Author Archives: Jeff Faycosh

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 15, 2020

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 15, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2020 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Range

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Jim Keith, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: Motion by Marty to accept as written, 2nd by Jim, Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated current cash balance $28,918.07, CD #1 $2,342.24, CD #2 $2,023.25, all bills paid and current.

4) President Report- Jesse stated that near 459 members, with members joining at a regular basis.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Dormant for the year. USPSA no report.
– Archery-No report.
– Cowboy Action-No report.
– Skeet-Trap-Five Stand-Jeff trap has not yet be received. Billings Rod and Gun club will sell us targets. Regular showings at Skeet and Trap on Friday and Sunday.
– SOP-Still pending.

6) Old Business-Lee is posting the restroom sign in the near future.
Marty purchase the firearms/optics for the Annual meeting.

7) New Business-Checking on vendors to cook for the Banquet, Pat is checking on his contacts.
Jesse made a motion to allow EDC to conduct a course on September 26,2020 at the Sunday Creek Range. Jim 2nd, Motion passed.
Lee made a motion to purchase 10 sheets of OSB for backer boards at Sunday Creek Range, Mary 2nd. Chris will work to line those up.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare-nothing

10) Adjourn at 7:40 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes August 18, 2020

Board Meeting Agenda – August 18, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020 7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Rifle and Pistol Range

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz,
and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: Motion by Marty to accept as written, 2nd by Lee, Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated current cash balance $34,389.57, CD #1 $2,342.24, CD #2 $2,023.25, all bills paid and current.

4) President Report- Jesse stated that near 459 members, with members joining at a regular basis.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Year total of $638 in the black. Concerns of an age limit for shooters. Chris made a motion that regardless of age as long as the shooter can demonstrate proficient use of all safety rules to the satisfaction of the Range Officer they would be allowed to shoot. If they are unsafe regardless of age they will not be allowed to shoot. Jess 2nd Motion passed.
– Archery-John stated numbers are down due to heat. There is a couple of folks who want to set up a 3d shoot this spring.
– Cowboy Action-No report, Marty provided Insurance information to Randy Hart.
– Five Stand-Jeff proposed buying a multipurpose trap that throw chandelle targets including Standards, Middi and Rabbits from Lawry Shooting Sports, for $2,950 delivered. Lee 2nd, Motion passed Jeff will order machine and check on targets. This machine will gauge how much interest there is locally for a complete 5 stand set up at Spotted Eagle.
– Shotgun-Skeet is have a regular turn out. Jeff provided Marty with $545 and one token collected from shooters for range fees.
– SOP-Chris drafted a waiver and SOP for Rifle Range- The others are pending from Action pistol, Archery and shotgun. Great Job Chris.
– USPSA-Match for August 29 in Miles City, Jess stated it will be the biggest event this year.
– Work Day at Sunday Creek-Chris and Jim stated the best turnout ever with lots of help. All the board appreciates the interest in maintaining the ranges, thank you. Local construction company offered to weld target frames with channel iron and supply some backer boards if the club paid for metal material. Motion made by Lee to allow them to charge at Border Steel to the club for materials, 2nd by Jim, Motion passed.

6) Old Business-None

7) New Business-Jeff requested signage for the bathroom at Sunday Creek. It is in the brown building at the pistol bays. Lee will take care of signage.
Marty requested movement on the firearms for the Annual Banquet, to set budget and get a list of the types of firearms. Chris made a motion to set the budget at $5,000, Jim 2nd Motion passed. Marty was provided a wish list by the Board of Directors and will purchase the firearms, leaving them in the custody of the vendors until the winners are selected.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare-nothing

10) Adjourn at 8:20 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 21, 2020

Board Meeting Minutes– July 21, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
July 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers: Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, JD Arneson, Jess Blankenship, Jim Keith, Pat Roos

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes, moved to accept as published by Jim, 2nd by Jess, Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated $34,755.81 cash in bank, all bills paid, CD #1 $2,342.14, CD #2 $2,023.19

4) President Report: Marty had dumpster emptied at Sunday Creek, the outhouse has not yet been pumped. 449 current members, Water is on at Spotted Eagle. Spotted Eagle has fresh paint on Skeet houses and top of Trap houses. Allan Dodge found a firearm at Sunday Creek, it was returned to it owner.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– 350 Yard Range-work completed and in use. Special attention to notifying pistol bay shooters while hanging targets at 300+ range.
– Action Pistol-$485 in the clear, Marty welded up target bases.
– Archery-no report
– Cowboy Action-no report
– Five Stand-No finding any traps without expending too much money, may put off until spring.
– Shotgun-steady use of the Skeet range twice a week.
– SOP-Chris talked about the waivers, discussion of an electronic form acknowledging the waiver when memberships renewed, saves money and time over mailing.
– USPSA-Nice write up in Miles City Star for July 11th shoot, $20 shooters $400. YTD $1,442,50 8/29 Shoot in Miles City.

