Category Archives: General News

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 16, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting

May 16, 2023

Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Erin O’Connor, Travis Helm and Pat Roos.

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $46,816,82, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the April meeting as written, by Matt, 2nd by Chris passed.

Presidents Report: Lee said that memberships are keeping with the usual pace.

USPSA- No match May 13 was canceled because of rain. June 10th shoot is still scheduled.

Action Pistol-Lee said there were 10 shooters good turnouts. Deposits were made to Marty.

Shotgun: Trap and Skeet made a deposit for $871. 4H shooting almost over, Jeff will bill 4H for targets.

Archery- Jason Sibble, Cole Price and Chris will get Archery range rebuilt and targets picked up in Billings. Marty made a motion to approve 10 targets at $6,250, Travis 2nd, passed. This is $1,250 more than the $5,000 previous allowed for 5 targets.

Old Business:Range clean up day on Sunday Creek Range May 6th at 9am Marty l ramrodded this event 13 volunteers showed up.

New Business: Walleyes Unlimited wanted to partner with us for camera system at Spotted Eagle. Chris made a motion to approve $2,500 toward this project, Travis 2nd, passed.

Discussion to get rid of DR pull behind Mower. Chris made a motion to trade it in on another zero turn to help at Spotted Eagle, Matt 2nd, Motion passed.

Meeting Adjorned 8 pm

June 2023 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) June 2023 Activities

We want to thank all of the volunteers who helped with the Sunday Creek Range Clean-up day. There was a great showing of folks and alot of work got done.

Lee has been holding Action Pistol matches every Thursday out at the Sunday Creek Range at 6pm. Reminder for those that can to show up early to help setup targets.

We’ve had good attendance for Trap and Skeet; Trap on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and the Skeet on Sundays at 3pm at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. A reminder that we are again holding Trap and Top Gun Leagues, information below.

For archery, new targets have been ordered to replace the old targets at Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. Jason Sibble has agreed to run the archery shoots, you can contact him for more information 406-868-0022.

For SASS Randy Hart ran a cowboy match on May 20th. A tentative date of June 17th has been set for holding another match depending on weather and interest.

As always matches and events are weather dependent and we do try to post updates to the Custer Rod and Gun Club facebook page.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. ANY AND ALL HELP would be greatly appreciated.

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge matches are held every second Thursday of each month. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.

USPSA Matches

The CR&GC will be hosting a USPSA match on Saturday June 10th at 9:30am at the Sunday Creek Range. Register on Practiscore.

Skeet – Trap

Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet every Sunday at 3 p.m. out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area.


The next 5-Stand match is tentativly set for Sunday June 18th at 1pm out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. When we have the dates for the rest of the year pinned down they will be posted on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page.

Custer Rod & Gun Club 2023 Clay League

You must be a current Custer Rod and Gun Club Member to participate in the Clay Leagues.

There will be two leagues in 2023. Simple aggregate average for score.

Awards will be presented at the annual banquet in February 2024. The awards will be determined at a later date.

The league period will run from April 25th through September 25th, 2023.

Trap League – $20

Top Gun – $40

League fees must be paid before shooting a league round. Fees will be collected by Matt Lewin or Jeff Faycosh at the Spotted Eagle Range on range days.

Shooter must declare league score PRIOR to shooting the round. The score sheet will be retained by the range master and signed by the shooter.

In addition to the league fees, the shooter must pay the normal target fees.

Target ammunition must be used, 7.5, 8, or 9 shot, 1 1/8 ounce maximum weight.

No more than 2 League rounds will be shot per day.

League shoots will take place on regularly scheduled range days. Tuesday for Trap, Sunday for Skeet & 5 Stand.

Trap League – 11 League rounds must be fired to complete the league with only 10 rounds being scored, the lowest score will be dropped at the end of the league. Failure to shoot 11 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 2 shooters must shoot the round with a 3rd person to pull and score. All rounds will be from the 16-yard position.

Top Gun League – 11 League rounds must be fired to complete the league with only 10 rounds being scored, the lowest score will be dropped at the end of the league. At least 2 league rounds in each of the sports must be shot (Trap Doubles, Skeet, & 5-Stand) and counted with the 10 scorable rounds. A round of Trap Doubles is 50 birds and counts as two rounds. The rules for Trap league applies. A 5 stand league round will require at least 3 shooters on the round in addition to range master/scorer.


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact Jason Sibble at 406-868-0022.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 18, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting

April 18, 2023

Spotted Eagle Clubhouse, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Lee Wankel, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, John Kuntz, Erin O’Connor, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Jim Keith Roos

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $52,087.63, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the March meeting as written, by Jesse B, 2nd by Jim passed.

Past Presidents Report: Lee said that he spoke with Jesse Smith and memberships are keeping with the usual pace.

USPSA- Jesse Blankenship said Matt and Allen dodge will be going to RO training. the end of the month. shoots scheduled for May 13 and June 10th.

