next Board meeting.

Article X

Section 1—Miscellaneous

A) This By-laws is an ongoing document to be up dated every three years (2015,2018,2021, etc.)

1) A committee will be appointed from the membership to go over the By-laws

a) to remove anything that is not pertinent
b) put amendments in the body of document
c) submit final document to board of directors
d) board of directors go over and make changes as required with the committee, then submit to the membership for final vote.

Amend to read

Article X

Section 1—Miscellaneous

A) This By-laws is an ongoing document to be up dated every three years (2015,2018,2021, etc.)

1) Any amendments adopted prior to the update shall have removed from the updated by laws

A) any notes regarding the date of adoption
B) any text replaced or deleted as a result of the amendments adoption

2) The updated By Laws shall be signed by two-thirds of the Board of Directors and kept in the Club Secretary’s files or other location deemed to be a safe place, as well as posted on the club’s website.

-Discussion of replacement of Cheri Reed as Treasurer. Cheri’s current job is keeping her too busy to attend to the job as Treasurer, Cheri has been unable to regulary attend the board meetings. In the past no one has stepped up to take the position so Cheri kept trying to keep up with the task. Marty Scheid volunteered to be Club Treasurer. Marty made the motion, JD 2nd, motion passed and pursuant to the club bylaws Marty Scheid is the new treasurer. Steps will be taken to transfer the accounts so that Marty and Jerry will be signers on the financial accounts.

John Reed asked that Boy Scouts would be able to use one pistol bay at the rifle range, and borrow two of the club’s 20 ga. shotguns on Aug. 27th. John Reed will facilitate the activity. Passed and approved.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-Motion to replace Marty Scheid with Lee Wankel as director, JD made motion, Chris 2nd Motion passed.

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn 810PM

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting June 19, 2018

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2018 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers Present: Jesse Smith, Jerry Austill, Jeff Faycosh, Cheri Reed, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid and Chris Schlepp.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes moved to be accepted by Marty and 2nd by Jim, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report by Cheri Reed
– Bank Balance-$29,503.70
– New savings account and deposit of $2,000 for Emergency Funds-not yet completed
– Status of adding VP as secondary signer on financial accounts-Jerry moved to accept amendment as written, 2nd by Chris, passed. VP will be added as signature to the accounts.

Cheri Reedd stated that NRA annual insurance policy was paid $2,680.47

4) President Report
– Spotted Eagle remodel & mowing-Work day scheduled for June 24 at 9am to paint and mow.
– SSL Certificate-not done yet.
– Internet at Rifle Range- discussion on getting package to allow internet. Mid River package Chris made motion, Jerry 2nd passed
– LEO demo at rifle range-was approved and took place. Oversight of not being added to previous minutes.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Receipt for targets. Marty turned over $845 from Action Pistol shoot (5/3 $175, 5/17 $145, 5/24 $120, 5/31 $155, 6/7 $160, 6/14 $90) 21 Shooters average turnout. Steel Challenge on 7/5
new safe area/railroad ties-a Bunk of ties for construction of safe area and range use was approved. Jesse maid motion, Chris 2nd. Chris will pick up from ACE.
– Audit-to be completed by 7/17 meeting
– Archery-nothing to report Jeff has not yet contacted public entities.
– Cowboy Action-nothing to report
– Long Range Shoot-Forms from BLM received and filed 7 people attended $55 in donations received. Second shoot will be scheduled in early fall.
– Membership-over 400 members
– Trap-regular attendance at ladies shoots $132 to Cheri on June 15th. No youth shoots on Wednesday. Friday nights have had a couple in attendance. Camera for vandalism by shooting other than shotguns at Spotted Eagle, Jim Keith made motion, 2nd by Cheri, Jesse will coordinate.
– Trauma Kits-ordered haven’t yet arrived

6) Old Business
– Motion to Amend club By-laws: Jim Keith motioned at the last Board Meeting “To amend the club By-laws, Article IX, Section 2, to read, “A) The Vice-president shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice-president shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President should he be unavailable due to death, disability, or resignation. The Vice-president shall be listed as an alternate signer on all bank accounts held by The Club. The Vice-president shall not perform any of the duties of the Treasurer except when requested to do so by the Club Treasurer, or by the Club President. The board of directors will fill unexpired term of the Vice-president until the annual meeting where there will be nomination and election to fill out Vice-president unexpired term at that annual meeting.” The motion was seconded by Jesse Blankenship, and tabled to be voted on at the June meeting of the Board of Directors. Passed Motion by Jerry, 2nd by Chris.