6) Old Business

7) New Business-Motion made by Jess to close 300+ range when pistol matches are being held, 2nd by Jim, Motion passed.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn 7:45 pm

This entry was posted in General News, Meeting Minutes on July 20, 2020 by Custer Rod and Gun Club. Edit

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 16, 2020

Board Meeting Agenda – June 16, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
June 16, 2020 at 7pm
Rifle & Pistol Range Clubhouse

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers; Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, JD Arneson, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; As published, Motion by Vincent, 2nd Jim-Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report-Provided via email from Marty. Bank Balanace $34,265.09, CD#1 $2,342.04, CD#2 $2,023.06, Range clean up expenses $535.52.

4) President Report-via printed Agenda
– Rifle range clubhouse is de-winterized, Spotted Eagle is not.
– Adam Forslund said the NFA workshop had 8 people and went well.
– Rifle range work day held June 6th. Trimmed weeds, rehung steel, replaced backer boards, trimmed weeds.
– Jesse will have dumpster emptied and septic pumped.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Marty said $115.48 in the black, all shoots this year will be profit.
– Archery-7 or 8 shooters became members, all shoots on Wednesday at Ken Boschee’s north end of Muggli land, John 951-0241 for information on Wednesday shoots.
– Cowboy Action
– Five Stand-Jeff is wanting more input before the expensive traps are purchased.
– Shotgun-2pallets of clay pigeons arrived and thanks to Marty, John and Nathan R for helping unload and stack. Regular shoots are well attended on Friday at 5:30 and Sunday at 5 pm.
– SOP-Nothing
– USPSA-19 shooters on June 12th.

6) Old Business
– Spotted Eagle Work Day June 20th, 9 am
– materials/tools? Jeff will pick up additional paint and supplies, Skeet houses need painting as well as the trap houses.

7) New Business
– New 345 yard rifle range-Motion to spend $1,000 to construct the 300 plus range just off of the 100 yard range. Lee made the motion, Jim 2nd-passed. Construction will take place on June 27th and the range will be closed during the construction. Chris Schlepp is heading up the project.
Pheasants Forever requested use of the trap range and club house for their youth hunter training. Dates are 8/15, 8/29, 9/12 and 9/19/2020. Jeff made the motion to allow the use, Jim 2nd-passed. Jeff will check out a key to them to be returned upon completion of their project.

8) Adjourn 7:45 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting May 19, 2020

Board Meeting Minutes – May 19, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
May 19, 2020 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Range Clubhouse
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Vincent Muggli, Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes, motion to approve as written Chris, 2nd Marty-passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report Marty stated currently in checking $41,160.98, 2 CDs $2,341.94 and $2,023.06
4) President Report 434 members currently. Sunday Creek Club house has the water turned on, ready for use.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Thursday night shooting is schedule at 6pm at Sunday Creek.
– Archery-Wednesday evening shoots at Ken Boschee’s, John is contacting interested people.
– Cowboy Action-Insurance to SAS provided
– Five Stand-is languishing committee is still very interested.
– FNRA-on hold perhaps in the fall
– SOP-Ken provided a go by Jesse B will line up the range officers then the whole board will put their input.
– USPSA-Plenty of shoots scheduled, Fallon County was gracious to allow the use of their range over the winter. Discussion of cost to shoot the course. Lee made a motion to increase to $20, Marty 2nd-Passed. Shoots over the winter 73 shooters $662 for the club.
– Youth Rifle Class-waiting for things to settle down, most likely later this summer July/August at Sunday Creek.
6) Old Business
7) New Business
– Sunday Creek Range Work Day-June 6th at 9am
– Spotted Eagle Range Work Day-June 20th at 9 am
– Bylaw amendment to hold special Board Meetings by conference call-
– Annual Dues-Much discussion on increase of dues, Chris made a motion to increase the annual dues in 2021 to $50, Marty 2nd Motion passed.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9) Good and Welfare
10) Adjourn

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting April 21, 2020

Board Meeting– April 21, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Meeting of the Board of Directors Agenda
April 21, 2020 7:00 PM
Held by teleconference due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Contact for dial in information.
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers Present on conference call Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes as posted Jim moved to accept, Chris 2nd passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report-Marty stated that cash available was $34,977.14, CD#1 $2,341, CD #2 $2,023.
4) President Report-Jesse Smith stated 424 members.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Thursday shooting will start as soon as May 7th.
– Archery
– Cowboy Action
– Five Stand-Still a work in progress, automatic throwers at least 3 needed at $1,500 each. Committee will review prior to being brough to the board for approval. Top soil to fill infield of ranges- Chris made motion to approve $800 to Doedens and $89.99 for grass seed, Lee 2nd Motion passed.
– FNRA-put off until perhaps fall due to Covid restrictions.
– Gravel Project-Marty stated that gravel for Sunday Creek came in under estimate at $9,000, it has been completed and paid.
– SOP-Jesse Blankenship will bring forward further information on SOP at the next meeting.
– USPSA-reimbursement for RO training for motel room for Jesse Blankenship and Vince Muggli $135.85. Chris made motion to pay, Jim 2nd, Passed.
– Youth Rifle Class-Will be NRA standards, then additional shooting time. Will be scheduled at Sunday Creek with at least 30 days notice, awaiting phase 3 of Covid restrictions.
6) Old Business
– Sunday Creek 4/25 Work Day cancel/reschedule-Date unknown
– RSO Fees-Jesse Blankenship made motion to pay for the NRA fees for RSO certification for club RSO at $35 each. Jim 2nd, passed.
– Metal Frames for archery targets-Range is used by mainly non-members-further discussion required. One member is doing repairs, unknown who.
7) New Business
– Trap/Skeet Tokens-Jeff made motion to phase out the Trap/Skeet Tokens. Those out will be honored, no more will be sold. Lee 2nd Motion passed.
8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9) Good and Welfare