Action Pistol-Lee Wankel has the cash box with USPSA receipts Lee will do a deposit soon with Marty.

Shotgun: 2 pallets of targets purchased from Scheels. 90 count boxes, 44 on a pallet so there aren’t all that many targets. They equal out to about $14.30 a case. Jesse and Jeff picked them up in Billlings.

SASS Randy Hart stated he wanted a cowboy shoot on May 20th, 10 am for black powder and 1 pm for Cowboy Action Shooting.

Archery- There was a group from Walleyes Unlimited and others who offered to assist with the Archery Range. It was determined that the Archery targets made from carpet had been in place for 20 plus years. John Kuntz made a motion to purchase new outdoor targets with a limit of $5,000 for the purchase Justin 2nd Motion passed.

Most of the board agreed that the archery range was to be left open to the public with no membership required. The other discussion was to move the 3D targets and trailer to Spotted Eagle for the Wednesday night leagues. John Kuntz stated that Jason Sibble was willing to oversee the Wednesday night archery league. The directors agreed to have the 3D targets and the club trailer at Spotted Eagle. There was discussion on cleaning up the archery range. No date set for that and nothing was decided on the 3D shoots. More information will be discussed on the May 16th meeting.

Range clean up day on Sunday Creek Range May 6th at 9am Marty will ramrod this cleanup.

Meeting Adjorned 8 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 21, 2023

Board of Directors Meeting

March 21, 2023

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Lee Wankel, Marty Scheid Past President Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, John Kuntz, Erin O’Connor, Justin Hughes, Travis Helm and Pat Roos

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $41,786.52, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the February meeting as written, by Marty, 2nd by John passed.

Past Presidents Report: Paypal have $10,600 for deposit Jesse will help transition membership to the membership committee. Lee Wankel then took over the meeting and president role.

USPSA- Jesse Blankenship turned over deposit to Marty for $320. There will be a Match on May 13th and another match on June 10. To participate you need to register on Practiscore. Jesse wanted to have a Sheriff’s Office training on May 12th to assist in the range setting, so the pistol range could be set up Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Jesse B made the motion, Lee seconded, motion passed.

Action Pistol-Lee Wankel will run the course this year. During the month of April each match on Thursday is free. Lee will have a steel challenge once a month. Lee wanted to explore additional steel targets Texas Star, Dueling Tree and more hangers. There will be some research into the best price.

Shotgun: With the time change we will open the trap range on Tuesday at 530 and Skeet on Sunday at 3 pm. Jeff requested motion to allow 4H Shotgun Shooting sports shooting every Sunday from Noon to 3pm starting April 2nd ending May 21. Marty moved, John 2nd, Motion passed.

Archery- There was much discussion about the condition of the Archery Range, selling 3D targets and trailers, closing the range, moving the range to Sunday Creek, purchasing a conex trailer to keep at the range. The discussion ended up getting additional input on the meeting of April 18th to find volunteers or better ideas.

Banquet update from Marty, we lost $166.89 this year. The donors this year included Paul Helland, Dale Tribby, Karen Taylor, Lee Wankel, Ace Hardware, Custom Auto and Accessories, NAPA, Carquest, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jesse Smith and Randy Hart.

Range clean up day on Sunday Creek Range May 6th at 9am Marty will ramrod this cleanup.

Meeting Adjorned 8 pm

April/May 2023 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) April/May 2023 Activities

Well April is already half way over and with the warmer weather folks have been getting out to the ranges. The Club has been opening the Trap range on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and the Skeet range on Sundays at 3pm at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. Archery every Wednesday at 6pm. Action Pistol is held on Thursdays at 6pm out at the Sunday Creek Range. The club has several activities open to members and non-member including Action Pistol, USPSA matches, Archery, Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand.

The Club will again hold a Clay League. There will be a Trap League and a Top Gun League. The League will run from April 25th to September 26th. See below for rules.

Sunday Range Clean-up Day

Saturday May 6th at 9am has been scheduled for a clean-up day out at the Sunday Creek Range. Help is need with mowing, weed trimmers, target repairs, and general maintenance. Bring gloves and if you can weed trimmers, shovels, rakes, lawnmowers, etc. Hope to see you out there.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. ANY AND ALL HELP would be greatly appreciated.

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge matches are held every third Thursday of each month. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.

USPSA Matches

The CR&GC will be hosting a USPSA match on Thursday May 11th at 6pm at the Sunday Creek Range. Register on Practiscore.

Skeet – Trap

With the warmer weather we’ve already had a couple of Trap & Skeet shoots. Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet every Sunday at 3 p.m. out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area.


The Clubs first 5-Stand match for the year will be this coming Sunday April 23rd at 2pm out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. When we have the dates for the rest of the year pinned down they will be posted on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page.

Custer Rod & Gun Club 2023 Clay League

You must be a current Custer Rod and Gun Club Member to participate in the Clay League.