7) New Business
– Centerfire Rifle Shoot-Sunday August 5th Chris and Jeff will corrdinate 9am to 2 pm. Chris made motion, 2nd JD and passed.
– EDC “Introduction to Concealed Carry” class in July-Jesse made motion, Jim Keith 2nd passed
– Miles Muscha, Pheasants Forever Youth trap shoot dates-Cheri made motion, Jeff 2nd passed will use Spotted Eagle trap range 9am-noon on 8-11, 8-18, 9-8, 9-15 will pay for targets Muscha will run range.
– Hunter Ed Field Day at Spotted Eagle July 15th.JD made motion, Randy 2nd passed

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare- Change of locks and door knobs for new keys, Cheri made motion, 2nd Marty, passed

10) Adjourn 8:30PM

Board Meeting Minutes April 17, 2018

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2018 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

1) Call to order and Roll call of Officers and Directors present: Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Daniel DeLong, Jim Keith, Marty Scheid and Chris Schlepp.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes moved by Jesse Blankenship to accept and 2nd by Marty Scheid, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report-No report Cheri Reed absent
– Bank Balance
– New savings account and Emergency Fund deposit

4) President Report
– Rifle instructors certification- No NRA Counslers are interested in providing training locally
– Website and membership applications- Site security needs updated. Marty moved for SSL and second by Chris, passed
– MWF Horse Creek Easement Letter-the membership approved signing on the letter. Jesse was informed it too late to add our signature to the letter.
– Spotted Eagle Remodel-Glader needs to install and outlet for the AC, Needs drywall tape and mudded and plumbed for water and stool. Jim Keith and Jesse will work on plumbing, Thursday 4/19. Chris, Marty and Jeff will work on the tape and mudding on 4/22.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Talk of getting trauma kits for range use, Jim Keith will research. Marty got the walls transported from Billings. Discussion about purchasing tablets for scoring at range days, can be used for all shooting sports. Motion to purchase 3 tablets with protection covers plus supplies for safe shoot area $500, made by Jim and 2nd by Chris, passed. Motion to pay for fuel for Marty’s trip to Billings for the walls. $109 made by Jim, 2nd by JD, passed.
– Cowboy Action-SSA has been approved
– Shotgun-Jesse will help Jeff on Tuesday Ladies Trap shoot on the 24th. Lots of people interested in attending.
– Archery-Jeff will check on locations, permits for several areas to have a 3D shoot.
– Audit-nothing yet to report on the financial Audit and physical inventory.

6) Old Business-Randy Anderson reports 398 members and the electronic cards are running low. Marty made a motion to purchase 100 new cards for $310, second by Shane 2nd, passed.

7) New Business
– Reschedule Rimfire Shoot for April 28th, Jeff presented bill for targets plus shipping $35.55, Motion to change date and pay bill, by Jesse B and 2nd by JD, passed
– Rifle range work day-set for April 29th at 0900 lots of work to be done posting of range closure, motion for Jesse to purchase food and drink for volunteers $100 made by Jim, 2nd by Daniel, passed.
– Rifle Range property covenants
– FWP requested to use trap range Saturday May 5th 2pm – 8pm for Range Safety Officers, cook out and maybe trap shooting.- Marty makes the motion, Chris 2nd, passed for FWP use of the trap range. Jeff will be there to open and run.
– Long Range Shooting Workshop Sat. June 9th- JD will set up and run at Calypso in Prairie County, $5 members, $10 nonmembers, JD made motion, Jim 2nd, passed.
– Club Key log-discussion about getting all keys logged in/out up to date.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors-Jesse B made a motion for a second signer on the accounts in the absence of the Treasure and that the Vice President should be the other signer, Shane 2nd, passed. Discussion on by-laws and notice to membership of the change of duties.

9) Good and Welfare
– Volunteer Incentive Raffle nominations

10) Adjourn at 2037

March 20, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
March 20, 2018 7:00 PM

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers at 1905
Attendance: Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Cheri Reed, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Jim Keith and Marty Scheid.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes were moved to be accepted by Jim Keith second by Dan Delong, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report, Cheri Reed reported $38,196 in Cash/bank. Cheri and Randy Anderson located two CDs at US Bank and 2 at Stockmans Bank, CD’s valued at $2,300 each. Cheri reported that the metal targets were paid. Motion to accept Financial Report by JD Arneson, second by Jim Keith, passed