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting February 25, 2020

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting February 25, 2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
February 25, 2020 7:00 PM
VFW Hall, Miles City

1) Call to order at 7:00 pm, Roll call of officers: Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, John Kuntz, Vincent Muggli, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; Annual meeting motion to accept by Jess Blankenship, 2nd by Marty passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $43,827.72, 1st CD $2,341.65,2nd CD $2,022.87.
4) President Report-Life memberships were reissued to Bing Cherry, Bert Elwood and Mary Elizabeth Grue. Fred Tetchner and Fred Scheid vouched for them having life membership. Todd Williams stated he knows someone who had a life membership, but hasn’t provided contact information for that person at the time of this meeting.
-Membership is just under 400 members. Jesse will update the lock and shut off access to anyone who hasn’t renewed. The lock will be changed the weekend of February 29, 2020.
-Ken Koehler presented an NRA Range Safety Officer training course on February 18,19 and 20, 2020. Members who attended this training were, Jim Keith (already certified), Jesse Blankenship, Shane Adams, Chris Schlepp, Lee Wankel and Jeff Faycosh.
-Action pistol-nothing shut down for the winter, Marty reports that we are down $424.85 in costs to provide this shoots with the cost of targets and associated items.
-USPSA is still having indoor shoots in conjunction with the Fallon County Shooting complex at their indoor range. USPSA registration is open in Practicscore, for more information all posts are on the Facebook Custer Rod & Gun Club Action Pistol page. Jesse stated there will be 10 shoots this year. Upgrades need to be done to the walls in particular the bases for the walls.
-Shotgun has slowed minimal range time due to weather. However with the recent nice weather Sunday shooting at 1 pm has been active. Jeff turned over on January 26, 2020 to Marty $228.00 from Fall and Winter shooting times bringing the income from Skeet and Trap for 2019 to $2,105. Shooting will continue through winter/spring as weather allows. Jeff is posting on the club Facebook page if the range will be open. Jeff ordered 2 pallets of clay targets through Red Rock Sporting goods, delivery in Spring.
-Archery-John Kuntz stated he could not find a safety net for the indoor winter shoots that will stop the high speed arrows. Outdoor shoots will resume later in the spring. John discussed replacing the wooden frames at Spotted Eagle with Metal Frames to prevent the damage that is occurring at the archery range.
-Cowboy Action-no report
-Friends of the NRA, Shane stated the banquet is to be held in May.
-Results of the Banquet. It appears it was attended by 190 members and there were problems with the flow of the food. Marty reported that all of the bills were paid and the club made $3,009.45 in profit from the Annual Meeting/Banquet.
5)Old Business
-Gravel on Pistol range-Marty brought in a bid to level and gravel the pistol bays and parking space for $7,500 from Doeden Construction. Discussion on improving all roads by leveling and graveling to 100 yard range, Pistol bays and 200 yard range. Jim made the motion to approve the gravel on the roads, parking spaces, bays for the whole Sunday creek range with a cost cap of $11,000, Vince 2nd, motion passed.
-Chris stated that both mowers have been repaired and maintenance completed on them for $500. They should be in place soon.
6)New Business Jesse Smith via email had requested that we have the same meeting schedule for 2020 alternating between Spotted Eagle and Sunday Creek. Directors indicated that Spotted Eagle has a less than adequate heating system for winter meetings but agreed in theory. The VFW is an alternate when the weather conditions dictate. Spotted Eagle will be the meeting location on March 17 at 7 pm and Sunday Creek on April 21 at 7 pm.
-Youth Rifle class. Jeff and Travis Helm will coordinate the youth rifle course which will follow NRA guidelines. We are looking at an hosting it at the Sunday Creek range starting in April and continuing into May on a weekend day. Jeff and Travis will present an outline and cost for the class at the March meeting. Advertising for participants will be posted after March 17th with cost and schedule.
-Jesse Blankenship brought up the need for a club Standard Operations Plan (SOP) for all club activities. Jesse Blankenship will head up the meeting and work with the other directors to formulate a SOP which will be available to all members. Jesse Blankenship made the motion, Shane 2nd-passed.
-Spotted Eagle discussion of a new safe, directors agreed it was not needed presently.
-Sunday Creek Work day schedule. Marty made the motion for April 25th, 2020, Jim 2nd-passed.
-Jeff Requested the use of Spotted Eagle for Hunter Education field days, exact dates unknown but March 8th should be the first one, the second later on. The board approved the use as needed.
Goals for 2020 were set by the board of Directors
-Improvement of Sunday Creek roads and parking spaces
-lighting on the Trap and Skeet Range
-establish a 5 stand course at Spotted Eagle. Committee was set at Jeff, Marty, Pat and Jim to explore
-Jesse Blankenship suggested that membership and directors need to support the Friends of the NRA and their banquet with an official endorsement of the club. Marty made the motion, Lee 2nd-motion passed. Planning meeting schedule for March 5th at 6:30 pm at the VFW.
-Jeff made a motion to move quickly on reserving the space at Eastern Montana Fairgrounds for the Annual Banquet/Meeting on January 16th, 2021. Marty 2nd-passed Jeff will secure the date with the fairgrounds.