There will be two leagues in 2023. Simple aggregate average for score.

Awards will be presented at the annual banquet in February 2024. The awards will be determined at a later date.

The league period will run from April 25th through September 25th, 2023.

Trap League – $20

Top Gun – $40

League fees must be paid before shooting a league round. Fees will be collected by Matt Lewin or Jeff Faycosh at the Spotted Eagle Range on range days.

Shooter must declare league score PRIOR to shooting the round. The score sheet will be retained by the range master and signed by the shooter.

In addition to the league fees, the shooter must pay the normal target fees.

Target ammunition must be used, 7.5, 8, or 9 shot, 1 1/8 ounce maximum weight.

No more than 2 League rounds will be shot per day.

League shoots will take place on regularly scheduled range days. Tuesday for Trap, Sunday for Skeet & 5 Stand.

Trap League – 11 League rounds must be fired to complete the league with only 10 rounds being scored, the lowest score will be dropped at the end of the league. Failure to shoot 11 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 2 shooters must shoot the round with a 3rd person to pull and score. All rounds will be from the 16-yard position.

Top Gun League – 11 League rounds must be fired to complete the league with only 10 rounds being scored, the lowest score will be dropped at the end of the league. At least 2 league rounds in each of the sports must be shot (Trap Doubles, Skeet, & 5-Stand) and counted with the 10 scorable rounds. A round of Trap Doubles is 50 birds and counts as two rounds. The rules for Trap league applies. A 5 stand league round will require at least 3 shooters on the round in addition to range master/scorer.


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!

Attention Archery Enthusiasts

An agenda item at the Board of Directors meeting on April 18 at 7 pm , at the Spotted Eagle Clubhouse will concern the future of the archery range at Spotted Eagle.

If you have interest in managing that portion of the range or have any ideas to preserve the archery range you should attend.

Continual vandalism by shooting broadheads into the target butts and damage has the board considering removing all targets from the archery range. One option is to have 3D targets available on certain days with a pay per round type scenario. This will require a dedicated volunteer to set up and take down targets and to collect fees.

Another option is to move the archery range to Sunday Creek. Then only members will use it. We believe both members and nonmembers are shooting broadheads and vandalizing the targets. Sunday Creek will restrict access and will be monitored by the cameras.

If you are dedicated to helping preserve the archery range at Spotted Eagle, step up at the board meeting on April 18 at 7 pm.

Annual Meeting Minutes February 4, 2023

Annual Meeting February 4, 2023

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Chris Schlepp, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship, Jim Keith, Lee Wankel, Ben Beardsley and Pat Roos

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $30,584.44, CD is currently at $6,000 the interest from 2022 was deposited in the checking account. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the January meeting as written, passed.

Presidents Report: Memberships last year were 500, 312 members so far this year. We are installing a camera system to identify vandals at the range. We have applied to FWP for a grant to allow wireless access to program the gate to aid in membership recruitment and ease of membership gate cards. Matt Lewin has been posting the newsletter on a quarterly basis. They are distributed via email, so make sure your email address is accurate if you want to receive the newsletter.

USPSA- Jesse Blankenship is going to finish his term and continue to hold USPSA shoots this year, they will be posted and you need to register on Practiscore, Match in Miles City in May, 2023. Thursday night matches in conjuction with the Baker Club continue through winter.

Shotgun: Great turn out this year, Matt Lewin continues to help with running the ranges along with Jeff. We will be starting off shooting again as soon as the weather allows. 4H will be using the ranges as well as Hunter Ed. Bow Ed wants to use the range February 25 8 am to 12 pm, Hunter Ed March 5 and March 26. Motion, moved and passed to allow them to use the range.

Action Pistol: Lee Wankel will run it this year. Marty stated that there was $624.64 in profile this year

League prizes Matt $80 for Top Gun, $40 Jeff Skeet, $40 Matt Trap, Erin O’Conner top woman Shooter, John Reed Top Senior Shooter, Ed Cuerth Most Improved Shooter.

New Business: President Jesse Smith raised the issue to allow alcohol to be given away as prizes during the banquet. There had been complaints. Motion to allow, one negative, motion passed.

Jeff told the membership about the tireless work and countless hours that Jesse Smith had done on behalf of the club. His leadership was much appreciated and was often the voice of reason. Thank Jesse Smith for all his has done for the Custer Rod and Gun Club.