4) President Report
– Youth Rifle Instructors-Still looking for NRA instructor to train 3 select members for NRA RSO/Instructors
– Spotted Eagle Project-Chris and Marty cleaned up trap house along with Jesse Smith. Marty completed sheetrock install. Cornerstone finishing construction this date. Bathroom floor needs leveler and smoothed to facilitate cleaning. The water heater was too big, smaller one being obtained, needs installed, Glader Electric is updating electrical service. JD Arneson will clean and go through the donated air conditioner before installed. Volunteer work date will be scheduled, Jesse Smith will advise of a date. Update on GoDaddy is actually $398 for 5 years so it was more inexpensive that believed.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Long Range shoot-JD Arneson and Randy Anderson are hoping to set a shoot around the end of June first part of July, pending BLM or private range availability.
– Action Pistol-Jesse Blankenship said the metal targets are received, we got free shipping along with a free $70 target. Testing on new targets will take place with cooperation of Action Pistol group. The company requests a video of targets being used in pistol shoots to be put on their Website. Action pistol meeting thursday at Marty’s house was posted on Action Pistol group. Proposed increase in price for Action Pistol shoot to $5 member $10 nonmember. Moved by Jesse Blankenship, 2nd Daniel Delong Passed. Motion was made to use club 870 shotguns for 2 gun shoot. Moved by Jesse Blankenship, 2nd by Jim Keith passed. Discussion continued on Safe Area construction will be put on agenda for next meeting.
– Cowboy Action-Randy Hart requested $50 for SASS membership, Cheri wrote check. Randy made a proposal for 3 gun Cowboy action shoot at a date to be determined. Also Randy proposed an introduction to Cowboy Action shooting
– Shotgun-Nothing
-Archery- Ken Boschee advised he has the club targets stored in the club trailer. 40-50 targets. Ken said a 3D shoot can be held at his place, suggestions for Woodruff Park and backside of Sunday Creek range. Still in discussion stage.

6) Old Business
– .22 Silhouette shoot Sat. May 12- Approval for the Rimfire Turkey shoot from 0900-1400 Jeff Faycosh made motion, second by Jim Keith, passed..bullseye targets to be ordered for shoot. Jeff Faycosh will coordinate.
– Emergency Fund deposit-Approximately $6,000 per year in operations costs (insurance, utilities, garbage, banquet costs). 1/3 will be deposited annually to buidl up emergency fund. Motion made to deposit $2,000 annually into new savings account. When the CD’s mature this fall move them into savings account since they were hard to locate since they were purchased long ago. Jesse Smith made motion, 2nd Jim Keith, passed
– FNRA Donation Request-request by Shane Adams to underwrite prizes for Friends of NRA. After discussion Jeff Faycosh motioned for $200 to underwrite prize, 2nd by Jim Keith, passed.

7) New Business
– Lady’s Trap shoot-Every Tuesday evening 1830 starting April 10th, with the exception of 3rd Tuesdays each month. Jeff Faycosh will coordinate. No coaching unless shooter bring their own. Members $3, non members $4. Jeff Faycosh made motion, 2nd by Jesse Blankenship, passed
– Financial Audit-Motion to conduct financial audit and physical inventory of all club property as best practice annually. Committee members Cheri Reed, Randy Anderson and Jim Keith to be completed by July 1st. Motion by Jeff Faycosh, 2nd by Jesse Smith, Passed.
– SASS Membership-$50 check requested by Randy Hart and provided by Cheri Reed.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
– Volunteer Incentive Raffle Nominations: Marty Scheid, Chris Schlep, Jesse Smith, Randy Anderson

9) Good and Welfare
– Todd Burch regarding Montana Wildlife Federation. Todd presented a letter of support for Horse Creek Ranch for public access in Wibaux County requesting support from CCRGC. Motion was made to send out inquiring for support to all members via email by Jesse Blankenship, 2nd by Jim Keith. Email deadline for response March 28th. Passed awaiting input from membership before letter is supported.

10) Adjourn 2033 hours

Rimfire Turkey Shoot

On Saturday April 28th, 2018 beginning at 9 am  at the Sunday Creek Rifle Range. Custer Rod and Gun club will host a rimfire only turkey shoot.  Targets will be bullseye targets set at random distances appropriate to the class of shooters.  Shooters will pay $1 per round.  6 shooters per bracket. The winner of the bracket splits the pot 50/50.  shooters will be paired into comparable classes of 17 cal, 22 cal and 22 mag, along with pairings of iron sights, target sights, scoped sights etc.  Classes will be novice youth, youth, novice adult and adult.  No Range finders allowed and no sighting in allowed.

Dust off the rimfire rifles and pistols go get them sighted in, bring your own ammo and bring the whole family.  Safety rules will be enforced. This will be a good old fashioned fun shoot, come visit with old friends and meet some new friends.

Ladies Only Trap Shoot

On March 20, 2018 at the Custer Rod and Gun Club board meeting it was approved to have a Ladies Only Trap Shoot each Tuesday night at 6 PM starting April 10, 2018 at the Spotted Eagle Trap range.  The cost per round (25 targets) is $3 for member and $4 for non-members.  You will have to provide your own shotgun and ammunition.  Safety will be a priority.  It will be casual and fun.  No coaching will be allowed unless the shooter brings their own coach.  Come and have fun, bring a friend.  These shoots will take place every Tuesday except the third Tuesday of each month (board of directors meeting night).  If you have questions contact Jeff Faycosh 951-2987.