7) Good of the order.
8) Adjourn at 8:45 pm.

Annual Meeting Minutes January 18, 2020

Minutes Annual Meeting January 18,2020
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Annual Meeting
January 18,2020
Eastern Montana Fairgrounds
1) Call to order at 7:00 pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; December meeting motion to accept by Marty, 2nd by Jesse B passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $32,763.38, 1st CD $2,341.56,2nd CD $2,020.23. #2 CD will be rolled into CD with a small amount added to have one CD of $4,500.
4) President Report-to a large crowd of members and guest who attended the annual meeting. President Jesse Smith acknowledged all of the directors and volunteers who came together to run the action pistol, USPSA, Cowboy Action, Shotgun and Archery ranges throughout the year. Updates on all of the improvements at Sunday Creek and Spotted Eagle. Plenty of food was brought in as well as very well prepared Brisket.

Election of Officers and Directors took place with John Kuntz and Pat Roos replacing Todd Burch and Randy Hart.

2020 Officers and Board of Directors
President: Jesse Smith 2020-2022
Vice President: Chris Schlepp 2019-2021
Secretary: Jeff Faycosh 2019-2021
Treasurer: Marty Scheid 2020-2022
Director: Shane Adams 2019-2021
Director: JD Arneson 2019-2021
Director: Jesse Blankenship 2020-2022
Director: Jim Keith 2018-2020
Director: John Kuntz 2020-2022
Director: Vincent Muggli 2019-2021
Director: Pat Roos 2020-2022
Director: Lee Wankel 2019-2021

Due to NRA Range Safety Officer training the next board of Directors Meeting will be held on February 25th at 7 PM at Spotted Eagle.

Annual Meeting January 18, 2020 Prize winners

Congratulations to the following winners of the major prizes:

Hoyt Klash Compound Bow package-JoAnn Hoverson
Ruger Wrangler .22LR revolver-David Staukaritz
Ruger American 6.5 Creedmore rifle-Jesse Clauson
Stoeger 300 12 ga. Semi-auto shotgun-Charles Fenner
Sig Sauer P320F M17 9mm pistol-Warren Scheeler
Springfield 1911 45 ACP (parkerized)-Marty Scheid
Ruger 10/22 Carbine-Bob Cremer
Dillon XL750 high-speed progressive reloading press-John Rentschler

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting December 17, 2019

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting December 17, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
December 17, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
1) Call to order at 7:00 pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith,Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship and Jim Keith.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; November meeting motion to accept by Marty, 2nd by Jim passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $31,906.27, 1st CD $2,341.46,2nd CD $2,017.73.
4) President Report-459 Members, 30 life members. Bison bar has confirmed for annual banquet. Received from paypal $1,194.

Presentation by Ken Koehler for NRA Range Safety Officer training course 2 days training 10 hours total. Training will be held the week of February 18th at the Spotted Eagle club house. A motion that the club will pay for 10 members by Jeff, 2nd by Jim, passed.
(after meeting subsequent vote was to move the February meeting to February 25th to avoid conflict with RSO training)
-Action pistol-nothing shut down for the winter.
-USPSA will be having winter shoots at Fallon County Shooting complex at their indoor range. USPSA Shoot In January. Jesse Blankenship brought up RO training course. Motion by Jeff to send Jesse Blankenship and one other to the training. Jim 2nd-passed-Training in Feb-March
-Shotgun has slowed minimal range time due to weather. Range will be open at 3 pm on Sundays, weather permitting. Shooting will continue through winter as weather allows. Jeff ordered 2 pallets of clay targets through Red Rock Sporting goods, delivery in Spring.
-Archery-no update
5)New Business Shane Adams requested volunteers for Friends of the NRA Banquet 1st Week in May. Jeff volunteered. Shane is still looking for additional help.
6) Good of the order.
7) Adjourn at 7:45 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting November 19, 2019