Election of Officers and Board of Directors

Two year terms

Club President- Lee Wankel 2023-2025

Club Vice President- Chris Schlepp 2023-2025

Club Secretary- Jeff Faycosh 2023-2025

Director-Erin O’Connor 2023-2025

Director-Matt Lewin 2023-2025

Director-Justin Hughes 2023-2025

Director-Travis Helm 2023-2025

Good and Welfare: League prizes awarded, Drawing for raffles

Winner of the firearm raffles Sig Sauer 22 pistol Matt Gorton, Henry 22 Lever action Martin Ellenburg, Browning BPS 20 gauge Parker Pierce, Franchi Momentum Varmint Blaine Jewell, Ruger Wrangler Dale Tribby (Incentive Prize), Sig Sauer 10mm Ashlee Clark, Ruger 10-22 Michael Caldwell (door prize), Sig Sauer 9mm with optics, Daniel Wilson, Tradition 50 caliber muzzle loader, Joel Raisler, Rock Island 1911 45 Jeremy Smith, Ruger 9mm takedown rifle George Raymond, Sig Sauer P365 9mm Cole Lohrke, Glock G42 380ACP Amy Blaquiere.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes January 17,2023

Board of Directors Meeting January 17, 2023

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Matt Lewin, Jesse Blankenship and Pat Roos

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $32,769.73, CD is currently at $6,000.00 the interest from 2022 was deposited in the checking account. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as written by Marty, 2nd by Matt, passed.

Presidents Report: Memberships are renewed at 218 so far, coming in every day. Boogs BBQ is set up and good to go for the banquet

Action Pistol: No activity-Lee Wankel will oversee Action Pistol this year

Shotgun: winter has halted the fun

USPSA-Jesse is staying on through his term, USPSA will need help. Matt is going to RO training. June 10 Slot match 3-4 matches with Baker Club this winter/spring. There will be a match in Miles City in May 2023

Old Business: League prizes Matt $80 for Top Gun, $40 Jeff Skeet, $40 Matt Trap, other prizes awarded at the banquet.

Further discussion about the FWP grant that was approved to be applied for in the September 20, 2022 meeting for the electrical update for the remote HID card lock on the gate. It was confirmed that Jeff can sign the grant (bylaws allow the secretary to sign anyway) but to clarify before we applied for the the grant. This improvement will allow renewals all year long to encourage memberships for the pre-hunting season rush we have every year. Grant is due by February 1st.

Meeting adjourned at7:51pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes December 27, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting December 27, 2022

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:00 pm Roll Call of officer- Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Matt Lewin, Lee Wankel, Ben Beardsley and Jesse Blankenship

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $29,818, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as written by Jesse B, 2nd by Matt, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership Letters were stuffed in envelopes, Marty will mail.

Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.

Shotgun: Matt made a deposit of $500 from the League entry fees

USPSA-discussion to continue with USPSA membership. Jeff made a motion to pay for another year of membership. Jim 2nd, motion passed.

Old Business: Banquet discussion to designate volunteers for ticket sales. Jim Keith if able, Ben, Matt, Jesse B, Jeff, Marty and his wife.

Further discussion about League awards, Jesse B, Matt and Jeff recused themselves from making the decision since each are eligible for prize money. A modified Lewis award system was discussed so that more prizes would be awarded. At least half of the entry fees will be given as prizes. Confirmation that Boog BBQ would be paid $1,200 for the meat for the banquet.

Meeting adjourned at7:30pm

CR&GC Banquet Newsletter

Dear Custer Rod and Gun Club members,

Your presence is requested at the annual CR&GC membership meeting and banquet. This year’s banquet will be held at 6:00 pm on Saturday February 4th, 2023, in the new event center at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds followed by the Annual Club meeting at 7:00 pm. In traditional CR&GC style, the club will provide beef tri-tip prepared by Boogs BBQ, with the remainder of the meal being a potluck. Attendees with a last name starting with A-M are asked to bring a salad or dessert, and N-Z bring a main or side dish. As has been the case the last several years, this year’s banquet will be bigger and better than ever, with more guns and prizes then ever before. This year’s prizes will include: Sig Sauer P320 RXP Compact, Glock G42 .380, Ruger 10/22 Carbine, Sig Sauer P365XL 9mm, Ruger PC Carbine takedown Rifle 9mm, Rock Island Armory GI Standards 45acp 1911, Traditions .50 Cal black powder rifle, Sig Sauer P320 X10 10mm pistol, Ruger Wrangler .22lr Revolver, Sig Sauer P322 .22lr Pistol, Browning BPS 20ga field Shotgun, Franchi Momentum 6.5 Creedmore Varmint Rifle Henry H001 .22lr Lever Action Rifle and More!

This year’s banquet will be set up a little differently than last year, with more games, faster lines, drawings throughout the evening, and more meat! More prizes are accumulating as well! Bring plenty of money and keep in mind that the meeting space and food provided by the club is paid solely by the raffles held during the banquet. Also, if you have any items you would be willing to donate to the raffles, please contact us at to arrange for them to be included in the raffles and picked up before the meeting if you can’t attend.

Membership renewals will be sold at the door (please have your membership number handy if you know it). If you renew online before the meeting please bring your membership card with you, as the attached stub is your entry for the door prize raffle, and the membership card is required to vote.