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting November 19, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
November 19, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
1) Call to order at 7:11 pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith,Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Randy Hart, Jesse Blankenship, Todd Burch, Jim Keith, Vince Muggli and Lee Wankel-Also present John Kuntz.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; October meeting motion to accept by Lee, 2nd by Jim passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $29,980.72, 1st CD $2,341.36,2nd CD $2,017.73.
4) President Report-Donation to Miles City Fire Department Toy Dance-gift card for club membership. A fun filled evening stuffing envelopes to membership. President Jesse Smith signed the lease agreement for the Home Show Building at the Custer County Fairgrounds for the annual meeting on January 18, 2020.
– Action Pistol on hold for the winter. USPSA will be having winter shoots at Fallon County Shooting complex at their indoor range. USPSA Shoot In December.
-Shotgun has slowed minimal range time due to weather. Range will be open at 3 pm on Sundays, weather permitting. Shooting will continue through winter as weather allows.
-Archery-John Kuntz is encouraged that winter indoor shoots will continue. He has made arrangements to use the Home Show Building January-March, one day a week at a cost of $5 per person. John is hoping to obtain a archery backstop net. Motion by Vince Muggli to allocate $500 to purchase the arrow backtop. 2nd by Lee, motion passed.
5) Good of the order.
6) Adjourn at 7:34 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting October 15, 2019

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting October 15, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
October 15, 2019 7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Range Clubhouse
1) Call to order at 7:00 pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Randy Hart, Jim Keith and Lee Wankel-Also present John Kuntz.
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; September meeting motion to accept by Marty, 2nd by Jim passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $34,142.10, 1st CD $2,341.26,2nd CD $2,012.00.
4) President Report-Winterizing the Spotted Eagle clubhouse.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol on hold for the winter. USPSA will be having winter shoots at Fallon County Shooting complex at their indoor range. USPSA Shoot March on the 2nd Saturday. Marty made the motion, Lee 2nd, motion passed
-Shotgun Turned in $199 in September for $1,877 so far for this year. Shooting will continue through winter as weather allows.
-Archery-John Kuntz is encouraged that winter indoor shoots will continue.
6) Old Business
–Annual Banquet prizes have been purchased, firearms, archery package and Dillion Press.(Hoyt Klash compound bow package, Ruger Wrangler revolver, Ruger American rifle 6.5 Creedmore, Stoeger 3000 semi-auto shotgun 12 gauge, Sig Sauer P320F M17 9mm pistol, Springfield 1911 45acp, Ruger 10/22, Dillon XL750 Basic press in 9mm)
7) New Business-Motion to purchase 500 new key cards. Lee made motion, 2nd by Jim, Motion passed.
Motion to support NFA training, how to set up and proceed, it will be coordinated by Jesse Smith, Jim made the Motion to allow, Randy 2nd, Motion passed.
John Kuntz brought up Back Country Hunter and Angler sponsored raffle for a hydraulic post pounder, if done with cooperation with CRGC the profits would be split. Randy made a motion to proceed, Lee 2nd, Motion passed.
Discussion about adding gravel or scoria to pistol range. Jeff to explore adding dirt to Trap and skeet ranges to level the ground around the concrete to facilitate maintenance of the ranges.
7) Good of the order.
8) Adjourn at 8:04 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting September 17, 2019

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting September 17, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
September 17, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse
1) Call to order at 6:55pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli, and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; August meeting motion to accept JD, 2nd by Blankenship passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $34,455.34, 1st CD $2,341.16,2nd CD $2,010.00, Jim made motion to accept, JD 2nd, passed.
4) President Report-Home and Garden at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds has been reserved for the annual banquet.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol has deposited $147. Marty requested $651.20 for targets and pasters, Jim made motion, JD 2nd Motion passed. Jesse Blankenship stated additional USPSA shoots will be held in conjunction with the Fallon County club at their indoor range.
-Shotgun Turned in $277 in September for $1,678 so far for this year. There is a great turn out for Wednesday Skeet and Friday open shoot. Lady shoots are consistent and regular. Youth shoots on Thursday are being discontinued. Youth shooters can shoot on Wednesday and Friday or with the ladies for the youth lady shooters. Shotgun shell distribution to youth and female shooters has used up about 2 cases of ammo. Jeff is keeping a list of people who are getting the free ammo.
-Archery-John Kuntz turned in income from the archery shoots over the summer. John is trying to make arrangements for an indoor archery range for the winter.
6) Old Business
–Annual Meeting is January 18, 2020, Motion was made to increase the prize budget to $4,000 for the banquet. Several suggestions for firearms, Mary and Jesse Blankenship will purchase firearms including a Dillion 750 press to be given away at the raffle.
Jeff request approval to obtain quotes for lights for the skeet range and to explore the cost of adding 5 stand course at Spotted Eagle. Board approved.
7) Good of the order.
8) Adjourn at 8:07 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting 08/20/19

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting August 20, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
August 20, 2019 7:00 PM
Sunday Creak Range

1) Call to order at 6:55pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; July meeting Chris, 2nd by Marty, passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $35,741.59, 1st CD $2,341.06,2nd CD $2,010.04
4) President Report-Local Law Enforcement have all their key cards and have been identified for official use. Batteries were changed in the camera and key reader. Town and County has been canceled for Annual meeting location. It will be held at the Eastern Montana Fair Grounds. Discussion about tables, serving utensils etc. for annual meeting.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol has deposited $240 since the last meeting they are still $678 in the hole. That is expected to improve with jackpot and end of the year shoots.
-Shotgun Turned in $587 in August for $1,401 so far for this year. There is a great turn out for Wednesday Skeet and Friday open shoot. Lady shoots are consistent and regular. Youth shoots on Thursday are being discontinued. Youth shooters can shoot on Wednesday and Friday or with the ladies for the youth lady shooters. Shotgun shell distribution to youth and female shooters has used up about 2 cases of ammo. Jeff is keeping a list of people who are getting the free ammo.
-Cowboy action-turned in $19
6) Old Business
–Annual Meeting is January 18, 2020, Marty and Jeff are to bring lists of firearms for raffles to September 17th meeting..
7) Good of the order.
8) Adjourn at 7:50 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting July 16, 2019

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting July 16, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
July 16, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Trap and Skeet Range

**No June meeting was held due to a lack of Quorum***

1) Call to order at 6:55pm, Roll call of officers: Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Todd Burch, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel
2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; May meeting-no June meeting Jess moved, 2nd by Marty, passed
3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $35,819.41, 1st CD $2,340.96,2nd CD $2,005.13
4) President Report-via email from Jesse Smith-his computer had issues and he will not be able to process new memberships until replaced. Someone left him a voice mail that they won a free club membership at the Fireman’s Toy Dance. The voice mail accidentally got deleted. We need the winner’s information. If anyone knows contact Jesse Smith.
5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol and USPSA have brought in to date $10,211. The club has expended $11,051.64 with only $840.64 to hit the break even point, these activities generate a couple hundred dollars a month, they will be showing a profit in short order. See the Action Pistol site to obtain current information on USPSA schedule. Action pistol shoots every Thursday. Jesse Blankenship is needing set up help on August 30, 2019 at about 3 pm for the match on August 31st.
-Shotgun Turned in $185 in April, $319 in June and $300 the 6th of July for $804 so far for this year. There is a great turn out for Wednesday Skeet and Friday open shoot. Lady shoots are consistent and regular. Youth shoots on Thursday are being discontinued. Youth shooters can shoot on Wednesday and Friday or with the ladies for the youth lady shooters. Discussion for distribution of donated shotgun ammo. Marty made a motion to provide one free box for ladies and youth each time they shoot until the supply is exhausted. Jess Blankenship 2nd, motion passed.
-Cowboy action-no report
-Archery-John Kuntz did not attend. However he stated prior to meeting that several people are attending the archery shoots at Ken Bouchee’s. For more information on the Archery program contact John Kuntz 406-234-9619 or 406-951-0241
6) New Business
–Spotted Eagle High house and low house skeet roof, repair, painting and work day set for August 10th at 9 AM.
-Advertisement for Custer Rod and Gun Club activities, discussion of newspaper ads, radio ads and flyers around town. Budget approved of $250. Jesse Blankenship made the motion, Todd 2nd motion passed. Marty and Chris will coordinate.
-Motion by Jim Keith to hire Jay Collins to provide Brisket for the annual banquet at Eastern Montana Fair grounds, for $650 plus membership. Lee 2nd, motion passed.Jesse Blankenship asked that pistol range be closed the evening before matches as the targets and walls would be set for match to prevent any modification to the strict measurements required. Todd made motion, Jim 2nd, passed.
7) Good of the order.
8) Adjourn at 7:34 pm

Minutes Board of Directors Meeting May 21, 2019

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
May 21, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Trap and Skeet Range

1) Call to order at 7:09pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Todd Burch, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; Marty moved, 2nd by Chris, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $34,811.50, 1st CD $2,333,2nd CD $2,022.40, container is paid for. Annual club liability policy paid $4,327.41

4) President Report
– Spotted Eagle-toilet works now and on demand water system may not make water much hotter than tepid. Fairgrounds for annual meeting is still up in the air as is caterer.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol brought in $375, with new targets and supplies balance for Action pistol is -1,981.87. Plenty of time during the summer to balance out budget. USPCA shoot is Saturday June 1st. June 6th for Action Pistol, IDPA shoot June 13th. See action pistol page for updated schedules. Youth action pistol suggestion for Scholastic Action Shooting program was table until next meeting.
-Shotgun Turned in $185 for trap and skeet. Lots of consistent interest and more shooters showing up. Schedule of all shoots 6 pm, Tuesday-Ladies only, Wednesday-Skeet only, Thursday-Youth, Friday-Open shooting Trap and/or skeet.
-Cowboy action is languishing, need more shooters.
-Archery-John Kuntz stated there is a lot of interest he is working on new targets butts for Spotted Eagle. John Kuntz proposed an archery program from June to end of July, $20 for participation at 6 pm at Ken Bouchee’s place in the valley. More information to follow with August shoot to be held at Spotted Eagle. Motion to approve by Jim, 2nd by Lee, passed. For more information on the Archery program contact John Kuntz 406-234-9619 or 406-951-0241

6) New Business
–Spotted Eagle High house skeet roof and work day, to be set next meeting in June.
-Pheasants Forever, Tongue River Chapter representative Miles Moucha asked to used Spotted Eagle and trap range for youth attendees from 8-noon on August 17, 31, September 7th and 14th. Chris made motion to allow, Jeff 2nd, passed.
-Jesse Blankenship asked that pistol range be closed the evening before matches as the targets and walls would be set for match to prevent any modification to the strict measurements required. Todd made motion, Jim 2nd, passed.