Also consider nominees for board positions that will be filled during the meeting. Please consider serving your club by serving on the Board of Directors. This year we will be electing the following Officer positions: President (1-year term) currently held by Jesse Smith, Vice-President (2-year term) currently held by Chris Schlepp, and Secretary (2-year term) currently held by Jeff Faycosh. We will be filling five Board of Director positions including: one 1-year postition currently held by Jesse Blankenship, and four 2-year positions currently held by Ben Beardsley, Matt Lewin, Vincent Muggli, and Lee Wankel. If you would be interested in serving on the Board but won’t be able to make the meeting, please contact the club at the email address above to have your nomination entered, or to suggest someone else who may be interested in accepting a nomination.

Members are encouraged to bring guests, preferably guests with wallets and who like raffle tickets! Seriously, many have worked hard the past few years to build this event into a fun and exciting night for our members. It’s the one social event of the year for the club, and your attendance is greatly appreciated. The Board, and more importantly, our fellow members look forward to seeing and mingling with you at our Annual Banquet.

Memberships All 2022 club memberships expire Dec. 31, 2022. You may renew your membership for 2023 anytime between Dec. 1, 2022 and Feb. 15, 2023. Renewals will not be sold after Feb. 15th, and new memberships will not be sold to those who did not renew on time. The cost for a 2023 membership is $50. Even if you didn’t renew in 2022 you can renew in 2023.

We are ending this year with approximately 505 members. Managing this volume of members and maintaining the range facilities has been a time consuming and costly task on part of the volunteers handling it. Please help them as much as you can by submitting your renewals on time and helping out at the range. Remember, this club is maintained by its members who volunteer their time, we do not have emplyees or a range custodian. Please remind people of this if they complain about our range, it’s their responsibility too. And THANK YOU everyone who does help out!

Please remember, new memberships are ONLY sold online, but to renew your membership you can simply mail a check for $50 to the address below or renew online via PayPal or credit/debit card at the clubs website You may also renew your membership at the annual meeting (see above). Please provide clearly printed, current mailing address, phone number, and email on new or renewed membership correspondence. If you do not wish to renew your membership, please mail the HID card to the address below before February 15th, 2023. If you have any questions regarding membership, plese email us at

Thank You

Board of Directors

Custer Rod and Gun Club – PO Box 303 – Miles City, MT 59301

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes November 15, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting November 15, 2022

Custer County Event Center, Miles City

7:30pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Matt Lewin and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $29,719.79, CD is currently at $6,030.07 Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting as written by Marty, 2nd by Lee, passed. No meeting in October 2022

Presidents Report: Membership is now 504

Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.

Shotgun: Matt made a deposit of $724.00 Shooting is slowing down in the fall. Leagues are completed. Sunday is the only range day opens at 1 pm.

Old Business: Banquet discussion with a different raffle ticket plan in place, with two tables selling tickets and a lone table with 50/50 tickets. Discussion about the main dish. Chris motioned that Boogs BBQ be enlisted to decide how much meat for 250 people. Jim K 2nd Motion passed.

New Business: Winter meet location will be changed to Custer County Event Center until spring weather allows the Spotted Eagle Club house. Early meeting for December set for December 13 so the envelopes can be stuffed and stamped for the annual meeting. Jeff made a motion to allow Merle Blankenship to check out the .22 rifles to be used for 4H small bore program in the spring. Jim K 2nd Motion passed. Jeff made a motion to donate 2 memberships for the Firemans Toy Ball, Lee 2nd passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes September 20, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting September 20, 2022

Spotted Eagle Range Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $36,185.45, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the August meeting as written by Matt, 2nd by Lee, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership continuing as normal

Action Pistol: Marty reports Action pistol is done for the year and a profit of $624.60 this year total profit of the action pistol $2,208.

USPSA-Jesse B stated the Thursday match was took in $45, Friday $45 Saturday 19 shooters $380

Archery: No Report

Shotgun: Jeff reported that League is coming to a close, last 5 stand of the year coming up. All shooting will take place on Sunday only at 3 pm, all three ranges can be opened. Closer to time change the start time will be 1 pm.

Old Business: Marty checked on estimate for power to the gate so that memberships could be programed remotely allowing all year membership sales. Estimated $12,445. New gate controls would be required total estimate $15,000. Jeff suggested to explore FWP range grants as it would allow better access. Jeff made a motion to wait and apply for the grant after January 1st, Marty 2nd Motion passed

New Business: Banquet plans on going raffles a gun raffle committee was suggested Jeff, Jesse B and Marty will pick out the raffle firearms, Motion by Marty budget $7,000 for guns, 2nd by Jim, passed. It looks like Micki Jo will still have the bar running for our banquet. Awaiting further information on Event Center before choosing menu.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes August 16, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting August 16, 2022

Spotted Eagle Range Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, John Kuntz, Jim Keith, Jesse Blankenship, Matt Lewin, Pat Roos and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $34,887.83, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the July meeting as written by Jim, 2nd by John, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership 494 so far.

Action Pistol: Marty reports ongoing Thursday night shoots and a profit of $2,087.97 last shoot on September 12th.

USPSA-Jesse B stated there would be a match on September 10th, with Set up beginning on the 8th, Sheriff Reserver on the 9th. Jesse made a motion that the club would pay the $2 per shooter for the Sheriff’s Reserve. Jim 2nd, Motion passed.

Archery: John said it was too hot for any shooting.

Shotgun: Jeff reported that range attendance has increased on all three ranges, lots of new shooters. Jeff received and hooked up the wireless control for the trap, it is working well. Fallon County Trap Matt Webber asked if we might be interested in splitting a semi-load of targets. They are paying retail in Baker. Jeff suggested contacting Red Rock. Marty made a motion to split a load of targets with Fallon County Trap, Pat 2nd, passed. We will wait to see what happens with their contacts.

New Business: Chris noted that Sunday Creek needs to be cleaned up again before hunting season. Range clean up on September 11th at 9 am, Chris is heading it up. He needs weed eaters and mowers, steel targets need repaired and rehung, new backer boards. Because of the USPSA shoot on the 10th, Range Clean up on the 11th, 5 stand is moved to September 18 and 25.

There was discussion on updating the access to the membership card controls. This would require power and wifi to the gate area. This would allow whomever takes over the membership up dates from Jesse Smith to access and update remotely. Marty will explore the cost for running the needed utilities. Marty also stated that this was his last year running the action pistol. Lee volunteered to continue Action Pistol next year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm

September 2022 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) September 2022 Activities

There will be a range clean up out at the Sunday Creek Range on Sunday the 11th at 9am. We’ll take as many volunteers as we can get. Come on out and help clean up the range and get entered to win a gun at the annual banquet in February.

We are in need of weed eaters, lawn mowers and leaf blowers. We will be fixing hanging targets, replacing back boards, picking up trash, dumping all garbage and removing as much weeds and grass as possible to avoid any chance of fires

A couple of the dates for the John Hofer Memorial 5-Stand were changed for September. The club will be setting up for the 5-stand matches on the 18th & 25th. Hope to see folks out there.

We also want to remind everyone about the Custer Rod & Gun Club 2022 Clay League, which runs till the end of September. There is still time to get your League rounds in.

Hope to see folks out on the ranges.  

USPSA Matches

On Thursday the 8th at 3pm set-up for Saturday the 10th USPSA match. Followed by short coarse USPSA match @ 6pm. Come out and shoot!! Help if you can. Register on Practiscore.

Skeet – Trap

Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet is held on Sunday at 3 p.m., unless a 5-Stand match is scheduled, out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. $4 for members & $5 for non-members.

Jon Hofer Memorial 5-Stand

Dates for the 5 Stand matches have been set through August. $5 for 25 targets. Volunteers are always needed to help set up and take down the 5-Stand. Setup begins at noon. Stay posted to any changes in the Dates.

  • September 18, 2022
  • September 25, 2022


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge is done for the Year and will resume in May of 2023

Action Pistol

Action Pistol is done for the Year and will resume in May of 2023.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!

Sunday Creek Range Clean-up Day

September 11, 2022 @ 9am

We are scheduling a Range Clean-up day @ the Sunday Creek Range ahead of rifle hunting season. We will need as many volunteers as we can get and would like to put out a reminder that everyone who helps out the club by contributing at the work day or other volunteer needs, will be entered to win the Volunteer Incentive gun raffle to be drawn at the annual banquet in Feb.

As always this is weather permitting.

Other supplies that are needed:

  • Garbage Bags
  • Shovels
  • Lawnmowers
  • Weedeaters
  • Smiling Attitude

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2022

Board of Directors Meeting

July 19, 2022

Spotted Eagle Range Miles City

7pm Roll Call of officer- Jesse Smith, Chris Schlepp, Jeff Faycosh, Marty Scheid, John Kuntz, Jim Keith, and Lee Wankel

Treasure report by Mary Scheid, Checking account balance $35,526.88, CD is currently at $6,000. Bills are paid

Motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as written by Jim, 2nd by John, passed.

Presidents Report: Membership normal for this time of year.

Action Pistol: Marty reports ongoing Thursday night shoots and a profit of $2,087.97

Archery: John said good activity until the heat got unbearable. No 3D shoot this year, hopefully in the spring of 2023. John wanted 3 volunteers added for archery range clean up, Todd Anderson, Wesley Anderson and Pat Hagemeister. John has the materials just not the time to build the new archery targets for Spotted Eagle.

Shotgun: Jeff reported that range attendance has increased on all three ranges, lots of new shooters.

Old Business: Marty gave a list of all volunteers for the Sunday Creek Range clean up on June 4th.