7) Good of the order
-New culvert will be purchased and installed on lower entrance to pistol bays. Randy will dig trench, 20′ plastic culvert was suggested 16 inch by 20 foot. Marty made motion, Lee 2nd, passed.

10) Adjourn at 7:46 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 16, 2019

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board of Directors Meeting
April 16, 2019 7:00 PM
Sunday Creek Rifle & Pistol Range

1) Call to order at 7:09pm, Roll call of officers: Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Todd Burch, Jim Keith, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes; Chris moved, 2nd by Lee, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report: Marty stated that cash balance is $45,725.17, 1st CD $2,329 2nd CD $2,000, all tax reports are filed. Jim moved to accept the report, 2nd by Todd-passed

4) President Report
– Spotted Eagle-Jesse Smith installed bathroom door and stool.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Storage Container-Not yet delivered will be sooon.
-Raffle Tickets-5 tickets were still available 95 were sold with Chris selling the most-great job Chris
-Shotgun Starting Tuesday for ladies on April 23rd, Wednesday for youth on 24th and Friday open all times at 6pm.
-Action pistol first USPCA shoot was held club made $712.50, with 25 shooters. The schedule is set on the action pistol page.

6) Old Business
– Rifle and Pistol Range workday-set for April 27th 9am
– Annual Meeting and Banquet-Fairgrounds for location, 3rd Saturday in January, 2020. Jeff moved for a $2,100 budget, Lee 2nd-Passed

7) New Business
– Building trusses, Vince Muggli-siscussion-no motion
-Archery-John Kuntz volunteered to head up the archery shoots, Jim made motion for the support and use of targets, Todd 2nd-passed
Mike Wade asked that boy scouts could use Spotted Eagle on June 8th from 9am-2pm, Marty made motion to allow them access, Jim 2nd, motion passed.

10) Adjourn at 8:20pm

Board Meeting Minutes-March 19, 2019

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2019
Custer Rod and Gun
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
March 19, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers-Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Mary Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Jesse Blankenship, Vincent Muggli and Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Moved to be accepted by Chris, second by JD-Passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report-Bank Account $44,157.28 (paypal was deposited, Shed is not paid for yet)

4) President Report
– Keys-arranged by Chris, keys distributed by Jesse Smtih
– Membership & PayPal-415 members, paypall $8,130.72
– Annual Meeting Location-no new activity
– Spotted Eagle Snow Removal-MCC Heavy Equipment class removed snow from Spotted Eagle, Chris made motion for $200 to Car Quest for tools, seconded by Vincent-Passed

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Raffle going well for shed, 7 books sold, Chris sold over 5 books, USPCA shoot canceled. Tentative calendar 4/6, 6/1, 6/29, 7/6, and 8/3. Action pistol is starting May 2nd.
– Cowboy Action-no report
– Shotgun- schedule will be posted soon. Resume Ladies Tuesday night shoots, other days are up to demand.

6) Old Business-Vincent said the shed will be delivered in April depending on conditions.

7) New Business-Sunday Creek Range clean up day, April 27, 0900
– Hunter Safety Field Day-Sunday April 28 at Spotted Eagle. Marty made motion-Chris seconded-passed

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors

9) Good and Welfare

10) Adjourn 7:42 PM

Board Meeting Minutes February 19, 2019

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Board Meeting
February 19, 2019 7:00 PM
Spotted Eagle Clubhouse

1) Call to order and Roll call of officers-present Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, JD Arneson, Todd Burch, Jim Keith and Vincent Muggli.

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Chris moved to accept the minutes Jim Keith seconded the motion, passed

3) Reading of Current Financial Report-Marty reported cash balance of $35, 069.91, CD $2,321.99, pay pal has a little over $6,000. Jim moved to accept the report, Shane seconded, motion passed.