New Business: Jeff noted that the control head for the trap was getting pulled out. Jeff requested a wireless trap control rather than buy a new corded control. Jeff researched the “Long-range” control similar to the 5 stand and skeet ranges. Estimate was $400 with shipping. John made the motion to purchase, Lee 2nd, passed. Jeff will order.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm

August 2022 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) August 2022 Activities

Well, its August already and wow is it hot out there. We have a couple of updates for the club activities. The John Hofer Memorial 5-Stand was a big hit in July. Our last match held on the 24th was our biggest 5-Stand match to date. We had roughly 25 shooters with a lot of new participants and shot 15 full five person squads. We want to give a big THANKS to Barney and Bonnie Hofer for bringing lots of food for everyone, the brownies were spectacular.

We also want to remind everyone about the Custer Rod & Gun Club 2022 Clay League, which runs till the end of September. There is still time to get your League rounds in. The rules are posted below as well as on the club’s website and facebook page.

Hope to see folks out on the ranges.  

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge matches are held every Second Thursday of each month. This month Steel Challenge is scheduled for the 11th at 6 pm at the Sunday Creek Range. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. ANY AND ALL HELP would be greatly appreciated. There are 3 Stages and a Steel Challenge Stage. This is open to club and non-club members. Hope to see you all there.

USPSA Matches

There will be no USPSA Matches held by the Custer Rod & Gun Club for August. Be sure to check Practiscore for any matches held out of town.

Skeet – Trap

Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet is held on Sunday at 3 p.m., unless a 5-Stand match is scheduled, out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. $4 for members & $5 for non-members.

Jon Hofer Memorial 5-Stand

Dates for the 5 Stand matches have been set through August. $5 for 25 targets. Volunteers are always needed to help set up and take down the 5-Stand. Setup begins at noon. Stay posted to any changes in the Dates.

  • August 14, 2022
  • August 28, 2022
  • September 11, 2022
  • September 25, 2022

Custer Rod & Gun Club 2022 Clay League

You must be a current Custer Rod and Gun Club Member to participate in the Clay League.

There will be three leagues in 2022. Simple aggregate average for score.

Awards will be presented at the annual banquet in February 2023. The awards will be determined at a later date.

The league period will run from July 5th through September 30, 2022.

Trap League – $20

Skeet League – $20

Top Gun – $40

League fees must be paid before shooting a league round. Fees will be collected by Matt Lewin or Jeff Faycosh at the Spotted Eagle Range on range days.

Shooter must declare league score PRIOR to shooting the round. The score sheet will be retained by the range master and signed by the shooter.

In addition to the league fees, the shooter must pay the normal target fees.

Target ammunition must be used, 7.5, 8, or 9 shot, 1 1/8 ounce maximum weight.

No more than 2 League rounds will be shot per day.

League shoots will take place on regularly scheduled range days. Tuesday for Trap, Sunday for Skeet & 5 Stand.

Trap League – 8 League rounds must be fired to complete the league. Failure to shoot 8 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 2 shooters must shoot the round with a 3rd person to pull and score. All rounds will be from the 16-yard position.

Skeet League – 8 League rounds must be fired to complete the league. Failure to shoot 8 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 3 shooters must shoot the round. There will be no separate categories for sub-gauge. 12, 20, 28, or .410 may be used for league scoring.

Top Gun League – 10 League rounds must be fired. At least 2 league rounds in each of the sports must be fired (Trap, Skeet, & 5 Stand) The rules for Trap and Skeet league applies. A 5 stand league round will require at least 3 shooters on the round in addition to range master/scorer.


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!

Custer Rod & Gun Club 2022 Clay League

You must be a current Custer Rod and Gun Club Member to participate in the Clay League.

There will be three leagues in 2022. Simple aggregate average for score.

Awards will be presented at the annual banquet in February 2023. The awards will be determined at a later date.

The league period will run from July 5th through September 30, 2022.

Trap League – $20

Skeet League – $20

Top Gun – $40

League fees must be paid before shooting a league round. Fees will be collected by Matt Lewin or Jeff Faycosh at the Spotted Eagle Range on range days.

Shooter must declare league score PRIOR to shooting the round. The score sheet will be retained by the range master and signed by the shooter.

In addition to the league fees, the shooter must pay the normal target fees.

Target ammunition must be used, 7.5, 8, or 9 shot, 1 1/8 ounce maximum weight.

No more that 2 League rounds will be shot per day.

League shoots will take place on regularly scheduled range days. Tuesday for Trap, Sunday for Skeet & 5 Stand.

Trap League – 8 League rounds must be fired to complete the league. Failure to shoot 8 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 2 shooters must shoot the round with a 3rd person to pull and score. All rounds will be from the 16-yard position.

Skeet League – 8 League rounds must be fired to complete the league. Failure to shoot 8 rounds will cause you to forfeit your entry fees. At least 3 shooters must shoot the round. There will be no separate categories for sub-gauge. 12, 20, 28, or .410 may be used for league scoring.