4) President Report
– Annual Banquet-took in $6,165 in cash, $1,400 in Memberships, banquet costs of $1,492 which resulted in a first time ever profit for the annual banquet of approximately $1,400.
– Membership-a little less than 400 members are currently paid.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-Custer Rod and Gun Club USPSA match to be held at Fallon County indoor range on March 9th. limited number of shooters allowed. It will be a USPSA classifier match. Vincent made the motion for the match, seconded by Marty, motion passed.
Marty requested range supplies for action pistol for the year (cardboard targets, sticks and pasters) Jim made a motion of $500 for action pistol range supplies, Todd seconded, motion passed.
Motion by Chris to purchase 40′ land/sea container to store range supplies at Sunday Creek action pistol for $5,000, JD seconded the motion, Vincent will find a container vendor.
Marty made a motion for a raffle to pay for the container. $1,500 in gift certificates, limited to 100 tickets at $50 each. Motion was seconded by JD, motion passed. Marty will have raffle tickets by March meeting date.
– Archery-no report
– Cowboy Action-no report
– Shotgun-Jeff is reaching out to ATA for league information.

6) Old Business
– Spotted Eagle Keys-Chris will coordinate with locksmith for lock changes.

7) New Business
– VFW Flag Project-Motion by Jim, seconded by JD to contribute $50 for the project. Motion passed
– 2019 Board Meeting Locations-March Spotted Eagle, then alternate each month between Spotted Eagle and Sunday Creek
– $3,000 steel target budget for Action Pistol-Motion to approve email straw vote by Jesse, seconded by Shane, motion passed.
– Rifle Range Work Day (range improvements, weed control)-Chris made motion to close the range for one day to be determined for week mitigation spraying. Donated and completed by Vincent, Jim seconded, motion passed. Discussions on further upgrade to pistol bays including new safety area and rock/gravel…no motion
– Spotted Eagle Workday-no date set at this meeting
– Annual filings-IRS to Jesse Smith to complete
– Upcoming shoots (coyotes, 1st responders, etc)-Dates not yet set, most likely at March meeting
– FWP Range Day-Jeff brought up Hunter Education field day at spotted eagle range on March 10th. Jim made motion to allow the use of the range, JD seconded, motion passed.
– FNRA Committee-Shane requested volunteers for friends of the NRA banquet, contact Shane for more information.

8) Good and Welfare-nothing

10) Adjourn 7:55PM

Annual Banquet Meeting Minutes, January 19, 2019

Custer Rod and Gun Club
Annual Banquet and Membership Meeting Agenda
January 19, 2019 6:00 PM
Town and Country Club

6:00 PM
Potluck Club Banquet
Raffle ticket sales begin
Nominations for Board of Director positions opens

7:00 PM
1) Call to order and Roll call of officers, Directors present Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Shane Adams, Jesse Blankenship, Daniel DeLong, Randy Hart, Jim Keith, Lee Wankel

2) Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes-Motion to accept, seconded and passed by membership

3) Reading of Current Financial Report-Marty Scheid reported that the Bank Balance as of January 16, 2019 was $30, 582.16, CD at US Bank January 16, 2019 was $2,318.09 current rate is 2% and will mature July 3, 2019. The CD at Stockman’s Bank has been surrendered and check deposited. It will be converted to CD the following week at US Bank at the 2% rate. All monthly bills are paid, 2018 taxes are paid, all insurance premiums have been paid, still waiting on last of tax documents to file club taxes for 2018. Motion to accept, seconded and passed by membership.

4) President Report- 2018 showed 430 members, 2 work days (one at Sunday Creek the other at Spotted Eagle with 23 volunteers), Spotted Eagle remodel is nearing completion.

5) Reports of Boards and Standing/Special Committees
– Action Pistol-very steady activity and the most active portion of the club currently Jess Blankenship and Marty Scheid spearheaded the activity this year. New targets and walls in place. New affiliation with USPSA along with Action Pistol.
– Cowboy Action-Randy Hart reported slow this year but always willing to lend a hand and hope to have a three gun shoot this year if there is interest.
– Shotgun-Weekly trap shooting last year, some interest is keeping the range open. Hoping to ATA league shoots in 2019 along with Women only clinic, youth shooting programs.
– rifle shooting-JD Arenson hosted on 800 yard shoot this year, Jeff Faycosh and Chris Schlepp hosted a rimfire turkey shoot along with a centerfire turkey shoot this last year.

6) Old Business-NRA Rifle instructors are still absent for youth programs. Hoping to rectify that situation this next year.

7) New Business
– Reduction of Spotted Eagle remodel project-Motion to close out the patio project at Spotted Eagle, seconded and passed by members.

8) Nomination and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
– Reading of Nominations
– Drawing of first raffle items
– 10 min break to accept more nominations and last call for raffle tickets
– Nominations close for Board of Directors positions
– Election of:
Vice President – 2 year term, currently held by Jerry Austil-Chris Schlepp elected
Secretary – 2 year term, currently held by Jeff Faycosh-Elected
Treasurer – 1 year term, currently held by Marty Scheid-Elected
2 year Director position – currently held by Shane Adams-Elected
2 year Director position – currently held by JD Arneson-Elected
2 year Director position – currently held by Daniel DeLong-Lee Wankel elected
2 year Director position – currently held by Chris Schlepp-Vincent Muggli elected
1 year Director position – currently held by Lee Wankel-Todd Burch elected

9) Good and Welfare
– Drawing for all remaining raffle items and door prizes-List of prizes and winners published and noted.

10) Adjourn