Top Gun League – 10 League rounds must be fired. At least 2 league rounds in each of the sports must be fired (Trap, Skeet, & 5 Stand) The rules for Trap and Skeet league applies. A 5 stand league round will require at least 3 shooters on the round in addition to range master/scorer.

July 2022 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) July 2022 Activities

Well Summer is fully upon us and trucking right along with the 4th of July only a couple of days away. We have a couple of updates for the club activities. 5-stand for July will be held on the 10th and 31st at 1pm, setup is at noon and volunteers are needed to make this happen as it is a lot of work to get all of the throwers staged. On Sunday the 17th there will be no Skeet and on Sunday the 24th Skeet will be held at 4:30pm to allow the Hunter Education group to use the Spotted Eagle Range. We are still planning on having a shotgun league, stay tuned for more information on that. There are no USPSA Matches scheduled for July, however, be sure to check Practiscore for matches held in the surrounding area. Baker will be holding a Slot Match on the 9th and Billings usually always has something going on.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July, safe travels this summer, and looking forward to seeing folks out on the ranges.  

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge matches are held every Second Thursday of each month. This month Steel Challenge is scheduled for the 14th at 6 pm at the Sunday Creek Range. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. ANY AND ALL HELP would be greatly appreciated. There are 3 Stages and a Steel Challenge Stage. This is open to club and non-club members. Hope to see you all there.

USPSA Matches

There will be no USPSA Matches held by the Custer Rod & Gun Club for July. Be sure to check Practiscore for any matches held out of town.

Skeet – Trap

Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet every Sunday at 3 p.m. out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area. $4 for members & $5 for non-members.

We are still planning on having a shotgun league starting soon. Inexpensive league fee. Aggregate scores from all three disciplines for Top Gun League. Separate leagues for Trap and Skeet. Awards presented during the annual banquet. Stay posted for more information.


Dates for the 5 Stand matches have been set through August. $5 for 25 targets. We are looking for volunteers to sign up to help set up and take down the 5 stand this season. Setup begins at noon. Stay posted to any changes in the Dates.

  • July 10, 2022
  • July 31, 2022
  • August 14, 2022
  • August 28, 2022


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!

June 2022 Newsletter

Custer Rod & Gun Club (CR&GC) June 2022 Activities

Sunday Creek Range Clean-up Day

Once again, the Sunday Creek Range Clean-up Day has been rescheduled to this coming Saturday June 4th at 9AM. At this point come rain or shine we will need as many volunteers as we can get and would like to put out a reminder that everyone who helps out the club by contributing at the workday or other volunteer needs, will be entered to win the Volunteer Incentive gun raffle to be dawn at the annual banquet in Feb.

Other supplies that are needed:

  • Garbage Bags
  • Shovels
  • Lawnmowers
  • Weedeaters
  • Smiling Attitude

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge matches are held every Second Thursday of each month. This month Steel Challenge is scheduled for the 9th at 6 pm at the Sunday Creek Range. This will be open to all club members and non-members, 22 rimfire and larger pistol calibers are allowed. The rules will be governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), however the club is not affiliated so no pre-registration is necessary.

Action Pistol

Action Pistol will be held every Thursday night at 6 p.m. at the Sunday Creek pistol bays. Setup starts at 4 p.m. any and all help would be greatly appreciated. There are 3 Stages and a Steel Challenge Stage. This is open to club and non-club members. Hope to see you all there.

USPSA Matches

The CR&GC will be hosting a USPSA match on Saturday June 11th at the Sunday Creek Range. Register on Practiscore.

Skeet – Trap

Trap is held every Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. and Skeet every Sunday at 3 p.m. out at the Spotted Eagle Recreation Area.

We will be having shotgun league starting soon. Inexpensive league fee. Aggregate scores from all three disciplines for Top Gun League. Separate leagues for Trap and Skeet. Awards presented during the annual banquet.

Rules and divisions posted within a week. Leagues will start in June through September.


Dates for the 5 Stand matches have been set through August. We are looking for volunteers to sign up to help set up and take down the 5 stand this season. Stay posted to any changes in the Dates.

  • June 5, 2022
  • June 19, 2022
  • July 10, 2022
  • July 17, 2022
  • July 31, 2022
  • August 14, 2022
  • August 28, 2022


For our archery shooters or anyone who is interested in getting into archery we have Archery shoots every Wednesday at 6 p.m., contact John Kuntz at 406-951-0241.

Another 3D Archery Shoot has been tentatively set for the end of July. Stay tuned for exact dates, they will be posted to the club web page and Facebook page.

All club events are dependent on the weather so keep an eye on the Custer Rod and Gun Club webpage and facebook page for updates. Please come out and enjoy YOUR club. Like any club the members are what make it great!